Truth and Idols...

Very impressive, don't you think ? Very impressive the "ouverture" by the "anti-imperialist" "anti-zionist" representative of the Iranian government, bearing the title of President and who goes by the name of Ahmadinejad.

I, too, was very impressed.

What audacity ! What balls !

The President of Iran rightly exclaimed - Israel, the Jewish state of Israel supported by 99% of the Jews living on stolen land - to be a racist and cruel entity.

His "propos" are absolutely correct on that count.

And look at the outrage and indignation of the Europeans, all ruffled in their holocaust sympathies. How come they do not extend their holocaust sympathies to the Palestinians living under a brutal occupation for over 60 years, a brutal occupation inflicted by those same holocaust survivors ?!

And I do understand the elation and exaltation of all those "well meaning" "anti-zionist" supporters. I can even go as far as to say that I can understand their adulation and idealization of the President of Iran...if it were not for...

If it were not for the blatant facts, the reality check list, the inescapable, inalterable truth - however much you try to deny it, suppress it, tamper with it, justify it, rationalize it, analyze it, dismiss it, falsify it, cover it, hide it, negate it...

The truth that will come your way, you -- the "anti-zionist", "anti-imperialist" supporters of Persian Iran, whatever your nationality, including you -- the Arabs, the Iraqis (Baathists included), and in particular you - the Palestinians.

The truth that you have spat on, for over 6 years now, like spitting on the corpses that were mutilated and murdered, corpses that died carrying it...corpses that are still being uncovered in mass graves, in rivers, in morgues...corpses that paid the price of your Persian, Iranian idolatry...

The truth that so many of you out there, in particular the so-called anti -imperialist, anti-war, the despicable left, liberals and progressives alike, the bad faithed anti-zionists...the truth that you refuse to acknowledge, adding insult to injury, adding lies to the deceit, adding more carnage and mayhem to the occupation, the truth...ladies and gentlemen, nothing but the truth...

The Truth...

The Truth ...who will salvage the Truth ?

The Truth...

Had it not been for the FULL and unequivocal COLLABORATION of Iran with the Americans and the Brits - those same hypocrites who professed outrage two days ago,
Had it not been for that undeniable FACT - You would have witnessed with your own eyes, your brave boys and girls packing up and leaving in full defeat.

In other words, had it not been for the full participation of Iran in the imperialist, colonialist, zionist, racist, cruel, brutal, murderous, American occupation of Iraq, the Iraqi Resistance would have by now, already showed you in full technicolors, the V sign of Victory.

Had it not been for the despicable, cunning, filthy, role of Iran, there would have been no sectarian ignition of civil war in Iraq. It is thanks to that same vile Persian government that you praise o' so much , thanks to that sectarian, all shiite, all fascist, all racist government of Iran that you idolize o'so much that --ghettos have been built in Baghad, that militias have drilled non shiites in Iraq, that ministries have been transformed into torture dungeons, that puppet governments have been erected as the most corrupt, ideologically criminal entities witnessed in the history of Iraq...

It is thanks to your fake god and idol of "anti- imperialism" and "anti-zionism" that thousands upon thousands of Iraqis have lost their lives to shiite militias working for Iran and for the Americans, it is thanks to them and to you too, that women, children, the elderly, men, gays, sunnis, christians, arabs, non shiites (except for the rotten Kurds) have been tortured, sodomized, raped, drilled, abducted, kidnapped, mutilated, murdered, injured, insulted and exiled...

It is thanks to the full collaboration of your precious Persian idol with imperialist, zionist, America, that thousands of Iraqis are living behind tall walls of segregated ghettos, that they have been displaced, that they have been evicted from their homes, that their homes and even their lands have been appropriated by the sectarian shiites who work for your precious Persian idol, that their fields have been turned into poppy land, producing drugs instead of food, that even the exports from your fantastic Iran are all contaminated with toxic, poison, expired goods that are being dumped on us in the name of "good relations with neighboring countries" - a motto that even the Baathists, the so-called "spearhead" of the "Liberation", the "beacons" of a free Iraq, are repeating these days...

It is thanks to that monster called Iran, and to its militias, and its "revolutionary" guards that Baghdad, the Center and the South of Iraq have been turned into play fields made of smugglers, smuggling Iraq's history, art, antiquities, Iran for FREE.

It is thanks to your idolatry that Iran continues to support the racist, chauvinist, Kurds who are being trained by guess who ? Trained by Israel, trained in the art of torture of non kurds, trained in the art of land appropriation and expansionism, trained in the art of theft...

It is thanks to Iran and its shiite brainwashed ideological freaks that-- what once was a secular, progressive, egalitarian country, which protected minorities, encouraged creativity and art, pushed women to excel, provided free health care, invested in education and higher learning, nationalized its resources and oil and used it to build its infrastructure and civil society -- a country that had its say and weight in the world of nations...a once upon a time gone - thanks to your idolatry.

Had it not been for Iran, you would have not witnessed Iraq turn into a backward, gender oppressive, corrupt, degrading, sectarian, criminal...theocracy of turbaned shiites, who rule with cunning, deceit and an iron fist - under the banner of American freedom and democracy.

Had it not been for your fake Islamic republic, your racist, chauvinistic, exclusive, oppressive, fake Islamic republic, maybe the noble message of Islam would have not become so deformed and so perverted as it is now in Iraq.

And last but not least, you bad faithed, politically corrupt, ideologically bankrupt, opportunistic leeches, supporters of your Persian Idol...had it not been for Iran and its militias, the Palestinians of Iraq, the ones you keep crying over their fate, would have not dwindled from 35'000 to less than 6'000. Murdered and still lingering in tents in no man's land or being granted asylum in Sudan, Somalia and India !

Yes the truth, ladies and gentlemen...

The truth is that Iran is worse than Israel, a hundred times worse.

Israel, we all know its true colors, but Iran -- the republic of Deceit, has fooled you and others with cheap jargon and slogans and its fake "Islamic" bent...suckers that you are.

And some of you know all the above, but being the political opportunists that you are and yes that includes some Palestinians and their supporters, would continue denying it in your idolatry...

We know differently. We have public parks turned into cemeteries, mass graves, morgues and ghettos waiting to testify for us. We have over 1 and half million dead bodies, 5 million refugees, 3 million widows, 5 million orphans waiting to testify...and for Truth to be told...

And You and I, know all too well, that no testimony of Truth can come forth from idol worshippers.

Painting : the late Iraqi artist, Issam Al-Said.

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