A Glee of Satisfaction....

I just love it when am proven right. Not because am pompous or anything, but because it means that what I happen to see is correct and not some figment of my imagination.

After all, with all the bullshit I read on blogs and even on my own comment section, I do ask myself questions. But then, an article appears just in time to confirm my initial vision.

In my post Surreal Concidences dated May 28th, 08 -- I textually said there will be a breakthrough between Hezbollah and Israel on the Shabaa farms as these are tied in with Syria.

And guess what ? Olmert is hoping for talks with Lebanon and ...now the hot piece of news -- Hezbollah willing to negotiate over Shabaa farms.

And I can now tell you that Hezbollah and Israel have been secretly negotiating in Germany and the bits of news I just linked above are nothing but the result of their negotiations.

I wonder what the mullahs and pro-Iran pundits and vultures have to say now. Ha!

Knowing these political midgets, they will likely to remain silent for a little while or maybe proclaim another "divine victory" hahahaha

But am not too worried, Iran - the greedy courtisane - will dangle the sectarian card again and flare it up somewhere else...Possibly Baghdad again, Yemen (already happening), Pakistan (most definitely) and Saudi Arabia.(in all likelihood). But first, she will wait for new orders from her Zionist masters.

And you can be sure to hear the never ending barks of the mullahs and their ideological prostitutes all over again...not that they have stopped. Fascist, racist loyalties oblige !

Painting: Iraqi female artist, Betool Fekaiki


Anonymous said…

I don't think you proved anything other than your usual biased viewpoint of anything that doesn't fit into your propagandized agenda ...

There is nothing wrong with Hezbollah showing its willingness as part of the Lebanese government to negotiate for the return of Shebaa Farms. Being willing to negotiate is not exactly something to be ashamed of. Also, it doesn't necessarily mean that Hezbollah actually believes that negotiations with Israel will necessarily end the Israel occupation of the Shebaa Farms, but yet what do they lose by calling out Israel's possible bluff, other than someone like yourself attempting to use it against them.....
Anonymous said…
First: Layla, et. al I express my sincere concern for your family and evey other family that must be concerned about just living through the day. As a Western Canadian (def: any Canadian that believes people from Toronto are Americans in disguise...i.e. anyone who lives east of Manitoba...excluding of course maritimers who well....they are just different.

So Cheers!
bARABie said…
wsd (western shia donkey), STFU you stupid apologist for racist murdering thieving backward retards.

The shite shitheads must be twins with the jewish maggots.
You shite shitheads and the jewish maggots will hopefully display your "humanity" against each other someday very soon in the future.

You truly disgust me and my faith in humanity is so eroded when i come across animals like yourself.
Anonymous said…
"Israel's Olmert hopes for talks with Lebanon"

Imho just a hasbara propaganda - even if it got printed on uruknet...
Anonymous said…
"Hezbollah willing to negotiate over Shaba Farms"

Imho just another jewnazi crap...
Anonymous said…
In Iraq there is the Iraqi Resistance, are there any similar genuine Arab movements in the other Arab countries you mentioned to oppose the pro-Iran tide ?
Anonymous said…
I own a cat.
Anonymous said…
"The shite shitheads must be twins with the jewish maggots."


You are a numbskull. If WSW was your cousin, would you speak that way?

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
I wonder what the so-called secular, anti-Persian Baathists think about the following:

King Abdullah says US policy toward Iran is non-diplomatic

Tehran, June 11, IRNA - Saudi King Abdullah said on Wednesday that the United States policy toward Iran is non-diplomatic. In a meeting with Chairman of the Expediency Council Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the Saudi King said that the US policy toward Iran is unacceptable.
King Abdullah also said that Saudi Arabia has notified its stance about the US political mistake several times.

Referring to the vital role of the Islamic Republic in the region and the world, he said that Saudi Arabia is willing to boost bilateral ties in all fields.

He expressed hope that the two sides could work to thwart extremist thoughts aimed at demolishing the Muslim world unity.

The Saudi King appreciated Rafsanjani's recommendation to Iranian woman pilgrims who visited Baqi Cemetery in Medina, for the first time, that they observe the discipline.

The Baqi is well-known as graveyard of members of the infallible household of Prophet Mohammad, including four Imams and the beloved daughter of the Great Prophet, Hazrat Zahra.

The prominent cleric arrived in Saudi Arabia on June 2 to attend an Islamic interfaith dialogue with the participation of some 500 Muslim dignitaries from more than 50 countries.

... Payvand News - 06/11/08 ...

Anonymous said…
"You truly disgust me and my faith in humanity is so eroded when i come across animals like yourself."--barabie

I am just curious barabie, what kind of humanity is it that you have faith in... the so-called secular Baathist, anti-nonBaathist, anti-Persian, anti-Shia, anti-Zionist, anti-Yankee, etc. humanity?
G.Gar said…
Lowly dirty western shiite mosquito,

Being anti-Persian, anti-zionist and anti-Yankee is an honour for any good Arab on the planet.

But anti-shiite!? Hell..no.

I want you always to bear on mind that shiites exterminated your dirty invading Iranian locust in 1988. And it was these shiites that killed your unclean Iranian dog-Ayatollah Khomeini.
Anonymous said…
Blogger Amre El-Abyad,

Good to know that you are not completely anti-Shia. So as long as Shias believe in and follow Baathism and hate Persians like you, they are okay.

BY the way, it is news to me that Ayatollah Khomeini was killed, I have never heard of this before. I guess only you so-called secular, anti-Persian Baathists are privileged enough to know such things, and not us non-Baathists....
Anonymous said…
Western Sectarian Shit, you should do something about your pathologic jealousy of Baathists, it is terribly boring.

Would suggest you stop venting your frustrations on poor Layla and take up professional "dominatrix-ing" on fat old American Shiite men.
bARABie said…
"I am just curious barabie, what kind of humanity is it that you have faith in."

Certainly not THIS type of humanity.
G.Gar said…
Western Iranian shite shit.

After the Iranian armoured units had melted away while your army started to disintegrate with the Arab Iraqis chasing the Persian dirt away inside Iran, the Babon senior Khomeini begged for a sieze fire, which in his own words was" like sipping poison"

Secondly there various strands of Arab nationalism and Baathism is only a single colour in the wide spectrum of pan-Arabism.

Moreover, many Iraqis didn't like the Baath yet still hated the dirty Iranian enemy like hell and that goes for both Sunnis and Shiites.
G.Gar said…
To the lowly western Iranian abmecile,

It was Arab shiites who exterminated the Persian dirt infesting Arab lands. They killed your Iranian soldiers in hand to hand battles by knives.

Hope that would be a useful food material for your lobotomised dirty Iranian mind.

Wake up and remeber who brought you alphabet twice( Aramaic and Arabic) before you come polluting the websites of Arabs who make your pathetic deplorable self feel lower than what it already is.
Samer Dallasheh said…
Relax with this music....


Then get back to being serious.
Layla Anwar said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the comments here are a riot.
Tell you what, I'd hate to be in WSW shoes.
Anonymous said…
Why would that be Layla, because YOU think childish debate based on street talk and constant false accusations such as me being an Iranian or even supporting Iranian Shias over Iraqi Shias means IN YOUR MIND that my opponents here are winning the debate?

Why didn't anyone bother to comment on my post about the Saudi King Abdullah's recent statements: "...In a meeting with Chairman of the Expediency Council Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the Saudi King said that the US policy toward Iran is unacceptable.
King Abdullah also said that Saudi Arabia has notified its stance about the US political mistake several times.

Referring to the vital role of the Islamic Republic in the region and the world, he said that Saudi Arabia is willing to boost bilateral ties in all fields.

He expressed hope that the two sides could work to thwart extremist thoughts aimed at demolishing the Muslim world unity."...,

but instead some of you decided take the attack mode trying to discredit me by falsely accusing me of things which are just not true?

Is it because you all believe that King Abdullah really doesn't mean what he says therefore it should be ignored, or because you would rather just conveniently ignore it since it doesn't help you promote your so-called secular Baathist, anti-Persian, divide and demolish the Muslim world unity propaganda campaign?
G.Gar said…
Westen lowly Iranian mire,

"Why would that be Layla, because YOU think childish debate based on street talk and constant false accusations such as me being an Iranian or even supporting Iranian Shias over Iraqi Shias means IN YOUR MIND that my opponents here are winning the debate"

That is excatly why anyone with the minimal of common sense would never be able to resist the temptation of sending you up.

We have been putting many serious arguments out regarding the destructive role played by Khomeinism in Iraq and have been listing out facts about the secular Iraqi state which Saddam forged. And facts about the circumstances that had lead up to the Arab-Iranian war in 1980.

However, you deliberatley opt to ignore discussing all these facts and resort to irrelvent rediculous arguments about all Arabs being Baathists!!!!!!!!!!

So to your pimple-minded self, anyone who is proud of being an Arab and resents the destructive retrograde medieval Iranian Khomeinism is supposed to be a Baathist!

Is this the sort of rational argument you are looking forward to!?

Not that being Baathist is something to be ashamed of, on the contrary it is an honour, but I just want to make you see clearly how mean, shallow and deranged the pieces which are raining all over Layla's blog are.

Look at how venomous and hatful you are. you refer didn't refer Iraqi shiites as Arab shiites despite of the fact that they constitute the majority of shiites in Iraq. The % of Iraqis with an Iranian lineage doesn't exceed 3 or 4% of population at the most optmistic estimate.

I hope that you would at least for once in your life, try to conduct a civil debate where you set aide your hatred and jealousy of Arabs and engage in an objective quest for the sake of finding which narative conforms best to the sort of truth which humans usually tend construct as truth .

P.S your sort of ill-informed jargon about "truths" and this post modern mumbo jumbo is trade mark of an Iranian blogger with whom I had so many debates that only exposed their pseudo-intellectualism and a smart allec sort of persona.
KM said…
Western Shia Woman,

You seem to be rooted strongly in a religious faith. I'm not here to pick on you, but I have a question and I guess this would aply for all the 'major religions' and'or those attached to them.

It at times seems that the Human race at some point in time said, " Let there be God " and 'god' was created.

Obviously there are factual remnants of dinosaurs that were living on Earth millions upon millions of years ago. How do these facts fit in to the major religious foundations ?
Anonymous said…
"However, you deliberatley opt to ignore discussing all these facts and resort to irrelvent rediculous arguments about all Arabs being Baathists!!!!!!!!!!"--Amre El-Abyad said...

When did I ever claim that all Arabs are Baathists?

Why do you always feel the need to resort to exaggeration?

My husband is a non-Baathist "Arab" and so are all of the other 100s to possibly even beyond a thousand of Arabs I know and have met over the last two and half decades here in the U.S. and overseas...

The number of Iranians I have met and know are probably less than fifty.

"I hope that you would at least for once in your life, try to conduct a civil debate where you set aide your hatred and jealousy of Arabs and engage in an objective quest for the sake of finding which narative conforms best to the sort of truth which humans usually tend construct as truth ."--Amre El-Abyad said...

How can I have hatred and jealousy of Arabs when I am married to an Arab, have six Arab children, and the majority of people I associate with and have befriended are Arab?

Maybe you should try to conduct a civil debate where you set aside your hatred and jealousy of Persians.....

You see I don't make it a practice like you do to hate any particular race or culture, in fact I don't even hate Baathists because they are Baaathists, I just hate some of their paranoid like ideologies which I personally don't view as being secular whatsoever....
Anonymous said…
"It at times seems that the Human race at some point in time said, " Let there be God " and 'god' was created."--km

Actually it was the other way around, at some point God OUR Creator said Let there be man and man was created...

"Obviously there are factual remnants of dinosaurs that were living on Earth millions upon millions of years ago. How do these facts fit in to the major religious foundations ?"--km

I believe in dinosaurs km and I believe that they were also created by the same God Our Creator long before man was created.
KM said…

IF you follow the 'creation' as it is described in Christianity & Islam, the lineage thru history does not even come close to even a fraction of how old the Earth is.

Religions have alot of murder contained within them.
KM said…
I am to worship a thing with so much jealousy, division, hatred, egotism, killings, destroying every living man,woman, child & beast within cities and still believe 'this' is a loving & wise god?
Anonymous said…
"Religions have alot of murder contained within them."--km

So do imperialistic Democracies km....
Anonymous said…

God Our Creator is not the one who is causing "jealousy, division, hatred, egotism, killings, destroying every living man,woman, child & beast within cities", greedy humans' who act freely with free wills are the ones doing all of that....

If you want to disbelieve that is your free will and your problem, not mine km....
KM said…

Murder is Everywhere. Jealosy..everything..no counttry is immune.

And I am referring to what is written on what 'God' has actually instigated and blessed...as it is written in The Books.

Read it.

If you would like, I will post the writings that I am referring to.
KM said…
'IT' is a jealous god, a vengeful, destructive god, a god that works with curses and carries out genocides and puts plaques on Humanity. The list goes on and on and angels are sent to fought alongside armies...........
KM said…
just 1 example WSW, although I do not totally agree with every word of the opening paragraphs.

Anonymous said…
No thank you km, I am not into your anti God Our Creator atheism...

As I told you, I believe that God Our Creator is not a jealous, revengeful, or destructive god and you are free to believe what ever you want....

According to the Holy Qur'an unto you is your belief and unto me is mine....
KM said…
I see.

Insert fingers in ears and close eyes tightly and HOPE for the best. Such a barbaric & antequated way of Life.

Such a CIVILIZED view of how he World should be huh?

Enjoy yer paradise
KM said…
But then again..you have already condemned me a barabrics, wild savage that has scolding water & hell fire waiting for me and YOU are the civilzed ones.

See? I told ya you had divisions in yer head. Thank you
Anonymous said…
"Insert fingers in ears and close eyes tightly and HOPE for the best. Such a barbaric & antequated way of Life.

Such a CIVILIZED view of how he World should be huh?"--km


I don't insert my fingers in my ears and close my eyes tightly to the free will, greedy humankind that has been screwing up our world. That is what matters most to me, not whether you and I agree on the REAL attributes of God Our Creator.....
KM said…
The 'real attributes' of yer fucked up belief system based on yer fucked up religions is what in in fucking shambles.

You close yer ears & eyes to what is ACTULAYY WRITTEN in yer holy book. Dont give yer book or religion a free pass and try to deflect attention to greed. Yer fucked up religious base supports greed and plunder too ...just the same way yer god supports destroying towns, cities, villages and Life.

Ha, this egotistical male pig you call yer 'god' is a masochistic entity devised by humans for human needs and human purposes.

Why dont you religiosos that worship this murdering pig all congregate somewhere and sanction this pig. Tell it ( in tha name of all those suffering ) that Humanity ( for the most part ) is sick & tired of his genocidal tests that he puts the World thru to see of one "loves" him.

'We' dont want or appreciate his ways. How fucking arrogant of 'him' to create humanity and then try to put us all thru his fucking tests and THEN..and THEN...if we dont....he assaults us with his wrath...his vengence....his hate / his love, compassion and mercy.

Ya think ya can tell yer god this??
Anonymous said…
"Ya think ya can tell yer god this??"--km

My, my, my it seems we are now showing our true colors km? Does it really bother you that much that others don't see and reject God Our Creator the same as you?

Since I do not agree with you on the attributes of God Our Creator or on the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an, I suggest that you tell Him, God OUr Creator, this yourself, you certainly don't need me to do it for you...
KM said…
There is no god as the books describe it WSW. Look at the masses putting a fiath in a creature that does not exist. Dont you feel the least bit gulty in giving helpless people fales hopes? Of course you dont because you raise yer kids this way even before they are old enough to think for themselves. You drive it into their brains and make them feel guilty that they are born bad and sinful by nature.

My true colors are that I no longer believe in that a 'god' is going to save us or that if one just believes or does good deeds, then me or that person will get sucked up into heaven or paradise.

You people try to act so civilized and cant even agree on who will get there and by what means. Muslims will get there but Christinas wont. Chriastians will get ther but Muslims wont. Oh yes..the Jews have all the answeres dont they?

Where has all yer praying and worshipping led the 21st century towards? Are ya proud? Are ya proud on the factual track records of yer religions? OH,,I know...its always other other gu or the other gal...they give our religion a bda name and they're not really like us and following the TRUE religion. THEY give our religion a Bad Name. Sound familiar??

I've know more atheists that are TRUER to their belief systems than nearly every single follower of a 'faith'. THEY dont need a book to tell them how to act in mercy or sacrifice. They dont look for some kind of Damm reward in a hopes of getting to some damm paradise. They do it out of conscience.

Christians killing Muslims. Muslims killing Christians. Protestants killing Catholics. Hindus killing Muslims. Muslims killing Hindus. Yeah. Religions of love, mercy & compassion to see who's right and who'll get there.
KM said…

I believe you have to agree with me that I have answered every one of yer questions you have directed at me. You would also agree that I have made no bones about what I think, feel or believe.

Howwver, nearly 1 Month ago I directed a question on yer direction ans ad of this moment, you have Failed to respond.

I will repeat it to you again in the similar fashion I asked you nearly 1 Month ago.

" What is it that you find attractive in the Shia belief system ? "

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