Love & Destruction...

Hey, it's St.Valentino...Happy Shitty St.Valentine.

I no longer give a fuck about roses and hearts, I just go through the motions, like on every occasion....

You know why  I have given up ?

Because Love requires, necessitates Faith and my faith in mankind, has been ripped to pieces...

Again, I can't divorce the personal from the political, and the political from the personal....

Again, I can't separate the inside from the outside, they are a dialectic...a dance, if you wish, a tango...and my tango is about tripping....getting up, tripping again, getting up again, tripping again...trying to find that space inside where love is not corrupted, nor polluted, nor soiled, nor cheapened, nor sold, nor bought...trying to find that space inside where it is still intact, hopeful, eager,

But you motherfuckers, rapists of nations, rapists of people, rapists of souls and of hearts have left no space without setting your foot in, your army boot, your shoe, your prints...your mark...

Whether you are from the right or from the left, it no longer matters....for me you are all the same...

Remember, I am on the receiving end...I do not distinguish. Distinguishing, distinction, discrimination is the luxury of the giver not of the receiver....

I just take it whole, black and white...and I vomit it out in grays...

You pick the gray and distinguish if you can...who is left, who is right, who is wrong who is not...go figure it out in that mass of puke....if you can.

I see end results, I see facts, I see Reality...I see how it was, and how it is now...I see the fruits. I don't care about who said what and when, I don't pay attention to little details, to subtle nuances...this is another luxury I can't afford...maybe you can, but not I.

Maybe you can afford to pontificate, debate, argue, stress, pinpoint, analyse, theorize, expose, summarize, conclude..

I, on the other hand, have only one reality staring me in the face. Only ONE and not any other....

And whichever way I try to look at it, it does not go away, it does not run away, it does not escape....

Whichever way I look at it --  despite your silence, despite your shelving it, despite your forgetting it, despite your denying it, despite your relegating it to a second or third rank, or no rank, despite your hiding it, despite your avoiding it, despite your covering it, despite your occulting it ...despite...despite, despite...

This reality is that your occupation has destroyed us...

The reality is that YOU have destroyed us...

Destroyed us on every level, in every aspect, in every domain, in every sphere, in every sense...

You have destroyed us.

Now let me ask you  --- Is this your victory ?

Painting : Iraqi female artist, Betool Fekaiki

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