Holiday Blues...

I think last Christmas and this one are the worst I have ever experienced...
I did not celebrate the Eid, and will not be celebrating Christmas either. There is nothing to celebrate.
Thousands of lambs have been slaugthered, and the blood of Jesus has not stopped dripping by the gallons.
I did not even dare call the Christian side of the family and wish them anything.
I just sent a message with "God protect us all."
I know that Christmas is a difficult time for a few people. Different reasons.
Family gatherings are not always pleasurable, they may bring back memories of a family one had always wished was different...Some people don't even have a family to celebrate with. And some have been in grief for what seems like an eternity, and they no longer have the heart for anything, anymore...
I belong to the last category. Not only me, but most of the people I know, at least most of the people that surround my little world.
My little world that has shrunk to the computer and minimal contact with the outside. The mental and physical ghetto like existence...where all the bridges have been burned and where we are all hanging by a thread...
Frankly, even writing this is too difficult for fingers force themselves on that keyboard, only because the words have been knocking wanting to get out...
I play little games with myself. For instance I promise myself that today, I will not watch the news, read them or talk to anyone that might tell me yet another story of despair...Sometimes I pledge not to approach this computer either...Not to open my mail, not to read the comments, not to...
I have fantasies of a button that I can switch off, but it's only a fantasy.
Reality has become a second skin...And one would have hoped that by now, that skin would have thickened into something rough, but alas that is not the case.
All is still raw and will remain raw for a long time. Dictates of a Reality from which there is no escape, unless I start mastering the perfect art of Denial, which quite a lot of you are very proficient in.
I guess it is a little too late in my case.
I was talking to an Iraqi friend the other day and he said to me he was very unhappy, chronically unhappy...And he added "lucidity is not helping me either."
I guess you don't have that problem. I envy you.
My mother is also going through the same...She is silent most of the time and I caught her, on more than one occasion, crying on her praying mat. She misses home. She feels lost...Me too, I feel lost. We all feel lost.
The other day we were watching a T.V program on Iraq, and usually around her, I try to measure my words, but that day I was not vigilant enough and blurted out
"Iraq is finished, they finished Her off."
She turned towards me with supplicating eyes and said "I beg of you, don't ever say that again."
We are constantly fooling ourselves with words...with sentences that we carefully and elaborately construct, twisting and turning around ideas and phrases so as to avoid saying the unspoken, that truth that no one wants to hear and that no one dares to utter...
Yes, we are hanging by a thread.
Some family members are still in prison and we still don't know what the charges are and if they are alive or dead. Others have disappeared with no news. Others are scattered and their homes destroyed. Friends have vanished. And my little palm tree died, so I was told. And another 5 trees have died. No water. Still no water, no electricity and no fuel...
We are praying for rain now, rain from the skies to quench the thirst...that thirst, those so many levels of thirst...
The soldiers came around again, the Americans ones, and they broke Radhee's door again. This time they found something. They opened the fridge and saw a dozen bottles of Pepsi Cola.
"What for this Coke? Who are you entertaining? You live here alone with your wife, why do you need 12 bottles of soda?"
"I have grandchildren that might visit me for the Eid" Radhee said.
"Well, they won't."
And the soldiers took the bottles of Pepsi and drank them.
The little pleasures that Radhee kept for his grandchildren...just in case they dared to come to his walled neighborhood...
The little things and the big things have become interchangeable, mixed...and the lines have become blur.
Little things become big things and Radhee who hardly ever complained when he lost his job, lost his son, lost his sister, lost his nephew, broke in tears because of the soda bottles...
And the big things, like the kidnapping of someone very close and his disappearance is met with a stoic silence and frozen faces...
The lines have become very blur but they all draw the one and same thing --Occupation.
Occupied in summer, fall, winter and spring. Occupied in the Eid and in Christmas. Occupied.
We have all become prisoners, one way or the other...The inside and the outside meet and they point to that same Reality.
Even those of us who went as far as they can go like Hala who ended up at age 65 in the U.S not knowing anyone...
I finally got news from her. She is forced to work in a supermarket for over 9 hours a day. She has no car. So she relies on a neighbor to take her to work and back. She has a meagre salary of 1'500 dollars a month. After tax and paying her rent and her "refugee fees", she is left with 200 dollars to eat.
In that supermarket, she spends the whole day in the "freezer room" taking out food stuffs...she is freezing all the time. She has become frozen. And the only thing that gives her warmth is when she gets home and cries herself to sleep.
"My tears warm me up" she says.
Miles away and she is a prisoner too. A prisoner like the rest of us. A prisoner of " Liberation, Freedom and Democracy."
You see, each one of us lives in a walled existence. The walls are everywhere, on the inside, on the outside. Inside our heads and around our hearts and...outside our windows.
It has all become very blur, blurred lines for a blurred existence, a tunnel existence...
And as this Iraqi Christian woman said, talking about Christmas.
"I do not see any light at the end of this tunnel. It's a very, very dark one.
As long as there is no strong leader and government that knows how to take control, the chaos and terror will go on and on. You will see." (article here)
And there was a strong leader but now he's gone. Gone a few days after Christmas and gone right before the New Year and gone on the day of the Eid.
Who can replace him and bring back things the way they were ? Who will control the chaos and the terror?
It's very blur and very somber...It's beyond just a passing mood of Holidays blues.
You will see...
Painting: Iraqi artist, Kathem Al-Dakheel
I did not celebrate the Eid, and will not be celebrating Christmas either. There is nothing to celebrate.
Thousands of lambs have been slaugthered, and the blood of Jesus has not stopped dripping by the gallons.
I did not even dare call the Christian side of the family and wish them anything.
I just sent a message with "God protect us all."
I know that Christmas is a difficult time for a few people. Different reasons.
Family gatherings are not always pleasurable, they may bring back memories of a family one had always wished was different...Some people don't even have a family to celebrate with. And some have been in grief for what seems like an eternity, and they no longer have the heart for anything, anymore...
I belong to the last category. Not only me, but most of the people I know, at least most of the people that surround my little world.
My little world that has shrunk to the computer and minimal contact with the outside. The mental and physical ghetto like existence...where all the bridges have been burned and where we are all hanging by a thread...
Frankly, even writing this is too difficult for fingers force themselves on that keyboard, only because the words have been knocking wanting to get out...
I play little games with myself. For instance I promise myself that today, I will not watch the news, read them or talk to anyone that might tell me yet another story of despair...Sometimes I pledge not to approach this computer either...Not to open my mail, not to read the comments, not to...
I have fantasies of a button that I can switch off, but it's only a fantasy.
Reality has become a second skin...And one would have hoped that by now, that skin would have thickened into something rough, but alas that is not the case.
All is still raw and will remain raw for a long time. Dictates of a Reality from which there is no escape, unless I start mastering the perfect art of Denial, which quite a lot of you are very proficient in.
I guess it is a little too late in my case.
I was talking to an Iraqi friend the other day and he said to me he was very unhappy, chronically unhappy...And he added "lucidity is not helping me either."
I guess you don't have that problem. I envy you.
My mother is also going through the same...She is silent most of the time and I caught her, on more than one occasion, crying on her praying mat. She misses home. She feels lost...Me too, I feel lost. We all feel lost.
The other day we were watching a T.V program on Iraq, and usually around her, I try to measure my words, but that day I was not vigilant enough and blurted out
"Iraq is finished, they finished Her off."
She turned towards me with supplicating eyes and said "I beg of you, don't ever say that again."
We are constantly fooling ourselves with words...with sentences that we carefully and elaborately construct, twisting and turning around ideas and phrases so as to avoid saying the unspoken, that truth that no one wants to hear and that no one dares to utter...
Yes, we are hanging by a thread.
Some family members are still in prison and we still don't know what the charges are and if they are alive or dead. Others have disappeared with no news. Others are scattered and their homes destroyed. Friends have vanished. And my little palm tree died, so I was told. And another 5 trees have died. No water. Still no water, no electricity and no fuel...
We are praying for rain now, rain from the skies to quench the thirst...that thirst, those so many levels of thirst...
The soldiers came around again, the Americans ones, and they broke Radhee's door again. This time they found something. They opened the fridge and saw a dozen bottles of Pepsi Cola.
"What for this Coke? Who are you entertaining? You live here alone with your wife, why do you need 12 bottles of soda?"
"I have grandchildren that might visit me for the Eid" Radhee said.
"Well, they won't."
And the soldiers took the bottles of Pepsi and drank them.
The little pleasures that Radhee kept for his grandchildren...just in case they dared to come to his walled neighborhood...
The little things and the big things have become interchangeable, mixed...and the lines have become blur.
Little things become big things and Radhee who hardly ever complained when he lost his job, lost his son, lost his sister, lost his nephew, broke in tears because of the soda bottles...
And the big things, like the kidnapping of someone very close and his disappearance is met with a stoic silence and frozen faces...
The lines have become very blur but they all draw the one and same thing --Occupation.
Occupied in summer, fall, winter and spring. Occupied in the Eid and in Christmas. Occupied.
We have all become prisoners, one way or the other...The inside and the outside meet and they point to that same Reality.
Even those of us who went as far as they can go like Hala who ended up at age 65 in the U.S not knowing anyone...
I finally got news from her. She is forced to work in a supermarket for over 9 hours a day. She has no car. So she relies on a neighbor to take her to work and back. She has a meagre salary of 1'500 dollars a month. After tax and paying her rent and her "refugee fees", she is left with 200 dollars to eat.
In that supermarket, she spends the whole day in the "freezer room" taking out food stuffs...she is freezing all the time. She has become frozen. And the only thing that gives her warmth is when she gets home and cries herself to sleep.
"My tears warm me up" she says.
Miles away and she is a prisoner too. A prisoner like the rest of us. A prisoner of " Liberation, Freedom and Democracy."
You see, each one of us lives in a walled existence. The walls are everywhere, on the inside, on the outside. Inside our heads and around our hearts and...outside our windows.
It has all become very blur, blurred lines for a blurred existence, a tunnel existence...
And as this Iraqi Christian woman said, talking about Christmas.
"I do not see any light at the end of this tunnel. It's a very, very dark one.
As long as there is no strong leader and government that knows how to take control, the chaos and terror will go on and on. You will see." (article here)
And there was a strong leader but now he's gone. Gone a few days after Christmas and gone right before the New Year and gone on the day of the Eid.
Who can replace him and bring back things the way they were ? Who will control the chaos and the terror?
It's very blur and very somber...It's beyond just a passing mood of Holidays blues.
You will see...
Painting: Iraqi artist, Kathem Al-Dakheel
When you write such prose, you can go toe to toe with the best of them. "Reality has become a second skin"- exquisite! But it is unmistakably obvious that you are not hanging by a thread. Pensive and understandably melancholic perhaps, but you exude great strength even in your lowest moments. Whoever said women were the weaker sex never read this blog.
A toast to the federal deficit of 9,144,354,006,969.86-in any numeric system it is a lot of money.
Three cheers to the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis.
Let us celebrate the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world.
A very merry Christmas to the men who made out like bandits on the savings and loan debacle.
A toast to the polarization of wealth- the top 1% earn 21% of total income-verrrry merrry indeed.
when will you stop craving for sympathy from your former / present masters / occupiers / butchers / crusaders?
some arabs are just plain dumb!
there is a fine line between good-heartedness and stupidity.
it is this stupidity that got us where we are now.
life is a test layla, you are so far know why?
because you are barking up the wrong tree!
you are still praying towards the dog house
turn your direction up and spread out your palms and ask sincerely for forgiveness and strength and strap on your belt and ask for martyrdom.
or do you cling on to this lowly world and its lowly people?
why don't you become the 1/2 that die so the other half can live?
gaurantee for yourself a place in paradise?
bush will be pleased with your decision, do the right thing
drink coke, live it up
feel the heat
liberate yourself
bring democracy to your own self and liberate your own self.
Oi to the world!
This is not good enough. They need to suffer some more. They should all be nailed to crosses by the time Easter comes around, or my wrath will increase. I demand more sacrifice. See that my will is carried out.
Thou Shall not steal - unless you give a bit to that robed one over there by that golden calf tells you.
Get you little gods here, lots of little gods for sale - praise them, worship them - buy them by the dozen, they forgive your invasion of any country you want and forgive any number of murders you commit - some are golden, some silver - some plain wood - worship them, make up your own rules and obey only them.
I have one here in the shape of the old Roman tortue machine, popular for the inquestions folk - another of the Persian fire worshipers, shaped as a drill!
And each day is a holy day - one god for each day of the year - kill them Iraqi parents, your wooden god will forgive you - just mind not to get blood on it, unless you think it likes it - big gods small god, %50 discount if you are armed - and you can even by this fine robe to tell others what your god says - create your own religon, spread the joy!
45 gods killing and stealing in Iraq now the biggest gods are of smelly old Persian, Arab, Jewish and Roman flesh, soon to be 99! - get your very own murderous theiving god now and become very filty rich, before it is too late - the 99th little god will be the last - enjoy your gods while they last - No Rush - for you'll pay the price in eternity - , along with all your little gods.
Show Iraq how much you love your tiny TINY little god, show Iraq how much Iraqi blood your god wants, show Iraq how well you steal, and lie and cover up - show the world your tiny religon - the other 98 religons might beet you to it, so show Iraq how your golden calf is better than their golden calf
- then go where all Iraq's invaders ended up for 1,000s of years - where all your forked tounged ancestors await you.
After You
all your
Golden Calfs (sp?)
are gone -
- despite anything you do -
- despite anyting they do -
- there will be -
I sent my son as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of the whole world, but it was just a waste of time, wasn't it, because Amerikkka is full of losers, like you, still whining about repentance, and giving yourselves the right to judge others, when only I have the right to judge.
I shall bring my wrath upon you, and upon Amerikkka, and you are going to suffer like nobody has ever suffered before.
Jr please marry Layla. It'll be the only bright spot in her life over last 6 years. Go can do it. I know she's a lot to handle for a little guy with no confidence and less money, but look at it this way. If she dumps you after 3 months at least you can say someone was willing to marry you.
Do it and I'll kill you with my own hands. :-)
I am running out of Resistance communiqués-style galvanizing, "feel-good" if the world of words itself was "shrinking", being sucked in, swallowed up by the blind, eternally gaping and voracious black hole of sadness that has become my soul...
If you are right in your presentiment, if Mother won't recover from Her deathly illness, if Father's supreme sacrifice will have been vain...then what am I fighting for against this Chaos in me...what the fuck am I still doing, not only on this comment section, but in this horror of meaninglessness of a life where the only Beauty, Truth and Sense I ever found would be forever lost ?
I am crying, crying, crying...
me 2...........i really wanna kill myself 2day........what a shit, shit life
denial is the first sign of addiction.
oat u5rte a son of a bitch
While visions of sugar plums dance in head, give not a second thought to the crumbling infrastructure, the declining real wages, the still displaced Hurricane Katrina victims, the deinstitutionalized mentally ill battling their demons alone in filthy boarding homes,the 2 million in prison, the declining literacy rates, the homeless shivering in their cardboard boxes, the hospitals that are closing daily, the migrant farmworkers, the kids left behind.
#gigi u cunt its soooooooo meaningful............who gives a fuck if sum trammp in america is suffering............t5he fact of the matter is they have destroyed irq........and there is nothing we can do to stop it.........what is the pooinst ne more??///???????????
Woman, why weepest thou ?
shyut the fu k up u retarded bastard
"unless I start mastering the perfect art of Denial"
Do it and I'll kill you with my own hands. :-)
thats not even remotedly funny u slag
Layla's sounding a tad suicidal these days...
Jr please marry Layla. It'll be the only bright spot in her life over last 6 years. Go can do it. I know she's a lot to handle for a little guy with no confidence and less money, but look at it this way. If she dumps you after 3 months at least you can say someone was willing to marry you.
"me u demeneted little bastard this site isnt a joke u know.........this is a real iraqi person talking abt her suffering.........dont come on here trying 2w trivialise her suffering u son of a bithc motherfucker........i hope
Listen snoozer, I am God, and I don't appreciate you shoving your nose in where it isn't wanted.
I sent my son as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of the whole world, but it was just a waste of time, wasn't it, because Amerikkka is full of losers, like you, still whining about repentance, and giving yourselves the right to judge others, when only I have the right to judge.
I shall bring my wrath upon you, and upon Amerikkka, and you are going to suffer like nobody has ever suffered before.
25/12/07 6:34 PM
fck off u loser wierdo
I am so sorry you and your people are suffering right now. *HUGS
yeah that really cheered layla up.....u twat
When you write such prose, you can go toe to toe with the best of them. "Reality has become a second skin"- exquisite! But it is unmistakably obvious that you are not hanging by a thread. Pensive and understandably melancholic perhaps, but you exude great strength even in your lowest moments. Whoever said women were the weaker sex never read this blog.
i agree..........layla is the best wrirter i have ever read......she doesnt deserve such a shitty readership
Some more Vandals for ya, Layla. Haji and Trevor duke it out, but end up getting along in the end. Lyrics here (sing along!); Gwen Stefani/No Doubt cover video here.
u fucking dum b yankee piece of shit u r the worst of the worse.....fuck off u bastard
If you guys do it you should try self-immolation. You'd get press, I guarantee it. Most reasonable people these days agree that suicide bombing is for wankers.
fuck off u retard
who gives a fuck abt katrina nd the rest. Kiss emkon a3la emm katrina wlad al sharmota.
well said u moron
While visions of sugar plums dance in head, give not a second thought to the crumbling infrastructure, the declining real wages, the still displaced Hurricane Katrina victims, the deinstitutionalized mentally ill battling their demons alone in filthy boarding homes,the 2 million in prison, the declining literacy rates, the homeless shivering in their cardboard boxes, the hospitals that are closing daily, the migrant farmworkers, the kids left behind.
gigi who givesz a shit abt what america.........teh facct is irq is no longer and even your stuff abt america is just fanciful thingkking ..............grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's up?
Thanks for the accolade...I must agree with a few here--America and Americans are not my concern. After all, we did not invade and occupy the U.S.
Oh really? And where are you blogging from mr or mrs iraqyiat?
Wait let me guess--England or the U.S.
You people are so full of shit.
Say hello to the family and the Mrs.
Beautifully said...You are going to make me cry...again.
I just want these shitty holidays to be over fast.
Am keeping my head above waters...
and you?
What did santa get you? :-)
these religious n ut jobs r sooo retrarded its untrue
Hey JR,
Am keeping my head above waters...
and you?
What did santa get you? :-)
son of a bitch fat bastrad got stufck in the chimney n
Agolak, enta tehchee Iraqi ya Jr?
hmmm....I want that to be my own territory.
Agolak, enta tehchee Iraqi ya Jr?
yalla ya layla....mech iraqi......yalla when i am down in the dumps i always listen to this 2 cheer myself up:
I really want the other blog to stay pure and untainted.
I know it might sound a little silly of me...but these are one of my many whims and quirks
I tell you what, JR. Everytime I post something there, I will leave a note on this blog and the comment section will be open here.
I really want the other blog to stay pure and untainted.
I know it might sound a little silly of me...but these are one of my many whims and quirks
no probs layla
Main aur meri tanhaai aksar yeh baatein karte hain
Tum hoti to kaisa hota, tum yeh kehti, tum voh kehti
Tum is baat pe hairaan hoti, tum us baat pe kitni hansti
Tum hoti to aisa hota, tum hoti to vaisa hota
Main aur meri tanhaai aksar yeh baatein karte hain
Yeh kahan aa gaye hum
Yunhi saath saath chalte
Teri baahon mein hai jaanam
Mere jism-o-jaan pighalte
Yeh kahan aa gaye hum
Yunhi saath saath chalte
Yeh raat hai, yeh tumhaari zulfein khuli hui hai
Hai chaandni ya tumhaari nazrein se meri raatein dhuli hui hai
Yeh chaand hai ya tumhaara kangan
Sitaarein hai ya tumhaara aanchal
Hawa ka jhonka hai ya tumhaare badan ki khushboo
Yeh pattiyon ki hai sarsaraahat ke tumne chupke se kuch kaha hai
Yeh sochta hoon main kab se gumsum
Ke jab ki mujhko bhi yeh khabar hai
Ke tum nahin ho, kahin nahin ho
Magar yeh dil hai ke keh raha hai
Ke tum yahin ho, yahin kahin ho
O, tu badan hai main hoon chhaaya
Tu na ho to main kahan hoon
Mujhe pyaar karne waale
Tu jahan hai main vahan hoon
Hamein milna hi tha hamdam
Issi raah pe nikalte
Yeh kahan aa gaye hum
Yunhi saath saath chalte
Mm, meri saans saans maheke
Koi bheena bheena chandan
Tera pyaar chaandni hai
Mera dil hai jaise aangan
Koi aur bhi mulaayam
Meri shaam dhalte dhalte
Yeh kahan aa gaye hum
Yunhi saath saath chalte
Majboor yeh haalaat, idhar bhi hai udhar bhi
Tanhaai ki ek raat, idhar bhi hai udhar bhi
Kehne ko bahut kuch hai, magar kisse kahe hum
Kab tak yunhi khaamosh rahe aur sahe hum
Dil kehta hai duniya ki har ek rasm utha de
Deevaar jo hum dono mein hai, aaj gira de
Kyoon dil mein sulagte rahe, logon ko bata de
Haan humko mohabbat hai, mohabbat hai, mohabbat
Ab dil mein yehi baat, idhar bhi hai udhar bhi
Yeh kahan aa gaye hum
Yunhi saath saath chalte
Yeh kahan aa gaye hum
And I want a translation plz.
Tum hoti to kaisa hota,
tum yeh kehti, tum voh kehti
Tum is baat pe hairaan hoti, tum us baat pe kitni hansti
Tum hoti to aisa hota, tum hoti to vaisa hota
#My solitude and I often speak to each other of this
How it would have been if you had been here
You would have said this, you would have commented on that
This would have surprised you, that would have made you laugh
It would have been this way, it would have been that way
If you had been here
Main aur meri tanhaai aksar yeh baatein karte hain
#My solitude and I often speak to each other of this
Yeh kahan aa gaye hum
Yunhi saath saath chalte
Teri baahon mein hai jaanam
Mere jism-o-jaan pighalte
#Where have we come
Just walking hand in hand so
In your arms, my love
My life and soul melt so
Yeh raat hai, yah tumhaari zulfein khuli hui hai
Hai chaandni ya tumhaari nazrein se meri raatein dhuli hui hai
Yeh chaand hai ya tumhaara kangan
Sitaarein hai ya tumhaara aanchal
Hawa ka jhonka hai ya tumhaare badan ki khushboo
Yeh pattiyon ki hai sarsaraahat ke tumne chupke se kuch kaha hai
#Is it night, or is it your dark hair
Is it moonlight, or are my nights awash with your gaze
Is this the moon or your shining bracelet
Are these the stars or your veil on the sky
A breeze or the fragrance of your body
The rustling of leaves or did you whisper something softly
Yeh sochta hoon main kab se gumsum
Ke jab ki mujhko bhi yeh khabar hai
Ke tum nahin ho, kahin nahin ho
Magar yeh dil hai ke keh raha hai
Ke tum yahin ho, yahin kahin ho
#For some time, I have been pondering this perplexed
Even though this I too know
That it is not you, it is not you anywhere
But this heart, it insists
That it is you, it is you here somewhere
O, tu badan hai main hoon chhaaya
Tu na ho to main kahan hoon
Mujhe pyaar karne waale
Tu jahan hai main vahan hoon
Hamein milna hi tha hamdam
Issi raah pe nikalte
#O, you are the body, I am the shadow
If you are not, neither am I
My lover
Wherever you are, I am there
We had to meet, beloved
On this very path
Yeh kahan aa gaye hum
Yunhi saath saath chalte
#Where have we come
Just walking hand in hand so
Mm, meri saans saans maheke
Koi bheena bheena chandan
Tera pyaar chaandni hai
Mera dil hai jaise aangan
Koi aur bhi mulaayam
Meri shaam dhalte dhalte
#Mm, my every breath smells so sweet
Like the aroma of softly moonlit earth
Your love is like moonlight
And my heart is like a lap
Someone soft comes to me too
As my night falls gently
Yeh kahan aa gaye hum
Yunhi saath saath chalte
#Where have we come
Just walking hand in hand so
Majboor yeh haalaat, idhar bhi hai udhar bhi
Tanhaai ki ek raat, idhar bhi hai udhar bhi
Kehne ko bahut kuch hai, magar kisse kahe hum
Kab tak yunhi khaamosh rahe aur sahe hum
Dil kehta hai duniya ki har ek rasm utha de
Deevaar jo hum dono mein hai, aaj gira de
Kyoon dil mein sulagte rahe, logon ko bata de
Haan humko mohabbat hai, mohabbat hai, mohabbat
Ab dil mein yehi baat, idhar bhi hai udhar bhi
#Forlorn is the state, on this side and on your side
A night of loneliness, on this side and on your side
There is much to say, but who to tell
Till when can we remain silent
The heart wants to breach the customs of this world
And break the wall that separates us
Why should our hearts smoulder, let us declare
Yes, we are in love, in love, love
Now this is both in my heart, and in your heart
Yeh kahan aa gaye hum
Yunhi saath saath chalte
#Where have we come
Just walking hand in hand so
Spammée, pas spammer...bécasse :-)
Thank you for the translation.
Very very nice.
Agolak, enta tehchee Iraqi ya Jr?
Agolak - I ask you or tell me...
enta techee Iraqi - do you speak Iraqi
Check this of my fav. dancing songs.
Forget the tasbeeh...the guy is a handsome dude and that song is gooooooooood.
"Qu'est-ce-que ça peut te faire ? Fous moi la paix !"
Bon, d'accord, oh la la... :-)
Allez, ma puce, fais moi un beau sourire...non, pas une grimaçe, j'ai dit un sourire...encore un petit éffort...voilà c'est ça !...Dieu, que tu es belle à croquer quand tu souris ! :-)
Courage, ça ira...
Grosses bises.
Did he ever! If I can just figure out how to harness flatulence combustion and generate power for insertion to the grid I figure I can make up to $0.08 per toot!
One more for Christmas, not the Vandals this time but I think you'll like (speaking of potty humor that is).
Thanks to Jr. for the classic lyrics from the Hindi movie Silsila (1981). Here is the song:
I suggest organizing a "tourney", as in the Dark European Middle-Ages, and let the best knight win both the leadership of post-liberated Iraq and Lady Layla's hand.
It's all but a nightmare...isn't it ?
funniest thing you've said all year!
Layla babe, you have wallowed in self-pity and hatred for so long that can't even imagine anything else.
The Third World truly is the refuse heap of humanity. Ugh. Well Layla, babe, if you lay in feces long enough you are going to smell like shit. Simple law of human nature. Learn and grow, or wallow some more in your hatred - up to you, kiddo.
Jr..tell me you didn't!
Listen loser, eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow I may unleash my Amerikkkan slaves upon you to visit you with death and destruction. In all these thousands of years I never had so much power; one word in George's ear and it's kerboom! I can finally bring death and destruction to the whole world and all you miserable sinners in it. I am an all-powerful God.
And if Layla is pregnant, I did it. It's an immaculate conception.
Nagasaki is famous in the history of Japanese Christianity. Not only was it the site of the largest Christian church in the Orient, St. Mary’s Cathedral, but it also had the largest concentration of baptized Christians in all of Japan. It was the city where the legendary Jesuit missionary, Francis Xavier, established a mission church in 1549, a Christian community which survived and prospered for several generations. However, soon after Xavier’s planting of Christianity in Japan, Portuguese and Spanish commercial interests began to be accurately perceived by the Japanese rulers as exploitive, and therefore the religion of the Europeans (Christianity) and their new Japanese converts became the target of brutal persecutions.
Now it turned out, in the mystery of good and evil, that St. Mary’s Cathedral was one of the landmarks that the Bock’s Car bombardier had been briefed on, and looking through his bomb site over Nagasaki that day, he identified the cathedral and ordered the drop.
At 11:02 am, Nagasaki Christianity was boiled, evaporated and carbonized in a scorching, radioactive fireball. The persecuted, vibrant, faithful, surviving center of Japanese Christianity had become ground zero.
And what the Japanese Imperial government could not do in over 200 years of persecution, American Christians did in 9 seconds. The entire worshipping community of Nagasaki was wiped out.
I am God, the destroyer of Worlds. I am all-powerful. I haven't even begun to make your life miserable...Yet!
Te imagino como una mujer valiente.
Un abrazo solidario para ti.
Thanks for your blues juke box, what is your blog about ?
And are these your works of art ?
Muchas gracias.
anon.. son of a bush !
stop your stupid game
and dont come here to spread
your poison !
You are the pathetic ziombie
BABE... and kiddo go and buy
food and videos and spend your
empty time... living in
zion land.
anymore... idiot creature.
You dont want to educate yourself
ok.. is your choice but
go to Mars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So sorry My Dearest Layla
I just
cant deal with such low .. insensitive, evil.. snake !
Bless you
Mucho amor !