A Message of Forgiveness for 2010

Don't you like it when these sons of preacher men come and preach to you ?

Fuck it, hundreds of daily messages from the good, God fearing West, the God fearing America, shoving it down your throats and if you happen to be under Occupation, shoving down your asses...with ...

with ...

Forgive your enemy, don't hold on to rage, divisions come from Ego...bla bla bla...

And all the while those hypocritical motherfuckers do nothing but wage wars of Occupations, where your children are murdered, your elderly go begging, your women are raped and your men sodomized and killed...

Preach what my ass ? What are you preaching you fucked up bastards ??!!!

Peace on earth and good will to all men ? You have brought nothing but fucking destruction and bad will.

Letting go of the Ego and all of its greed ? You are nothing but Ego run wild and the thing you do best and excel at is contemplating your belly button...your navel.

Forgiving your "Enemy" Oh really ? and who is YOUR Enemy ?

Whine, whine -- 19 hijackers on 9/11.

And how come you did not forgive them ?

And how come you invaded two innocent and now three innocent countries Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan ???

If you are so good at forgiving your "Enemy" why did you not forgive him on 9/11 and why did you reproduce a thousand 9/11's after that ???

And if you are so good at new age bullshit and love thy neighbor crap, why did you vote for Bush the fucking illiterate criminal who can't spell, not once but TWICE.

And the same goes for that psychopath liar Blair. TWICE you voted for that motherfucker.

And how come you elected Obama who promised you change ----change in Afghanistan...where hundreds of innocents are being murdered daily...

And you come preaching to me about the negative side effects of Ego and holding on to anger ?!!!

Fuck you.

Fuck you, you indecent, immoral pieces of shit. Millions have died in your name and in the name of your fucking system built on lies...

Fucking hypocrites, of the West...of America...

You are fine pontificating as long as no one touches your turf...and fuck the rest of the world.

Every time I "warm up" and about to give you the benefit of the doubt, blaming it on your endemic ignorance, apathy, indifference and self centeredness -- your fucking perpetual state of megalomania wakes me up...

You have this capacity to grind other people into NOTHINGNESS and still preach to them...about forgiveness..

You have this capacity to wage the most IMMORAL wars in history, destroying innocent peoples lives and still preach to them about selflessness.

You have this capacity to make abstraction of other peoples tragedies, tragedies brought on by you and your acts, and you sit on your bums preaching about love and how everyone really ought to get it on...together...

Oh man, you are such a perfidious, fake, dishonest, arrogant, depraved lot...

Forgive you ? Forgive you while you're sitting wanking your theories away, theories dug up from Jesus, Mahatma and new age Gurus and Swamis...giving yourselves airs of being so sophisticated and above it all, while your bombs and military rape one people after another, into oblivion ?

You must be fucking kidding me...

Preach forgiveness while you are still at it ? Full blown ?!

You must be fucking kidding me...

You get your stinking asses out of the countries you occupied, you pay shit loads of reparations from your own fucking pockets - the famous " tax payers money", with which you have contributed to one genocide after another, you get your shitty faces over here and re-build with your own two hands what you have destroyed. And some of what you have destroyed will never be able to be built again....but you would not know that, because you have no fucking history to start with...and you, each and every single one of you, sincerely apologizes to the people of Iraq, Afghanistan. Pakistan and the rest... and only then, can we talk about a POSSIBLE forgiveness...

Until then...you can stuff your theories about forgiveness, anger, ego and "love thy neighbor" and "tend the other cheek " up your asses !

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