Resistance's Many Colors...

Nothing irritates me more than those left wing jerks sitting behind their computers theorizing from the safety of their homes about who, what and how the Resistance should : be, plan, act...

Who are you to start with ? You are a nobody with a theory, with a bible that you carry like some born again fundamentalist fanatic. Your bible carries the name of Marx, Engels, Lenin or some anachronistic personality from the Bolshevik Revolution and its theoreticians..and it has NO bearing, NO influence, NO hold, NO affinity, on the one who is resisting, none whatsoever...

Then was then, now is now...before it was Red, today it is Green...

And it is no coincidence that it is Green either. It is no coincidence because the new world order as expounded in the post Soviet Union collapse - the collapse of the Red -- made it very clear that its new enemy took on a Green color.

Just before operation Desert Storm...I heard American officials talking of the Green threat and the Green flag...Mind you, Americans and their lapdogs have been entangled in Iraq ever since...Green is potent too...

So it comes as no surprise that if you fight Green, you will get Green in your face...and why not ?

After all, all these wars of imperialism that really don't fit classical imperialist theories anymore, and I know some will disagree, but I don't care how much you disagree - are waged on a majority Green people...

Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and next Sudan... They look pretty Green to it is most natural to have a Resistance in the same shades...

It may very well be that the Red has proven to be a  faded color from bygone days. And the only Red I can see is that of Innocent Blood...

But hey, by all means, you can still dream on... from your boxes and behind your computers...

Painting : Iraqi artist, Salem Al-Dabbagh.

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