Raw from the Morgue...

You know something, everytime I promise myself to wear softer gloves with you, a piece of news forces me to get another pair of a different kind, out.
I don't like it that way. But this is a "way" you forced upon me, despite my good intentions, despite my values, despite my ideals, despite my humanness.
Why are you so adamant of stripping me of whatever ties me to you ?
You want it ? You will get it. If not from me , a "simple" woman... but you will get it for sure. Just be patient.
I am certain your old timer colonialists are still complaining over a couple of gin and tonics in for "men only" "fraternity clubs ": Damn it, those Arabs are too unruly.
Yes, sorry Sir, we are. Do bring them on...
If us, "desert ragheads" have anything in our favor, it is this one thing. An enormous sense of dignity. ( and no amount of pornographic sadism a la Gitmo style will take it away.)
Something you are not very used to. I do understand but don't expect me to sympathize for your loss of that basic "thing". That raw unnameable "thing" that is so foreign to you , yet so vital for us.
It is no longer a question of survival in the face of death, nor a survival of the fittest (according to your social theories of crude Darwinism).
It is not even a "narcissistic" question of national pride.
It is not about oil, even though you love the concept because it is so safe and easy.(and because it absolves you of any response-ability).
It is not about geopolitics even though this latter is central.
It is beyond all of that.
It is a question of Dignity. Not Arab dignity, nor Muslim dignity. No, that has nothing to do with it. It is all about Human Dignity. Touch it , feel it now. Feel the texture, see how smooth and soft it is .
You have tried to erase that one with force and we are safeguarding it and reclaiming it with the exact same force if not more.
Bring them on...

Easy equation. No need for sophisticated theories here. It is all out there for you to see. Simple but very effective.
Now enjoy the ride to... the Morgue. And let Death be the ultimate Judge.
Pitiful, very pitiful lot.

Painting :Iraqi Artist, Saad Al Qaabi.


Anonymous said…
You deal with very sensitive issues. Thanks for your honest opinions and honest style. Keep up the good work with your blog.
Layla Anwar said…
Thank you Zebra, they are sensitive indeed...Life and Death are sensitive too... Keep coming back!
Anonymous said…
Very beautiful subtle of a paradox.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful !
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
and wow !
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar,
You have this capacity to shame, to awake and to tantalize all at once.
Anonymous said…
Sister Layla may god bless you,this is the first time I visit your Blog,and I want to tell you I am proud of you and your work,keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…
No words, Layla, only agreement that we are all very, very proud of you. Truth can never be buried or disguised.

God bless.
Anonymous said…
Layla, this is my first visit to your blog n im already enjoying wat i read esp abt Saddam Hussein. Keep writing Layla....
Tate said…
What is the difference between an Arab today and the American Indian 2-300 years ago?

The American Indian accepted as a gift disease-ridden blankets from the American government when they were cold and homeless.

The Arab of today says "leave or die" whenever presented with gifts from the west, even if given by American Arabs. I read a story about some Lebanese Muslims that chased a group of American Muslims out of the bomed out villages. They just gave a threat and said leave or die.

So the American Indian trusted the enemy. Sadly, they are almost wiped out now.

I don't think that the Arab of today will be taking down that road.
Anonymous said…
"..and as I watched him on the stage
...my hands were clenched in fists of rage"

From the song "American Pie".

Exactly the feeling I had while watching mr. bush being interviewed on 60 Minutes.

Unrepentant. Full of hubris. Smirking.

Abdullah Mustafa
Anonymous said…
Thank you for every effort that you put into your blog. Although the things I read are terrible I am proud to see you publish the truth.
In America we do not get the "real" news. Only what is filtered through our government are the things that we are allowed to see.
I am American. And I am sorry and ashamed of my government. My pity is not just for the American soldiers but for all who are involved in this situation. I have cried many tears for the loss of Iraqi life, the death of children. I am disgusted by it.
I have children of my own. And I am sure the American Federal Government has me on one if not more of their lists of "threats", although I am just a simple man trying to raise my children at an income that is well below poverty level for Americans, as much of the money used to continue this ridiculous "war" comes from financial cut backs on "we the people".
I hope I have not offended you by posting this in any way. I know my situation is in no way comparable to the situation in Iraq. But I do see the day coming when the government of USA will pose a threat to my family.
And like you, I am not afraid to be vocal about it.
The USA was once a nice place, but now...everyone who sits a top of a high horse "leading" my country can kiss my ass.
God help the son's of bitch's when their politics threaten my wife and children. I am only one man but my response to their threat will not be peacful.
Again Layla I praise you for your courage to write through your terrible pain and loss.
Not as an American, not as a Christian, not as a Muslim, not as a politician, but as one HUMAN BEING to another...I am so sorry and may god bless and take care of you.
Anonymous said…

suicide bombers are filled to the brim with human dignity.

and mullahs, who lie, misquoting the Quran to their illiterate followers...

just overflowing with human dignity.

you can't ignore the actions of those who 'represent' you... and expect the outside world to understand and comply with your views.

especially when you fill your blog with veiled threats to the rest of the world.

keep up the good work, layla, but start at home.

Maybe if the likes of you stayed at home in 2003 Iraq would not be in the state it is now.
Anonymous said…
Greetings again from the one who sent you the post about Kofi recently.
Here are some interesting titbids about Basam Ridha, the "Iraqi Government" spokesperson seen on TV today (15th Jan) announcing the latest executions---just in case you are not aware of his bio/cv as yet.


(Please scroll down to Jan 2, 2007 date to see the info.)
Layla Anwar said…
Kathy, Iraqi Freedom, Raihanz.
Thank you for your support, keep spreading the news. If there is anything left to be salvaged that is.
Best Regards
Layla Anwar said…

Iraqis are being wiped out on an average of 100 a day. please check the following websites
I am sick to my stomach.
I have never ever witnessed any such thing in past or contemporary history. And nothing seems to stop the inferno. Where is God , an act of Divine intervention, major is needed NOW
Best regards
Layla Anwar said…
Ike, many thanks for your wonderful words. You are a very honest person and I really don't have anything against american individuls or any other for that fact. I can tell you have seen the "light" and I pray that you spread it around you.
Best Regards
Layla Anwar said…
Anonymous 1 to 5 - thank you.
Layla Anwar said…
Anonymous no 6.

Are you trying to be clever here or what? What veiled threats? You are the one who is currently threatening me in maybe not such a veiled way.
You read in my text what you want to read. My points are clear. And if you bother to read the rest , you will see that I condemn violence against civilians, and I condemn crazy mullahs.
Do I think it is rigth and dignified to resist any occupation?
Yes I do.
Now you can safely breath and stop threatening me.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous no 7

Thank you for the links , will check them out. I have "promised" you a piece on the UN and I shall keep my promise but there are other more urgent matters right now. And frankly I am OVERWHELMED and at times feel I simply cannot cope anymore.
Best regards
Anonymous said…
Dearest Layla,
Your courage (Mash'Allah)in saying the truth is a great example of The Human Dignity you talk about...God is present Layla, everywhere at all times and please don't ever doubt that however dark the times may seem,it is HE THE DIVINE who is guiding you and all those other courageous and true people to fight in different ways for the safeguard of the Human Dignity.The cost is very high indeed but then Human Dignity has never been cheap...
God bless you and protect you always.Ameen.
Tate said…
Layla and all of the people here who share a deep sickness for this madness. Some of us more directly and vividly than others. We all see the ugly trends and if we try, we can see the ugly fundamental drivers of those ugly trends. My assessment is:

Ugly trend - more war, more suffering, more depleted uranium for the world to breathe.

Ugly drivers - Oil starved mega-industrial base looking for excuses to secure the second (Iran) and third (Iraq) largest patches of oil reserves in the world, next to the first (Saudi).

The ugly trends won't stop unless we get sane leaders in America (not before an economic crash, due to corprorate control over our electoral systems) or until that oil is stripped out of the region (Also, this will not happeen before an economic crash due to brave Arab resistance.)

So either way, our savior will be an economic crash of our system. That is my ugly, dire, honest assessment.
Anonymous said…
(i guess i'm anonymous #6)

i don't see how i threatened you at all.

i read your blog because i find it sometimes insightful.

sometimes it reads like a mirrored version of right-wing christian propaganda.

i just thought a reality check was in order.
Anonymous said…
anonymous 6

Right wing christian propaganda?
loooool. Do keep enlightening me with your gems of wisdom. Many thanks
Layla Anwar.
Anonymous said…
t said...
Dearest Layla,
Your courage (Mash'Allah)in saying the truth is a great example of The Human Dignity you talk about...God is present Layla, everywhere at all times and please don't ever doubt that however dark the times may seem,it is HE THE DIVINE who is guiding you and all those other courageous and true people to fight in different ways for the safeguard of the Human Dignity.The cost is very high indeed but then Human Dignity has never been cheap...
God bless you and protect you always.Ameen.

Please tell me what drugs you are on?
I want some.
What is the asshole sitting there watching HIS creation SLAUGHTER each other?????????????????
Are you serious, honestly?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Well if you REALLY believe that then FUCK YOU AND YOUR GOD.
Motherfucker what sort of "GOD" sits there watching PEOPLE slaughter each other???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
GOD fuck you.
Anonymous said…
Only an american would come up with the sentence above. Seems everytime the word human dignity is mentioned in any of my posts, the vermin crawls out. Will keep your comment brave anonymous for a while , I just want to make sure people read your filth.
Layla Anwar.
Tate said…
Dear Layla,

Many, perhaps most Americans are brainwashed and deadened to anything cultural, biological, beautiful.

I am only surprised that this site doesn't get more of the garbage anonymous posts like that one up there.

Therefore, there may come a time when you will have to preserve your core message and the dignity of your core readership by monitoring posts.

I just hate to see people from my country insult the world with their pretense, vulgarity, lack of culture, lack of world view, uneducated, self-centered, childish drivel. And yet they are the ones to pity. Their blindness allows them to fall so often, but let them fall somewhere else. The majority of people on this site don't need to be exposed to that.

I don't mind. I am used to it. I just hate to see cultured people get exposed to the "ugly American" type, as they are called around the world.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Only an american would come up with the sentence above. Seems everytime the word human dignity is mentioned in any of my posts, the vermin crawls out. Will keep your comment brave anonymous for a while , I just want to make sure people read your filth.
Layla Anwar.

Please explain to me how i was abusing your or the words "human dignity"?
Layla Anwar said…

I do understand but I think for the moment it is important for this anonymous "brave" man/woman to voice his hatred and ignorance. He/she does not know. It is good to give people a chance, don't you think ?
Layla Anwar said…

I was refering to the person blaspheming against God. Are you that person. Do at least leave a name or an initial. God will not punish you I promise. lol.
And yes when I refer to human dignity and someone refers to God in their comment section and you insult both then you are abusive.
Anonymous said…
Layla maybe you should read my post again, not once did i mention the words human dignity when abusing the poster within regards to the term god.
Had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with you but hey if you think the world revolves around you and not god , lol as you say.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous 6 .
You re read your comment made in response to something T said.
Yes abusing God which is the central force for us is abusing human dignity as we conceive it. And no the world does not revolve around me but it sure seems to revolve around your ego. I think a bit of self searching on your part would not be such a bad idea after all.
Anonymous said…
Well as long as god is having fun with Iraq Layla, what can i say?
I just hope god gets bored with Iraq SOON and moves onto the next disaster which human dignity will willingly oblige.
Anonymous said…
Maybe God will move to the US soon so we can see who will mock whom...
Have fun dear.
Layla Anwar.

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