For Your Eyes Only - Part I

Nothing beats living pictures, sight and sound...Nothing beats the Truth you are about to witness. Nothing beats your hideous, heinous, barbaric crimes...

The Video Link below is a must see. It does not allow any embedding, so I am not able to post it here on this blog. But do click on IT HERE.

You will be taken to the other side of the world. To a world of monsters, monsters of your own doing.

The Title ? Iraq Deformities / Fallujah- July 2008. Thanks to YOUR Weapons of Mass of Destruction. Yes, we found the weapons. They were and are still used by YOU in IRAQ.

And I don't want to receive any comments, mails or the like telling me that you could not bring yourself to watch it, because of your extra sensitivity.

We are living it, you bastards. So you watch it NOW. Just as you watched our lives being destroyed...


Anonymous said…
layla will watch it in the morning, i know i will have nightmares if i watch it now
bARABie said…
At one point they ask a woman if she will have anymore kids and she replies "no".

So not only have the yanks destroyed and mangled and deformed any existing Iraqi children but they also have prevented Iraqis from WANTING children.

Anonymous said…

The video shows American soldiers fighting in the battle of Fallujah, then cuts to deformed Iraqi babies and tries to pin the blame on the US. They were shooting at men with guns, not women with babies. You will repeat any lie you can to try and make the Americans look like the monsters AQI and the rest of the resistance has proven to be. The "resistance" in all its forms truly is a monster. This picture drawn by a little Iraqi child sums it up. Even with all the lies you spew, even a little child can see through it.

The best way to stir hatred is to show deformed babies and blame it on the enemy.

For the record, it is a crock of crap to claim those birth defects were caused by the US or white phosphorus. From TOXICOLOGICAL PROFILE FOR

"No effects on pregnancy rate or number of pups born alive were observed following the mating of male rats exposed to 1,742 mg orthophosphoric acid equivalents/m3 of white phosphorus smoke 15 minutes/day, 5 days/week for 10 weeks with female rats exposed for 3 weeks"

Why don't you tell the real story of Fallujah instead of recycling that old crap?

Greg from USA
bARABie said…
greg you swine, you can't help yourself can you. scum of the earth.

"If burning white phosphorus touches your
skin, it will burn you. If you are burned with white phosphorus, you may also develop heart,
liver, and kidney damage. We do not know if it can cause cancer or birth defects, or if it affects
the ability of people to have children."

From the SAME link YOU provided, you dirty low life scum!
G.Gar said…
How I would love to beat the shit out of this pig-Greg
Anonymous said…
a letter from the good people of fallujah to the un..........needless to say it wasnt acted upon
Anonymous said…
What could one expect of the white man's bitch, the House Negro, Kofi Annan?
Anonymous said…

Read your own words: "We do not know". Being dirty could cause cancer too WE DO NOT KNOW, until you tell us. An asteroid could hit the earth WE DO NOT KNOW.


"How I would love to beat the shit out of this pig-Greg" Bring it on pussy. Lets settle the whole conflict of civilizations with you and me in the octagon.

barabie and amre resort to threats and insults because they know their position is weak and they are wrong. I dare either one of you to walk through Fallujah with a t-shirt that says "join the resistance". The people would beat you with their shoes while the Iraqi police look on in approval.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
Re: Kofi said...

What could one expect of the white man's bitch, the House Negro, Kofi Annan?


how does this man sleep at night???
Anonymous said…
Look Into My Eyes
tell Me What Ya See
u Don't See A Damn Thing
cuz U Can't Relate To Me

u Blinded By Our Differences
my Life Makes No Sense To U
i'm The Persecuted One
u The Red, White And Blue

each Day U Wake In Tranquility
no Fears To Cross Your Eyes
each Day I Wake In Gratitude
thankin' God He Let Me Rise

ya Worry 'bout Your Education
and The Bills U Have To Pay
i Worry 'bout My Vulnerable Life
and If I'll Survive Another Day

ya Biggest Fear Is Getting A Ticket
as Ya Cruise Your Cadillac
my Fear Is That The Tank That's Just Left
will Turn Around And Come Back

yet Do U Know The Truth Of Where Ya Money Goes
do U Let The Media Deceive Your Mind
is This A Truth That Nobody Knows
has Our World Gone All Blind
yet Do U Know The Truth Of Where Ya Money Goes
do U Let The Media Deceive Your Mind
is This A Truth That Nobody Knows
some One Tell Me

oh Let's Not Cry Tonight
i Promise You One Day It's Through
ohohoh My Brothers
ohohoh My Sisters

oh Shine A Light For Every Soul
that Ain't With Us No More
ohohoh My Brothers
ohohoh My Sisters

see I've Known Terror For Quite Some Times
57 Years So Cruel
terror Breathes The Air I Breathe
it's The Check Point On My Way To School

terror Is The Robbery Of My Land
and The Torture Of My Mother
the Imprisonment Of My Innocent Father
the Bullet In My Baby Brother

the Bulldozers And The Tanks
the Gasses And The Guns
the Bombs That Fall Outside My Door
all Due To Your Funds

you Blame Me For Defending Myself
against The Ways Of My Enemies
i'm Terrorized In My Own Land
and I'm The Terrorist

yet Do U Know The Truth Of Where Ya Money Goes
do U Let The Media Deceive Your Mind
is This A Truth That Nobody Knows
has Our World Gone All Blind
yet Do U Know The Truth Of Where Ya Money Goes
do U Let The Media Deceive Your Mind
is This A Truth That Nobody Knows
some One Tell Me

oh Let's Not Cry Tonight
i Promise You One Day It's Through
ohohoh My Brothers
ohohoh My Sisters

oh Shine A Light For Every Soul
that Ain't With Us No More
ohohoh My Brothers
ohohoh My Sisters

american Do Ya Realize
that The Taxes That U Pay
feed The Forces That Traumatize
my Every Living Day

so If I Won't Be Here Tomorrow
it's Written In My Fate
may The Future Bring A Brighter Day
the End Of Our Wait

oh Let's Not Cry Tonight
i Promise You One Day It's Through
ohohoh My Brothers
ohohoh My Sisters

oh Shine A Light For Every Soul
that Ain't With Us No More
ohohoh My Brothers
ohohoh My Sisters
bARABie said…
"barabie and amre resort to threats and insults because they know their position is weak and they are wrong. I dare either one of you to walk through Fallujah with a t-shirt that says "join the resistance"."

When you want to claim the higher moral ground (being a yank, that is extremely unlikely), you had better not start your comment with "barbarianie,"!
But that is just TYPICAL hypocrisy from an ignorant FAT yank.
As for walking through Fallujah with a Resistance T-shirt.... GLADLY!

I would love to see YOU walk through Fallujah WITHOUT armored yanks protecting you.
You know what, i would PAY you to do that. ;)

Now, for you White Phosphorous claims. Listen to your OWN words ya stupid moron.
"For the record, it is a crock of crap to claim those birth defects were caused by the US or white phosphorus."
So YOU know what scientists didn't know in 1989 (that's when the report was made asshole)!
bARABie said…
"The best way to stir hatred is to show deformed babies and blame it on the enemy."

No asshole, the best way to stir hatred IS to deform babies. You scum!
I truly feel sorry for you, you are hated ALL over the world besides of course your partners in crime, the jewish maggots and empirical poms.
Layla Anwar said…
layla aka JR,

My question on the previous thread is still valid.

How are you by the way?

Great poem/song...
Layla Anwar said…

Annan is the most ball-less bastard I have ever come across. The epitome of a corrupt wimp.
Layla Anwar said…
Amre Al Abyad,

Can I participate ? I go do with practicing my side kicks.
Layla Anwar said…

I must say, you handle Grrrrrrrrreg from the United Asses quite well...
Anonymous said…

"When you want to claim the higher moral ground (being a yank, that is extremely unlikely), you had better not start your comment with barbarianie,"

You are right for once, barbarino, except you started it. Post after post, all you did was throw bloody tampons, bitcho.

Now you learn when you dish crap out and get someone annoyed, you get the same shit back in return. What you stupid hateful pricks will never learn, until it is way too late is that while Europe lays down and spreads its legs for your tantrums, the USA never will. We have 150 million people who will never stand for your shit. Eventually when you are stupid enough to carry out your threat to murder as many of us "rats, pigs, maggots,..." as possible, you will wind up visiting a worse fate upon yourselves.

I don't like to yell and I am always willing to engage in a debate to solve a problem. You just delight in making problems worse. That is all your wonderful arab shit head leaders ever taught you.

I see you have learned the word "asshole". How fitting since you have shit for a brain. Maybe you can go a week without calling me a name, C U Next Tuesday!

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…

"If we don't kill or capture [AQI], they move somewhere else. They avoid Fallujah now like it's the plague.

“Even though there are only a tenth as many Marines?” I said. “Are [AQI] afraid of the Iraqis?

“They're afraid of the Iraqis,” he said. “That's what's holding this place down. It's the citizens and the Iraqi forces. ... "if [Fallujans] fail, you fail your family and you fail your tribe. That's humiliating for them, and it is not going to happen.


bralibaba, Do you think Fallujah, the baddest city in Iraq, is going to listen to the shit that comes out of your mouth about "The resistance"?

I will give $100 to Layla's propaganda machine if you post a video of you and your T-Shirt, spending 20 minutes walking down Market street of Fallujah, trying to convince Arab Males to join a resistance against the USA.

I will give an extra $20 if you show when someone hits you with their shoe for being stupid.

Greg from USA
Layla Anwar said…
grrrrrrrreg from the United Smelly Asses, you have become the inhouse buffoon, clown, jester, wanker of this blog. Everyone delights with throwing their old shoe on your repugnant face.
Yalla, come and get your bone now.
KM said…

I am wondering if yer the type of person that eats something, you like it. Then you tell another to try but they have already tried it and they dont like it. But you keep on insisting that they take another bite of what yer eating but they keep saying 'no', they dont like. Then you get upset because that other person does not like to eat what you like to eat.

People in South East Asia, South America, SouthWest & Central Asia AND the Middle East are tired of the policies of the USA.

Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with the events of 9/11. There were and are no WMD's or Al Qaeda connections. There were more "AQ" connections with US businessmen that go back a long ways and alot of it goes right back to Houston, Texas.

Do some research on a James Bath or lok into James Baker III or even Papa Bush.

Most od these People arounf the World want a government of their own.

You still never commented on that Flight 93 crash site in Pennsylvania that I posted 2 months ago from youtube.
bARABie said…
greg ya donkey (a donkey using a computer, now i have seen everything), the report states "High mortality rates seen following white phosphorus burns can be due to
its absorption from the burned surface, which may result in multi-organ failure (mainly liver and kidneys),
hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities (ST depression, QT
elongation, microvoltage of QRS and bradycardia)".

Do you know what an embryo requires from it's host to be born healthy? :)

bARABie said…
Anonymous said…

I am glad I could entertain you, given you are the queen of fiction around here.


Last time I checked, we were fighting 99% men, so I don't expect the baby will need any healthy organs from the men, unless they get their balls burned off.


Eat what you like, just don't throw my food away because you don't like what I am eating. Islamists see the culture of the West as a threat and want to destroy the West to remove the threat. I could care less if Islamists watch MTV, just stop slashing the throats of flight attendants and flying planes into buildings.

"Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with the events of 9/11." We have been through this before. Simply via Saddam's $25k support for suicide bombers this was sufficient cause to urgently remove him from power. The legal basis goes all the way back to the first gulf war when he illegally invaded Kuwait, lost to the coalition, and then reneged on his ceasefire obligations.

I saw the video you posted of flight 93. From what I remember, they were making the case that a plane could not have crashed there because the impact radius was too small.

How do you argue the sky is blue? It just is. To argue anything else violates Occam's Razor. Same thing with 911 conspiracies. It happened and bin Laden admitted it. It is too far fetched to believe that Mossad did it, or Cheney did it or whatever. If you want to believe all that, I have a bridge I can sell you.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…

You will be losing your "clown" soon. Iraq is well on its way to stability now and US troops will soon be headed to Afghanistan. You can continue stabbing Iraq in the back if you like, but your chances of success are close to nil. Nobody wants what you are selling. I will be looking for an Afghan or Pakistan blog. I doubt I will find one where all the vitriol is right out there in the open, in English like this one. I guess that is the one good thing about this blog.

Greg from USA
bARABie said…
"Last time I checked, we were fighting 99% men,"

"BAGHDAD, Iraq - Two Iraqi women were shot to death north of Baghdad after coalition forces fired on a vehicle ..., the U.S. military said Wednesday. Iraqi police and relatives said one of the women was about to give birth."

What were you braying?
bARABie said…
"so I don't expect the baby will need any healthy organs from the men,"

So healthy organs are not a pre requisite for good semen, RIGHT!
bARABie said…
"It is too far fetched to believe that Mossad did it, or Cheney did it or whatever. If you want to believe all that, I have a bridge I can sell you."

It's "too far fetched to believe that moss-ass did it" even though they are one of the biggest spy agencies in the world with BILLIONS of dollars at their disposal but not "too far fetched to believe" that a guy sitting in a cave with walkie talkies did it.

What logic, if one can call it that.
KM said…

I dont believe the 'government' is telling all about the events of 9/11.

Saddam paid $25K? How much does a US military person receive for being a member of the US state-sponsored 'terror' program?

Thats basically what every single person in the US military is Greg. They are not defending the US constitution. They are offending most of the People around the World and doing it in a most diabolic way.

How does the operations of the US military support the beliefs of yer Jesus that you worship?
bARABie said…
"How do you argue the sky is blue? It just is."

Technically the sky isn't BLUE ya donkey and you CAN "argue the sky is blue" SCIENTIFICALLY!

Out in space, the sky looks dark and black, instead of blue.

"When transmitted light such as sunlight enters our atmosphere it collides with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The color with the shorter wavelength is scattered more by this collision. Because violet and blue are the shortest wavelengths the sky appears to be violet / blue. But because our eyes are more sensitive to blue light than they are violet light, we perceive the sky as blue."

Don't mention it donkey.
Anonymous said…

Right back at ya, jackass.

"So healthy organs are not a pre requisite for good semen, RIGHT!"
If these men are shooting at us, then we don't want them to have any organs, jackass.

I feel sorry for your husband/boyfriend/cat. I can't believe you argue if the sky is blue. Look at KM's posts, he is wrong but tries to explain his reasoning. You never have anything original and positive to say or suggest. Your so called "resistance" is made up of a bunch of cry baby losers who kill because they want things their way, without a vote. You are also a cry baby. Every response I hear you nagging and complaining.

Prove me wrong - you really are useless, jackass.


"How much does a US military person receive for being a member of the US state-sponsored 'terror' program?"

Why do you ignore the basics? The terrorists TARGET civilians. The US targets terrorists. That's why there is no comparison to $25k saddam gave to families of Homocide bombers.

No 911 = No Iraq war. Your logic serves to encourage young Arabs to attack the USA.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
To the Greg from the "great" country of USRAEL - you're just an example of typical, white American who believes what the government and the mainstream media serves you. You are so poor people you know? Blinded by Cola (Aspartam) and fastfood, brainwashed etc. It has been 7 years now since 911 and you still believe that government crap story about "terrorists" flying the jets, and then accidentally your wonderful special forces are finding between totally burned planes passports of the so called "terrorists"? Oh, and the most funny fable of the century - the huge jumbo jet hitting the Pentagon and then vaporising :) Bwahahahaaaa, please, give me a break ok? It is maybe good for you, the wonderful nation of America but not for the rest of the world. I'm so glad and thanking the Creator for letting me live in Europe. I'm only so fucking pissed off that my country is licking your American asses. I will say more, I'm ashamed. But what to expect from the international global government who treat people like shit. But we, the free people will win, and it will be soon, you will recall my words sooner or later Mr. American. I'm done, it was the first and last comment to you. Unfortunately the conversation with people who barely know where is the Europe, not to mention other countries is not pleasure at all.

Layla - keep continue my dear and by the way, love the info from today headlines about Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri.

bARABie said…
AdamPl, what info about the Great Izzat Al Duri?
I must have missed it.
Please tell me it's good news, PLEASE.
bARABie said…
"Last time I checked, we were fighting 99% men, so I don't expect the baby will need any healthy organs from the men, unless they get their balls burned off."

You see, this HOW stupid YOU are!
The last part of your barking barks "unless they get their balls burned off", which indicates you were not aware that semen requires ORGANS to manufacture. According to your "logic" (bwhahahahahaha) they only need their "balls".


Seriously now, i enjoy reading your comments because of the level of stupidity which just makes me ROFLMAO. :)

See a yank is good for something, finally.
Anonymous said…
bARABie, the title says this "'Saddam's deputy' in anti-US call" and the info is here on BBC webside
And yes, it's a good news (well, not for THEM :) ), don't worry :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, the last post with the BBC link it was me, AdamPL :)
KM said…

yes the US military has spent decades bombing cities, families and individuals for decades and claiming they have some higher morel ground in doing so.

You are no better than everyone living on this planet, but I believe there are many many people that Are much better than you.

I dont suck up to the US governemnt's reasonong / logic of 9/11. You do. I dont.

You demand patterns of Life to revolve aroung Greg's attachments; the things that make up what makes Greg Greg.

I have noticed that thru nearly all of yer postings, anythime anybody makes a statement or even a suggestion that you find mot parallel to yer own attachments, you internally p3erceive that as a threat somehow. I dont know how this plays out in yer head but it is taking place.

Its OK to be wornong or incorrect sometimes Greg. Thats how one comes to investigate or even learn new things. If one has a closed mind and views themselves as being 'right' all the time, they abandon the basic steps of learning & growing and even developing into a mature, respectable person.

Im not in th eleast bit offended by yer postings or yer comments. To each his own is what I we travel on this journey...just as long as I am not forced against my will. And that is exactly what is happening to many many Iraqis.

They did not invite the US & the Brits in. The US & the Brits lied their way into Iraq. Most of the World knew it and still does. You glorify the new Iraqi government. You glorify the US governemnt and you glorify the military..right or glorify it because that is all you know.

You find it quite acceptable to illegally invade other matter what the country and no matter what set of facts there are.

I dont find it acceptable. Me, living in the US, of course have a relationship with the US governemnt. Thats the way it is. They set the laws. Not you. Not I. They set the punishments. They set doemstic policies & foreign ploicies. Not you. Not I.

I dont find it acceptable in my Life to have relationships with liars, thieves, killers, assassins, thugs, criminals, etc...on my personal side nor in the relationship I am in with the US government.Its unacceptabel to me. I refuse to lower myself to their standards and simply go with the flow because they are americans.

Americans are not special Greg. There is no Puff the Magic Dragon. Americans cheat one another. They kill one another. They lie to one another. They make a quik buck at the turn of a hat just like all the othe rpeople around the World can. American dont hold claim to a special & true god....a god that is bigger & badder than other gods.

American wipe their asses just like everyone else does. They puke, they shit, they fart. America has police that beat the hell out of people just like other countries do. America has poisoned lakes, rivers, streams and soil like many other places do. America has assinine laws like other countries do. America spies and wiretaps citizens just like some other countries do.

The people in power in this country dont give a rats ass about you, yer wife or yer kids. Yer a number Greg. Yer kids are a number. You and them are expendable and the government wont bat an eyelash when you die.

You continue being a suck up / brown noser fool Greg. Thats why things dont change too much in this country and those in power know it. Youve been targeted & marketed Greg.

Enjoy yer pre-arranged 'freedom'.
bARABie said…
AdamPl, Thank You.

KM, karma damn that was good. Very well said, bravo.
bARABie said…
"They say he has access to Saddam's hidden stashes of cash with which he pays jobless Iraqis to fight in the insurgency."

How is that different, assuming the claim by BBCia is true, from the yanks paying jobless ex marines ala blackwater and paying "jobless" foreigners WITH the added incentive of a yankee green card??????
Or is it just the yanks who have a monopoly of the jobless?

"In September 2007, former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi told Al-Arabiya that he had organised secret meetings between US officials and envoys of Mr al-Duri. "

And NOW BBCia tries to cause doubt about the Resistance by making absurd claims, claims that the ENEMY of Izzat Al Duri has made. RIGHT bbshit.
KM said…
Anonymous said…
bARABie, I never trust the mainstream media (even my national in Poland) and read all their news "with one eye squinted" like we say in Poland :) I like comparing the news from the many sources.
Thanks for the link KM, the site seems to be very good, especially the article you've showed us.

Namaste to you friends,

Anonymous said…
"and claiming they have some higher morel ground in doing so. "
We had a higher moral ground in Kosovo and Gulf War I

Gulf War II was to remove a security threat. Every country has the right to protect itself from chemical, biological, or nuclear threats.

"You are no better than everyone living on this planet" I never said I was better or worse than anyone. On the other hand, the US is better because of the overwhelming superiority in terms of charitable giving alone.

What's right with the US > what's wrong

Correct or incorrect, that's what I believe. If I was brought up in Iraq, it is possible I would feel the same way about Iraq. That's why I focused on the pledge in a previous post.

You never told me of a country that is better in terms of freedom and prosperity, so I have come to assume your posts are anti US and meant for a wide audience. Are you a nationalist for some other country?

"brown noser fool" What's up with that? I came to expect better from you - that sounds like Barabarbarianbaitchaabie the jackass.

I am not immutable - if you come up with some good reasoning, I appreciate that - and change my thinking. However, other than you I have heard nothing close to reason from anyone on this blog.

"You find it quite acceptable to illegally invade other countries" I think that is your strongest argument that I am in some agreement with. You have a point - the US invades all the time. Do you have any other idea on how to protect our security? Take Afghanistan for example, should we let bin Laden sit there to plan and finance the next attack or go after him? It sucks to invade Afghanistan but what is our alternative?

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…

Pictures from Kosovo. Flags and T-Shirt

After seeing the pictures above, this sounds shocking, but within 10 years, definitely the Sunnis and Kurds, and perhaps the Shia will be openly thanking the USA. The rest of the mideast will be saying WTF? The Kurds are longtime allies. We saved the Sunnis from AQI and Shia death squads. We reversed the bad fortunes of the Shia. History will prove the deaths everyone blames us for are overwhelmingly caused by the bad guys.

Greg from USA
bARABie said…
"History will prove the deaths everyone blames us for are overwhelmingly caused by the bad guys."

So true, the "bad guys" of course being the yanks. :)
bARABie said…
"Take Afghanistan for example, should we let bin Laden sit there to plan and finance the next attack or go after him?"

No, certainly not, you should go and blow up a few wedding parties to get this boogey man you morons are so afraid of. Just think, a "SUPERPOWER" attacked two countries because some supposed guy in a cave is threatening them.
Just WOW.
KM said…

I have told yoo two, maybe three times that going to another country for the only purpose of 'enjoyment purposes' is not my focus. If that was the case, then perhaps Tahiti or maybe New Zealand would be my choice. Where I am going is to help those along and hopefully improve their lives..not mine; mine to a degree perhaps.

My focus is on the kids and wanting them to have better opportunities in this gloabilized World.

One day if I am old, then I can focus on the me only. Ive tossed around the idea of going to Vietnam to help in clearing land-mines that that war left behind and are still killing and wounding. I could go to Palestine and help there too if I choose. I could go to earthquake areas or areas stricken with famine.

SO you see, Im not in to leaving the country only because I disagree with so much of it, or only for economic reasons. I will be leaving a well paying job and great benefits here in the States. For me, there is much much more to Life.

Im pretty sure Ive told you all of this before and Im pretty certain I had posted a link of the best rated places to live in the World.

You mention 'our interests'. Isnt it odd that in some far away places of the World 'our interests' always come up when the corporate-governemnt gives their justifications for much of their actions. 'Our interests' is a catch-all to end-all but details are rarely given.

People should have the power of their own government. We here in the US do not have power over our government. This is demonstrated on a daily basis.
People living in other countries should also have power over their government. This is a basic concept of 'freedom, liberty & justice'.

You seem to want to sanction the people and give unlimited power to governments and corporate interests and claim you are really giving them 'freedom'.
You support this both here and abroad. That is why I called you a government suck up and a brown noser.

Its funny (sad) how US military adventures have mutated into securing 'our interests'.....

Lets say what you believe about 9/11 is the truth; that OBL & AQ masterminded the entire operation and pulled it off superbly.

Now enlighten everyone here please on how they devised it all, who and what contacts were made, who was all involved, where did they stay in the US, what was happening the weeks / days before 9/11.

I have not seen any deatils coming from you other than Al Qaeda terrorists did it.

The same goes for the Taliban. Where and how did the Taliban originate, where did they get their backing & support, etc. Lets hear yer take and the details..

KM said…
I think of that too sometimes Barabie.

We go back to this 'our interests' buyllshit again. Ha, I guess our interests in Afghanistan meant the oil pipeline deal that was given to Aregntina and NOT the US.

The United States military-industrial- corporate - wall street - government complex is like on big pansied ass cry baby. It can dish it out but cant take it.

Here we have Iraq, sanctioned to death..literally. No military to speak of, no enormous firepower to defend itself.

Try to imagine if the United States were in Iraq's predicament. A battle between Iran & Iraq in which the United States was illegally & covertly funding thru yet illegal drug running ( Iran Contra and it produced US felons, some of which are in the current Bush administration ).

Then immediately after was the Daddy Bush 'war' against Iraq. Then of course came the sanctions on imports and the UN weapons inspectors.

Right on the heel of this came this illegal invasion / occupation with the help of anti-Iraq people and persons not EVEN LIVING in Iraq.

So the US & Britain has all their high tech, multi-billion dollar weaponery and mercenaries shipped into Iraq or bombing it from a distance becasue its gonna be a 'cake-walk' and the 'liberators' will be welcomed as the Jesus Christ Superstar Parade.

Could the vast majority of Americans have handled 20+ years of the same??? I Highly Doubt It.

The vast majority of Americans have set back since 2001 and let the US government do as it wishes. OH ! But we have war resistors that bang drums in the streets and dress up in pink costumes or chant words and hold up signs in the streets.

This is about as far as 'resistance' goes American Style.

Keep resisting Iraq cuz yer apparently the only ones with enough fucking balls ta do it.
KM said…
KM said…
THE People of Brasil versus the fascists.

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