Totally Fucked Up....

Sorry, don't mean to dampen your spirits or anything, but really, truly, Americans are the most fucked up people I have ever seen...

It's unbelievable how screwed these people are...but even worse than being a totally screwed up nation and people, the worst thing is that they are unaware of how fucked up they are....

I mean that's bad--real bad.

Seriously now, I am not trying to be nasty, mean, or anything like that...seriously, Americans are totally fucked up.
I met a couple of these congenital idiots tonight...I was with a bunch of friends and they happened to be here...

They are the most annoying lot I have ever come across...Not only are they loud, not only do they have zero manners, not only are they so fucking arrogant for nothing, because they are a nothing, they crown it all with so much ignorance...

Fuck it, how can a people be so ignorant, as ignorant as the Americans is beyond me...this is a bunch of fucking retards, in dire need of life time therapy...

Honestly no one has this effect on me, like the Americans. They are so fucking dumb, it's totally awesome -- to use one of their sentences...and sorry to report --  their women are much worse then their men...horror of horrors...

What a fucked up people...what a junk people...

Are you at all surprised that everything they produce is junk like them ? I am not at all....

I look at Iraq and see nothing but American junk...

In a way I feel sorry for these idiots, and for anyone who cheers or admires this garbage...of a people...

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