The Body under Occupation.

Flesh, carnal, bodies...Human bodies. Male bodies, female bodies...occupied bodies, occupied flesh, a carnal knowledge of the Occupation.

The Body, the Conduit, the Vehicle...

Bomb, arrest, detain, imprison, chain – constrict the space. Then, direct your personal attack on the “other”, that "living beast” -- beat, lash, strike, whip, wound, burn, break, smash, sodomize, rape, piss on, defecate on, shoot, kill --- the Body.

El-Cuerpo. The Centre point. Flesh of flesh. Dig into the matter of the Flesh...

Entries, openings, cavities, orifices, holes -- mouth, anus, vagina, ears, eyes, nostrils...where sensations move in and out, circulate, float, exchange, grasp, perceive, register, memorize, transmit, receive, give...

Invade and Occupy the senses.

Plant your presence in each entry, turn it into a check point for examination, for a search, for an optical scan, for a biometric evaluation, for a digital print...code It, number It, and erase its identity...

Cage the body and the senses –- sand bags over the head, ribbons over the eyes, tapes on the mouth, muffle the sounds with ear plugs, gag them with water, urine, or let them dry up with thirst and starve them...

Crush the vehicle, destroy it. Destroy the flesh of the flesh...but first...

Grab the skin, lacerate it, leave your marks before moving on, before disposing of It. Those appetizing tiny pores, millions of them...

Think, think, quickly, ingeniously, creatively, seize them for they are another opening for You. A million openings. Invade and occupy them, all of them.

The Epidermis, derma to derma, skin to skin. And the skin looks virgin like...a virgin land, an unlabored lush earth, a wild jungle, a savage nature...

Unveil It, strip It naked, expose It to your gaze. Use It, go ahead use It. It’s yours, you believe so.

Bend, twist, lay, squat, open, close, turn, sit, crawl, cross...front, back, sideways, up, down...

Tie, blow, strike, hang, bang, pound, punch, burn, wound, whip...

Now that you have invaded the millions of openings, the million pores...get to the bigger openings -- where secrets are buried, where the untold story remains hidden, where knowledge is concealed, where experience is obscured...Get to it.

The big holes. Accommodate yourselves inside, take up that space, force yourself into, penetrate It, possess It, own It, master It...with your force. For you are so powerful, or so you believe.
But don’t forget to insult and humiliate It, while you ravage away...

Now you can spit, relax and smoke your cigarette, chill out, lay back, and you are even entitled to smile with satisfaction. But don’t get complacent for you have more work to do with the Body, the Body under Occupation.

The Body is in the corner, cocooned, wrapped upon itself, a vegetable...

She is still breathing, his pulse is still beating, the Body is still resisting...Resisting You.

Get to it, get to it now.

The Derma, the Orifices...not enough. You need to get inside, much deeper...
There are still nerves you have not touched, intestines you have not reached, organs you have not palpated...

But how ? You think to yourself. Get those creative juices to flow. Come on, you can do better, much better...

Yes, you’re there. Pluck out the Viscera-- pull the nails out, hack the penis off, mutilate the labia, cut the ears, cut the tongue, gouge the eyes, drill the ribs, the back, the abdomen, the legs... Get to it now.

Paralyze It, but keep It a little alive for your orgy is not over.

Ah! the screams, the agony, the cries...bothersome? Maybe not. After all you earned them...

Now you are getting tired, you need a break, you need to rest. Finish It off. Keep banging It until It expires or simply shoot It.

Good job. You have done a great job.

Now, the trophies...

Kick ball with the head, rip the thorax apart and snatch the heart out, offer the limbs as a present to your family, keep the brains in a jar as a souvenir...

But if all of that is too gory and gruesome for you, and your stomach can’t digest more, and you’ve had your fill, you can always piss and shit on It instead.

Outside, is another round waiting...their eyes hollow, their bodies into skeletons, their cheekbones protruding with hunger and misery...Their clothes too loose, their complexions too ashen, their bodies too diseased, their stomachs too empty, their limbs to frail...they are another round of bodies under Occupation, waiting...

P.S: I wish to thank all the Iraqi victims, both those who died and those who survived, for having inspired me with their REAL stories, stories from their carnal experiences of the Body under Occupation.
I wish to thank my own Body too, for having courageously survived...survived the Occupation, so I can bear witness.

Painting: Iraqi Artist, Rahman Al-Jabri.


Anonymous said…
Sounds like what the Nazis did to the Jews

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
Your account fails to penetrate reality. Most Americans do not have the stomach to torment people. The US has a record of compassion for prisoners. Abu Graib, etc is an anomaly. So far a total of 2 terrorists have been water boarded

Any enemy would rather surrender to us than face death or another enemy. During during the WWII Battle of Halbe: "The most astonishing part of the story is not the numbers [of Germans] who died or were forced to surrender but the 25,000 [German] soldiers and several thousand civilians who succeeded in getting through three lines of Soviet troops.[For the sole purpose of surrendering to the Americans]"
Greg from USA
Anonymous said…

Would it be possible to collect all the paintings on one site, without any other comments, as a silent testimony to the suffering of the Iraqi people?
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Layla... cannot find appropriate words to comment here. Millions of souls will cry out for Justice, and this must, surely, come to pass.

I believe you've also seen the autopsy report elsewhere on the torture and ultimate loss of life of Mr. Abdul Jaleel - and that's just one documented murder. In addition to what you've witnessed with your own eyes.

In solidarity.
mikeinportc said…
Sounds like what the Nazis did to the Jews

Greg from USA

17/4/08 6:14 AM

Anonymous said...
Your account fails to penetrate reality. Most Americans do not have the stomach to torment people. The US has a record of compassion for prisoners. Abu Graib, etc is an anomaly. So far a total of 2 terrorists have been water boarded

Greg ,that's true, and we've done things that the Nazi interrogators considered too cruel. So....... you're on board with treating those responsible , right to the top, in the same way as the Nazis were at Nuremberg?

Anonymus#2 Puhhhleeezzzz! Do you actually believe that?( Even the WH says 3) There were a lot of things done to a lot of people ,"Water Torture" ( the time-honored name) included . 130 died in interrogation, that we know of . (So, of course, it's probably more .) Even if it were 2 , it's 2 too many . It is TORTURE is CRIME is WRONG! Lack of "stomach "? To quote Cheney "So?" That's always been the case , and so it is delegated . The armchair warriors/enablers are happy to do so. Doesn't make it, or them any less awful.
As for water torture, it's not the slightly unpleasant episode that some tame/vapid TV pundits may have shown you . Much worse . Here's an account by someone who did it to himself, thinking as you do, who came a way from it, a quivering mass of fear. Now imagine it done by someone else , who is hostile, and has complete control of you. Room 101 material .
Anonymous said…

Say it how it is.
Anonymous said…
Layla you are truly an iconic writer of our modern times. I think you warn humans throughout the world that "evil" is the work of the despicable curators of psychological tyranny. It is not "cruelty," it is unleashed paranoia that uses the minds devoid of education and employment as their tools to destroy human life.With "voluntary" instead of drafted armies the army and the mercenaries are made up of desperate civilians who have no other chance in life except to decay within their own households. Bullies from school yards, their victims and the unemployed who have no educated skills to rescue them from the government "sweep". The wounded, as we have much report, return to their regions and many subsequently wipe out their families or commit suicide.
My regards to you, Jocelyn
Anonymous said…
If we are to win the WOT, we must maintain the moral high ground as we did in Anbar, which means torture is unacceptable.

Where did you get the number "130 died in interrogation"?

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
Good morning Greg.

This 'war on terror' I am not sure I understand what it is.

Speaking of torture though. One of the latest double-speak to come from from Bush is that last week he admitted to the treatments that are defined as torture. But over the times prior to this, he has been stating that we do not use torture.
Anonymous said…
anonymous, Here is a recap of the "war on terror" for you:
war on terror -> long war -> war against Al Qaeda and states that sponsor terrorism. The USA entered the WOT after the heinous attacks of 9/11.

Reasons Iraq became a front in the WOT:

1. Saddam's violation of gulf war surrender terms.

2. Saddam paid $25k per suicide bombing AFTER 9/11.

3. Saddam's boundless hatred for America results in links to terrorists

4. Saddam's failure to honor his agreement to give up WMD programs, prior use of WMD, and history of aggression against Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Israel, and Bahrain

Iraq is now the central front on the WOT. Al Qaeda spotted huge weaknesses in our post war administration of Iraq. Their strategy was to bring Iraq into a civil war in an attempt to suck our military into the middle, increase casualties, and erode popular support.


The effort was very nearly successful. Iran and Sadr also took advantage of the situation. They formed death squads that added to the misery. However George Bush managed to fend off reckless attempts by democrats to force withdrawal - and defeat. Bush changed tactics and leaders. General Petraeus took over and the following combined to completely turn things around:

1. Iraqis - Sunnis in particular - got tired of being murdered, mutilated, and threatened by AQI
2. Petraeus put into effect his COIN theories which are the result of hard lessons learned over the past 100 years. Ideas like forming CLC groups were effective.

AQI is now teetering on defeat,but they are regrouping in Mosul. They are no doubt formulating a gritty last ditch effort to turn things around. Additionally, Sadr has been re-arming and flexing his muscle. At the same time, there is a resurgence of "Iraqi Resistance" - Baathists who romanticize the rule of Saddam. Finally, as shown by the fighting in Basra, the Iraqi Army still has difficulty staying in the fight. People on this forum belittle the heroics of the US soldier - meanwhile Iraqi soldiers are running from the battle as fast as they can. This may not be true, but unfortunately Iraqis really look like COWARDS while AQI & Co. fight with passion.

If Sadr and the Baathists team with AQI, Iraq could see a repeat of 2006 - or WORSE.


Any "Resistance" to the Iraqi government and Americans prolongs the "Occupation" and risks plunging Iraq into a permanent Hell - think 30 years of war in Afghanistan.

By making claims that the Americans are the bad guys and saying things like "130 died in interrogation", you feed into the propaganda machine of the "Resistance".

You delegitimatize the efforts of the USA in order to build up WHAT? You risk the return of HELL for WHAT? You throw out the Iraqi constitution and refuse to negotiate with the Shiite for WHAT? Aren't they Muslims too? Won't they protect the interests of their brothers, the Sunnis?

The USA had a terrible civil war with comparable casualties. It took forever to Reconstruct the south, but we did it.

Why don't you talk to your Iraqi brothers instead of trying to SPILL THEIR *RED* BLOOD?

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
greg from usa,
do us all a favor, go fuck urself.
Anonymous said…
"greg from usa, do us all a favor, go fuck urself."

Why thank you.



Is this deed sanctioned by THE RESISTANCE?

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
I almost forgot

"In Solidarity"

Give it up - Solidarity was a NON-VIOLENT social movement in POLAND

I would hardly call "The Resistance" non-violent.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
The many levels of hell that innocent Iraqis have to deal with daily were brought by the United
States, sanctioned by the United States and are currently supported by the United States. The first stage of healing will be the withdrawal of the United States - the Iraqi Resistance will accomplish this!
Anonymous said…
wideeyedandfed up, I was thinking the exact thing as I read Greg's beliefs.
In other words, what was the US's involvements / "interests".

Most know that Hitler's strategy was to move Eastward accross Northern Africa with the intents of securing certain "interests" once Germany reached the Middle East.

It seems the Nuremberg Trials were just one big farse in the long run. I guess "WE" can thank NAZI TECHNOLOGY for the founding of NASA because "WE" brouhg those NAZI WAR CRIMINALS into the United States just as Russia did.
Anonymous said…
"The many levels of hell that innocent Iraqis have to deal with daily were brought by the United

No, they were brought on by Al Qaeda and the civil war.

"The first stage of healing will be the withdrawal of the United States"

Probably not. It will be the beginning of worse Iraqi suffering. Have you considered the track record of "The Resistance", most recently in Afghanistan?

Every time you jokers win, there is infighting and a total collapse of government, and anarchy and warlords follow. Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. Every time America wins we rebuild the country stronger than it ever was before. Germany is the European tiger and Japan is the Asian tiger. The only reason China is strong is that they gave up and adopted their perverted brand of Capitalism

Do you want Iraq to be the regional superpower of the Middle East? A beacon of light for all Arabs? Then drop your fantasy of "The Resistance" and join us.

What is your plan for success if you win? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Why will this be different from any other Islamist or Marxist disaster of a revolution?

The best I have seen (from you) is a constitution that looks similar to the current Iraqi constitution.

Is that all you've got?
Anonymous said…
"4. Saddam's failure to honor his agreement to give up WMD programs, prior use of WMD, and history of aggression against Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Israel, and Bahrain

...if "history of aggression" is a valid reason to be invaded and occupied by a stronger foreign power, then America needs to be invaded and occupied. America has a very long history of aggression starting with the genocide of the Native American population.

You need to stop trying to justify war crimes, genocide, and theft of other people's natural resources. You can rationalize and verbalize all you want, the fact remains that America is perpetuating a crime for the ages in Iraq.

You need to understand that the ultimate goal of your country's mis-leaders is to weaken other countries so that they can be taken advantage of...therein lies the urge to prevent countries like North Korea and Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons while the United States continues to stockpile enough to kill every person on the planet ten times over.

You need to understand that your country will NEVER attack a nation that is much for "brave American soldiers". Try attacking North Korea, China, Iran, or Venezuela and see what happens...try Somalia on the ground again...get dragged through the streets once more. You only fight by proxy there and with cowardly airstrikes anymore. The American public has been studied and found to be indifferent to casualty levels that affect less than eight percent of the population...mercenaries don't count.

Get your head out of your ass and learn what is really going on and what is being done to the world and its people with your unblinking support.

Keep up the good work, Layla...there are many of us out here who read your blog each day and support you. You have more strength of character and spirit than a million "Greg from USA" could ever muster.
Anonymous said…


Just because you and your friends repeat trash about the USA it will only ever be true in your minds...

1. "justify war crimes" We never justify war crimes. Abu Graib was the single biggest disaster for the US military in Iraq. The perpetrators are being punished.

2. "genocide" What are you smoking? We STOP genocides. How about your Muslim friends in Kosovo?

3. "theft of other people's natural resources" AGAIN, WHERE IS *MY* OIL????

4. If NK or Iran aquire nuclear weapons, then they can be diverted to Al Qaeda. Thats the #1 reason why we are trying to stop them.

5. "your country will NEVER attack a nation that is strong" RIGHT. We will not pre-emptively attack a country with nukes. We pre-emptively attack BEFORE they get nukes.

America fights when it has to. read your history books. WWI and WWII were necessary fights against powerful enemies.

6. We didn't attack Somalia. Clinton was trying to feed Somalia and the warlords were stealing the food.

"The American public has been studied and found to be indifferent to casualty levels that affect less than eight percent of the population...mercenaries don't count."

What the @%#$%@ are you talking about, can you clarify your point?

Greg from USA
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
You are just mouthing propaganda as it's so generously dished out in the US, Greg. All these are/were the very reasons (documented as false) for the US to get into Iraq, because there was no other way.

Iraq became a front on the so-called WOT because the fertile grounds were created by the US invasion and occupation (illegal in every sense according to international law and a WAR CRIME). Did these things exist before your country invaded Iraq? Besides, which nation does the entire world view as the GREATEST TERRORIST today? - let me remind you - IT IS THE US.

If Iraq is to turn into a HELL, it will be because of the illegitimate OCCUPATION by the US, which has NO RIGHT to be Iraq in the first place. The sooner the US gets out, the better it is, both for Iraqis and for the US, because there is NO WAY the US will get to gain an INCH of Iraq, however long it takes, and the end result will be far worse than Vietnam. A serious miscalculation on the part of the US, as it expected a 'cakewalk' and 'flowers and chocolates'. The only flowers we see now, five years later, are laid on the caskets of US soldiers. The US believed that Iraq was made up of wimps, who'd just cave in to the fire power and give their country away. What a rude awakening it's been.

As for AQI, I keep feeling that AQ does not exist in Iraq, at least not to the extent that it is talked about, and is US propaganda in order to continue the occupation of Iraq. Granted, with porous borders, many have come in, some to support Iraqis, others with their own agendas.

If one looks back, Iraq was first invaded because of WMD; then it was to get rid of President Saddam Hussein; then it was to 'bring freedom and democracy to Iraqis'; then the occupation was justified to 'keep Iraqis safe from AQ'... good heavens, this list of BLATANT LIES has gone on and on and on. Members of the UN were BRIBED and BULLIED by your Bush and his cohorts to support this wicked invasion. Your President may be able to fool all of you USans, but certainly not anyone outside the US.

As for Iraqi Resistance, it is the ONLY LEGITIMATE entity in this entire debacle: the Iraqi 'government' is illegitimate by any standard since it has been created under occupation and NOT accepted or recognised by Iraqis. If it was 'legitimate', as you indicate, why haven't foreign missions opened up in Iraq? The only ones which are there are those who represent the 'coalition of the willing'. What CONSTITUTION are you talking about? One that was 'written' under occupation and, again, written in the US? Which IRAQIS played a part in its development, apart from the stooges in the Green Zone? If all this is legitimate, as you claim, why is all this scum, occupiers included, holed up in the Green Zone up to this moment? And WHAT reconstruction are you talking about? The only construction we've seen so far are the 'WALLS' that have gone up all over Baghdad and other cities in Iraq, turning cities into bantustans, based on ethnic lines - and ethnicity was never an issue prior to the invasion - in fact, Iraqis consider it very RUDE to talk about ethnicity, to this day.

You're just regurgitating what you read on the MSM, Greg. Like your representatives higher up, you prefer to say that the truth is lies, and lies are truth - and expect people (or hope) to believe you - as Bluegum accurately calls it: Opposite Speak.

In solidarity, Layla.

Long live Iraqi Resistance.
Anonymous said…
"Greg from USA said...


Just because you and your friends repeat trash about the USA it will only ever be true in your minds...

...not going to fall into the trap of arguing with a troll.


The Native Americans were never slaughtered, and the buffalo were never killed off to deprive them of food.

Sadam Hussein had WMD's, and they were found and catalogued.

The United States has not killed more Iraqis than were killed in Rwanda during that genocide.

Bombing civilians from the safety of an airplane 20,000 feet in the air is OK.

The United States is NOT trying to push for the passage of an Iraqi oil law that will give control of the country's oil to American and British companies.

The rape, murder, and burning of the body of 15 year old Iraqi by the name of Abeer was NOT an atrocity.

Al Qaeda was NOT created by the CIA...that is a conspiracy theory.

Only Americans are to be trusted with nuclear weapons, as America would NEVER, EVER, EVER, use nuclear weapons against a civilian population.

"America fights when it has to. read your history books. WWI and WWII were necessary fights against powerful enemies"
...bullshit, the "war" in Iraq is a "war" of choice. There were no Iraqis on the planes on 9/11...plenty of Saudis, though. Why don't you attack Saudi Arabia?

My point about the casualty levels is that armchair warriors like yourself will call for blood as long as its not YOUR blood or the blood of your family members being spilled. If one thousand body bags per day show up "back home", as would happen if you dared to attack North Korea, Iran, or China, the public outcry would soon put an end to that adventure.

"genocide" What are you smoking? We STOP genocides. How about your Muslim friends in Kosovo?

LOL...tell that to one million dead Iraqis who would be alive if you had stayed in your armchairs.
Anonymous said…
thanks for that post layla
Anonymous said…
Slightly away from this topic, Layla. Just read today that Iraqis are expected to wear safety belts in cars or they face a stiff penalty...

Bombs, rockets, death and destruction all around, and Iraqis are expected to wear saftety belts. In my view, very few Iraqis will lose their lives through auto accidents as compared with what the US and others have brought to them. My next question is: who is seeing some lucrative business here? Insist that all cars have safety belts and some more profits making their way out of Iraq...

4020 (FOUR THOUSAND AND TWENTY) bodies found in mass graves in Mahmoudiyah yesterday. Under the 'rule' of the 'legitimate Maliki 'government' and the war criminal in the white house says 'progress is being made'.
Anonymous said…

The Native Americans were never slaughtered, and the buffalo were never killed off to deprive them of food.
And your great great great great great great grandfather killed a camel

Sadam Hussein had WMD's, and they were found and catalogued.
Saddam refused to cooperate with inspectors. We could not take the chance that Saddam, the same man who was paying $25k to palestinean suicide bombers, would give his weapons to Al Qaeda, out of mutal hate.

The United States has not killed more Iraqis than were killed in Rwanda during that genocide.
ABSOLUTELY NOT: The US has directly killed tens of thousands of Iraqi military, hundreds of accidental civilians & thousands of AQI. Rwanda: 500k-1000kIraq: 82-90k (Killed by Al Qaeds, Insurgents, and US). The Lancet survey is complete BS

Bombing civilians from the safety of an airplane 20,000 feet in the air is OK.
We don't target civilians.

The United States is NOT trying to push for the passage of an Iraqi oil law that will give control of the country's oil to American and British companies.
Iraq should hope we do. Iraq needs investment to develop its oil fields.

The rape, murder, and burning of the body of 15 year old Iraqi by the name of Abeer was NOT an atrocity.
Of course it is an atrocity. The killers should be brought to justice

Al Qaeda was NOT created by the CIA...that is a conspiracy theory.

Al Qaeda, the group that attacks America was not created by the CIA

Only Americans are to be trusted with nuclear weapons, as America would NEVER, EVER, EVER, use nuclear weapons against a civilian population.

The sacrifice of Hiroshima and Nagasaki forced Japanese surrender and saved millions of Japanese and Americans from a US ground campaign.

"America fights when it has to. read your history books. WWI and WWII were necessary fights against powerful enemies"
...bullshit, the "war" in Iraq is a "war" of choice. There were no Iraqis on the planes on 9/11...plenty of Saudis, though. Why don't you attack Saudi Arabia?
Iraq was a war of choice, true
Saudi Arabia is an ally. With friends like these...

My point about the casualty levels is that armchair warriors like yourself will call for blood as long as its not YOUR blood or the blood of your family members being spilled. If one thousand body bags per day show up "back home", as would happen if you dared to attack North Korea, Iran, or China, the public outcry would soon put an end to that adventure.

Whatever. There wouldn't be any adventures if your islamist buddies didn't take out the WTC

"genocide" What are you smoking? We STOP genocides. How about your Muslim friends in Kosovo?"

LOL...tell that to one million dead Iraqis who would be alive if you had stayed in your armchairs.

If 1M died, your Heroes in the AQI "Resistance" killed them.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
Little Deer,

Where did you get 4020? All I could find is 30:

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
Little Deer,

For a moment, I will assume you are correct in everything you say.

Assume Malaki says "Gee, the Iraqi Resistance is the only legitimate authority around here, here you go, the keys to the government."

Assume Bush says "Sorry about the damage, here ya go, country is all yours"

Assume Al Qaeda says "We are glad we could help liberate you. No go ahead and continue your apostate ways. Smoke em if ya got em"

1. What would you tell all those people who voted with their purple fingers?

2. How would you succeed to rebuild Iraq? How would you even begin?

"Resistance" is not a government. The Arabs have had control of the ME for 60 years. All they have to show for it is one selfish dictatorship after another. Your people are poor. Your leaders are rich. They blame the USA, without shame. Where was "The Resistance" for the past 60 years?

"The Resistance" has no answers.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
Greg's SCARED. He;s afrain somebody is gonna come and get him. Hie FEARS have control of his rationale.
Imagine Greag lying on a psychiatrist's couch.

Psych: Ok, Gregory. What brought you here today?

Greg: Well I've ben scared Im gonna be attacked. I dont know what it is Doc. I just have this fear but I think Im scared of terrorists.

Psych: Well have you ever seen a terrorists?

Gregory: No but I know they're out there. They're waiting to get me! Theyre waiting to get all of us! Ive seen em on TV though. Theyre running around with guns and talkin in some kind of a language I cant understand. I think theyre sayin to kill everybody! Im scared Doc!

Psych: Gregory, everybody has fears. Its ok. Fear is a nar=tuarl thing but I think together the both of us can get at the cause of yer fears and rationalize evrything out. By the you have insurance?

Gregory: Well last time I knew I had insurance unless there's been a change at the company I work for. They're makin alot of changes lately. But Im more scared of terrorists comin ta get me than I am of losing my insurance or evn my job.

Psych: Well Gregory, di da terrorist ever tell you directly that he was gonna coma and get you? Did one of these terrorists call you up or meet you on the street?

Gregory: No..but I saw em on TV Doc. They were really mad!

Psych: How do you know that the person you saw on TV was a terrorists Gregory?

Gregpry: Well I could tell he was one of em. He was mad...and he was dressed funny too! But he sad to oit looked like cuz his daughter was layin there with blood all over her! But I know he was a terrorists and now hes gonna come and get MEEEE!!!

Psych: What do you think this person you believe to be a terrorists was mad and upset about Gregory?

Gregory: I really dont know..I really dont care. All I know is he was talkin funny and he was dressed fummy, he was mad and his child was dead. I think he may have been blaming my country though. I dont know why the hell hes goin around blamin my country.
My country is good! We love God and we are a loving and caring country....and we gotta stick together cuz I just know the terrorists are gonna come! Theyre gonna come and kill all of us!!

( to be continued )

please dont take 10 years to figure this one out Mr America, the way it took 10 years to figure out yer wife. :-)

Hi Little Deer :-)
Anonymous said…
"No, they were brought on by Al Qaeda and the civil war."

Since when did Al Qaeda or "civil war" participants have jets, napalm, artillery, white phosphorous and depleted uranium weapons that criminally destroyed Falluja? These were weapons of destruction straight out of the United States of America.

The Iraqis are certainly capable of rebuilding a society that they are comfortable with and that meets the basic human needs of its citizens - this is not something that is astonishing or novel, people have been doing this for thousands of years - the United States needs to get out of the way and let this natural process happen.
Anonymous said…


Afraid of this

or this

or this

or this

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
WHERE ARE MY SOLUTIONS??? The best I got was a would-be psychiatrist.

"The Iraqis are certainly capable of rebuilding a society..."

Bullshit. If we leave and the government falls, it will be 20 more years of war for Iraq. Do you think AQI is going to let you have your country back? After the thousands of fighters AQI sacrificed? They will make white phosphorous look like kindergarten. Haven't you learned that lesson? Do you even live in Iraq? What fantasy land do you come from?

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
women in basra: living in a big prison.

That shoots to shit the theory that if you leave Iraqis alone they will care for the needs of their people.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
Sorry, the link did not work - try this:

Anonymous said…
Well, from hindsight it is a pity President Saddam Hussein was not able to complete Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program. Then the USA would not have invaded, and some 2 million Iraqis would have not died for nothing. Also it might have evened things up a bit in the Middle East.

After all,Israel has weapons of mass destruction, some of which they use on a daily basis in the Gaza. And nobody much seems to mind this.Pakistan has weapons of mass destruction.And nobody much seems to mind this. India has weapons of mass destruction. And nobody seems much to mind this much.

Then we have the USA who are still using many of their weapons of mass destruction on the Iraqi people every day, resulting in mass death. And in the overall wash-up nobody much seems to mind this.

And besides,the BIG USA are proud of having the BIGGEST STOCKPILE OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. The anti-war/peace groups do not seem to really mind this. Because the USA would not now have this amount, if they really did. Also to protect their biggest stockpile, the BIG USA has exonerated itself from having weapon inspectors into their country.

In view of this surely any leader worth their salt these days in order to protect his/her people would certainly get themselves some weapons of mass destruction. Because look at the human destruction when one is left undefended in the uneven playing field of weapons of mass destruction. And after all our government impress on us daily we have to be competitive in this corporate world playing field.

This is why the USA's present attempt at undermining China will not get far, because China is a team winner in the stakes of weapons of mass destruction.

Same goes for Russia now, their weapons of mass destruction team are now up there in the top four.

And from some recent murmuring of some leading politicians in the USA if Iran's Ayatollahs keep kissing the USA's BIG BUM,they too will eventually be allowed to have weapons of mass destruction.

From this it becomes apparent that the Arabs will certainly not be competitive in the Middle Eastern weapons of mass destruction playing field. One shudders at the thought of being flanked by two theocratic sectarian owners of weapons of mass destruction in this part of the world!

Oh! I forgot to include in here also France and Europe's weapons of mass destruction.

In all,as we can see, the issue of the USA's illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with weapons of mass destruction within themselves. In reality it was simply about which "ist" team one barracks for. If one thinks about it, this issue can be likened to the USA's BIGGEST AND BEST record of human torture - human torture is great as long as the USA is doing it!
Anonymous said…
I'm still trying to work out why some decent people on this site are bothering to reason, and also defend Iraq's position on this issue, with the 'VERY INVASIVE UGLY AMERICAN WHO HAS A BIG NONSENSICAL SAY ON THIS POSTING"

For heavens sake! He is not here to talk about truth,reality, logic or reason. Where is everyones sense of irony and ridicule? Because this is all this Iraqi/Arab hater deserves.
Anonymous said…
"He is not here to talk about truth,reality, logic or reason"

Well he certainly seems to be kicking your ass at it doesn't he?

Anonymous said…
Yeah yer right bluegum. Greg is a bore. He'd rather lick on the boots of the US govt so they can protect him and be his every need. What a Schmuck.

Isn't it a little odd that the US did not take the 9/11 'attack' to the UN? No eveidence was given to the UN or how the US was attacked by outside Nuremberg references. Nada.

They don't ake these captives before a criminal court. They just keep them inpaces like Gitmo or fly then to places for torture.
Anonymous said…
response to CIA/jew Anon.

Sounds as if you have a CIA/jewish complex and see a CIA/jew when they are not there. This is usually called guilt transference. And so you should be guilty, after all the brutish and heinous crimes you and your American mates have carried out against the Iraqi and Palestinian people. But you and your poxy lot will get yer cum'uppins!
Yes, Anonymous before me, and I are awake to you, you blaggard!

Anonymous said…
"see a CIA/jew when they are not there"

speaking of transference...


wtf is this?
Anonymous said…
response to "what the fuck is this? Anonymous.

What a dumb-bum. You are a typical Yankee-Doodle ning-nong.

Ask your mates the CIA to de-code it for you. ah ha ha ha!
Anonymous said…
God bless America Greg

In Solidarity,
Anonymous said…

Stick to your long boring theories about everything. You are no comedian.
Anonymous said…
response to American Woman & aliases:

Oh! I should have known.It's like the "Dave & Mabel show".Obviously you are not capable of working it out either-another USA dumb-bum.

And if you if you put your sticky beak in where it is not wanted like the USA into Iraq,then be bored.
Anonymous said…
Oh bluegum must be from Australia...Probably the prodigy of som thief or murderer but still not a comedian.
KM said…
I don't know what you mean by 'blaggard'. I see a few of us 'anonymouses' out here. Its a bit confusing for readers. I will post by another name.

But it really is odd about this 9/11 'attack'. Instead of the US govt demanding to be open and demanding evidence be given and shared, they fought to keep events & circumstances repressed.
Anonymous said…
But Layla is a comedian:

"I wish to thank my own Body too, for having courageously survived...survived the Occupation, so I can bear witness."

Survived it by sitting pretty in another country the entire time, living like a guest not a refugee.I bet I have survived worse then she has.

In Solidarity
Anonymous said…

I gotta git me some


In Solidarity, American Woman
KM said…
American woman,
I know yer not Muslim. Withyer reference to God, I am tking that to mean you do believe in a God.

I know a little bit about Christianity and the main theme of the bibles. I say 'bibles' becasue of the variations out thee in publication. Or you may be Catholic.

According to Christianity & Islam, a day will be coming where God will be judging us. In both religions there is referance to a Satan; in Arabic language, Shaetan.

I don't see much 'blessing' going on in the World today. I see alot of fears. I see alot of opportunities to help People.
KM said…
American woman, please share some of yer Life's difficulties that you mentioned.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous: "Well he [Greg] certainly seems to be kicking your ass at it doesn't he?"

It does not feel like it to me. It is like trying to argue the sky is blue with someone who insists it is green.

I have a challenge for all of you America haters. Pick one post 911 event, make your claim, and show your evidence. I will post mine. If your evidence is stronger than mine, I will agree with you.

Pick just one event or subject.

Greg from USA
KM said…
I am not an "America hater".

I would say there maybe keep bending over and assume the position. Yer getting fucked and you can reach for the lubricating creme as 'they' stick it to ya while telling you they love you...or you can make other choices.

You don't have an understanding of the markets, what drives markets and motive.
Anonymous said…
I have had a couple things happen in my life that, if they happened to you, your first reaction would be, "I wish I was dead". If you are a man, maybe not. That's all I will say because I am not here to make anyone feel sorry for me. As an American, I feel that is beneath me.

In Solidarity
KM said…
By the way Greg, we do have armed militias in the United States of America.

These organizations are in many States in America. In addition, there were 2 Presidential Executive Orders that were signed into 'law' by W regarding military force within the United States of America.
KM said…
To :american woman

Anonymous said…
km, I am not sure I understand any of your posts.

Regarding the Michigan Militia, good for them

Don't tread on me @

American Woman, I had pain so bad I had to control my breathing to keep from passing out. That's probably the only reason I have an ounce of compassion for our enemies. I doubt if many people on this forum, the ones who lust for dead Americans, have felt such pain.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
A friend wrote to me following a report that 300,000 US service people are suffering mental problems. She said
'It has to be wondered, given their extraordinarily deviant behaviour, pissing on corpses, smearing their own faeces as grafitti with disgusting messages in buildings, homes,mosques,rapes, mass murders, driving over kids deliberately, selling photos of burned, dismembered and slaughtered Iraqis and Afghans in exchange for porn over the net, what percentage of their psychiatric problems were pre-existing conditions'.

I think she's got it in one. Psychopaths the lot of them.
KM said…
300.000? Oh well. Greg & aw can take care of em cus they're just good folk.

I heard a report where 8 out of 10 American Consumers believe there is something fundamentaly wrong within the United States of America.

Greg? What dont you understand? You wanted some info regarding post 9/11 and I directed you to a link.

As far as militias within the US...let 'em be as far as Im concerned. They seem to be not much more than country bumpkins playin Army while at the same time saying they wanna keep the United States government in check. Seems like wasted time.

And may not ( by the sounds of it ) be aware of W's Executive Orders relating to use of the military on US soil. Google is a search engine. Up in yer address ( which is located in the upper left of yer computer screen..yer computer screen is what yer looking at this very moment and it should have been a part of yer computer purchase) can type in GOOGLE. Then you cantype in basically any topic you wish to research into. You dont have to use GOOGLE though but its fairly good.

Some of the big hitters in the lates Google searched have been " Polygamy in the US, George Bush Resume, United States Ranking in Healthcare, United States Ranking in Education, Murders in the United States, Bankruptcies & Foreclosures in the United States" My recent favorite though is from The Onion and how "BULLSHIT" is the number 1 issue in this years Presidential elections.
Anonymous said…
response to KM re 9/11

From reading many reports about 9/11. There is one basic question that seems to have never been satisfactorily answered.

Apparently,NORAD (Nth American Air Defense)is on standby 352 days a year 24 hours a day of the year, to intercept any other airlines going off course, or that look like flying into buildings etc. etc.

Yet on 11th Sept.the day the planes flew into the US buildings, Norad was not on stand by to intercept them. Surely, the logical question here is - why not?

If you are interested in this issue then I would recommend an excellent referenced book, "Crossing the Rubicon" The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil,by Michael C. Ruppert forward by Catherine Austin Fitts. Pub: Society Publishers 2004.

This book covers 9/11 very thoroughly as Ruppert played a role in forcing the USA government into having an inquiry as to why the American Air Defense was not on patrol that particular day.

Ruppert then goes into detail about the cover-up and the outcome - "The War on Terror" as a pretext for the loss of US civil liberties and domination of world oil reserves, and hence the illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq.I thoroughly recommend it.As it is very well referenced and logical.

As to my interactive dialogue with the two American protagonists on this thread; which you might have felt some confusion over. Their responses to my postings, clearly highlight and reflect how many Americans are so culturally insular.Here we see a reaction that in no way, is capable of having the insight, appreciation and respect for the culture of other people. In this case these two could not even respect the fact, that a western allied country might not share the same exact same language as them. Or the same words can mean different things in another western country. How sad for them not to experience, enjoy and respect the richness of language and culture of other countries. If this is their attitude to another western country, then it becomes clear why they do not respect the Iraqi people.

It seems to most Americans, if it is not American, it belongs in the trash can. If only they knew it, most of the worlds' people see them as the morally, ethically, and culturally 'living dead'. And from this,it is no wonder they call Iraqi people 'sand niggers' and 'towel heads' and 'non-people'.

It appears most Americans are unaware that it can be a very rich rewarding journey being interested in other languages and culture. For instance an Iraqi friend of mine, told me the meaning of the word "Al Queda' which meant 'basic ingredients'. Then I read from other reliable sources on CIA/USA Intelligence that "Al Queda'was the name of the computer program used by the American Intelligence which listed all the names of Middle Eastern reactionary forces who were prepared to work with the American defense forces in Afghanistan and Kosovo. To most people, of course,this would be a logical thing to do.- To keep a basic membership list of those who supported the USA's cause. This is just a tiny example of healthy inquiry into another language.
Anonymous said…
SHUT-THE-FUCK-UP bluegum, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. NORAD was set up to protect against foreign bombers, not savages on commercial planes. We had like a half dozen jets in the air on 9/11, none of them anywhere close to where they could help. You are an ignorant malcontent willing to listen to any LSD addled west-coast american who can feed you propaganda. You can't even come up with your own conspiracy theories you worthless dipshit. FFS MAN, why must you wallow in bad faith and ignorance? Why do our enemies have to be so fucking stupid? Seriously, in the year 2000 I thought to myself "What will be the next great war?". I was hoping it would be Cyborgs or Clones. Forced evolution (like the nazis), or Utopian socialism (the communists) was at least something intelligent enough to argue with. But this shit, what is this shit? They want the world run according to a 7th century warlord. What the fuck is that?
Anonymous said…
Ok, KM

Here is MY take on the issues you listed:

Polygamy: Officially outlawed. Continues via "mistresses".

US Ranked #1 in expenditures and responsiveness. $2.2 Trillion per year. $7439 per person. Due to unhealthy lifestyle, we rank lower in life expectancy. Source: Wikipedia

George Bush Accomplishments:
- Turned around economy battered by the Bill Clinton bubble collapse, 9/11, and two wars.
- Liberated 50 million people in 2 countries
- Gave us one of the largest tax cuts in history
- Hunted down the top leadership of Al Qaeda
- No child left behind
- Disarmed Libya of WMD
- Resurrected Star Wars/ABM technology. We now have a limited missle shield

Education: Lags behind other industrialized nations. Programs like No Child Left Behind serve to improve performance.

Crime: Violent crimes are down by 50% in the last 15 years.

Homeownership: Approx 69%, a record rate. Married couples: 84.2% Median home value: $230k Equity: 40%

I would say k through 12 education is the weak issue.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
Disregard my last post. Anonymous said it all:

"But this shit, what is this shit? They want the world run according to a 7th century warlord. What the fuck is that?"

In Solidarity

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
From reliable sources and from my own research, Wikipedia does NOT give accurate information. Therefore, it is not a credible source of reference, Greg.
Anonymous said…
response to "Shut-the-fuck-up" anonymous

Seems this should be the American national anthem. "Shut-the-fuck-up". "Shut-the-fuck-up is what American's say to the Iraqis civilians when searching and destroying their homes. "Shut-the-fuck up is when they stop civilian Iraqis in their cars and plant bombs in the back of them. "Shut-the-fuck-up" is what American men say when the are raping real live young women in Iraq. And when they don't "Shut-the-fuck-up" they shoot them. "Shut-the-fuck-up" is what they say when they are raping girls in American films."Shut-the-fuck-up" is what American soldiers scream to the civilian prisoners in the "shut-the-fuck-up" America's Human Torture Palace -Guantanamo Bay.

So you should "shut-the-fuck-up" about Norad. Because your "shut-the-fuck up" no way covers up the true facts of this matter.Perhaps you should go talk to your "shut-the-fuck-up" government politicians before you say another "shut-the-fuck-up". But then you would not fucking know, who they fucking are would you, you fucking idiot! And like a typical ignorant fucking Yank, you butt in when I was addressing somebody else. Didn't your parents tell you that is fucking rude.

There, how am I going for American culture! It seems it is the only language you understand. Its called one-dimensional language for one dimensional minds of one dimensional America, which is one dimensionally fucked!

And do not waste your inability to express yourself like an all-brawn and no-brain boofhead,when addressing me. Because it is like water off a ducks back.
KM said…
anonymous, NORAD routinely intercepted domestic airplanes and they had done it with regards to the World Trade Center Buildings also.
KM said…
Greg, much of what you posted does not give the true picture, and wasn't it you that said the America's indigenous populations did not experience a 'slaughter'?

I don't know why you expect Iraqis to act differently? IF, for instance, China or Iceland invaded the United States and dropped bombs, shipped in troops and patroled our streets, you would assist them? Is this yer belief system?
Layla Anwar said…

Hello, You mean start a new blog just for the paintings ? I think am about to faint!
Layla Anwar said…

How am I misogynist ? Last time I checked I looked like a woman -- unless you're insinuating that a) am not one, or b) am a self hating one. And wrong on both accounts.

What american spelling ?
Layla Anwar said…

Hi and thanks.
I understand what you're saying by delving into the sociological make up of the american soldiers...poor family backgrounds, lack of education, etc ....
Still, even the black soldiers, the asians and the chicanos and there are a few of them, have exhibited the same racism and racism is a very inadequate word-- for it goes beyond racism in my opinion-- of their mother culture i.e American culture. the so called melting point.

Even though if I want to remain objective and I hate it when it is asked of me to remain objective - I would not limit myself to the sociological aspects alone. I think there is more to it than that.
Layla Anwar said…
Little Deer,

Hiya, some very good points you made, nothing is enough of a proof for Grrrrrrrrrrreg from the United A.
Layla Anwar said…

This is brilliant - the shut the fuck up. I think you should copyright it!
Layla Anwar said…

Well said !
Thanks for telling it like it is- Be careful though you may be accused of being a terrorist.
Anonymous said…
"IF, for instance, China or Iceland invaded the United States and dropped bombs, shipped in troops and patroled our streets, you would assist them?"

That's the best argument I have heard. If China invaded, I would certainly be part of the resistance. However, that's not what happened. It went more like this. Let's say we elected vice president "Uncle Joe Stalin". This man proceeded to murder the president, dismantle the government and make himself dictator for life. Then he murdered tens of millions of people to keep his hold on power. If another country liberated us and helped us draft a free constitution, I would say "thank you" and support that country.

Instead, Iraq was seduced by Al Qaeda, allowed thugs to rule the streets, and now is suffering 5 years for it. Only the Anbar Awakening managed to stop it and provide hope. Now people like you want to return to the bad old days. When Russia took over East Germany, they stole every machine, everything of value. America re-built West Germany into an economic powerhouse - happy people there. If China took over America, they would never leave, because they lean towards neo-imperalism. They can't even let a few goats roam free in Tibet.

When we win, America always rebuilds the country. We are the good guys. If we are the good guys, who are you?

Greg from USA
KM said…
Greg, China would have to have a very good case to bring before the World to invade America; not false allegations, not fabricated evidence and not hearsay.

The Legal System in America is said to be the best; dont agree with that but thats what's marketed.

If I was to bring a case up in the US as me being the plaintiff, I would be required to bring a motion before the court based on law and submit that motion to the court. The defandant would then offer a resonse to my claims.

The Tryer of Facts ( the Judge ), would look over my motion to see my allegations and verify me to have a valid legal basis and if an "injury" was suffered by me because of the actions by the defendant.

I would then have to supply evidece to support my claims. I could bring in witnesses to testify on my behalf to support my cliams. My witnesses ofcourse should have NO conflict of interests nor could I threaten them in anyway to coerce false testimony.

I dont believe I really need to go on any further do I? I will if you would like; no problem. Right now though I do have some things to take care of on this Saturday morning.

But a biggy in the US justice system is...what 'association or relationship' does the plaintiff have with the defendant. In other words, did the US have a relationshp with Iraq BEFORE the "case for war" and if there was; what was it?
Anonymous said…
km, the US DID have a relationship BEFORE the 'case for war' with Iraq, albeit one-sided: the US, together with its sidekick, the UK, created no-fly zones over Iraq and used those areas for bombing Iraq with all kinds of flimsy excuses; the US, together with the UK, imposed crippling sanctions on Iraq, going on to 13 years, during which time HALF A MILLION IRAQI CHILDREN DIED - no mention is made of Iraqi adults during this time; the US and the UK covered Iraq with DU, and continue to do so, the result of which is many forms of cancer among Iraqis; the US caused the death of thousands of civilians through aerial bombing, the most tragic and documented of which was the al-Amariyah Shelter; the US, through the UN (which is/was subservient to the US)stopped Iraq from meeting the most basic needs of the people: chemicals required for purification of water, spare parts for rebuilding essential machinery; medicines, both general and specialised from being imported into Iraq, PENCILS, for heaven's sake...

Need I go on? This list is not exhaustive.

This illegal and despicable attack on Iraq did not begin on 19th March 2003 - it goes far, far back.

In solidarity, Layla.
Anonymous said…
"On 9/11 there were only 14 fighter jets on alert in the contiguous 48 states"

"When the hijackers turned off the planes' transponders, which broadcast identifying signals, ATC had to search 4500 identical radar blips crisscrossing some of the country's busiest air corridors"

"Pre-9/11, flights originating in the States were not seen as threats and NORAD wasn't prepared to track them."

Now admit failure you incorrigible jackass!
KM said…
NORAD's tracked flights before...plenty of times. Popular Mechanics has been de-bunked before.

Yes Little Deer, US has been interested in Iraq oil for a long time.
KM said…
More on "transponders" and 9/11/2001. It's a bit different than what anonymous above had alledged.
Anonymous said…
to KM re NORAD -
"The first hijacking was suspected at not later than 8.20 am, and the last hijacked aircraft crashed in Pennsylvania 10.06 am. N0T A SINGLE FIGHTER PLANE WAS SCRAMBLED TO INVESTIGATE FROM THE US ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE JUST 10 MILES FROM WASHINGTON DC until after the third plane had hit the Pentgon at 9.38 am. WHY NOT? There were standard FAA intercept procedures for hijacked aircraft BEFORE 9/11. BETWEEN SEPT.2000 AND JUNE 2001 THE MILITARY LAUNCHED FIGHTER AIRCRAFT ON 67 OCCASIONS TO CHASE SUSPICIOUS AIRCRAFT (AP, Aug. 13 2002.) IT IS A US LEGAL REQUIREMENT THAT ONCE AN AIRCRAFT HAS MOVED SIGNIFICANTLY OFF ITS FLIGHT PLAN, FIGHTER PLANES ARE SENT UP TO INVESTIGATE...." Former British Environmental Minister and MP Michael Meacher "The War on Terrorism is Bogus"
The "Guardian" Sept. 6, 2003.

This is just one minute referenced piece
of information in Michael C. Ruppert's book "Crossing the Rubicon"His very indepth account of NORAD's activities that day, and what followed (US Govt's reticent inquiry, and what came out of it) should be read by everyone who is pro-Iraq, because it is was the initial spark used by the USA to set fire to Iraq. And like Iraq the issue of NORAD is fraught with some US whopper lies.

Note of interest" Catherine Austin Fitts who writes the forward to this book was Former Assist. Secretary of Housing Housing under US President Bush 1. And she lives in Texas.

Also the issue of US/Iraq is also covered as part of the whole big picture

PS. FOR LAYLA! Maybe that 'shut the fuck up' fella comes from the "Wherethefucarwee" tribe in the US because he does not seem to know the difference between the US West Coast and Texas. Also seems the CIA cowardly custard preferred to hide under "anonymous".I am sure you can work out who he is. Because he is incapable of originality,he used one of your quotes to him - "bad faith". Oh Dear!!!!
KM said…
Yer absolutlely right bluegum.
Unknown said…
Ooop! I meant misanthropist. I meant to call MYSELF a mysanthropist. I deleted the boo-boo. Here is corrected post:

OKayyyyyyy. From a collective standpoint, you can't get to be much more of a misanthropist than what I am; though I make exceptions to the rule, based on the individual. I have never CRINGED so much, as when I read your writings. You have got to be one of the top ten most POWERFUL writers on the planet.

May the perpetrators die a long, slow, painful death from DU; and may any offspring they have be born with three heads, or whatever. May you also find peace before you go to Azrael's arms.

I do have a question for you, however. How in the name of every deity in the Pantheon did you come about to using American spelling?


I did not mean that YOU were what I accused myself of being. Collectively, I do NOT like the human race. I'm more into the beasts and the planet which the human race has destroyed.

What I meant by my post is, that despite the fact I do not like the human race, is your descriptions make me cringe at how the U.S.ians
treat your people.

As for your spelling, you use American spelling as opposed to the European spelling of English. Like
harmonize, as opposed to harmonise, and stuff like that.

I use European spelling, but I am a U.S. import, who went to grammer school in New Jersey in the late 1960's and early 1970's where they still taught the European way, and I refused to adapt to the American way, so I still write it as neighbour, honour, centre, connexion, etc. . .

Well, I don't write it 'tyre', or 'pyjamas', and I don't call 'em lorries, but trucks, so I guess I got hybridised, but oh well. I just figured it would be more logical for you to use European spelling, but it all depends on what you read, I guess.

You are totally cool, and have my utmost admiration. For your writing skills, your perseverence, and endurance of events that make the alleged tribulations of Job a walk in the park.
Anonymous said…
Yes bluegum, Layla coined the term "bad faith". It has nothing to do with existentialist philosopher Sarte and this googleblog is in fact the center of the universe.

Now on to more important matters. This, my friend is the mother of debunkings. NORADS transmissions for the whole fucking day. Posted on a government website. But it doesn't matter at this point, like I said you are completely incorrigible and unwilling to listen to reason.

And just because I love you

it's a really good song if you take the time to listen to it
KM said…

More "America Number ONE Incompetence" ?

Bluegum, it's a bit of a twist that the United States Govt / Corp made a decision to remove the majority of it's military out of Saudi Arabia, after 9/11.

Sybel Edmonds was a translator workng for the US government. She is of Turkish heritage and speaks Arabic as well as Farsi. You may have heard of her.

Greg, I believe we should agree to disagree. We have differences that will not merge together. I'm ok with that.

The codling moth when it searches for a place, does not pick an apple tree that is useless and not productive. It chooses an apple tree that is capable of producing.
The worm will bore to the center of the fruit and begin devouring the fruit from the core.

Me; I would do my best to inspect the fruit for signs of being infested of a worm such as an opening(s) where worms had entered. Some people may not, but I do. Others may eat of this fruit and they may notice a bitter taste; that something is not quite right. They can either discard the fruit or continue to eat of it. I choose to discard it; to cast it aside and let the animals eat of it.
Anonymous said…
They could not understand...
Your eyes
clear as the two emerald rivers of Iraq
They could not bear the density of green
..and could not bear the sight of a million palm trees gathering your innocent eyes

You were beautiful in an age that is ugly
pure in an age that was contaminated
Noble in an age of hoodlums
Every particle of you spoke of your innocence

Like a cloud laden with poetry
I mourned for you unrestrained
over my notebooks
and red rubies
...all disappeared
emigrated like migratory birds in winter
...the sails of the boats were raised
in the middle of all the oceans of the world
After your departure

When an angel dies
the earth loses its balance
the zephyr ceases to have meaning
and the seasons all merge into one

Abeer al-Janabi
Only the pure cadences of your name remain
Abeer al-Janabi
Abeer al-Janabi
...and the countless others
You shall not be forgotten
Anonymous said…
response to KM
Found the frantic response to the mention of NORAD on this thread very interesting indeed!. Must have stood on a US soft-spot there.

As for US government information on NORAD the aforementioned book is wonderful in that it covers every US official statement made about the mysterious disappearance of NORAD on llth Sept. THere are official statements from govt. politicians, Norad Air Defense big-wigs,and big-wigs from all other US govt.agencies involved.

And then of course there are the many questions of US concerned citizens put to the US government about this.

When one puts all this information together, the problem is that a big something is amiss.

Actually I have found that some of the best information about ones enemy comes from ones enemy. That is why it is always important to read all sides of a matter.

As to NORAD, it is my strong view that if the truth of this issue was arrived at then the rest of the US Terrorist story - 'dead men tell no tales' and 'the invasion of Iraq' would unfold.
KM said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
KM said…
Sibel Edmonds
KM said…
More with Sibel Edmonds

Its completely fucked up. IRAQ had Nothing to do with 9-11-2001 and there is NO evidence whatsoever of Iraq being what they claimed.

The American government KNOWS how Fucking Dumb the majority of Americans are.
The American government point their finger and says " Oh Look!! " So while Americans are straining to see be entertained...following the goverenment's que....they just got FUCKED...along with innocent IRAQ.
Anonymous said…
So someone posts NORAD's full transmissions with audio and you pretend it isn't there? You people are seriously fucked in the head. If you want to know how and why america makes decisions, you should get satelite t.v. It's painfully boring but sick fucks like you might enjoy it.

p.s. I still want you Layla, why can't we be together.
KM said…
anonymous from the heavans above is the Upanishad of Knowledge.

Tell me Mr anas, are you a believer in a higher power of creation? Yeah or no? From there I would LOVE to procede? with me
KM said…
Anonymous above.

cry me a river to the souls of foreverment...

anyway...about MY posts/links om FORMER CIA OPARATIVS / DISREGARD TEH ? Hmmmm? Maybe I smell pussy. Want speak Scotch? Ya wanna pick & choos who has 'rights and liberties?? Surely you dont choose and teeach yer fsmily That do you?? Yer a religious preson. NO?

Dont give me that. Dont even fuckin try. I wil BURY yoe with facts ................
got it mate? LEave these People alone
KM said…
Hey? // anon above..where are you from?

What MOTIVATES you to think in yer terms? I ask you as American TO American. You wanna kil others o WHAT reason?? Religion? Skin color They speak some other language or est other food from you?

Bright-Boy...give me a fuckimg ansewr and for EVERY answer I will bury you.

ugrrub annii.
Samer Dallasheh said…
"Greg from USA said..."

Thats some nasty comment, full of hatred and complete false facts.

First off when you talk about casualties you don't say 10k or even use K, because thats just complete arrogance they are humans not just numbers (go watch your best friends die then get more friends die till they reach 1,200,000 people.
Then go have some one telling you its okay, we just brainwash you and made you dumber on purpose so you won't be able to think for your self.

Seriously man, just go re-lean re-understand things, re-figure life.

Or face the wrath of the U.S enemies. And we will destroy you merciless just like how you destroyed millions and millions and millions and millions of people either murder or destroyed their life.
HOW CAN you live with your self or even call your self a human? i hope god sends you into hell and never forgives you.

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