In The Deep End...

Upon the recommendation of a friend, I took up swimming again...She said it will expand your lungs and I could do with some extra air.

I actually love swimming, but I regard pools as nests of bacterias, germs, fungus and chlorine...This obviously doesn't help my chronic apprehension of becoming contaminated with one thing or the other...

After all there were/are enough of DU, polluted water, soiled foodstuffs, biological particles from white phosphorus stacked in the Iraqi body, surely I don't need an added germ - albeit of a local flavor...

But I did try to overcome my hypochondriasis and hit the pool for some lung expansion. Slow, even, strokes - my friend suggested, so I did just that - slow, even strokes, in yoga like fashion.

I nearly bumped my head a couple of times on the edge of the pool, having adopted this contemplative Zen approach, but did manage to avert any major accident, thankfully...

After a while, I got frankly bored with the back and forth, and my meditative state quickly degenerated into a whirl of thoughts, memories and a replay of conversations I had recently...

One of these conversations was with a fellow Iraqi, and we were discussing our days in Baghdad, when we would go swimming at the various sports clubs. He said matter of factly - I always remember Iraqi women being in bathing suits and swimming. What on earth happened since ?

- Ask Iran and its sectarian, backward supporters, was my reply.

We had excellent sports clubs in Baghdad. Showing up in bathing suits as opposed to dressing up in a potato bag, was part of the local scene at the pool. I mean this is what one expects to be dressed in by a pool- a bathing suit. Not a chador, Persian style...

As my body was floating, my mind followed suit and engaged in a current of free associations...I kept on pushing the water back, in a resolute manner, and another conversation popped up in my head. One I had not too long ago with a good friend of mine. We were discussing Iran, Hezbollah and Israel. My friend's astute observations came to the surface again, in full force.

The conversation came about when my friend returned from Beirut and remarked that Iranian flags were all over the place. She added by saying that Israel's war on Lebanon in 2006, was nothing but a show of force between Iran and Israel. And Iran provoked it through its proxy arm - Hezbollah.

She said - Both Iran and Israel are expansionist states, their disagreement is not a disagreement on principles - their disagreement is mainly related to Iraq.

- How is that? I probed.

- The US/Israel and Iran have a deal going on/in Iraq. After the occupation, the Americans/Israelis tried to fuck with the Iranians insofar as their deal was concerned, so Iran said to them - You want to fuck with us in Iraq, after all what we've done for you guys, we will show you, our missiles can reach Tel-Aviv from Lebanon, and we will turn Lebanon upside down if you persist in breaching our prearranged deal.

She also cleverly remarked two things

- Do you realize two things since this Israeli war on Lebanon ? One the timing - it was at the height of the sectarian ethnic cleansing in Iraq, where Iran and its sectarian Shia proxies and the US were fully cooperating in murdering Iraqis, in particular the Sunnis. And the second - AFTER this "war" in Lebanon, Iran's role in Iraq came out in the open, it was no longer a secret, hidden, matter, but very much made public. These are no coincidences, she concluded.

Of course, I had to agree with her sharp perceptivity of events, a fresh contrast to the never-ending bull crap I keep reading about the anti-Zionism of Iran and the imminent attack on it. A psy-op which has been going on for 5 years now - taking the focus off the Iraqi scene and diverting attention from the real Crime - to the utter pleasure of the pro-Iran punditry, enhancing their barks to higher pitches in chorus like fashion with Iran's militias, be it Hezbollah, the Jaysh al-Mahdi, the Dawa party, the SCII and the rest of the locusts...

A few more hard strokes and I will be done with this smelly pool - I thought to myself...And as I approached the edge, I heard a couple of Iraqi voices. Two young men, with shaved heads looking like some bulging GI's, imitating the nasal twang, with a "Yeah man". One of the guys had a tattoo on his arm - an American eagle.

I could tell from their accents that they were Shroogs - a Shroogee is someone who combines lack of manners, poor taste and no education. They were Shroogs who adopted the Uncle Sam look during the day and would engage in Husseiniyat - lamenting Kerbala, (something that happened 1'500 years ago) - Qum style, during the evenings.

They were/are the perfect babies of C.Rice's midwifery. A perfect epitome of the New Iraq and the New Middle East. A perfect reflection of the US/Israel - Iran collaborative and occupied Iraq is full of them. I will not be surprised to see similar specimens emerging at some point in Lebanon and elsewhere in the Arab World. Just give it more time...

I was glad to be out of this pool. I grabbed my towel, dried myself, lit a cigarette, inhaled, expanding my lungs even further...and headed to the shower, to diligently wash off all the germs I encountered in this Deep End.

Painting : Iraqi artist, Mohammad Jaafar, "Untitled", 2006.


Anonymous said…
We had excellent sports clubs in Baghdad...

Is Nadi Al Alwiyyah still around?

Iraqi Jew
bARABie said…
"And the second - AFTER this "war" in Lebanon, Iran's role in Iraq came out in the open, it was no longer a secret, hidden, matter, but very much made public. These are no coincidences, she concluded. "

Alright, the first point i understand and even thought of previously but i don't understand the point of the safavids bringing their murderous actions in Iraq out into the open.
Would you please explain that to me because it has me stumped.
bARABie said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
bARABie said…
jewish maggot @ 3:52am, isn't there a shoa you need to be making money out of?????

Remember, "there is no business like shoa business".
Anonymous said…
Barabie - get lost you foul mouthed bitch. Even your own family can't stand you.

Iraqi Jew
Anonymous said…
I love the twists and turns... and strokes you use to let truths re-surface.
Very clever indeed.
Bravo and thank you.
bARABie said…
This is the second weekend in a row where blogs have been inaccessible.
The only way i am able to type this message is because i had left the comment window open.
bARABie said…
jewish maggot @ 3:52pm BARKED, "get lost.....bitch."

What a "foul mouth".
Up yours you jewish maggot!
TFOU on such filth.
There can't be a god because if there was, he/she/it would NEVER have created jewish maggots.

I tell you what the jewish maggots were "chosen" for, they were "chosen" to be the scum of the Earth.
Anonymous said…
"Iran provoked it (=Israel's war on Lebanon in 2006) through its proxy arm - Hezbollah"

What a superb piece of jewnazi hasbara!!!...
Layla Anwar said…
Iraqi Jew,

Nadi Ilwiya is totally dilapidated, and run by the Shroog, Me'daan and Haberbashiyah that US/Israel put in power.
Layla Anwar said…

After the Israeli war on Lebanon and Hezbollah's "divine victory", several things took place very much out in the open - prior to that there were witnesses reports and hearsay...

The full Iranian involvement with US/Israel in Iraq became evident with the lynching of President Saddam Hussein and the timing of the lynching. This was followed by open reports on the involvement of the Quds brigades in the murder of ex army officers, then Ahmadinejad official visit to Baghdad in the heart of the occupied Green Zone and in my opinion the most important piece of mainstream media info that made it all too clear for EVERYONE was the role played by Soleimani in brokering a truce deal between Maliki and the Sadrists following the fighting in Basrah. At that point even the anti war shits and the american media had to concede that Iran was involved up to its neck in Iraq, something that the US admin had tried downplaying at the beginning of the occupation despite and inspite of endless Iraqi witnesses testifying to the Iranian presence.
Layla Anwar said…
Thanks S, I am glad you caught "it"
Layla Anwar said…

I don't give a fuck about your pro-Iran, pro -Hezbollah stale propaganda...As an Iraqi, Iran's role in the US - Israeli collaborative is all too obvious to me...
And when Iran will liberate Palestine, come and meet me for a coffee...hahahahaha, bunch of political wankers.
bARABie said…
Layla, i don't dispute the safavid involvement in Iraq AND Lebanon AND Palestine but my question was about the their involvement being brought out into the open.


"These are no coincidences, she concluded. "

So someone decided to bring the safavid involvement out into the open but WHY??????
Would it not have been more beneficial for the safavids to remain, i guess, anonymous?
bARABie said…
Layla, if you are around now, would you check something for me?
Just try to open a blogspot blog and see if it works your end because it's not here.
Anonymous said…

All blogspots open up fine here...
Anonymous said…

On Safavid involvement out in the open.
Iran wants to be a regional power in the ARAB world, it has to flex its muscles in public...
bARABie said…
"Iran wants to be a regional power in the ARAB world, it has to flex its muscles in public..."

I agree with the above to a certain degree but the safavids didn't gain power by being open and honest, so why would they jeopardize that power by coming out, so to speak?
bARABie said…
Thanks btw for checking the blog for me, it must be either localized or a virus.
bARABie said…
Let me be more clearer about the above.

The safavids gained their power via deception (just like their heroes the jews), so my question should be...

Are they not risking losing that "power" by coming out?
bARABie said…
They had much more support in the Arab world when they were pretending to be neutral than when they came out.

Personal story:
During the 2006 israhelli invasion of Lebanon, i had an argument with my father over who would be better to control Lebanon.
I was saying i would rather have another Muslim country rule Lebanon than the jewish maggots occupying and murdering Palestine.
At the time i was young and naive and because of my pride, i still haven't apologized to dad about our little disagreement.
It was only thanks to YOU that i became aware of the scum safavids.
Anonymous said…
I wonder if Layla or anyone can please tell me what the Australian troops were up to in Iraq?
All I hear is that the troops were involved in reconstruction,that is the official version.It is also very strange that not one Australian was killed during this terrible invasion and occupation.I Know this question is not relevant to this discussion but I am trying to find out.I think maybe the then Prime Minister John Howard made a deal with Bush to keep the Australian cowards safe.
bARABie said…
"I wonder if Layla or anyone can please tell me what the Australian troops were up to in Iraq?"

Not being rude but what does it matter?
Australia means NOTHING to the rest of the world, it IS nothing but a convict colony full of convicts.
bARABie said…
"One year later, a Zim ship is impounded while attempting to ship Israeli military equipment to Iran; it is speculated that this is done with the knowledge of Israel. [AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, 3/29/2002]"

This just confirms, like so MANY other facts, the jewish maggot/safavid alliance.
Bold emphasis mine.
bARABie said…
Just in case, the above was in 2002.
Anonymous said…

Watch your back. Any day now there will be the following headline on SBS news:


Brother kills sister for having same sex relationship.

Even maggots are useful in treating wounds - You wouldn't be spewing so much hatred from your computer if it wasn't for the technology developed by the Jews!!!

Iraqi Jew
bARABie said…
"You wouldn't be spewing so much hatred from your computer if it wasn't for the technology developed by the Jews!!!"

Let me rephrase that for you.

I wouldn't be spewing so much hatred from my computer if it wasn't for the massacres committed by the jewish maggots.
KM said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin:

"Israel was born in violence and it will die in violence"
Anonymous said…
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin:

"Israel was born in violence and it will die in violence"


sheikh ahmen yassin was assisinated by israel
Anonymous said…
bARABie said...

"One year later, a Zim ship is impounded while attempting to ship Israeli military equipment to Iran; it is speculated that this is done with the knowledge of Israel. [AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, 3/29/2002]"

This just confirms, like so MANY other facts, the jewish maggot/safavid alliance.
Bold emphasis mine.


how come turkey doesn't attract as much ire as iran for its relationship with israel???
Anonymous said…
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin:

"Israel was born in violence and it will die in violence"


sheikh ahmen yassin was assisinated by israel


sheikh ahmed yassin was a good man
Anonymous said…
I wonder if Layla or anyone can please tell me what the Australian troops were up to in Iraq?
All I hear is that the troops were involved in reconstruction,that is the official version.It is also very strange that not one Australian was killed during this terrible invasion and occupation.I Know this question is not relevant to this discussion but I am trying to find out.I think maybe the then Prime Minister John Howard made a deal with Bush to keep the Australian cowards safe.


they were feeding on iraqi corpses the dirty stupid bastards
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...

We had excellent sports clubs in Baghdad...

Is Nadi Al Alwiyyah still around?

Iraqi Jew


u stupid bitch, this isn't a forum to have a chinwag abt old times....who cares abt a stupid sports club when millions of iraqis have been killed and displaced
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...


I don't give a fuck about your pro-Iran, pro -Hezbollah stale propaganda...As an Iraqi, Iran's role in the US - Israeli collaborative is all too obvious to me...
And when Iran will liberate Palestine, come and meet me for a coffee...hahahahaha, bunch of political wankers.


u can come and meet me too....but i wouldn't hold my breath
bARABie said…
"how come turkey doesn't attract as much ire as iran for its relationship with israel???"

In reply to your claim, following is a comment i made regarding the subject. enjoy. :)

(Blogger bARABie said...

nur, you are generally not worth replying to but i do have to say this.
If ALL Turks are like you then it's no wonder the Turks are being fucked dry by the jewish maggots, europeans AND yanks.
BRAVO...... bitch.

12/7/08 12:59 AM)
bARABie said…
""how come turkey doesn't attract as much ire as iran for its relationship with israel???""

Plus Turkey's role in the massacre of Iraq is minimal compared to the safavid role.
Anonymous said…
In reply to your claim, following is a comment i made regarding the subject. enjoy. :)

(Blogger bARABie said...

nur, you are generally not worth replying to but i do have to say this.
If ALL Turks are like you then it's no wonder the Turks are being fucked dry by the jewish maggots, europeans AND yanks.
BRAVO...... bitch.

12/7/08 12:59 AM)


that was mildly enjoyable but why is there not as much venom regularly against turks as there is against iranians.....partiuclarly in relation to palestine???

turkey is one of israels biggest allies but that doesnt seem to bother arabs as much as iran's role.....why is this???
bARABie said…
I have already answered the above question.

*Plus Turkey's role in the massacre of Iraq is minimal compared to the safavid role.*

Turkey, for example, is not ACTIVELY massacring Arabs like the safavids are in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria AND Palestine. Oh and don't forget the safavids role every year of Hajj and their role in fermenting divisions within the other Gulf countries.

Although i can't stand Turkey (bunch of turkeys they are) for being in bed with the jewish maggots, at least they are not massacring Arabs the same way the safavids are.

You are right in your anger regarding the turkeys.

It's like a when you are in school and their is a bully and there is one helping him/her..... Who do you complain about the most?????
bARABie said…
I forget to mention Afghanistan in the above.
bARABie said…
Oh AND what the safavids do to Arabs IN iran.
Layla Anwar said…
JR aka Layla

Well the Turks did not engage in massive ethnic cleansing of Iraqi Palestinians like the Iranian militias did, for starters...

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