Drilling Blues...

My life seems to be made out of Blues...postnasal blues, drilling blues, woman's blues, Iraqi blues...

Is it the blues or is it an obsession ?

Maybe am obsessed...am totally obsessed, possessed more like it...maybe it's the "aura" of the "anti American" "fiery nationalistic cleric" Muqtada Al-Sadr that has taken hold of me. Maybe I can't shake off those Muqtada Blues...

It's not that I have anything against fat bastards with rotting teeth...as long as I am not asked to kiss them, or be forced to kiss them...in the context of the Shiastan blues.

In present day Iraq, if you can't afford to kiss, you are drilled...okay you were drilled, now you're just playfully poked, jabbed with manual screw drivers or you're just sodomized to death like in this video courtesy of the Jaysh Al-Mahdi now re-baptized as some cultural and charity organization who plays poker politics and vies the Ministries of "Education, Culture, Trade, Finance, Health"...to the great pleasure of the antiwar and leftists crapolas on Iran's payroll.

You see in the new Iraq all is permissible - trafficking of children, sexual slavery as in Muta'a temporary marriages for 10$ till contract do us part, having your ass grilled on barbecues as a form of torture (cannibalism coming soon), sodomy till death do us part, abductions, kidnappings, arbitrary arrests, day light killings, stealing, theft, corruption...all of that is permissible...really. You're really fine if you engage in any or all of the above activities/hobbies. But...

But please...you need to respect the local "conservative" "Islamic" "culture" of the country, you need to respect morals and have a modicum of decency...hence, sorry you're not allowed to consume any alcoholic drink...that would be most "haram". You will be surely trespassing against the laws of God and the Vilayat al Faqih from Qum - Iran. That will make the Ayatollahs and the Mullahs most displeased...

You shall not be blessed no more in the new Iraq with 2.8 ethanol running in your veins.

Listen, as long as we can sodomize you till death, you're fine..but please don't drink and don't drink and smoke and don't drink and drive...OK?

Ah, never mind me ! Just got a bad case of the drilling blues...

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