Part III - The Innocence of Muslims

Am picking up where I left off… Behind every White Man there’s an indigenous « Savage ». White man, white woman --- this is not about skin color. And am tired of having to explain every word I use. The indigenous savage as a construct, by the white man. Am sure the Natives of the Americas and those of Africa will understand me. On the other hand am not sure who makes me more angry – the White Man or his Uncle toms, because Uncle Toms abound. Back to the tacky trailer film, followed by another set of cartoons from oh la la - La République, followed by another set of posters draping the walls of New York subway stations, as if New Yorkers were not neurotically paranoid enough. Yes indeed Mohamed and the Savage Jihadist are nothing but one --- you just can’t see the connection, the fast convenient 9/11 connection, the 7- Eleven connection, the 24/7 connection… Rub in 9/11 whichever way you turn your head --- th...