Oppressive America...

Truly, I have never felt as oppressed as I have since 2003...I have never felt as much angst, as much suffocation, as much tyranny, as much repression as I have felt since those subhumans landed in Iraq....

For me today, America and Americans are associated in my head with pure Oppression...I have learned through those years, to unmask them in no time...even the "most liberal " among them...because in the latter's case it is their indifference and their cover-up that is so oppressive.

I find their political correctness oppressive, tyrannical...I find their external veneer asphyxiating with its phoniness, I find their so-called outer friendliness and so-called openness so thick with ill intent, ignorance and profiteering coupled with a poisonous snide racism that they can't seem to shake off...

I see America as the child of the Brits....but more "modern" looking, without the overt Victorian hangups of the English...yet God knows how much the mixture of American puritanism and perversion - at the same time...yes they are puritans and perverts together - how that deeply sick combination is lethal, toxic, caustic to others....and how it seeps and colors their words and deeds...

I need to stop again - this is making me sick. And it a beautiful morning here, but I will not dwell or stress it too much, lest they covet and come to occupy that too....

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