I really hate America, Americans, their culture, their ways, their accent, their politics, their arrogance, their stupidity, their ignorance... I really can't stand Americans. I can't stand their men, their women, their country, everything they represent... I truly, deeply, sincerly hate them. I will elevate this hatred to an Art form. What colors do you think I should use ? I love colors and I find them to be a colorless people... So what colors should I use ? Gray, Black or Red ? Or maybe just White ? I have this idea of taking an old sheet, a dirty sheet...burn the edges, stab it with knifes and make holes in it, over a million holes, then throw in some bright red, like rain drops... At other times, I fantasize about using the Abu Ghraib excrements and smudging the sheet with it, then collectively wipe your faces with it. Wipe your faces with the shit of the detainees you tortured. Sometimes, my fantasy takes on a perverted twist, you must be a contagious lot with your perve
...or maybe it was/is a blessing, for it led me away from life but close to Iraq's heart...
You're brilliant, and don't let anyone tell you different. I am a writer who has a manuscript at a publishing house, and you leave me in the dust.
As for IQ tests, that's garbage. Einstein was told he would never succeed. Essentially, he was stupid. If he hadn't wound up in a "sort of" exile, most of us speculate he would never have produced the extraordinary work he did.
Thank you for a beautiful comment.
Thank you and you make me blush.
Excuse my ignorance but is Morgan a name for a woman, man or both ? I've always wondered about that...
You can join us on condition that you partake in the hubbly bubbly smoke...
Am in exile, and I have not defied the law of gravity yet. lol.
I should let Morgan speak for himself/herself. Generally, Morgan is a man's name. BUT, ocassionally, it functions as a woman's name as well.
I could think of lots of jokes around this name peculiarity, but, I'll leave that for Morgan, himself?
(Once I was in a software class northeast of Sacramento, and I insisted the teacher refer to me as 'it', and he commented that I must be from the Bay Area. That stuck.)
I have read where the sense of smell is the strongest in regards to transgression or recalling the past.
I have to agree. I can be anywhere at anytime and a scent I may catch and instantly my mind/thoughts are back to then.
Scents can also trigger past traumas or certain events. Children that have been abused or molested can have a fear of certain smells because of this and they are engrained in the memories probably for a lifetime.
I am happy, that you can sniffle the scent of the molester!!!!!!!!!!!!
Barbie's front!!????
Layla's rear!!!????
Karl marx's douche bag!!??
A lady bird's dots!!??
We dont know who the driver is, where we are headed each day, how long we will be along for the ride and what sights & experiences we will witness or try to reach.
Sometimes we have the choice to just get out. Others go down a long bumpy road. Others wonder why this particular taxi happened to be theirs.
"Because I am a non-European I have a different system of thinking, my order is different. Deconstructionism and the structuralist theories are based on theories which were so-called rationalist, one way of doing things. I don't belong to that tradition. I belong to a tradition which already has a different order. They are called more emotional, intuitive, but intuitive is not instinctive. Intuitive is the marriage of rationalism and experience."
Truth does not need to prove itself. It just is.
and here lies the difference between people who instinctively know how to experience life vs those who remain 'unmarried' thru a life of rationalism.
smell on.
Very nice comment!
Kiss my ass and my kundara, ya Adabziz, arziz, namoosziz.
I don't like Zaha Hadid at all. Her futuristic, too modern archicterural designs are an insult to me. Besides she made good money designing the new embassy of the new liberated Iraq in DC.
Intuition is not a product of rationalism and experience. Intuition is FITRA. Zaha Hadid forgot the meaning of it.
Welcome to across borders "out of place " club.
So Morgan is the name for a woman. OK got it now. It made me laugh...Your nose that is...but come to think of it - I will tell you what Annie said - "Smell on".