Dumping Grounds ?

The Feminine is considered a "recipient", you know, that womb, uterus that will carry, bear it and endure...labor pangs and all....sacrifice, self effacement, selflessness for the "greater good". The Feminine, the land that is "toiled" like a field...the earth, the ground where you plant seeds that sprout... The Feminine - The dumping ground ? Seems it is so. I liken Iraq to the Feminine, in its rather simplistic and vulgar definition as in above...This is where all the syphilitic vultures dump their violence. Today, a female TV presenter was shot dead in Mosul, she was just reporting... Yesterday, the day before yesterday and the months before yesterday and the years before yesterday, Iraqi women have been the "recipient" of Violence, male violence. Whether this violence came in the form of a US missile, an AK47, a gun, a knife, a cane or an actual penis, it does not really matter, it is all Phallic violence. One Iraqi woman...