Rabid Dogs.

"Kick ass! - he quotes the president as saying - If somebody tries to stop the march to democracy, we will seek them out and kill them! We must be tougher than hell! This Vietnam stuff, this is not even close. It is a mind-set...There is a series of moments and this is one of them. Our will is being tested, but we are resolute. We have a better way. Stay strong! Stay the course! Kill them! Be confident! Prevail! We are going to wipe them out! We are not blinking!" (article here)

These are the words of your president to Sanchez, general Sanchez, another rabid dog...

Some websites called it a "shocking pep talk." But that was no pep talk and it was not shocking coming from you lot.

We've always affirmed it, you are nothing but a bunch of rabid dogs. I am not shocked at all. I can even tell you that I am 100% sure that not only your president but you too, think, say and act along the same lines as your president, politics or no politics.

What can I say ? It's your culture, your way of thinking, your cognition and perception of the world that surrounds you, your emotional state, your level of bestiality...in sum it's You.

So why are you "good people" so shocked? Oh am shocked! How shocking! How could he! How could they!...

Oh really? Heartbreaking, truly heartbreaking. So shocked eh ?

There is an American guy that corresponds with me often, he said to me today:

"I realized that we have not stopped bombing and killing you for the past 18 years...but please don't generalize about us."

My reply to him was "two buildings fell to the ground and you have not stopped talking about it and acting upon it since it first happened..."

He replied "Very few people out there know the truth"

"Bull crap" I said, "You don't want to know the truth, you refuse to see the truth, you are anti-truth, your denial is the highest form of arrogance. You say - yes but, yes but you need to understand, yes but we are not responsible, yes but you need to empathize, yes but...you justify, minimize, rationalize, excuse, and no matter what article, piece of news, fact, picture, testimony... is handed to you lot, you will always have a yes but so conveniently handy."

Him again : " Yes but, you need...."

That's it keep asking the victims to comprehend, understand, follow the logic, empathize, with their predators. Yes but...my butt!

And what do you have to say to "kill them all, wipe them all", which yes but-- will you come up with this time?

Because killed us is what you actually did. Just like that, "kill them all. " And you did. There are no "yes buts" here. This is you - the rabid dogs of the 21st century.

Rabid dogs are not made to lead the world. Rabid dogs are not made to rule anything. Rabid dogs are not made to issue verdicts, statements or engage in politics. Rabid dogs are not part of the Human Species. Rabid dogs must be in a cage, in a Zoo, and this is where you belong - in a Zoo with a huge sign reading "No trespassing -Danger."

You should be caged like the enraged animals that you are because your presence is a menace to what is left of the world. You are a public health hazard, a deformity, something gone terribly awry in the course of evolution, an abnormal remnant from the prehistoric animal kingdom. Yes, this is exactly what you are. A calamity, a catastrophe, a curse upon the human race.

I am very tempted to say "you know what the best treatment for rabid dogs is, don't you?", but I shall leave that to "time and circumstances" - they will take care of it, of you.

Painting: Iraqi artist, Delair Shaker 2006.


Anonymous said…
You are right. I am ashamed of me, although I don't know what to do for you, for Iraq, for the poor arab nation. My country is being opressed to by the same empire, we are poor, our industry, land are privatezd, or stolen by them. But we are alive. I read your blog every day, a want to know what is happening in the world, we are being deceived too by the media. I send my love to you.
Kosta said…
Dear Layla
As an Australian, I am years past the point of shame when I consider my country's involvement in the Mid East.
I now tend to feel only anger and disgust.

Having read your "A brief Hate Statement" in which you call Brits "leftovers", I think I understand why Australia didn't even get a mention.

I don't know that I can say anything to endear myself to you, being that I'm not only Australian but also of 'Greek Stock'.
Atleast I trust it may give you some satisfaction in seeing men from Anglo-Centric nations groveling for your acceptance.

Power to you and yours.
From Adelaide; South Australia.
Anonymous said…
The “Iran & Friends” strategy is built on five principles:

Principle No. 1: Always seek “control without responsibility.” In Lebanon, Gaza and Iraq, Iran & Friends have veto power over the politics, without being held fully responsible for the electricity. America’s allies, by contrast, tend to have “responsibility without control.”

Principle No. 2: Always insist on being able to both run for political office and bear arms. In Lebanon, Gaza and Iraq, America’s opponents are both in the government and have their own militias.

Principle No. 3: Use suicide bombing and targeted assassinations against any opponents who get in your way. In Lebanon, Syria is widely suspected to have been behind the spate of killings of anti-Syrian journalists and parliamentarians. One suicide attack on a major official in Iraq can neutralize superior U.S. power.

Principle No. 4: Use the nternet as a free command and control system for raising money, recruiting and operations.

Principle No. 5: Cast yourself as the “resistance” to Israel and America, so any opposition to you is equal to support for Israel and America and so no matter how badly you are defeated the mere fact that you “resisted” means you didn’t really lose.
Anonymous said…
when you mention things like 'iraq rabita' or saddam hussein. your credibility is instantly down the drain. nobody wants to hear a whiny sunni cry about losing power. you can dance around like a devil and enjoy your luxurious new city zarqa'.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous 1

Thank you for your love...Am afraid I can't take care of your economy, as well...
Layla Anwar said…
Dear phoneyid,

Your comment made me chuckle...lol, quite funny actually. It must be the "Greek stock" in you.

Layla Anwar said…
anonymous 2

I think you have a good analysis of the Iran and allies role and how they function. I re-read it many times and I think it is VERY GOOD! Bravo.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous no.3, jarban rabid dog,


Iraqirabita is a website where real Iraqis write their stories, unlike the fake sluts pretending to be Iraqis and muslims and who landed from Tehran with the American tanks. Saddam Hussein if anything gives more credibility than your fake assed take on events. Everything he predicted came out true, everything he said was correct, he was a visionary, not some smelly ass from Qum or Mashad.


I love being in Zarqa, give me Zarqa anytime. It is paradise to the hell you and your ilk have created in Iraq. Rot in it wa awlad al ga7bah. Rot in it ya rotten hawza whores from Qum.
Anonymous said…
As I said three years ago, there is a time to feel sorry for the poor underdog, and a time, when it has gone rabid, for putting it out of its misery. You do have some strange ideas; you don't put rabid dogs in a zoo; you shoot them and bury them in a lime-pit.
Anonymous said…
"anonymous 2

"I think you have a good analysis of the Iran and allies role and how they function. I re-read it many times and I think it is VERY GOOD! Bravo."--Layla to Anonymous on" The “Iran & Friends” strategy is built on five principles"

Many Zionists would also have this same exact or similar kind of analysis of "The “Iran & Friends” strategy",and so would Saudi Wahabis and others in the Arab world who are closely aligned with the U.S. Neocon Zionist axis.

The agreement with this analysis by an anti-Iran and its allies in the region Baathist appears suspicious looking. Especially when these same Baathists like to claim that what has been happening in Iraq is a U.S./Zionist/Iranian conspiracy against Saddam and Arabs and they don't at the same time acknowledge the so-called moderate by the U.S. Arab dictators collaborator's roles played leading up to the invasion of Iraq and even until today .....

I suppose that if Iran were just to disappear off from the map, it would solve all of the Arabs problems with the U.S. and the Zionists, LOL! Of course the Arab workd would be living under U.S. Zionist hegemony by now....

Dearest Layla, the biggest problem for the Arab people is their hypocritical leaders who because they are divided and hate each other so much that they allow for outsiders like the Zionists and their U.S. supporters to come and settle in, occupy, and interfere and play in their region....

Iran has been a part of the Gulf region for thousands of years, but the Zionists have only been a part of the region for about 100 years....

The Persians who are a real people with a real culture are not going away because they have always belonged to the region, but the Zionists who are basically just a racist ideology will eventually disappear....
Anonymous said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAYLA. (better late than never)
Anonymous said…
"Saddam Hussein if anything gives more credibility than your fake assed take on events. Everything he predicted came out true, everything he said was correct, he was a visionary, not some smelly ass from Qum or Mashad.'--Saddam worshipper Layla

Dearest Layla,

I see that Saddam's predictions went to the grave with Saddam(even though I personally felt suspicious as to the process and way in which he went to the grave), did he also predict his own demise and how exactly it would happen?

Maybe Saddam being the leader and predictor that he was should have predicted and lead so that he would have had a more honorable demise for himself and his sons, and left his people better prepared for his demise?

Saddam planned, the U.S. plans, everyone plans, and Allah plans....yet whose plans always take precedent over the others ?
Anonymous said…
This post is more like it. I was worried that maybe you ran out of hateful words for my beloved country. That speech you quoted from that general was obviously not intended for the troops. Those speeches are usually splashed with "Fighting Evil" "They must pay" "attacked our country" and my personal favorite "Your Country needs you!" It has to pull at the heart strings. Fighting Evil being the most important premise. Makes the job that needs doing so much easier when it's clear cut. Black and White. Rabid dogs are shot and incinerated, but your rabid dog is not our rabid dog. We will not stop until all the rabid dogs are put down and reduced to ashes.
Anonymous said…
Drop Weapons

By David Murdock on Jun 02, 2008

"Several soldiers who have returned from combat zones talk with the American News Project about what they say is the widespread practice of using "drop weapons" to cover up the killing of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. We feature five veterans and current members of Iraq Veterans Against the War, plus retired Lieutenant Colonel Gary Solis, a Vietnam War veteran and legal scholar who taught "Law of War" at West Point."

Layla Anwar said…
Western Sectarian Shiite,

pfffffft, don't you tire from your rubbish, don't you tire from spinning and spewing your sectarian shit - it is stinking to high heavens.
Are you not ashamed of yourself for combining so much deceit with bad faith and crowning it with willful ignorance ?
If there anyone here who is a heathen, an idol worshipper of mortals that fart and crap like anyone else it is YOU. The idolater of mortals like Khomeini and Nasrallah.

What junk! And don't call me dearest, it brings me bad luck from someone like you.
Layla Anwar said…

I don't belong to the horoscope, I was born in a month that does not exist - quit!
Layla Anwar said…

a bad dry drunk huh ? you know my motto for you don't you - fuck you and fuck the whole of America. You are and will be driven out like dogs. mark my words farting cowboy.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Dearest Layla for the compliments...
KM said…

Do you truly think that Arab leaders "hate one another" so much ( as you say ), that this is what motivates their policy decisions?
Anonymous said…
I do love your fighting spirit Layla. America leaving Iraq is a foregone conclusion though. We are not Imperialists. Atleast not in the true sence of the word. Oh, and I usually don't drink on a weekday.
Anonymous said…
"...A Washington Post piece discussing the air war over Baghdad and the Hellfire missiles the U.S. military has been regularly firing into the vast Shiite slum, Sadr City, these last months included this passage:

"At a sprawling air base on the outskirts of Baghdad, Edens, Katzenberger and their colleagues live in small trailers surrounded by blast walls, play volleyball on sand courts and eat at an outdoor food court. Many of the pilots are in their 20s. The pilots sometimes scrawl messages on the five-foot-long missiles strapped to their 'birds.' During a recent visit to the base, a reporter saw a missile addressed to 'Haji,' an honorific for people who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca. Many U.S. soldiers use it to refer dismissively to Iraqis and Arabs in general. Someone wrote 'rock this thang' on another."

"To refer dismissively…": This is the Post's polite way of describing the bedrock racism -- the demeaning of the enemy (and hardening of the self) -- that is essentially bound to go with any counterinsurgency-cum-neocolonial war like thos in Iraq and Afghanistan. Few know this better than Pulitzer Prize-winning former war reporter Chris Hedges who, along with Laila al-Arian, has produced a remarkable new book, Collateral Damage, America's War Against Iraqi Civilians (officially published on this very day). Based on hundreds of hours of interviews with veterans of the Iraq war and occupation, it lays out graphically indeed and in their own words the American system of patrols, convoys, home raids, detentions, and military checkpoints that became a living nightmare for civilians in Iraq. Think of their book as a two-person version of the Vietnam-era Winter Soldier Investigation, this time for a war in which Americans have seemed especially uneager to know much about what their troops, many thousands of miles from home, are really doing to the "hajis." ....":

Anonymous said…
"Do you truly think that Arab leaders "hate one another" so much ( as you say ), that this is what motivates their policy decisions?'--km


That is not what I said, I said "they are divided and hate each other so much that they allow for outsiders like the Zionists and their U.S. supporters to come and settle in, occupy, and interfere and play in their region..". I also think that these Arab dictators who hate each other care more about their positions and keeping them than their own people, which is another reason why they allow for outsiders like the Zionists and their U.S. supporters to come and settle in, occupy, and interfere and play in their region, because they think it helps them hold into their power...yet we can see that there are no guarantees when we look at what ended up happening to Saddam. Of course Saddam ended up turning on his supporters, yet it doesn't mean that the other Arab leaders will end up doing the same, especially when they see what happened to Saddam.
KM said…
I think their decisions are more based on economics rather than their emotions ( such as hate that you mentioned ) towards one another.

All leaders care about their 'positions'. This isn't any ground breaking revolution..I mean....revelation.
Anonymous said…
"....Most reporters know that the invasion and the occupation have been a catastrophe. They know the Iraqis do not want us. They know about the cooked intelligence, spoon-fed to a compliant press by the Office of Special Plans and Lewis Libby's White House Iraq Group. They know about Curveball, the forged documents out of Niger, the outed CIA operatives, and the bogus British intelligence dossiers that were taken from old magazine articles. They know the weapons of mass destruction were destroyed long before we arrived. They know that our military as well as our National Guard and reserve units are being degraded and decimated. They know this war is not about bringing democracy to Iraq, that all the clichés about staying the course and completing the mission are used to make sure the president and his allies do not pay a political price while in power for their blunders and their folly.

The press knows all this, and if reporters had bothered to look they could have known it a long time ago. But the press, or at least most of it, has lost the passion, the outrage, and the sense of mission that once drove reporters to defy authority and tell the truth.... "

Anonymous said…

If the Arab dictators decisions are based more on economics than anything else, why is it that these leaders will not open up their societies for a more economical advantage?

I will tell you why, because they fear that their people will have the power to revolt against them if they do so...

The Arab dictators economic policies are based on their personal economic interests, and not on the economic interests of the Arab people...
Anonymous said…
""A lot of guys really supported that whole concept that, you know, if they don't speak English and they have darker skin, they're not as human as us, so we can do what we want," said Spc. Josh Middleton, who served in the 82nd Airborne in Iraq. "And you know, 20 year-old kids are yelled at back and forth at Bragg, and we're picking up cigarette butts and getting yelled at every day for having a dirty weapon. But over here, it's like life and death. And 40 year-old Iraqi men look at us with fear and we can -- do you know what I mean? -- we have this power that you can't have. That's really liberating. Life is just knocked down to this primal level of, you know, you worry about where the next food's going to come from, the next sleep or the next patrol, and to stay alive.

"It's like, you feel like, I don't know, if you're a caveman," he added. "Do you know what I mean? Just, you know, I mean, this is how life is supposed to be. Life and death, essentially. No TV. None of that bullsh-t." "

KM said…
Yes, they very well may feel uprisings from the People.

Im not understanding exactly what you mean by " open up their societies for a more economical advantage'. That's a large arena. Could you elaborate please ?
Anonymous said…
"The superior firepower and lightning victory was canceled out by what T. E. Lawrence once called the "algebra of occupation." Writing about the British occupation of Iraq following the Ottoman Empire's collapse in World War I, Lawrence, in lessons these veterans have had to learn on their own, highlighted what has always doomed conventional, foreign occupying powers.

"Rebellion must have an unassailable base… it must have a sophisticated alien enemy, in the form of a disciplined army of occupation too small to dominate the whole area effectively from fortified posts," Lawrence wrote. "It must have a friendly population, not actively friendly, but sympathetic to the point of not betraying rebel movements to the enemy. Rebellions can be made by 2 percent active in a striking force, and 98 percent passive sympathy. Granted mobility, security… time and doctrine… victory will rest with the insurgents, for the algebraical factors are in the end decisive."

The failure in Iraq is the same failure that bedeviled the French in Algeria; the United States in Vietnam; and the British, who for 800 years beat, imprisoned, transported, shot, and hanged hundreds of thousands of Irish patriots. Occupation, in each case, turned the occupiers into beasts and fed the insurrection. It created patterns where innocents, as in Iraq, were terrorized and killed. The campaign against a mostly invisible enemy, many veterans said, has given rise to a culture of terror and hatred among U.S. forces, many of whom, losing ground, have in effect declared war on all Iraqis. "

Anonymous said…
"Im not understanding exactly what you mean by " open up their societies for a more economical advantage'. "--km

I basically mean that in an open society, as opposed to a closed society, you are basically allowing for the people to empower themselves which can become an economical advantage for the country. But when the Arab leaders fear that their people's empowerment will undermine their dictatorial powers, they will do what they can to suppress that empowerment rather than allow it to take place..
Anonymous said…
"Mejía said, regarding the deaths of Iraqis at checkpoints, "This sort of killing of civilians has long ceased to arouse much interest or even comment."

Mejía also watched soldiers from his unit abuse the corpses of Iraqi dead. He related how, in one incident, soldiers laughed as an Iraqi corpse fell from the back of a truck. "Take a picture of me and this motherf---er," said one of the soldiers who had been in Mejía's squad in Third Platoon, putting his arm around the corpse.

The shroud fell away from the body, revealing a young man wearing only his pants. There was a bullet hole in his chest.

"Damn, they really f---ed you up, didn't they?" the soldier laughed.

The scene, Mejía noted, was witnessed by the dead man's brothers and cousins. "

Anonymous said…
"We are trapped in a doomed war of attrition in Iraq. We have blundered into a nation we know little about, caught in bitter rivalries between competing ethnic and religious groups. Iraq was a cesspool for the British in 1917 when they occupied it. It will be a cesspool for us as well. We have embarked on an occupation that is as damaging to our souls as to our prestige and power and security. We have become tyrants to others weaker than ourselves. And we believe, falsely, that because we have the capacity to wage war we have the right to wage war.

We make our heroes out of clay. We laud their gallant deeds and give them uniforms with colored ribbons on their chests for the acts of violence they committed or endured. They are our false repositories of glory and honor, of power, of self-righteousness, of patriotism and self-worship, all that we want to believe about ourselves. They are our plaster saints of war, the icons we cheer to defend us and make us and our nation great. They are the props of our civic religion, our love of power and force, our belief in our right as a chosen nation to wield this force against the weak, and rule. This is our nation's idolatry of itself. And this idolatry has corrupted religious institutions, not only here but in most nations, making it impossible for us to separate the will of God from the will of the state.

Prophets are not those who speak of piety and duty from pulpits -- few people in pulpits have much worth listening to -- but are the battered wrecks of men and women who return from Iraq and speak the halting words we do not want to hear, words that we must listen to and heed to know ourselves. They tell us war is a soulless void. They have seen and tasted how war plunges us into perversion, trauma, and an unchecked orgy of death. And it is their testimonies that have the redemptive power to save us from ourselves. "

KM said…
ok, are you talking about an "economical advanatge" within an individual country or among (as you call them) "Arab dictators"?

I am not familiar with how persons living in Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Oman, etc, function under the laws within Arab countries.
I don't know how their education systems are set up or how they establish businesses or how their stock exchange operates or land ownerships.

Regarding Saudi Arabia & Kuwait, it appears that 'bloodline royalty' are the elite. I don't believe hat anybody's family bloodline should automatically place leaders in positions of supremecy. Do you?
Anonymous said…
"ok, are you talking about an "economical advanatge" within an individual country or among (as you call them) "Arab dictators"?"--km

I am talking about economical advantages that empowered people of an individual country can bring to their country. I don't care about the economical advantages of Arab dictators because I don't see them as being an advantage.

"Regarding Saudi Arabia & Kuwait, it appears that 'bloodline royalty' are the elite. I don't believe hat anybody's family bloodline should automatically place leaders in positions of supremecy. Do you?"--km

Neither do I...I don't believe that there is such a thing as bloodline royalty, I think that those who make good leaders are because they have the necessary qualities to be a good leader that looks after the well being of his people who make up the country.

I cannot say I understand the laws of Arab countries much either, but I do know from living in two different Arab countries that they are largely made up corrupted bureaucracies...And to get anything done in a reasonable amount of time, or in other cases get anything done, you either have to basically bribe them, be in a position of power, or know some one who has connections.
Anonymous said…
Zorba from down under made Layla chuckle.This was the most interesting one of all.
Layla Anwar said…

Did I ever tell you that you remind of the Irene Papas character in Zorba. A bitter woman indeed- she was.
Layla Anwar said…
Western sectarian Shiite,




And you on MY BLOG which means you are visiting my House, don't spam with long posts. Just give the link.
Layla Anwar said…
add - are on my blog...
Anonymous said…
Having been at war and in combat, taking four causalities in the course of a day is hardly much of a concern - rather, it is a minor "cost of business." To take siege of an entire city and cause massive damage and death to the civilian population, all on the basis of four causalities is indeed a war crime of staggering proportions. The quotes of Bush clearly point to the guilty person; also the fact that one person's twisted, insane position was able to be put into action is a damning indictment of a out of control and criminal killing machine that poses a most serious threat to the world. My respect and prayers for success go out to the Iraqi resistance. You will prevail.
Anonymous said…


Dearest Layla,

ARAB = Muslims(Sunni and Shia)+ Christians + Jews + Atheists + Communists + Baathists+ the list goes on..... and not all of them = bad.

In fact I believe that every sect and political affiliation has good and bad people amongst them. Truthfully, I don't care for the Wahabi sect or for the Saudi Arabian leaders, but this doesn't mean I believe that all Wahabis are bad or even that every Saudi leader is necessarily bad. I have no problem whatsoever with Sunni Muslims unless maybe they have a problem with me being a Shia Muslim...

We are all Muslims who believe in One Creator God called Allah, the Holy Qur'an, pray, fast, go to Hajj, pay Zakat and Khums, and follow the Prophet Muhammed(pbuh).

You know that Shias are not all Aryan, there are many who are Arab as well as African. And not all Shias are necessarily good either. It is our actions as individuals based on our faith that make us good, and not necessarily our religious affiliations.

Sorry you didn't like my spams, but in this case I just couldn't help myself...
Layla Anwar said…
Western Sectarian Shiite,

I am very touched "dearest", very touched, deeply touched by your wide all embracing arms to others, and your open mind...just make sure your brains don't fall out....sects and all.
Anonymous said…
Dearest Layla,

Don't worry about my brains falling out, I am not worried...

Would you prefer I go by my real name here rather than a western Shia woman?
Anonymous said…
Layla,your patience is amazing under the circumstances! It seems the above nincompoop in the guise of a western shia women/man is desperate to prove to its employers that it is efficient at its job. Just look it desperately pretending to be anything anyone wants it to be. Frantically filling this thread with anti-Arab and anti-Saddam Hussein pro-US/Zionist/Iranian propaganda in the hope we will forget the following true facts:


Revenue was also used to IMPROVE THE HEALTH AND EDUCATION of the Iraqi people. Hussein established state-run hospitals in return for nominal charges. And EDUCATION WAS MADE FREE AND COMPULSORY. Also under the guidance of Prof. Anatzia Baram from Hafi University the Iraq nations' much needed infrastructure was developed with water systems, electrical grids and roads.

In the mid 80's Hussein was using much of Iraqis oil revenue to IMPROVE THE LIVES OF THE IRAQI PEOPLE. .


Before the UN sanctions were imposed in 1990 Iraq had one of the HIGHEST PER CAPITA FOOD AVAILABILITY IN THE GULF REGION. ADULT LITERACY was 95%. Iraq could boast of 22 Universities of higher education.

UNDER PRESIDENT SADDAM HUSSEIN Iraq was noted world-wide for providing some of the MOST SOPHISTICATED MEDICAL TREATMENT IN THE ARAB REGION 9,000 PHYSICIANS were specialists.And IRAQI WOMEN FORMED THE MAJORITY GROUP of doctors, pharmacists, dentists and specialists. Iraqi women comprised of 25% of Iraq's workforce. THEY HAD THE RIGHT TO VOTE AND SERVED AS OFFICIALS IN THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY.

IRAQ HAD MORE DOCTORS PER PATIENT THAN BRITAIN. Iraq had 1 doctor to 2,000 people. Britain 1 doctor to 4,000.


Summing up IRAQ'S accomplishments,the “Economist” Intelligence Unit stated “that until recently THE IRAQ WELFARE STATE WAS THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE AND GENEROUS IN THE ARAB WORLD.” (newdawnmagazine.com 2003)



But take some heart good folk! Because these above criminal expansionist -millionaires-from-and-for-more-oil, who wear US golfing caps, Iranian Turbans, and Zionist/Jewish caps are advancing toward their use-by date, and have limited tenure of their present status in the world. As it has been projected that in 8 years nearly 50,000 gallons of oil will be consumed every second. And for every 9 barrels of oil we now consume, we are only discovering one.

Therefore, their stealing of the Iraqi peoples oil, and the criminal destruction of Iraq and its people, will not save them. Nor will it save their fellow world fascist- corporate cronies, Nor will it save those people who have remained silent for 18 years ABOUT THE IRAQI HOLOCAUST. Nor will it save "it", the spineless nincompoop.


Keep that pen sharpened Layla. It is certainly brings the enemy into the daylight.

In solidarity
Anonymous said…

-Andrew Tighman Uruknet.

From the contents of this article Iraq is going to have corporate-fascist run prisons, judicial services, security and protection services. Corporate fascist police, army and military equipment.

Looks like it is going to be a model

Tra la la la werrrrre making Iraq ripe for Corporate Fascism! This is what the US/Israel/Iranian corporate fascist expansionists' have conveniently colluded together to bring to the Sovereign Nation of Iraq.

And please anyone who cares about this, do not use that deceitful corporate fascist created, and acceptable word which is used by people from all walks of life and professional careers,in the Western corporate dictatorship countries,namely "Privatisation" And which everyone hides behind because they cannot bring themselves to bear the truth that they live in USA spawned global corporate fascist dictatorship society.

And Oh! what heretics those Iranian Ayatollahs, and mullahs are! they who have barged into Iraq with the corporate Islam militias going on before them. Just like those Christian heretics - those onward Christian corporate soldiers with their cross of Jesus going on before them.

One wonders what Mohammed would make of all this?
G.Gar said…
Western Shiite woman

Seriously speaking, how single-dimensional minded Iranians could be, never ceases to astound me.

Are the Mexican Christians like the Swedish Christians? Definitely not. Yet, however, both of them are Christians. That doesn't necessarily mean that either of them is better than the other. It is just the way people are. They are organized into nations; except maybe for the stupid demagogue Mullahs of Qum with their medieval theocratic black ideologies of “Welayit Faqeeh” and shit.

Are you a fucken retard or what? What is there for you in the Arab world?.

It doesn't really make a difference there who is ruling that artificial malign Iranian entity, whether it is the pimple-headed Reda Bahlawy or the rotten barking dog Ayatollah Khomeini, you are an enemy, and have always been. Your incurable historical inferiority complexes make you drivelling over the land of your tutors and masters in Iraq.

Also it seems that the new generation of Iranians have developed immunity against DDT. For in so far as I know, the last Arab-Iranian war ended you were totally defeated and your Baboon senior Khomeini was brought down on his knees and , according to his own words, poison was shoved up his shrimp of an ass . Your population in Tahran were demoralised and demonstrating desperately for seize fire, your armoured units totally melted, and your Persian soldiers were running like rats inside Iran away from the liquidating Arab fire.

That’s why it is certainly no wonder that an Iranian crappy stenchy, deranged traducing creature like you is full of hatred for Saddam Hussien.

I am definitely sure that your mama was smoking like a coal chimney when she was conceiving you, since It is unbelievable that someone who is apparently a grown up would come up with the sort of arguments you are spewing here, unless either a big chunk of what people usually call brain had been lobotomised or part of the left lobe didn’t have the right environment to grow in the first place most probably because of the stinking habits of your Khomeinist- Chador- Pahlavi-Farsi- smoking-chimney mother.

You know what, I have never known that feelings of being so little and unimportant; left out and out casted could lead anyone to buzz like a pig fly around someone whom she knows is definitely better. Hovering over Arab blogs is not the cure for your case. Your comfort lies in either treating your nightmares, aspirin or shrinks. It could even be the three of them all put together.

Now have you understood? I pray to Allah that that by some mysterious way of ancient Babylonian miracles, a minimal of common sense will anchor inside your dredged skull so that you might learn that imitating Malaria mosquitoes is not the optimal way for levelling with those who make you feel so dirty.

What Shiites are you talking about retard? Weren’t those Arab Shiites the ones that killed your dog Khomeini with poison? Weren’t those Arab Shiites the ones that exterminated your hordes of locust that were infesting our lands

Pull your disproportionate head out of your arse before you go about surfing the net. It is unfair for us- Arabs to have your diarrheal material plying our websites

The majority of Iraqis-Sunnis& Shiites alike- are Arabs. They are part of a great Arab nation with a culture and history that surpasses that of their savage barbarous grudged neighbours by thousands of years.

So why don't you have some dignity, Iranian turd, and stop imposing yourself on us.

You don't belong to this region. Your culture and tongue and history belong to the Indian civilisation sphere.

Nevertheless, due to the generosity of Arabs who brought you alphabet twice (Aramaic and Arabic) as well as gracefully donated you letters and religion, some ignorant fools tend to associate your dirt with the Arab world!!!!!!
KM said…
I think that's a Bulls-eye bluegum. I agree with you 100% cuz that's the way I see it too.

The US govt has given the corporation the rights as a living/breathing/walking/talking human being. They passed laws where the Federal Reserve Banking corporate cartel began printing Federal Reserve Notes (paper money) and began charging interest.

The corporate has armies of lobbyists that influence the govt so laws will be written and passed to favor thier corporate masters.

To me, this present administration is a perfect example of complete corporate dictatorship occupying seats of power. Government was bad enough but this group is hell.
Anonymous said…
Hi from Anonymous 2 I cannot take credit for the Iran analysis. It was written by Thomas Freidman.
Layla Anwar said…

What would I do without you ?

THANK YOU. You think am patient with this thing ? I think you have the patience of Job.

Wetern Sectarian Shiite, is a "woman" of total bad faith. I am always hoping and there is nothing wrong with hoping - that the intellectual caliber of my readers will assist them in debunking this "woman" who is here with an IRANIAN AGENDA. Her art of dissimulation i.e Taqiyya is not as clever as I would have hoped -- but she tries hard nonetheless.
hopelessly so....

Thank you for reminding the reader of what Saddam Hussein did for IRAQ. I 've said over and over and I am starting to sound like a parrot repeating it. But thick skulls need parrots.

Iran has enabled the US and has collaborated with the US not only in the destruction of IRAQ but also as your rightly pointed out in its total privatisation.

IRAN is a another cancer next to Israel that needs to be put back in its rightful place.

Iran and its mercenaries in Iraq and this is what they are khomeinist, sectarian shia mercenaries, death merchants and trafickers MUST be neutralized. There is no doubt about that in my mind.

As to HOW and by WHOM, this I will think about later...
Layla Anwar said…
Amre Al-Abyad,


Everyone must read the Dahr Jamail report on the death Estimates , the latest death estimates from BAQUBA


But typical of this bad faith, lying, conniving "sectarian shit" of a "woman" she will find another 10000000000000 lies to cover up for the crimes of the sectarianism she upholds so dearly.

You did a good job putting her back in her place - right where she belongs.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous 2

Since am not sure if you are really anonymous 2 or not, and since you claim it is T.Friedman who wrote the IRAN analysis - please provide the link.

As don't fall into political traps easily- I hope you have realized that by now.
Layla Anwar said…
comment to anony 2 must read as I don't fall...
Anonymous said…
Hello Layla,
I have not visited your site in a long while.
I do really really really really like your profile photo. It's history must be fascinating. She seems so serene and happy.
Anonymous said…

Although I have not been inconsistent here, I can understand how a paranoid and narrow minded person of Baathist ideology such as yourself would try and portray it that way...

I am quite open minded and I won't cover up my country's the U.S.'s criminal involvement in the Middle East, nor the Arab dictator divisions and weaknesses which continue to allow for the outside manipulation of the region.

Everything you have accredited Saddam with here doesn't change the fact that he was a brutal dictator, with two criminally abusive sons, who was responsible for killing many of his own people, who started a war with Iran that put Iraq into huge debt, and who irrationally decided to attack and invaded Kuwait, thinking that the U.S. supported it, which sharply turned his Arab neighbors and the world against him and lead to the criminal international sanctions of Iraq spearheaded by the U.S. government, to be followed more than a decade later by the U.S. government's criminal attack, invasion, and occupation of Iraq based on false premises.

You can label me in any paranoid Baathist way that you like, but it won't change the truths I have just stated.
Anonymous said…
Amre El-Abyad,

From the way you talk, it doesn't say much for your Mama...

But I don't hold her responsible for your street talk or actions since I believe that you are now an adult who has assumed responsibility for your self...

Has anyone been listening to the speeches being made by the presidential candidates and others during the annual AIPAC event?

Of course McCain wants to say the course in Iraq. And all of the usual pro-Israel, anti-Iran and its allies propaganda(that we here about here).

The subject of Iran and the security of Israel at the top of the list, with the subject of Iraq as second hand.

According to Obama speech today, he wants us out of Iraq, and a secure Jewish state of Israel with an undivided Jerusalem as its capital. And even though he claims he prefers dialog, all options are still on the table for the alleged Iranian threat to Israel(Zionist Israel is its own greatest threat).

The only thing I agreed with him on is getting out of Iraq.

And I actually thought after listening to him speak last night in Minnesota that maybe just maybe there was some hope for him. Well that was quickly dashed out with his extremely one-sided, Israel butt kissing speech today in front of AIPAC.
Anonymous said…
A visit to the Levant - Kieran Wanduragala

Kieran sent me this letter account of his travels in the Levant some days ago and has today allowed me to post it.

Anonymous said…
The full address:

G.Gar said…
Western Shiite shit,

Saddam didn't start war with Iran.

Iraq in 1979 filed 100 complains to the U.N about Iranian border harassments. Iranians were trying to infiltrate and join with their agents in Iraq, mainly the minority if Iraqi Shiites who come from an Iranian descent , that was apart of the retrograde revolution’s strategy of destabilising the country so as pave the way for an Iranian invasion like the one the came along with the American occupation.

It has been validated that the martyred master of the Arab nation was genius with an unmatched insight and penetrative vision. For we are all now witnessing now the endless amounts of evil and hatred the Iranian cowardly Chimps from Qum leak

The First president of the dirty republic of Iran- Bani Sadr stated” revolution will only stop in Baghdad"

The orang-utan Ayatollah Khomeini called on Iranian-Iraqis to resist the”secular" modernisations imposed by Saddam, designated Arab nationalism as heresy, and started farting out opinions on everything that is going on in the Arab world. As if the Baboon senior had had anything to do with our region

So what do you expect piece of shit? Do you really think that a country like Iraq could just stand by and watch a bunch of baboons coming from a venomous historical enemy like Iran tell their masters how to run their country.

Iraq was on the verge, according to UNDP reports, of breaking loose of the viscous cycles of the developing world. Hence it had no choice but to beak the spinal chord of Iran.

In 1988 the hero of the Arabs the martyred lion president killed Khomeini and brought Iran down on its knees. So till the American invasion, the region has been blessed with the silencing of Iran. The absurd moronic stupid crappy mouthpieces trickling down from the roach- head Najad and the drag-queen Ayatollah Khamaeini were spared for their suitable place- street shitty sewers where Malaria mosquitoes like your deplorable self copulate and reproduce, sometimes even asexually like your wretched case.

These were the good days where no Persian dirt from Qum ever dared to wash his hands in the Arabian Gulf without taking permission first form his master Saddam Hussien Al-Tikrity. Certainly history will repeat itself; it is Arab’s destiny to feed the Mullah- baboons from Qum to the fish of the Arabian gulf as a course of the matter.

Now scram!
Anonymous said…
amre el-abyad,
I am intrigued by you "recent history" lesson.
I always am curious of divergent perspectives of history(different people have differing perpspectives of history). Yours is one I have never been exposed to, so I am appreciative of your taking the time to expound upon it.
There is much talk today of war against Iran . The Bilderbergers are meeting today in Chantilly, Virginia. Everyone speculates this meeting is planning an attack on Iran. what is your position on all this talk of Amerikkan war on Iran?
Anonymous said…
Oh, you think she was bitter!!?? You should try the strichhnine flavor of Layla Anwar!
Mind Control and the "Super Computer Brain" Research Laboratory
bARABie said…
"I always am curious of divergent perspectives of history(different people have differing perpspectives of history). Yours is one I have never been exposed to..."

I am quite taken aback by your "ignorance", from previous comments you have made elsewhere, you have come across as being educated.
How wrong can one be.
bARABie said…
"Mind Control and the "Super Computer Brain" Research Laboratory"

Oh well nur, you wont have to worry as the pre requisite to "mind control" is having a MIND. :)
bARABie said…
"And I actually thought after listening to him speak.....blah blah blah "

Shit, you "thought"???

Did sparks fly out of your head?
Are you ok now?
Don't try to think again without having some type of emergency service at hand.
bARABie said…
"I can understand how a paranoid and narrow minded person of Baathist ideology such as yourself would try and portray it that way..."

"brutal dictator, with two criminally abusive sons, who was responsible for killing many of his own people"

"You can label me in any paranoid Baathist way that you like,"

It appears as though you have LABELED enough for everyone else that comments on here, ya HYPOCRITE.
Anonymous said…
I said that Saddam was a "brutal dictator, with two criminally abusive sons, who was responsible for killing many of his own people".

I noticed that you didn't deny these facts Barabie....

Haven't I seen you post on Angy Arab's blog before? That used to be a lively comment section full of a bunch of mealy mouthed street talkers until the Professor shut his comment section down...
bARABie said…
"That used to be a lively comment section full of a bunch of mealy mouthed street talkers blah blah blah"

And what are you, a toilet talker?
As in SHITE talker.

As for denying your accusations regarding the Great Martyr Saddam Hussein, roflmao, you are not worth refuting just ridiculing.
bARABie said…
"Haven't I seen you post on Angy Arab's blog before?"

How did you manage to SEE me "post on angry" jahash not unless you are stalking me.
Anonymous said…
"It appears as though you have LABELED enough for everyone else that comments on here, ya HYPOCRITE.'--barabie

Labeling only comes with the territory here Barabie...

I noticed that you didn't deny that Amre El-Abyad is a paranoid Baathist...

Whatever one may think of Iran, they cannot deny that they are a truly independent nation, and it cannot be proven that Iran is conspiring with the the U.S. and Israeli Zionists as claimed by paranoid Baathists here, because it is not true; but it can be proven that the Saudi Arabian leadership and its lackeys in the region are conspiring with the U.S. and Israeli Zionists against Iran and those who are strategically aligned with Iran in opposition to the U.S./Israel plans for the region....
Anonymous said…

Why would I want to stalk someone like you? It is not as if you have anything interesting or meaningful worth stalking...
Layla Anwar said…

the image is the ancient relic of ISHTAR RISING. one of her relics, all stolen and sold in black markets in IRAN, the US, HOLLAND, KUWAIT, ENGLAND, courtesy of the U.S

Ishatar is the goddess of love and wrath.
Layla Anwar said…
Western sectarian shiite,

sorry to tell you "dearest" but you have been cornered ...hahahahahahaha

Thanks "guys".
Layla Anwar said…
Nur aka Irene Pappas,

So when will a Zorba teach you how to dance away ....?
Anonymous said…
War on Iran is not being planed. It's already on file. With 2 different folders. A) If Israel strikes first. And B) Strike them before Israel does. If you play nice Layla, we might let you join us in the front lines so you can put down some rabid dogs.
Anonymous said…
bARABie said...
"I always am curious of divergent perspectives of history(different people have differing perpspectives of history). Yours is one I have never been exposed to..."

I am quite taken aback by your "ignorance", from previous comments you have made elsewhere, you have come across as being educated.
How wrong can one be.

5/6/08 1:43 AM
Barabie, actually I have never been exposed to pro Sadam Hussein supporters outside Layla and your self. Neither of you(Layla , I presume had other more pressing fish to fry) explained to me what Sadam's rationale was for war with Iran.
During the Iran Iraq War, I sided with Iran **gulp** so I never said this to you at As'ad's site. I was always under the impression that Iran's "Islamic Revolution" would benefit all of the Islamic world.9Sadam was shaking hands with donald rumsfeld in those days) Obviously, with this confession of ignorance to you, you can reassess my intelligence.
John Bull's providing Sadam with that enoromus canon was a good thing also Sadam's giving monies to families of Palestinian martyrs was also a good thing. Fallugia was a tradgedy that I always sided with the Sunni. So, barabie , I am really all over the place.
Sorry for being a stupid yank I will try harder to understand .
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...

the image is the ancient relic of ISHTAR RISING. one of her relics, all stolen and sold in black markets in IRAN, the US, HOLLAND, KUWAIT, ENGLAND, courtesy of the U.S

Ishatar is the goddess of love and wrath.

5/6/08 2:37 AM
Thank you Layla for that information. I fear priceless and beautiful ancient Mesopotamian and ancient Babylonian treasures have been hopelessly lost, stolen, and /or destroyed by this war.
Really, I am so ashamed to be so ignorant vis a vis knowledge of this precious cradle of civilisation.
bARABie said…
Ritalin, i couldn't explain the Iraq/safavid war better than the following author.

"Tuesday, April 1st, 1980, thousands of students from all over the Arab world and Asia were assembled at Al-Mustansiriyah University (1) in Baghdad. They were awaiting the arrival of Tareq Aziz, Deputy Premier of Iraq and member of the Revolution Command Council (R.C.C.), who had been scheduled to inaugurate the International Economic Conference organized by the National Union of Iraqi students in collaboration with the Asiatic Student Committee. In the crowd, a young man was waiting - he was Iranian."

Click here for the full story.
Anonymous said…
Thanks barabie
I will read it carefully because i respect both your and layla's passion.
Anonymous said…
Omar Elabyad, you and the rest of the Nawasib do not speak for the Iraqi momeneen. We are allied with our religious compatriots where ever they be, we recognize no borders in life but those in the Quran. Mark my word, your Judeo-Wahabi aspirations will fail, and in the end even the rocks will cry and betray your positions, and the holy deserts of Karbala will open to swallow your columns, as we hasten for the return of the Mahdi!
Anonymous said…
response to western shia women

Your audacity knows no bounds.You have just lied by omission about what events led up to Saddam Hussein going into Kuwait. You have lied by omission about the reaction of the ordinary Kuwaitis to this. You have lied by omission about what events led up to the Iran-Iraq war.

My only criticism of President Saddam Hussein was that he should have got rid of many more of those Iranian racist criminals and terrorists, along with their criminal Kurdish terrorists mates
who sneaked into Iraq undercover with their bombs and caused death and destruction to Iraqi people in order to undermine the sovereign country of Iraq.

Hypothetically, speaking it is lucky for those racist Iranian and Kurdish fundamentalists I was not the President of Iraq at that time. There would probably be none of you left by now.

Also the consequences when ones country is being undermined by another foreign country is that leaders are forced to close ranks within Government and it also causes leaders not only to become suspicious of people in the general population,but even people within ones own government. Also it causes a lack of trust.

In correlation with this,historical facts also clearly show there are traitors in all nations who sell out their own people and country for a price. Bearing in mind at the time in Iraq, the US CIA were working with these Iranian and Kurdish terrorists in order to undermine Iraq in the years prior as well as through the Sanction years.

Yes, and sadly in this scenario there are innocent people who get wrongly accused of collaboration. And there are people who are guilty of collaboration and need to be dealt with. This is the whole sad reality of a country when it is being undermined by outside forces.

This makes your generalised statement oh! so one-dimensional. When in fact there are many dimensions to it. You do not say how many people were killed. How many were innocent. How many were guilty of collaboration with the US CIA,Iranian and Kurdish terrorists.

And lets get to the historical core of this. and put the put the blame where it lies. Right at the doorstep of these Iranian and Kurdish criminals who initially attempted to undermine Iraq.

Because the aforementioned negative consequences of destablising a government would never have occurred if the CIA/Iranian/Kurdish terrorists had not illegally infiltrated Iraq in the first place.

You see I have no problem of avoidance of this issue whatsoever, unlike yourself, who uses generalised statements without any detail, and slyly avoids responding to the researched factual information somebody has taken the time to make sure you understand.

Interestingly out of that whole detailed post I presented in regard to President Saddam Hussein's achievements for his country; your main response to these positive benefits the Iraqi people enjoyed; was to call me a Ba'athist. And say President Saddam Hussein killed his own people.

well, now that you have declared I am a Ba'athist. I am sure the readers would like you to give them a few more details about me than this.

And you know your above 'one statement'
about President Saddam Hussein "killing his own people" is an exact replica of what Bush's PR group, Hills & Knowles used against Saddam Hussein in regard to the 'gassing of the Kurds" which the US army's own facts in regard to this incident have proved this to be an OUTRIGHT LIE!

I do not particularly care who or what you are. But I do know you are a LIAR, and,I have NO RESPECT WHATSOEVER FOR PEOPLE WHO LIE.

Well whether you try your hardest to prevent it or not, in the case of Iraq and President Saddam Hussein TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!
Anonymous said…
"sorry to tell you "dearest" but you have been cornered ...hahahahahahaha

Thanks "guys"."--Layla

That is your opinion dearest Layla...

Why do you need "guys" to corner an individual woman, you cannot do it yourself?

Anyway, I found a reasoned interview in Dubai with the Baathist Syrian President Assad interesting.

"On Iraq and Iran, we should not blame Iran for our failure as Arabs to provide solutions in Iraq. They are serving there interest from their own perspective on how a solution should be implemented in Iraq. We as Arabs should do the same instead of blaming them."

"Our good relationship with Iran has never stopped us from telling them in every venue that we stand firmly with the UAE on the islands issue. Our problem with the current rhetoric on Iran is that no one is able to point to any evidence on the dangers presented by Iran to us Arabs. Why would Iran destroy its strong economic relationships with the Gulf and Dubai for example?

Regarding Shiitaization, we should make a clear distinction between state policies and independent personal or group actions. For example, in Lebanon we had a good strategy and policies in theory but with bad implementation in which individuals and groups caused many errors which we admitted. If these shiitization attempts exist on personal or group levels then we should deal with them as such. We have never seen any evidence on state policies or actions on this regard. This accusation has been used in the media as a tool of inciting for political reasons against Iran. It would be necessary to stop using inflammatory terminology in the Arab media for political exploitation.

Regarding the Sunni-Shii “Fitna”, let’s take Iraq as an example. Few days ago I met with an Iraqi Sunni leader who is known for his extreme anti-Iran stands. He was convinced and showed me compelling evidence on how US players in Iraq are fueling Sunni-Shii strife in the country for political exploitation. In Syria we have 1.5 million Iraqis from all sects, backgrounds and economic status and we did not witness a single sectarian conflict."

"there should be a pure Iraqi solution with Arab support, as was the case of the solution in Lebanon in Doha. Second, there should be sectarian-free constitution in Iraq. A sectarian quota system of political participation will lead to conflicts as we’ve seen in Lebanon. Sectarian Zua’ama usually live on these institutionalized sectarian divides by continuously inflaming the public to continue to extract political benefits from them. Third, there should be a political process parallel with a scheduled withdrawal of the US troops with an agreed time-line, for example 2 or 3 years. Then there should be an Arab league initiative or mediation that takes place in Baghdad to nurture and pin-down the final details. The later we start implementing this strategy the harder it would be to reach a solution."


At least there is an Arab leader giving reasoned solutions for the Arab leaders to implement rather than blaming Iran for "the Arab leader's lack" of solving "the Arab world's problems".
bARABie said…
western shite donkey, i have two SIMPLE questions for you.

Why do the yanks need to hold "security" talks with the safavids over Iraq?

Why don't they have those same talks with other neighbors of Iraq?

As for your quoting the Syrian donkey asaad, bwhahahahahahahahahahahaa
The sectarian dog whose father wiped out a whole town because they were Sunni is now preaching to Arabs while his MINORITY alawi government rules over the MAJORITY Sunnis.
Next you will quote ariel sharon.
bARABie said…
Btw you stupid donkey, the baath of Syria is completely different to the Baath party of the Great Martyr Saddam Hussein.
bARABie said…
"At least there is an Arab leader giving reasoned solutions for the Arab leaders to implement rather than blaming Iran for "the Arab leader's lack" of solving "the Arab world's problems"."

"The Arab leader's (sic)" would solve "the Arab world's problems" if the yanks held "security" talks with the Arabs but alas the yanks only hold these talks with the safavids.
I wonder why.
Could you tell us WHY the yanks hold such talks only with the safavids?
Anonymous said…
how are the A.A meetings going? Have you gotten through the denial phase yet?
It takes years to beat alcoholism so don't get discouraged. keep the faith.
bARABie said…
"It takes years to beat alcoholism so don't get discouraged."

No it doesn't ya moron, it takes a strong will.


Something i obviously have. :)
Anonymous said…
""The Arab leader's (sic)" would solve "the Arab world's problems" if the yanks held "security" talks with the Arabs but alas the yanks only hold these talks with the safavids.
I wonder why.
Could you tell us WHY the yanks hold such talks only with the safavids?"--barabie

First of all barabie the Arab leaders should have been holding talks with each other concerning what direction as far as security goes and other aspects they would like to see Iraq go and than presented it to their "feared" yankie allies. Instead they sat back and let the yankie allies screw everything up while deciding for them....

And secondly, they still could if they would just come together and unite on this issue for the sake of the Arab people rather than undermine each other for the sake of their own selfish desires...

When was the last time these leaders held an Arab Summit that produced anything worthwhile for the sake of the Arab people?
Anonymous said…
"Btw you stupid donkey, the baath of Syria is completely different to the Baath party of the Great Martyr Saddam Hussein"--barabie

The Baath party of Syria is far more intelligent and less offensive if you ask me...
Layla Anwar said…
Western Sectarian Shiite,

Oh and now this "woman" wants to teach me what lingo to use eh !

You racist, stinking hypocrite,lying, bad faithed, deceitful,mendacious, thing...

Tell me you piece of khomeinist shit, tell me about the Iraqi women, the real women, not some fake assed american bitch like yourself, just because she got laid by some "arab" thinks she has a take on history--- tell me about the 100's of iraqi women murdered by your fucked up sadistic, psychopathic sectarian shia that you uphold so much, murdered, had acid thrown in their faces, mutilated, burned alive..by the MADHI, by the BADR, by the DAWA, by the Morality police of shiism, that same morality police that fucks in muta'a for one night..and drops the women like a tissue - contracted it for BREAD.

You fucking lying piece of shit that you are...you have no honor, and no shame and no conscience....

Go to hell, you and all the shias like you. Piece of GARBAGE that you are.
Anonymous said…
"The sectarian dog whose father wiped out a whole town because they were Sunni is now preaching to Arabs while his MINORITY alawi government rules over the MAJORITY Sunnis.

Than it is up to his majority Sunni people to overthrow him if they feel he is such a horrific dictator. That is what should have been allowed to happen in Iraq rather than my country the U.S. attacking, invading, and occupying it. I may have disliked Saddam because he was a brutal dictator, but I never supported the attacking, invading, and occupying of Iraq. And I still don't support it, I support the Iraqi people's resistance to their occupation which includes all forms of legitimate resistance, not the immoral targeting of fellow Iraqis or civilians(but not the mercenaries) which only helps to prolong the occupation rather than end it. I want our U.S. soldiers to come home and protect our borders, not to be in Iraq violating its borders against our and their interests, and the Iraqi peoples' wishes as well as interests.

"Next you will quote ariel sharon."--barabie

The only thing I would quote from the "Butcher of Beirut" is what would show that he was never a man of peace like Saudi Arabia's, Jordan, and Egypt's ally, our U.S. President George Bush, has claimed about him at least twice. Of course the last time he claimed it was at the Israel Knesset during their 60th anniversary of Zionist rule and since he is in a comma he is now forced against his will to be peaceful.....
bARABie said…
Could you tell us WHY the yanks hold such talks only with the safavids?"--barabie

Your little rant was very boring and SOMEHOW avoided the SIMPLE question i asked you.
bARABie said…
"Than it is up to his majority Sunni people to overthrow him if they feel he is such a horrific dictator."

IF they feel eh???

Whereas when you bark about the Martyr Saddam Hussein there is no IF but a declared "brutal dictator".

Your deception is extremely lame and quite boring.
bARABie said…
Btw "western" shite donkey, you are not from the west, your grammar gives that away.
bARABie said…

you are not ORIGINALLY from the west......
Anonymous said…
"Tell me you piece of khomeinist shit, tell me about the Iraqi women, the real women, not some fake assed american bitch like yourself, just because she got laid by some "arab" thinks she has a take on history--- tell me about the 100's of iraqi women murdered by your fucked up sadistic, psychopathic sectarian shia that you uphold so much, murdered, had acid thrown in their faces, mutilated, burned alive..by the MADHI, by the BADR, by the DAWA, by the Morality police of shiism, that same morality police that fucks in muta'a for one night..and drops the women like a tissue - contracted it for BREAD."--Layla

First of all I am not a khomeinist, but I do have a lot of respect for Imam Khomeini who lead a successful revolution against the U.S. backed Shah of Iran and set the stage for Iran to be a truly independent and sovereign nation.

"..tell me about the 100's of iraqi women murdered by your fucked up sadistic, psychopathic sectarian shia"--Layla

Tell me about the 100s if not thousands of Iraqi women murdered by the Baathists...Both are equally detesting in my eyes.

I do not condone the crimes against the innocent by any Shias, neither do I condone the crimes by any Sunnis, Baathists, or others against the innocent in Iraq or beyond. Crimes have been taking place on both sides of the divide because that is what the occupation of Iraq allows to happen, and more than likely it has even been promoted in order to be given the excuse to prolong the occupation.

The smartest thing the Iraqis of all walks of life can do is not to play into the occupations games by "uniting" as Iraqis in resistance against it. But if you all are going to behave as the enemies of one another, that will never happen and the occupation will continue to be the winner.
Anonymous said…
"Whereas when you bark about the Martyr Saddam Hussein there is no IF but a declared "brutal dictator".--barabie

Many of the non-Baathist Iraqi people were rebelling against Saddam left and right, but I don't see many of the majority Sunni Syrian's rebelling against Assad, therefore I assume that Saddam was perceived by the Iraqi people as being much more brutal...
Anonymous said…
"Btw "western" shite donkey, you are not from the west, your grammar gives that away."--barabie

Really? LOL! Why because I don't resort to using insults and profanity like you do? I prefer not to lower myself to western street talk.
I think you will have to do more than claim I am not Western, which doesn't prove anything..

Since you know I am not from the West, I am curious where do you "know" I am from according to my use of grammar?

This is why I call you all paranoid, because most of the time all you ever do is throw paranoid sounding accusations and insults at those you are not in agreement with.
Anonymous said…
For those of you who like to call me sectarian and yourselves secular:

Please do define what secularism means to you?

In Turkey secularism appears to mean anti-religious or anti-religious people. Is that what it means to you? And is secularism according to Iraqi style Baathism also anti-Baathists?
bARABie said…
Could you tell us WHY the yanks hold such talks only with the safavids?"--barabie

Still waiting for you to answer the SIMPLE question above. :)
bARABie said…
"Many of the non-Baathist Iraqi people were rebelling against Saddam left and right, but I don't see many of the majority Sunni Syrian's rebelling against Assad,"

Maybe because asaad would have surrounded the town or village that was rebelling and WIPED EVERYONE OUT.
Whereas OBVIOUSLY the Iraqis COULD protest and their towns wouldn't have been wiped out.
Hmmmm who did you say the "brutal dictator" WAS?
Layla Anwar said…
Western sectarian shit,

You lying piece of cheap scum,
There were no 100's of Iraqi women tortured under the Baathists, you piece of Iranian garbage.

If anything the only country in the ME who gave more rights to women than any other was IRAQ, you cheap lowly thing.

75% of the women were in the workforce, women were allowed to divorce, travel alone, were not forced to veil unlike your stinking putrid Iran with their chadors cleaning the streets of Teheran or the south of Lebanon,
We had women in politics as far back as the 1920's you ignorant idiot. Iraqi women fought the british occupation you retarded moron, And Iraqi women were involved in all aspects of civic, political and economic life in Iraq during the reign of the GREAT Saddam Hussein, you cavewoman.

Deceitful piece of crapola that you are.
Anonymous said…
Dearest Layla,

This is why I call you all paranoid, because most of the time all you ever do is throw paranoid accusations, insults, and extreme exaggerations at those you are not in agreement with.

How about we agree to unite under the banner of Iraqi resistance against occupation and leave our other differences to be worked out when Iraq is freed? I do not support the present Maliki government because I believe it is an occupation government..

I would appreciate it if you didn't exaggerate so much and use offensive words and incessant name-calling Layla in your counter arguments...

By the way, South Lebanon streets are not being cleaned by chadors as
Muslim Women who wear chadors are a a small minority amongst the Shia population there. Most of the chador wearing women are married to Sheikhs and Sayeds, as it is the tradition of the wives of religious men to dress very modestly...

Personally I do not like the chador, but I respect the right of others who chose to wear it as long as they respect my rights to choose not to...
Anonymous said…
"Could you tell us WHY the yanks hold such talks only with the safavids?"--barabie

What safavids are you talking about barabie? Maybe you have a different definition of who exactly is a safavid than I do... When you use Arabs or safavids in such general terms you are not being very explicit...

Are you talking about Iranian leadership as opposed to Arab leadership?
Layla Anwar said…
Western Sectarian Shit,

You are NOTHING and NO ONE to disagree or agree with me. In other words your opinion is worthless to me.

You have come from the Mullah Tony and vulture blog. You are the carbon copy of some slime called Lucia, a hysteric called Fatima and a closet zionist filth called Molly.

I have been terribly patient with you until now --- don't push your luck.
Anonymous said…
"Maybe because asaad would have surrounded the town or village that was rebelling and WIPED EVERYONE OUT.
Whereas OBVIOUSLY the Iraqis COULD protest and their towns wouldn't have been wiped out.
Hmmmm who did you say the "brutal dictator" WAS?"--barabie

First of all you are talking about Bashar Al Assad's father the late Hafez Al Assad...You can not attribute the actions of the father to the son or hold him responsible for his father's actions...

As I said before if a majority of Sunni Syrians are not happy with their dictator leader than they should overthrow him...
bARABie said…
"You have come from the Mullah Tony and vulture blog. You are the carbon copy of some slime called Lucia, a hysteric called Fatima and a closet zionist filth called Molly."

I can't agree more.
bARABie said…
"Could you tell us WHY the yanks hold such talks only with the safavids?"--barabie

You dirty low life sectarian ho, you know EXACTLY who the dirty sectarian safavids are you stupid bitch.
I have been more than patient with your bullshit, kess emeek shu sharmouta.
Anonymous said…
"Could you tell us WHY the yanks hold such talks only with the safavids?"

That's an easy one. We do it to pave the road for war. Write this down: "We have exhausted all diplomatic means."
Then the bombs can drop and we have the reason why.
Anonymous said…

At least you are being straightforward and truthful without a bunch of dirty name calling and paranoia thrown in. I believe it is a dirty game in which I am shamed of that my country plays...
Anonymous said…
layla anwar is a sunni. lol. al muqawama al sunnah. when they claim to be muslims, they behead the grandson of the Prophet salalhualahi wasalam. when they claim to be resistance, they bomb masjids.

so of course layla anwar and the sunnis train of thought is always warped.
KM said…
shia woman.

Paranoia by definition is a 'real or imagined fear...'

Names! Names ! Names ! Come on..aren't one's Actions more evident than the tongue?

Cowboy, what diplomatic means are you referring to?
Anonymous said…
km, yeah our diplomatic efforts are weak. Mostly through third parties like the UN and the Iraqi government itself. Both toothless entities. If you need specific efforts. Well, the weapon inspections through the UN, our refusal to label the entire Mahdi army as a terrorist, or even a hostile group. Rather we call the active fighters "Rouge Elements." Ofcourse you probably know that dealing with the Mahdi militia is indirectly dealing with Iran. Then there are the... well I don't know if it counts as dialogue, but America telling Iran to stop funding and supplying militias. Well if Barack has his way it would seem that these talks will reach a very high and direct level. Dangerous if you ask me. Once the highest level of diplomacy fails, we would truely have exhausted all diplomatic solutions.
KM said…
Muchas Grassy-ass for responding !
Im teasing of course. Thanx.

I respect yer opinions and give all some thought. I guess everyone does huh?

But let me ask you amd I hope you will answer on what comes to yer mind first. What would motivate the decision makers in Washington DC or affiliated with decision makers to launch an attack on Iran?

Im not being cute or Im not being 'all-knowing'. Im honestly asking.
KM said…
..and I want to ask you. We both live in America. Surely you must have matters of 'Life' in America that you do not presonally agree with.

Are there any things that you can see that may help to develop an Earth, that could help to ensure human Life receives the Basic Necessities to promote 'well being' for the Human Species?
Anonymous said…
What would be needed to launch the attack? American popular support. Their going to need more agressive propaganda ofcourse.
As for things in America I don't agree with. My love for America is un-conditional. The bad stuff is necesary to fully appreciate the good. As for your Global Utopia, take the good with the bad. Just be glad you are not in their shoes. Well that is my opinion on your questions.
KM said…
Thanx 'brother'

hoko-hey :-)

"The bad stuff is necesary to fully appreciate the good".

Is this universal??
Just kidding.

But as for us Amriconians, you seem to have no spine. You focus on those things that are instantaneously fed to you. America, is by no meeas the only country to partake.

YOU set in Dallas. Look to yer South and understand THAT in reletionsihip to Knasas City, Missouri. You peer at Iraq as an enemy..."dear brother." as some sort of enemy from the lies.

You BELIEVE that US power in Washington DC is representiative of 'voters' is Acfually representative of americans?????

You HAVE noe democracy brother. Read BLUEGUM> you "fascist shit head"
Anonymous said…
Layla, aka shizophreniac dumbass,
I see you are waltzing with barabie now, well, good luck.
Anonymous said…
And the only thing you will be swamped with is flies. Flies like barabie, who are attracted to shit.
Read the Sadabad pact, if you have any time left after pampering yourself.
Layla Anwar said…

do let me know when Zorba or is it Kemal Attaturk will take you "dancing"....hahahahaha,
what a totally messed up woman you are.
Anonymous said…
layla,this is my last comment on your sick and waste of time blog. You're calling me messed up??!! You don't know your mouth from your asshole!!!
Layla Anwar said…
nur, you messed up female,

watch your language bitch. you started it so stick it out and fight it and if you can't then fuck off ! And let your kamal attaturk walz you around blogosphere...
Anonymous said…
Its really too bad that your vitriol towards everyone in the West without recognizing that not everyone is an idiot has to detract from your otherwise sensitive and eloquent writing. No "yes buts" here - I hate Bush. I never voted for him. I knew 9-11 was an inside job by his minions from day one and have abhorred everything they have done since (and before). There are not enough filthy, ugly, hateful words to describe that man. I recognize that you have every reason to hate hate hate until the end of time. I also thought that you might be intelligent enough to see that not everyone is the same.

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