Thoughts in Red...

For Lovers of Red... or for Red lovers...


Anonymous said…
i painted my house deep blood red.

brilliant post.

Anonymous said…
I am an ardent lover of Red too.

A few passions too many we have in common not to be friends, don't you think, Layla dear ? ;-)

Stubborn creature that you are ! :-)

May every single drop of innocent blood spilt on the sacred soil of Iraq and Palestine be changed into a venomous red bright flower whose exhalations of revolutionary pride kill the stupidly destructive hordes of racist and sectarian locusts from West and Persia.

Victory to True Humanism.
Anonymous said…

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Red Rose,

I don't like wearing red, except maybe for a red wedding dress (if ever again)- just like they did and still do in China and India...
Red for love, passion and prosperity...

Thanks for the rest...
Anonymous said…
A red wedding dress ? Good idea ! I just love this romantico-sensual side about you, it is a punch in the teeth of all those black-clad sad asses who would want to smother the fire of Ishtar and confine the sumptuous, revolutionary vitality of the Arab Feminine within the veils and walls of a hypocritical, divide et impera-serving religionism. Keep the fire alive, always. Best wishes.
Anonymous said…
Your most coherent, succinct and moving words as of yet...

I don't think the question is who's God rules who and what.....It is man who corrupts the word of god by mis-interpretation or by deliberately mis-leading adherents to 'their' interpretation of god's word.

Quite frankly...any government that uses God as an excuse for hurting someone,no matter their long as their blood is red, is the biggest sinner of them all....

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Speaking of Layla's marriage dreams, where has JR gone off to ?
Anonymous said…

I only dream of the possible ...
And JR is a new dad.

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