Ya'nee what the fuck is happening to the world ? I can't believe my eyes.

The President of Sudan is charged with Genocide in Darfur and Bush and the American scum are let off the hook ?

Over 1 million dead, 3 million maimed for life, 3 million widows, 5 million orphans, 5 million refugees, over 150'000 detainees, homes destroyed, massive ethnic cleansing, unprecedented torture and rape in the history of mankind, summary executions and arrests, billions of dollars stolen, antiquities and oil plundered, an economy in shambles, a 70% unemployement rate, walled ghettoes, use of illegal weapons - DU, napalm, White Phosphorus, Cluster bombs, thousands of tons of bombs, robotic weapons, phyiscal deformities, use of Iranian militias, drills, physical mutilation, desecrating religious sites, pissing on corpses, arresting and imprisoning children, sodomizing kids, raping and burning women alive,insults, humiliation and slurs of Iraqis in their own country, on their own turf...and more...and more --all under an ILLEGAL OCCUPATION, not to mention the dungeon called Guantanamo...

And they are let off the hook ?

The Americans are worse than the Mongol's invasion, worse than the Spanish Inquisition, worse than Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy... And they are let off the hook ? Just like that ???!!!

Fucking hell, how can that be ?

I swear, the world needs a massive, humongous TSUNAMI.

Thank God am not God - I would have wiped ALL of you motherfuckers off the face of this earth. Or come to think of it, it's a great pity am not.


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
And people think that the conflict in Sudan is over. The oil question is still there so the conflict will continue.

And the American's... Well i hope a nuclear reactors explodes and sinks the continent with it. Thats how i feel about the American government.
Layla Anwar said…
layla dearest,

bARABie said…
Layla, they are both correct. It depends on what part you want to extend.
Unknown said…
The oil in Darfur has been in the evil empire's sites for a while now...they have been building world opinion (even got some a few songs going for Darfur!).

As for the Sudanese government...they are weak (politically and militarily) and that is what encourages the scum to fuel the sectarian lines and push for the elimination of the current government and replace with a Talabani/Karazi/Abbas style government.

As for when it will all end...I saw an interesting documentary by the Discover channel that the earth might experience a magnetic reversal on 21-12-2012 and that there is a risk such an event would cause massive eruptions of volcano's (specifically there is talk of the supervolcano at Yellowstone in the US showing some abnormal activity these past few years). If indeed the case, then everyone needs to just hold out for another 4.5 years, then the scum soldiers and mercenaries in their 000's will be hung at the bridges (like Falluja) one by one - after sa7l, of course!
Anonymous said…
You're a bit destructive to be a "potential bearer of life", a.k.a. a woman...
Anonymous said…
Anon above, and you're a bit idiotic to be a "potential owner of a brain", i.e. an Homo Sapiens.

karlmarx said…
KARLMARX--Layth--Correct about the oil part in Sudan. I've heard about the Yellowstone potential. But, I'm not holding my breath over it. Also am familiar with the magnetic reversal. Such events would be catastrophic globally, I'm afraid. Nature is not selective, unfortunately. Either way, though, it would put a "dent," at minimum, or total finality, into the best laid plans of mice and men, assuming any of us survive it. Global warming, itself, provides for lots of present and future natural catastrophes for which the planet as a whole is unprepared to cope, much less any of the above. Another real possibility are tsunamis in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans which will completely overwhelm the coastline of the Atlantic and Pacific cities of the US--and elsewhere.
Anonymous said…
jr's wife has a thing going on with layla anwar's ex-husband !
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,
Like we say in Poland - nothing to add, nothing to take away. I couldn't agree more with you. But wait a bit and be patient...they will pay (well, everybody actually) for their karma, sooner or later, you'll see. And the most possible scenario is...well, let's call it sweet revenge of Mother Earth. And all of these changes are coming...
Anonymous said…
Layla, spare us your mock surpise woman. You know as well as anyone that the western world does not care about Arabs, Africans, South Asians, etc. If America and Israel didn't exist, Arabs would have to create them or else kill each other. The self-oppressed always need a scapegoat.

There is no doubt that the Americans are worse than the Mongols, the Spanish Inquisition, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
but is America as bad as the Arab invaders who destroyed Zoroastrian, African, Buddhist and Hindu cultures? Mmmmm, yeah, they probably are.
Layla Anwar said…

" A potential bearer of life" you mean to produce a moronic wanker like yourself ? Thanks but no thanks.
Layla Anwar said…
no sympathy,

Did I ever tell you that you remind me of a hysterical fascist ? You know the ones that nests on anti-Arab blogs and leave a trail of their repugnant stench all over the place and the blog owner just orgasms at it all ?
I suppose I did.

How about you kiss my ARAB IRAQI ass to refresh your historical knowledge for starters. Oh and do take a shower before approaching.
Layla Anwar said…
Adam PL,

Give me a time frame please, I need to chill the Champagne bottles.
Layla Anwar said…

That is a mighty piece of GOOD news.
Layla Anwar said…

I suppose I want to extend the arrrrrrrrrgh part, it reminds me of grrrrrrrrrrreg.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous no.1

Again a time frame please...champagne bottles are ready.
Layla Anwar said…

Global warming is too far off and my misanthropy can't wait any longer.
KM said…
That 2012 date is spoken of in the Mayan calender. Like the Egyptians, the Mayans were obsessed with time.
Anonymous said…
Probably because the perps in both cases are your fellow arabs
Anonymous said…
Layla, you did not tell me that. Did I ever tell you that your obsession with the male orgasm is disgusting and a little creepy? Really, it's gross. Perhaps you are actually a sexually-frustrated, pimple-faced 18 year-old, boy.

I also find your denial of Arab atrocities to be dishonest though typical for an Arab. I don't hate Arabs but I do hate their laziness and unwillingness to address their own ineptitude and their self-induced problems.
Layla Anwar said…
no sympathy,

You are such an EASY give away.
Who mentioned a MALE orgasm ? hahahahahaha. You idiot!

I did call you hysterical and I reiterate, you hysterical sexless, female...And in all likelihood you are one of those prudish, frustratred, mentallly constipated, american contaminated piece of crap. Short of that, you can easily pass for a gender confused - still trying to find myself - kind of masturbator.
Anonymous said…
Oh, so you were talking about the female owners of Anti-Arab blogs who"just orgasm at it all?" Of course not you silly skank. You are obsessed with the male orgasm, male stench and masturbation. It is a recurring theme with you and it is most definitely creepy. I expect you to deny it, that's what you poor, blameless Arabs do.
Layla Anwar said…
no sympathy,

Did I ever tell you that you were a hysterical, easy, fascist, give away, idiot ? I suppose I did.

So tell me you mentally constipated, sexually frustrated, prudish, anorgasmic, frigid, perverted, libidinally challenged, forever dumped, sexless female...
How much do you desire an Arab? Come on now, entre nous ?
Anonymous said…
Wow! "sexually frustrated", "anorgasmic", "frigid", "perverted", "libidinally challenged" and "sexless female." The obsession with sex runs so deep with you. You are an 18 year old boy, aren't you?

And you said "between us" in French. So witty and educated you are Layla. The smartest one on this blog for sure!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
lol of course I would expect you once again to make the Arabs look like victims... hahahaha oh man you really are stupid aren't you?
Anonymous said…
You all must pity poor Layla's obsession with sex: she had her cherry popped by a Shia vaguely pederast mama's boy who didn't love her and ever since she couldn't find a soul willing to warm up her bed because of her political commitment that scares Arab machoes away.
Anonymous said…
Not ALL of Americans deserve to be wiped off; only the ones who voted for Bush a second time and knew about his crimes.
The lumpen who occupy your country are part of the oppressed in the US; still, there is no excuse for what they are doing.
Bush et al. HAVE to be indicted for crimes against humanity.
Anonymous said…
Over 1 million dead, 3 million maimed for life, 3 million widows, 5 million orphans, 5 million refugees, over 150'000 detainees, homes destroyed, massive ethnic cleansing, unprecedented torture and rape in the history of mankind, summary executions and arrests, billions of dollars stolen, antiquities and oil plundered, an economy in shambles, a 70% unemployement rate, walled ghettoes, use of illegal weapons - DU, napalm, White Phosphorus, Cluster bombs, thousands of tons of bombs, robotic weapons, phyiscal deformities, use of Iranian militias, drills, physical mutilation, desecrating religious sites, pissing on corpses, arresting and imprisoning children, sodomizing kids, raping and burning women alive.... and now the USans along with Malaki are installing solar street lights in Iraqi cities to "REDUCE CRIME"-ARRRRRRRRRGH! The US is a genocidal, psychotic serial killer- currently killing for oil and keeping the dollar as the world's reserve currency-plain and simple...
Layla Anwar said…
no sympathy,

I love it when you go extra hysterical when cornered. I did hit some raw nerves...hahahahahaha, easy give away.
Layla Anwar said…
Dear Louise,

Go fuck yourself, since no one will do it for you.

Thank you
Layla Anwar said…

Oh ok, not all but 99 %.
And please next time don't forget the crimes of your government under the "democrats".
Layla Anwar said…

Where did you read about solar lights in Iraq. Anything for electricity plz!!!
Anonymous said…

Here is the link...,0,7032027.story
Anonymous said…
Solar street lights...

And guess who gets rich supplying the solar power equipment? Of course, the "Greens" and other well meaning Lefties are also entitled to make a buck off the Eyeraqi bonanza.
Anonymous said…
I recently read a detailed scientific report, with evidence from a British Survey ship, the seismic data, plus great knowledge of the earths plates and fault lines. According to that researcher the recent tsunami could not have occurred due to plates moving together in that place, and the survey recordings point at an underwater atomic bomb. American ships were off the phillipines, and sore a the Phillipine government.

Just another conspiracy theory by cranks knocking the greatest nation on earth, eh?
Here's the link:
Anonymous said…
I recently read a detailed scientific report, with evidence from a British Survey ship, the seismic data, plus great knowledge of the earths plates and fault lines. According to that researcher the recent tsunami could not have occurred due to plates moving together in that place, and the survey recordings point at an underwater atomic bomb. American ships were off the phillipines, and sore a the Phillipine government.

Just another conspiracy theory by cranks knocking the greatest nation on earth, eh?
Here's the link:

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