Torture in "Democratic Kurdistan"

Who would have thought that these "poor, oppressed, repressed, exploited, gassed..." Kurds, would resort to such a thing as Torture. But yes, they do.

And this is NOT the first report on Torture in " Democratic Kurdistan".

Two security organs in Suleimaniya are responsible for extracting information through sadistic methods -- the Ass'aich and the Zanaree, security and intelligence bodies. The latter is a branch of the PUK party - the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

According to this article, news are circulating in Suleimaniya and elsewhere in the Kurdish regions, and it is the talk of the town, from the street cafés, to family gatherings to the daily press in "Kurdistan", that torture is wide spread in Kurdish prisons.

Several detainees were interviewed and they all corroborated that the following methods were used - detainees are stripped naked, severe beatings with metals chairs, metal rods, and water hoses. Rape of the detainee and the female members of the detainee's family. Immersion in ice cold water and electrocution with cables while immersed. Placing huge blocs of ice on the naked detainee's chest for hours. Solitary confinement in a toilet full of excrements for days. Loud music for weeks on end, day and night. The tying of hands from behind the back, the tying of feet and suspending the detainees from the ceiling and last but not least, the use of what was described as a "retarded crazy man" by the name of "Daniel", who looks like a Rambo. Huge stature, bulky and full of muscles. "Daniel" was a detainee himself who went mad during his torture sessions and is now utilized by the Kurdish security forces. From the testimonies, this "guy" Daniel has lost all sense of humanity and has become like a robot executing orders. His only requirement is to be fed on a regular basis.

One of the detainees adds that he was so severely tortured that he started internally hemorrhaging which promptly required hospitalization. After his hospital stay and once given the adequate medical care, he was returned to prison to endure more torture, until he finally admitted to a crime he did not commit.

Needless to add, none of these detainees were charged with anything and had no trial.

The irony of the matter is that the advisor to the minister of human rights affairs, Mansur Hakeem, admitted that abuses, brutality, torture and violations of human rights do take place in Kurdish prisons but he said "unfortunately, our powers are very limited and we have asked that such practices cease, to no avail..." (full article in Arabic here)

Don't you just love "Kurdish democracy" -- American style ?!

Painting : Iraqi female artist, Najlah Al-Ramhi.


KM said…

Here's a piece for You
Layla Anwar said…

Yes they are bastards. A good eye opener on all the fake propaganda on their poor plight.

I read the piece by Mubayad earlier on, via URUKNET. Sounds like Maliki is held by his balls. If he doesn't do what Iran tells him, they will unleash either the new Jaafari party or the Chief driller Sadr.

Iraqirabita has a good picture of Maliki taking off his tie when visiting the Iranians, as Iranians believe that ties are a sign of western imperialism. A bit like my high heels sandals, they are a sign of imperialism too. What a flat, spineless shoe/kundara, he is.
Anonymous said…
That sounds quite horrendous. But it sounds like another one of the problems that result from Kurdistan being governed by a foreign people who don't speak their language, don't understand their problems and couldn't care less about their problems. It really, really illustrates just how important it is that Kurdistan become fully independent. Once it is independent, then it will have a sovereign, powerful government that can deal with these problems. Clearly, as this article so aptly demonstrates, the Iraqi government is incapable of protecting Kurdish human rights and maintaining order. Without independence it can only get worse.
Anonymous said…
anonymouse above,

Yeah right and next you'll be telling us you're the pope.

Give us a break will you. Have you got not reading skills ? The article clearly says that it is the kurdish forces/security/police/intelligencethat are doing the abuse and the torture.

But then you're the typical zionist ---nothing can be expected from scum like you.
KM said…
I agree Layla.

Please don't squeeze the lemons. Ouch
Anonymous said…
Where's the surprise ? The "Turdistan" flag wavers are good pupils out of the Israeli "school" after all.

Saddam with his Romantic ideals of fraternity and 'Uruqa was too mild, he should not not have treated those savages as equal citizens of the civilized Iraqis.
Anonymous said…
Samer, from your other post - I responded here to enlighten Layla as well.

"But no tribe should be held accountable for what his parents or ancestors did, whats done is done, no tribe should suffer because 1000 years ago his tribe assaulted another tribe... It juts not fair nor logical."

"Then make another Hudna and another Hudna... Keep avoiding war... At the end, both sides will just live side by side with no hate (only after 5-7 generations of peace)."

Overall excellent observations. It takes 1 generation to forgive and 10 generations to trust. Both are necessary to secure "hudna".

Your ways to deal with the Persians:
1. War of attrition - your choice
2. Surrender to Iran - you rule out

It is pathetic that Arabs cannot trust ANY other Muslim nation. This infighting is why Arabs are perpetually suffering.

When the US WINS a war, we can be counted on to rebuild. We did a great job with South Korea, Germany, and Japan. All 3 are very much culturally different than the USA.

The US is nearing final Victory in Iraq. That means that most of our troops will be coming home and the Iraqi army will be in charge of security for the entire country.

i.e., provided Layla's buddies in the so-called glorious Resistance do not foul up, make a mess and secure yet another defeat and humiliation for Iraq. Yes, for Iraq, not the USA because the USA will be long gone by then. Iraq has the army and the money to defend itself now, so there is no excuse for failure except incompetence or cowardice. I think the Iraqis are now proving themselves adept and spirited.

Soon the Iraq will ink a security deal. Iraq will be charged with internal security, using capable US weapons. The US will be entrusted with external security and air superiority. Since Maliki re-took Basra and Sadr City, Iran's influence and leverage has waned. Maliki is proving he has the balls to be a strong and wise leader, a complete turnaround from last year. He has chosen to be remembered as a George Washington instead of a Benedict Arnold. He has in his grasp the title of father of his country.

"As Iraq has triumphed over terrorism, it will triumph in the international arena." - Maliki

Samer and Layla,
The bottom line is that if you use your brain, you can achieve Hudna with Iran without giving up your dignity.

If you use your brain, you will spend the oil money to transform Iraq into an economic powerhouse, dwarfing Dubai.

If you use your brain, you will do what Japan did and get the USA to foot the bill for your security.

If you use your brain you will avoid the mistakes of the past, where Arabs allow themselves to be seduced by a macho, power mad dictator. A dictator who will follow the age old pattern of squandering oil wealth on arms.

If you use your brain other Arabs will follow. Arabs yearn for leadership.

If you use your brain, you will realize this chance only comes once. It only comes now. Oil prices are headed for a fall.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…

Kurdistan needs to hitch their wagon to Iraq to secure its potential, otherwise Turkey and Iran will always mettle in Kurdish affairs.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
Kurds and Arabs, as all races, are brothers in Islam - either good brothers or Cain tortureing and killing Able type of brothers, their choice.

I am not going to hate Kurds for doing exactly the same as the Arab and Iranian Shia death squads in South Iraq and the holy electric drill type torture that Khomayne taught them. Kurds are just as bad as we are - and God will judge us both on our actions, death squads, murders, theft - not on race.

Mansur Hakeem, is he any relation to the alHakeem family who run the Badr brigade death squads? That "hakeem" murdered more Iraqis than any other Shia death squad, even Sadr's mahdi army are kittens next to them murderous bastards.

Human rights in Iraq is the right of the American protected and sponcered Shia and Kurdish death squads to kill lots of Iraqis and steal all they own for Israel, Iran and America - that is the only kind of human rights permited in Iraq untill the Iraqi freedom fighters kick the God damned American and Israeli Zionists invaders out.

Layla Anwar said…
Layla Anwar said…
grrrrrrrrrrreg from the united asses,

kindly spare me your enlightenment, sounds like another retard bush to me.

Grrreg, forgot to ask you, which trailer do you live in ?
Layla Anwar said…

in reply to your question,this mansour hakeem is a kurd according to the article and work for the minister of human rights affairs...hahahahahahahahahaha
Anonymous said…
I still love my cat in spite of everything.

Is that wrong ?
Anonymous said…
Seems to me, nothing has changed in Kurdistan. How many people were tortured and detained without charges under Saddam? It's no surprise that victims of torture,given a chance, would resort to the same methods used on them. I notice the tone of this blog entry (compared to the "stories" about her own relatives detainment) shows no compassion for the victims of these horrible atrocities, just a gleeful "I told you so" attitude.
Layla Anwar said…
american "woman"...hahahahaha, what an oxymoron,

No, Saddam did not torture Kurds nor did he gas them.

You keep spninning the same old propaganda that gave rationale and justification to your barbaric invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Yours have tortured, raped, maimed and killed millions of Iraqis and you still have the arrogant gall to come and spew the exact same crappy drivel from your ignorant mouth, all over again.

And you will do anything to twist my posts failed in the past and you are failing now, you are indeed a failure. A typical mediocre american failure, like your country.

In fact, dishonest, unethical, lowly, shameless, intellectually retarded and debased THINGS like yourself and your ilk are MEDIOCRITY itself.

Now go and run to other Iraqi blogs desperately so.... lol.
Anonymous said…

When you choose to live in denial concerning Saddam and his crimes, you are choosing to live in denial about many other things....
Anonymous said…
Yes, about the impending coming of your Mahdi, LOL.

What an undignified female.
Anonymous said…
Layla is right about Saddam.

This does not stop her from being a lying evil minded prostitute.
Anonymous said…
How does someone with no job and money afford the Internet?

Oh right I forgot u do have a job slut.

On your back :)
Anonymous said…
Once again were gonna party
Anonymous said…
Do u like it Hardcore bitch?
Anonymous said…
Total NRG Sheer NRG
Anonymous said…
See what you get when you disrepect?
Anonymous said…
Layla your verbal insults on your comments are kind of well lame.
Anonymous said…
Thing is an insult?
Anonymous said…
Bitch works for the Pentagon
Anonymous said…
Each action has a reaction.

Someone acts another reacts.

Someone lies

Someone types

Anonymous said…
I have never tried to "justify" what America has done to Iraq. My current government is an embarassment to me. I remember the 1st day of invasion I said to myself " Dear Jesus, what have we done.....there is no way this will come out good....our soldiers will die for nothing."

But you are right, Saddam didn't torture Kurds. He tortured IRAQIS of all kinds. Why is it that you have to whitewash all of Saddam's crimes? There is plenty of evidence that he did all of these horrible things but you deny everything. Your head is in the sand when it comes to your false God Saddam.
Anonymous said…
Saddam thanks Iran - he was Not given a fair trial and it lead to his unjust death - waht this means is that he was murdered by Iran's tiny little black turbaned god Khaminie.

So - in short, most if not ALL of Saddam's sins are forgiven and the sin placed on his murder - serves Iran right, they really should learn about Justice, it is in the Quran if they can ever learn to read it.

Iran has murdered 10 million Afghanis and Iraqis to date, all in heaven, all their sins forgiven and all their sins on the nasty Iranians who murdered them or trained, paid and armed their murderers - death squads are Iranian, Not Islamic, Not Shia to - stupidity and ignorance is no excuse - they murder they go to hell, anyone and in any religion - pity Iran feels no need to stop murdering people for Israel - but Saddam is now forgiven and his sins on his murderer's soul - R.I.P Saddam :)

America - LOL, first you need to ask yourself why you killed off the Original Americans and stole everyting they had and called it your own - then think who made you kill nice people that way - and Why, anser fast becuase God will ask those questions and more from all of us.

KM said…
I love cat too...especially with a little ginger & cilantro with Thai peanut sauce on the side.

Now thats the best damn pussy you'll ever eat
Layla Anwar said…
western shit,

the crimes committed by the shias are too many to count, and by the way , go and re-read history, your hezzie husband must be another failure like yourself....mediocrity loves company.
Layla Anwar said…
american woman and shia woman are one and the same....

what applies to western shit applies to you.
Layla Anwar said…

hahahahahahahaha, fucked up mediocre. drunken, retarded cow on welfare cheques --- careful not to trip on your way out from the trailer where you live...and when visitors knock on your door.;-)

And that's what you get for being an idiot. lol
Anonymous said…
Amazing isn't it????!!! And just as you thought you were cradling civilization????!!!! Feed them to Uday's lions!!!!!!!!!!!!Feed them to Layla's ghosts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Hhahahahahahahahahah, and you thought, just for a single moment that your Saddam of a psycopath, could mimmick MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK!!!??? It is unbelievable that he even tried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a disgrace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Layla Anwar said…
hey nur, so "glad" to have you back.
How is the mental asylum treating you ? I hope those psychotropic drugs will finally do the trick.

poor pitiful messed up "woman".

Anonymous said…
Deep down you know you are full of shit, and you are really messed up!!! The trouble is, you can't make up your mind whose ass you are going to lick!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
"the crimes committed by the shias are too many to count, and by the way , go and re-read history, your hezzie husband must be another failure like yourself....mediocrity loves company."--Layla

Maybe you should go re-read history Layla to see the numerous crimes committed against the Shia...A good place to start would be Imam Hussein(as) and his companions at Karbalah ... Did you know that all of the other Imams(as) were poisoned Layla? Why do you think that the Arab Muslim leader's of the time, like Yazid and Muawiya, wanted to see the Imam's dead?
G.Gar said…
Western Iranian filth,

Your ignorance is appaling. Try to do something about it instead of spitting you verbal crap over the blogs of those who make you feel very dirty.

Mo3awiyah, Yazeed, Hussien, Abbas, Hassan were all ARAB MUSLIMS STRUGGLING OVER POWER. AND ALL OF THEM DESPISED PERSIANS AND TOOK PART IN LIBERAING THE ARAB WORLD FROM THE PERSIAN DIRT BY TH EPOWER OF THE SWORD. There was no shiism until the 15th century.puhhhhhhhhh and even that it was an Arabinvention as usal, until the retarded Iranian safavids started to mix it with their zoroastar traditions

By the way stupid Iranian,

An Iranian peace of shit like you is the last to preach anything, after all the grudge and barabrism the dirty Iran has exhibited in Iraq. There is no cure for your inferiority complexes. Saddam was your medicine, so make sure that you will get another one sooner than what you expect.

Mo3awiyah, Yazeed, Hussien, Abbas, Hassan were all ARAB MUSLIMS STRUGGLING OVER POWER. AND ALL OF THEM DESPISED PERSIANS AND TOOK PART IN LIBERAING THE ARAB WORLD FROM THE PERSIAN DIRT. There was no shiism until the 15th century.puhhhhhhhhh and even that it was an Arabinvention as usal, until the retarded Iranian safavids started to mix it with their zoroastar traditions.

Greg from the U.S,

I feel so bad that I can't see you face to face, because then I will rape you in public, so you will learn that it is better off for you if you stuck your ignorance to your American likes.
Layla Anwar said…
Amre Al Abyad,


I bet you anything that this western piece of crapola, is either
a) a jew who "reverted" to Islam
or b) a born again christian baptist, methodist, who "reverted" to Islam.

Or in all likelihood, a mixture of both. Now some american low life is teaching us our history. hahahahahahaha wallah ya zaman.
Anonymous said…
What Iran knows about Islam is pure murder - it's the Persian style death squads that Khomayne used to make all Persians worship him and all other black turbans.

"Ya hosaiyn" for you I murder these Muslims, "Ya Ali" for you I steal from these Muslims, "Ya Faitma" for you I rape these Muslim women, "Ya Hasan" for you I destroy these Mosques and Kill their Imams - and nice little Shia Western Women to lie and cover up and justify it all and make it O.K.

What a funny religion Khomayne invented for these Persian, and they belived Khomayne over the words of the Quran - amazing stupidity.
Anonymous said…
Layla to Amre Al Abyad:


I bet you anything that this western piece of crapola, is either
a) a jew who "reverted" to Islam
or b) a born again christian baptist, methodist, who "reverted" to Islam.

Or in all likelihood, a mixture of both. Now some american low life is teaching us our history. hahahahahahaha wallah ya zaman."

Actually I was baptized as a Lutheran from a non-practicing American family what could be considered as dysfunctional Layla....which is one of the reasons why I was so attracted to the religion of Islam, as I saw it's teachings as having solutions for dysfunctional families....It is just too bad that culture(s), including the pre-Islamic Arab culture, has been been confused with and has been interfering in the pure teachings and messages of Islam....

So when was your version of Muslim and Arab history considered as the most truthful and correct version Layla?

Even here in America we have different version(s) of U.S. history depending on who you choose to believe....

And than of course we have the stark differences in the Zionist versions(s) of history of the creation of Israel as compared to the Palestinian Nakba version(s) of history...

Obviously as well the Shia version(s) of history of the Arabs and Muslims will differ in degrees from the Sunni version(s)....
G.Gar said…
"So when was your version of Muslim and Arab history considered as the most truthful and correct version Layla?"

The stupid Iranian is back. Her empty head has put her in a pernniel squealing state.

"Actually I was baptized as a Lutheran from a non-practicing American family"

Your sense of humopur is just as much dull as your frivolous mind.

"So when was your version of Muslim and Arab history considered as the most truthful and correct version Layla?"

Who was talking about versions of hisyory here ?

We are talking facts- not interpretations.

Ali, Mo3awiyah, yazeed, Hussien , Hasana weew are all semitic Arab muslims who took their fair go in conquesring Persia and liberating the semitic Arab world from the Persian barabarous dirt.

And shiisim stated in the 15th century.

Get lost.
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla, you've got some trash visiting today, haven't you, in addition to the regulars? I'm not sure which ones are worse, those who don't know anything but pretend to (just to look important - like trashy USan, for example) or the ones who know a little and think they know it all.

Best to ignore them.

Amre, your comment to the USan windbag Greg made me howl with laughter!

In solidarity.
Anonymous said…
Here is a time tested and proven answer. Non idealistic. Just fact. It applies to individuals and nations alike.

"The strong do as they will and the weak will suffer what they must" -Thucydides 431 BC
KM said…

Why are you and yer husband camped out in America anyway? Should you not be living in the Shia-Religious Dictatorship of Iran?

Isn't it being a wee bit hypocritical to sing the praises of Shiism yet live in the United States?..unless of course you've sent a personal invite for the "Imam" to magically appear at yer doorsetps for a Bar B-Q.

I get the 'feeling' that you had been looking for certain things in yer lifetime..maybe trying to find try and make sense of 'what its all about'.

I'm wondering, if yer Labanese husband came first in yer life or yer conversion to the Shia belief.
Anonymous said…
Torture is human and morally reprobable, but I don't understand why women are subject of all kind of humillations in Middle East even living under "normal" conditions.
Anonymous said…
"Isn't it being a wee bit hypocritical to sing the praises of Shiism yet live in the United States?..unless of course you've sent a personal invite for the "Imam" to magically appear at yer doorsetps for a Bar B-Q.

I get the 'feeling' that you had been looking for certain things in yer lifetime..maybe trying to find try and make sense of 'what its all about'.

I'm wondering, if yer Labanese husband came first in yer life or yer conversion to the Shia belief."--km

Are you my judge and jury now km?

Being born American, it isn't at all hypocritical that I live here in America, and as a Shia it isn't hypocritical either as long as I am able to freely practice my beliefs and I use my freedoms such as my right of free speech to speak out when I feel my country is wrong....

I actually felt when I was living in Saudi Arabia it was hypocritical for us to be there, because there I couldn't openly practice my faith nor speak out about what I felt was wrong...

I don't know how many times I have to repeat that my husband nor I are of Iranian decent, yet I still keep getting accused of being Persian or Iranian based on my being a Shia who is not anti- Persian or Iranian, LOL!

And aren't we ALL looking for some things in our lifetimes, trying to get answers, trying to make sense of it all, etc? We just end up using different ways and means to do so....My way and mean is through the Muslim Shia faith...

Not that it is any of your business since I am sure your intentions for asking are not honorable km, but since you would probably accuse me of trying to dodge the question, actually my conversion to Islam came before my husband did....
Layla Anwar said…
that was funny ---loooooool.
of course, her husband came first then came her "conversion"-
And instead of admitting what a hypocrite she is, living in Saudi and taking Wahabi money and living off comfortably, she twists things to show that she could not practice her faith in freedom in what a fucking hypocrite.

The worst of the worse of americans are the converts who think they know it all and have become so fucking holy.
Layla Anwar said…
genital warts,

my what a nickname...

Women in the middle east are not treated worse than women in the west. there is actually more female battering and rape cases, and incest in the west than in the Middle East. Women in the west are equally humiliated, the only difference is that the laws are SLIGHTLY more in favor of them and hence they can recourse to this higher instance. But I don't think that overall, women in the west are much better off even though they are slightly better off in some areas but not all areas, maybe to the exception of the scandinavian countries.
KM said…
No need to get so testy & defensive. I don't bite. :-)

Everyone plays a judge & jury at times. Think about it.

I prettymuch expected yer answer of everybody is looking for something; I did and I thought after posting it that I should have clarified.

Yes we all look for things. Thats nothing new under the sun, but more precisely, I was takinh in what you said of yer past christianity and yer dysfunctional lifestyle around you in yer family and the impressions that may have been left inside you as a result.

I never accused you of being of Persian bloodlines. I'd guess yer European; perhaps German / Norwegian / English.

You are the woman that headlined yer Western Shia Woman, not me..and as long as you did do that; it's fair game as far as Im concerned. If you did not wanna be questioned on it, then perhaps be more careful what subjects you bring up in public. AND, yer the one that brought up yer dysfunctional family, etc...yer the one thats opening up personal subject matter about yerself and then Trying to turn it around.
KM said…
Hello Layla :-)

I think inviting THE (mystical) IMAM may have went by her..I dont know. Maybe she's a Twelver.
Layla Anwar said…

Let me know when the 12th shows up.
Anonymous said…
Hahahhaahahhahaahhahaahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the twlwth howed up!!! and .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Anonymous said…
SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is if you can???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
km and layla
Anonymous said…
Wart and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Then dates, and then lentil soup, and then soap at some unkb,nown hamam and then sick and retarded, and very very devious layla and saddam, before they sold their ass to US,and then very knowledable km and layla, making me sick to my bones!!!!!!
layla!!!! you should shut up and give up and then repent!!!!!!!!!!
and then blush if you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Really, FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KM said…
:-) thank you for my after-work entertainment Nur.

Are you telling me a Turk's mouth is better off to be used as a cock pocket?
Anonymous said…
My. my, my such fowl language here...

Aren't pretty much most families in the U.S. dysfunctional km? And it isn't limited only to the U.S. either....I just thought I would mention my family was dysfunctional since Layla wrote a post about dysfunctional families...

And once again the only reason why I decided to call myself a western Shia woman was in response to Layla's sectarian sounding postings.... I asked her if she preferred I go by my real name rather than a western Shia woman in one of my comments, yet I think she ended up deleting it, and of course she never responded to it...

And instead of admitting what a hypocrite she is, living in Saudi and taking Wahabi money and living off comfortably, she twists things to show that she could not practice her faith in freedom in what a fucking hypocrite.

"The worst of the worse of americans are the converts who think they know it all and have become so fucking holy."--Layla

How many Western converts do you know personally Layla? And when did I ever say I know it all? I think you present yourself as knowing it all more than I do...

And when did I ever claim to be all holy?

In regards to Saudi, I said I felt hypocritical living there because I couldn't openly practice my faith or speak my mind, do you deny that there isn't freedom of religion and speech in Saudi Layla?

And my husband did work for our living in Saudi and even made less money than he makes here in the U.S. The difference is that we had free room and board, fewer bills, and had some benefits. My husband accepted the job in Saudi so that we would be closer to Lebanon and could travel back and forth on a regular basis to spend more time with his family than we can living here in the U.S.

So why do you always feel you have to put people who you don't agree with down or portray them in a negative light Layla?

We are adults here, therefore we should act like adults and not children...
KM said…
Are most families in the US dysfunctional? Don't know.

Perhaps there's too much freedoms..or perhaps it's atleast too many people seflfishly expect too much.

There's a group for this and then there's a group to oppose that or people taking another to court becasue they feel their 'rights' were violated.

Alot of the young People growing up in the World today seem to have no direction or in the back of their minds wondering what kind of World they will inherit from the so-called adults.
In other words....
Anonymous said…
A cock pocket???!!! This is something your wife should answer!!!!!
Anonymous said…

and she must be someone happy with JUST the change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KM said…

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