A quick thought...

Someone is dying to see a civil war in Lebanon again.

Why do I have this eerie feeling that Iran and Israel are itching big time?

Why can't I shake off this deep gut instinct that they would love to repeat their collaborative Iraq scenario in Lebanon ?

I have more to say about that. I have more to say about Iran and Israel and a new road map Arabs need to think through pronto before they get totally engulfed by those two equally vile barbarians, whose ultimate goals and objectives coincide perfectly well.



Anonymous said…
Couldn't agree more
Anonymous said…
That was S btw
Anonymous said…
That was S

Wicked :)

Who the fuck's S?
Anonymous said…
When Juno is set free, Jupiter comes down to earth, whispers an "end of a knight" tale in our ears...goodnight.
Anonymous said…
Word verification sucks
Anonymous said…
I would bet money that uncle Sam has a hand in it. Half the executive branch of the US has gotten quite proficient at profiting from war- any war. They all hold stock in corporations that make military armament. I recently heard that Rumsfeld is worth 280 million dollars. How much of that fortune did he acquire from the invasion of Iraq? HOW MUCH DO THEY STAND TO MAKE IF THE US ATTACKS IRAN?. How lucrative might a civil war in Lebanon be? Most importantly, what can the rest of us do to stop this insanity?
Anonymous said…
Turning up the Stereo
Join the Caravan
Anonymous said…
I Feel Hardcore
Always Hardcore
Anonymous said…
Well at least that awful moderation is gone


Saves all that deleting

You know who controls Uncle Sam don't you.

People who do this kind of thing There seem to be more Holohoax survivors every day. (roll eyes)http://www.fpp.co.uk/Auschwitz/docs/fake/SWCsmokeFake.html
Anonymous said…
Ravers Unite
Anonymous said…
Word Verification still sucks
Anonymous said…
Celebrate the summer
Dive into the Sea
Anonymous said…
From Paris to Berlin
In every Disco I am in
Anonymous said…
J Allen you'll have to be patrolled ;)

Anonymous said…
I would not worry about Lebnon too much, Hizzbolla with Sayed Hassan Nasrallah is more than capable of handing Israel its arse on a platter again... I just wish the Lebanese would be more united, but I guess every country has its Ahmed Chalabis …
Anonymous said…
A melody in our heart and our soul
Whenever we play a timeless song


Anonymous said…
Clap your hands
Clap your hands
Anonymous said…
I can see trouble with L Mead
Anonymous said…
I sure hope your wrong...
I usually say "follow the money and you'll find the reason"...

I don't agree with everything you write... but I do like your work

take care
Anonymous said…
Whenever Wherever
Anonymous said…
I'm like the sun ;)

Cos I shine on everyone
Anonymous said…
Do you have a PROBLEM L Mead

Something you'd like to TALK to me about?
Anonymous said…
YoUnicorn said…
My Dearest Layla

Unfortunately the greedy psychos
will go on and is sad !
Hizbolla? what will be their role now, then?
M Aoun and Hizbolla joined ? !

Yes ! M Ashruff
Lebanese should be more united !
Arabs should be more united !
We, the people in the whole world
should be more united !
Unity is the only way !
Love is the only answer !
Wishing !
Hoping !
Dreaming !
But not giving up ,-))

Take good care of yourself
My Dear Layla !
Much love
YoUnicorn said…
then go back to sleep !
Anonymous said…
Ka Liga
Was a lonely Indian

Never went nowhere
Anonymous said…
Yeah L Mead

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Long live the Mojo !
Anonymous said…
Down with the Mojo !
Mofo is a Jew
Anonymous said…
Miaow ?
Anonymous said…
Pardon Me Boys
Is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo?
Anonymous said…
JR lives!
Anonymous said…
I'll run out to the car park and see if I can catch him
Anonymous said…
ok you bunch of freaks. Don't abuse the comment section with stupid junk or I'll demand Layla turn it back on.

Anonymous said…
Turn what back on?


But then she will have to waste precious time deleting

Oh what a shame that would be :D
YoUnicorn said…
Another anon
projecting his/her RUBBISH !!!

They love to come Layla s block,
they are lacking several brain substances and need the adrenaline.
They would love to have a reply
to the challenge but they fail
shamefully !!!

Dear Layla
and so goes on ...
is the only reason....
tough love ? hahahaha

Long live Iraq !

Lots of love
and solidarity !
Anonymous said…
No replies?

I beg to differ :D
Anonymous said…
I am sure Israel and Iran would like a proving ground for some new weapons. Lebanon has ben used for this for over 50 years, and Israel has been asassinating Lebanese leaders for that long too. The prize is the old port of tripoli or for Israel, the Litani River water, they already have Haifa. The Americans desperat;ly need a Mediterranean port so they can plunder the oil reserves of Mosul. The Russian are moving their Black Sea fleet into Syrian waters as we speak, so Israel will probably be gone in the not too distant future.l Armenia also has huge numbers of Sunburn missiles pointed at the Zionist aggressor, and each one has a 350 kilo tonne war head. Russia is just itching for the chance to give the order. They will blame soneone else ofcourse, probably Iran or Pakistan. Either way destablizing the reigon further would be very bad for the US. They already have oil supply issues. .
Anonymous said…
I think E and W belong together :)
YoUnicorn said…

Interesting and good points !

Thank you

May our Beautiful Planet
be free from the evil psychos soon !
Anonymous said…
Is Layla really from the M.E.? She writes more as if she were a westener... very educated though
Anonymous said…
Dance everybody


Everybody shake shake
Anonymous said…
A riot on the stage :D
Anonymous said…
What's up what's up what's up
Anonymous said…
Shame on the poster who used my name on this post - coward:
12/12/07 6:23 PM - you seem to be obsessed with JR.

Layla, the same thought occurred to me as well - it's been brewing, and they're looking for a way to create further chaos in the ME.

I agree with other posters here who've said that it's high time all Arabs were united. Most people tend to think 'Well, it's Iraq, and it does not affect us.' But they don't realise that it will...

And to the poster who's said that 'Layla writes more like a westerner' - sorry to disappoint you, but most people who are not westerners write better in English than native speakers.
Anonymous said…
well said little deer!!
YoUnicorn said…
Exactly Little Deer !
yes !!!

Take care of yourself !
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Little Deer... your so correct in saying that most people who speak another lanuage tend too write better than most of the people of that country (me included)... western or eastern... mainly because they tend too be higher educated... But that really wasn't what I was talking about... the lanuage she used in her artical about Arabic men could have been written by a woman who frequented Beer joints... I found the "F" bombs refreshing too say the least
Anonymous said…
Mohammed Ashruff, for the sake of Crying Out Loud, take off those pink-colored glasses and look the Grim Reality in its pitch black face.

Your beloved Hezbollah is nothing more than yet again another BASTARD CHILD of Mr. and Mrs. Iransrael just like Hamas.

How tired I am of sectarian scum posing as champions of the Arabs, God only knows...
Anonymous said…
Reality-based arab: Kiss my arse.
Hezbollah beat the crap out of the IDF, (where you in a cocoon) The IDF can only fight and kill stone throwing children, old men and women. That’s what they are good at. Hamas is the elected government of the Palestinians and is 80% a social organization. I am sure you know that, as you claim to be an Arab. Methinks you are either an Israeli (as I touched a sore point with you people) or a Zionist.
Anonymous said…
I am an Arab nationalist = against BOTH Zionism AND Persianism...

What about YOU ?
Anonymous said…
I don't know why they put S with S before
Anonymous said…
Will someone take Alley, Lane, Lead and the other cuckoos to the nut house please?
What is wrong with you people, can't you take a bit of democracy without going like wild fire...

Now what happened to democracy?

Stay tuned folks...
Anonymous said…
For God's sake J Allen can you think of nothing else?
Anonymous said…
Well I'm right about S and S :)

Trouble with C Lane?

Looks that way
Anonymous said…
Am I alone in thinking word verification bites?
Anonymous said…
you're the perfect bitch to fall in love with and am head over heels.
Anonymous said…

Or less time deleting?
Anonymous said…
L Mead's morning :) (not today)

I opened my eyes,pushed the covers off and put my feet on the floor. I walked into the bathroom and had a wee. I got up and washed my hands and face. I put on deodorant then walked back to the bedroom and over to my underwear drawer and took out undies which I then put on. Then I went to the wardrobe and picked out top and skirt. I walked into the kitchen and took the kettle from the counter and took it over to the sink and filled it with water. Then I put it back and switched it on. While I was waiting I got the coffee, cup and plunger from the respective cupboards and a spoon. When the kettle boiled I made coffee and added sugar to it. Then I drank it. I did some housework I really should do some laundry too I thought so I did. I put the clothes in the machine and switched it on. Then I was hungry so made some toast I got the bread and walked over to the toaster with it and put it in and pressed it down using the correct lever. I got a plate and the butter out and a knife. When the toast popped I buttered it and ate it standing in the kitchen.
Anonymous said…
That was detailed but unexciting L Mead.

I'm guessing you shower in the evening? As you do not mention it
Anonymous said…
J Allen

As a general rule yes
Anonymous said…
layla do you still throw babies out of incubators where you live now?

psycho killer.
Anonymous said…
nairah from province no.19,

You mean like the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador who asked the American PR company to make up that story when she had not set foot in Kuwait since her breastfeeding days?

Kuwait...yes right, the 19th province. We will take it back, don't worry. The branch always returns to the root and the erring sheep to the herd...

Good night Nairah meen tizee al Kuwait...
Anonymous said…
Actually, the lying slut's name was Nairah...

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