A Mesopotamian Riddle...

I am sure you have heard this truism before " Ask the right question, you will get the right answer."
So did it ever occur to you to ask why Iraq ? Why Iraq in particular ?
Why not Saudi Arabia, or Iran for that matter ?
I know you will tell me oil - Saudi Arabia has it and so does Iran.
Nuclear toys ? Iran has them, Saudi Arabia can acquire them, Iraq had none.
Geographical location and geo strategies? Well, we are neighbors, a question of a few kilometers.
Iraq as a "undemocratic dictatorship" - Saudi Arabia is one and Iran is definitely one too.
An fundamentalist system to be overthrown ? Wrong again. Iraq was secular.
And the fundies live next door - in Iran even more than in Saudi.
So come on, think hard, you the supposedly intelligent reader, so aware of international politics and chess games.
You, the one who loves to pontificate from your cushiony computer, expanding and theorizing...
Show me what you are capable of coming up with.
Still no clue?
Am not surprised.
You too, have insured that Iraq, that great nation, goes on the backburner.
Let her slip quietly from the memory, substract her from the equation, she is no longer necessary to reckon with...
Ah, of course, you have more important slogans now, new banners, new flags to wave...while you carefully construct your new "anti-imperialist" theories.
A new charade in a poorly rehearsed circus.
Thankfully, I do not blog for you but I blog for Her.
My mission is to make sure that Her name is never erased.
I will keep brandishing it in your faces, red hot letters, bloody letters, smudged in burnt charcoal, punctuated with a million corpses, a million skeletons, neatly placed, arranged, like one of those delicate flower arrangements that you can admire.
Admire with beatitude. Admire your theories, your slogans, your banners, your jargon, your clichés, your effervescent "revolutionary" zeals...
Ah! the fervor of politics when it grips you and you feel so important.
Little emperors seated on cushioned chairs behind computers.
Feel the power of your surge, the surge of your words, that pool of vomited words, that diarrhea of words, that rolls like an avalanche while you are secretly waiting for the applause...
Iraq made you into a "thinker", "an analyst", "a theoretician", "a brilliant journalist", "an interesting film maker" and it has even turned some of you oafs into "intellectuals" and " philosophers," did She not?
And what now? Now there are more burning issues, right?
The ruins, the debris, the left overs, the shattered lives...Not terribly engaging, right?
Let's tackle the next one, the next hot issue and compete for the scene, the podium, the show...or the hit counter.
She and I constantly mock you.
A black derision, the most sardonic of all humors...
We visit graves and tombs then we sit, have some tea and ridicule you.
We observe you running out breath, we observe you jumping like monkeys, we observe you making excuses and placating...we observe you cowering, retracting and hiding and we laugh...at you.
We have understood the game, the ploy, the plot, the mise en scène, the lights and the projectors. As a matter of fact, we understood it eons ago, when you were still not conceived. And He too, reminds us daily.
How can you erase that knowledge?
You have tried. A re-making, a re-shaping, re-creating a new race.
But we still hold on secretly, in the intimacy of our knowing and our fingers are still pointing in your direction. They did so in the past, and they do so today.
Mistaking our seeming silence for aquiescence is something you will inevitably do.
It is handy and comfortable, and you can go parading yourselves and your little earned medals, prizes, lectures, conferences, articles, publications and the rest of the paraphernalia that clothe your little personas.
And we sit here and watch you and we amuse ourselves...
You may think it is strange, for this is no laughing matter. Oh, but it is.
The simple riddle that you are still incapable of solving.
The simple question that you are still incapable of answering.
They mock you too.
Seven thousands of years of History coupled with numerous civilizations come and gone, leaving a pool of rare genes behind, distilled through centuries of knowing will surely provide an answer. Don't you think?
And what an astounding answer it is and will be.
Painting: Iraqi artist, Fouad Mirza.
So did it ever occur to you to ask why Iraq ? Why Iraq in particular ?
Why not Saudi Arabia, or Iran for that matter ?
I know you will tell me oil - Saudi Arabia has it and so does Iran.
Nuclear toys ? Iran has them, Saudi Arabia can acquire them, Iraq had none.
Geographical location and geo strategies? Well, we are neighbors, a question of a few kilometers.
Iraq as a "undemocratic dictatorship" - Saudi Arabia is one and Iran is definitely one too.
An fundamentalist system to be overthrown ? Wrong again. Iraq was secular.
And the fundies live next door - in Iran even more than in Saudi.
So come on, think hard, you the supposedly intelligent reader, so aware of international politics and chess games.
You, the one who loves to pontificate from your cushiony computer, expanding and theorizing...
Show me what you are capable of coming up with.
Still no clue?
Am not surprised.
You too, have insured that Iraq, that great nation, goes on the backburner.
Let her slip quietly from the memory, substract her from the equation, she is no longer necessary to reckon with...
Ah, of course, you have more important slogans now, new banners, new flags to wave...while you carefully construct your new "anti-imperialist" theories.
A new charade in a poorly rehearsed circus.
Thankfully, I do not blog for you but I blog for Her.
My mission is to make sure that Her name is never erased.
I will keep brandishing it in your faces, red hot letters, bloody letters, smudged in burnt charcoal, punctuated with a million corpses, a million skeletons, neatly placed, arranged, like one of those delicate flower arrangements that you can admire.
Admire with beatitude. Admire your theories, your slogans, your banners, your jargon, your clichés, your effervescent "revolutionary" zeals...
Ah! the fervor of politics when it grips you and you feel so important.
Little emperors seated on cushioned chairs behind computers.
Feel the power of your surge, the surge of your words, that pool of vomited words, that diarrhea of words, that rolls like an avalanche while you are secretly waiting for the applause...
Iraq made you into a "thinker", "an analyst", "a theoretician", "a brilliant journalist", "an interesting film maker" and it has even turned some of you oafs into "intellectuals" and " philosophers," did She not?
And what now? Now there are more burning issues, right?
The ruins, the debris, the left overs, the shattered lives...Not terribly engaging, right?
Let's tackle the next one, the next hot issue and compete for the scene, the podium, the show...or the hit counter.
She and I constantly mock you.
A black derision, the most sardonic of all humors...
We visit graves and tombs then we sit, have some tea and ridicule you.
We observe you running out breath, we observe you jumping like monkeys, we observe you making excuses and placating...we observe you cowering, retracting and hiding and we laugh...at you.
We have understood the game, the ploy, the plot, the mise en scène, the lights and the projectors. As a matter of fact, we understood it eons ago, when you were still not conceived. And He too, reminds us daily.
How can you erase that knowledge?
You have tried. A re-making, a re-shaping, re-creating a new race.
But we still hold on secretly, in the intimacy of our knowing and our fingers are still pointing in your direction. They did so in the past, and they do so today.
Mistaking our seeming silence for aquiescence is something you will inevitably do.
It is handy and comfortable, and you can go parading yourselves and your little earned medals, prizes, lectures, conferences, articles, publications and the rest of the paraphernalia that clothe your little personas.
And we sit here and watch you and we amuse ourselves...
You may think it is strange, for this is no laughing matter. Oh, but it is.
The simple riddle that you are still incapable of solving.
The simple question that you are still incapable of answering.
They mock you too.
Seven thousands of years of History coupled with numerous civilizations come and gone, leaving a pool of rare genes behind, distilled through centuries of knowing will surely provide an answer. Don't you think?
And what an astounding answer it is and will be.
Painting: Iraqi artist, Fouad Mirza.
Saddam Hussein was a transvestite? I did not know that. Makes sense, in a way.
Why not Saudi Arabia, or Iran for that matter ?
is it cos u think iraq is more capable???/
And what an astounding answer it is and will be."
The answer for Layla is provided as the last thing her cross-dressing hero said before reciting the Shahadah and then taking the drop.
Actually, such an op would seem a better fit for Mossad, but the play on my nick doesn't work as well. RhusLanMossad?
Please continue carrying the banner for your beautiful land. Those who criticise you only do so because they know deep down that you speak the Truth and are threatened by what you say.
Hi Jr.!!!
In solidarity.
Like a psychopathic, physically deformed and impotent man who stabs a sumptuously sensual woman he could never have and then takes pleasure in mangling her perfect body into a pool of blood and unidentifiable pieces.
I shall follow Her ghost and the ghosts of Her beloved Custodian and of all Her innocent children in their restless pursuit of Revenge whatever path the winds of Destiny will blow them on to.
glad ur back.
Or gleefully ogling down at the common mortals' sufferings from the sill of a fucking "window" - see the "Angry Arab" freak.
Death will fall onto those vain peacocks not less abruptly and senselessly than on anyone else, and their little sophisticated perverts' brains will decompose into food for the earth's worms just like everybody else's, with the difference that they will have done no fucking good in their lives to outlast them and be of help to the generations to come.
Yalla, keep wanking your time away, geniuses.
"Seven thousands of years of History coupled with numerous civilizations come and gone, leaving a pool of rare genes behind, distilled through centuries of knowing will surely provide an answer. Don't you think?"
I like this line so much as it provides the the perfect treat for the identity crise that is looming up in the entire Arab world, thanks to the Irani-American anti Arabic, meticulously designed startegies
So horrendously true.
The Western mankind can be described with an apparent oxymoron: a "herd of monads".
I guess it is a part of the same old imperial strategy, only more sophisticated psychologically: Individualize, Isolate, Weaken and Rule.
Welcome back. Frankly I was a little concerned and am glad you are well...
You should write a script for a newer Sumerian version of Fatal attraction...nice one !
How can I go on strike when am not employed by anyone and have no wages paid?
And me who thought you will solve that riddle in instant ? What happened ?
You got a tiny part right...I'd say lukewarm, slightly less...
Did you read the latest from Trita Parsi ? If not let me know and I will try to find the link for you.
I simply don't understand why people fail to get the picture? It is so damn obvious, what will it take ? A khomeini in Saudi Arabia I suppose.
Some scientist, and am terrible with names and if anyone watched the jazeera program with Ahmad Mansour, he did quote his name.
This scientist argued exactly what you said. That D.U plus other calamities imposed on Iraq, have in fact destroyed the Gene pool and modified its cultural, genetic, historical, biological...character for generations to come.
Does someone know who this scientist is or has watched this program ?
Excuse me but what are you on about?
Yes I do reply to my mails, unless I find them offensive. I do not reply to forwards, I receive like 100 a day of them...I have a few blocked on my mail account, they happen to be obnoxious, any more questions ?
How come no one has solved that simple riddle, even though the text is riddled with the answer ???
What the fuck has become of Café Valletta ?
You've been watching too many Italian films.
The bit about "re-making, re-shaping, re-creating a new race" sounds eerily like the Zionist feverish delirium nightmare of de-Arabizing the region between the Nile and the Euphrates and populating it with Jews.
Have I got it right this time ?
Sphinx that you are :-)
Hats off to you, and I blow a kiss your way!
oh my! Another riddle here...
Has the response got to do with the abhorrent nonentity called "Israel" to which Saddam Hussein's pro-Palestinian, pan-Arab Iraq was the only genuine and concrete threat ?
LAYLA that is exactly what i said although i obviously wasnt as specific
I honestly don't understand why on earth you and me can't be friends, since we are already fellow-Iraq lovers and mourners.
sad know one knows who u r u stupid cunt
Little Deer,
Welcome back. Frankly I was a little concerned and am glad you are well...
i agree, little dear is a gd solid poster, nothing spectacular but reliable n straightforward who always is on hand to provide solidarity when required
I am sincerely sorry that you HAVE TO answer me as above.
Hopefully, the day will come when that fucking "rule" of my ass is no longer necessary and we can stop speaking in riddles and start something like a REAL friendship.
I blow a kiss (back) your way ;-)
Don't cheat, you did not say the same thing nor nearly alluded to it.
Well if you stop being such a coward hiding behind pseudos, maybe you will give a chance for that so called REAL friendship. And what rule are you talking about ? Very sad indeed.
You mean, "next to Iran"?
So much for the little detail that it happens to be MY mission as well.
As for myself being a "coward" for using nicknames, could you swear by what is most sacred to you that "Layla Anwar" is your real name as in the registry of births ?
Take care of yourself...
I am gobsmacked.
First of all, I do not have rules, I don't know where did you unearth this from ????
You seem to be projecting a lot of your "details" on me...
My name Layla Anwar happens to be a name. Sad is an adjective.
Layla Anwar remains Layla Anwar, and adjectives change according to the weather and mood.
This "war of attrition" of yours against a sister in the love for Iraq is totally unjustified and doomed to failure.
You will NEVER manage to "liberate" yourself from my affection.
Resign yourself to your fate of being fondly cared about !
"The law of equivalency was a significant development in the history of jurisprudence in the sense that what used to be a private matter between two families was now taken over by the state and considered to be criminal behavior." It is a common myth in the west that egalitarianism is a western (read as Greek construct). Wrong. It is an idea born in mesopotamia. Who would want to eradicate the principle enshrined in Hammurabi's code and in the land of Hammurabi's birth? Those who are threatened by egalitarian ideas or have simply come to believe that such ideas are now obsolete. What is at stake along with the lives of the people is the very principle which was born there - the belief that egalitarianism is good and necessary. Who would want to eradicate such a principle and all memory of that principle? They are few but quite powerful. Their motivations are not necessarily the same, but they overlap.
I began a search for the answer to that question - why??
In July last year when Israel committed it's atrocity in Lebanon I found the answer, not just to the invasion of Iraq but to almost all that had puzzled me for nearly 60 years.
The answer to your riddle was available to me after the second paragraph of your post.
Israel is indeed the key that unlocks the riddle of relationships.
Thanks for not holding back. My little boys and I marched in the snow against this war in three different U.S. cities, and prayed that God would prevent it from ever happening. I no longer believe in God as a result of what has happened to your people and your land. What happens to one truly happens to all - when will we ever learn this?
Lori and family
I like your idea about Ghandi like action- not necessarily the peaceful part, but the largeness in scale part. If there were massive reaction (and realistically that could be as few as 10 million in a country as large s the US) who would take to the streets in direct action style resistance, this would accomplish something of consequence. It would force the redeployment of some portion of the nation guard (to "maintain order" domestically). That would be one way of bringing the troops (or at least some of them) home now.