
Yesterday, late at night, I suddenly developed a very high fever. And when I say very high, I mean very high.

I felt my cheeks flushed red, and my body oozing fire...

Strange don't you think ?
I have no other symptoms, just a fever.

And when weird things happen to me and they do, I amuse myself in observing them.
I call it getting acquainted.

I say to myself, well let's see now, what is this fever telling you? or what is it trying to burn OUT of your body? Your Iraqi body.

Yes, I have an Iraqi body. It is no different from any other body around, but it seems that it is regarded differently...

Maybe my fever is a revolutionary call for Justice - like My Iraqi body is a body too. Stop messing around with it.

I think often of the Iraqi Body. The Iraqi body count, the shriveled Iraq body, the starving Iraqi body, the walled-in Iraqi body, the hungry Iraqi body, the tortured Iraqi body, the sold Iraqi body...

Yes the Iraqi body is often on my mind.

The body is where the temple lies so they say. And they spat on, raped and destroyed the Temple.

I cannot seem to divorce the Me and Them...We are somehow intimately intertwined.
I guess we carry each other on some cellular, genetic, historic level...

Even though Iraq is a multi-ethnic society or was before the Americans landed, now we do not have multi-ethnic - we have separate groupings living their lives.

And am not sure, "life" is a good word here...We have separate groups surviving alone, each in a ghetto.

You cannot compare Iraq to the USA for instance. The USA is an artificially constructed thing on stolen land, with no history, with no real melting pot and no real exchange. They pretend but then, let them pretend, you and I know better.

Iraq was different. It was no melting pot where people were segregated then eventually forced to get along. Iraq was a Mosaic.

You need to understand that word MOSAIC. And you need not be artistically inclined in ceramics to comprehend the term. Just take any piece of mosaic and admire it and then you will understand.

There is a holistic, organic precept, and the Prophet Mohammed alluded to it, when he said to the effect when one organ in the body is sick, the whole body is sick - referring to the Muslim Ummah in his case.

Iraq is very sick and she is running a high temperature.

For many years, Iraq had a strong immune system. It warded off many viruses and bacterias. Germs from Iran, Israel, Turkey, Saudi, Kuwait, Syria, and the rest of the hyenas as Gabriele Zamparini calls them.

The worm that ate away at her body was introduced in the 90's under the name of the sanctions backed by the U.N.

Imagine the U.N backing the starving of a people- but it happened.

That worm gnawed slowly at the body, but even then, the immune system was still functioning, a little slower but still functioning. People had enough to eat, a food rationing system was put in place, a system that was praised by that same U.N.
And people still had access to medical facilities even though drugs were rare - forbidden for "humanitarian" reasons! So, naturally her body showed weaknesses here and there.

Combined with the above - with lack of medication and other basic necessities - there was this other big Germ silently running rampant and it is called DEPLETED URANIUM.

This germ is no joke. Since this germ was introduced to Iraq, through an American/English Desert storm, cancer rates have multiplied by 10.
And when I said in the past and continue affirming that EVERYTHING (soil, water, trees, crops, bodies) is riddled with Depleted Uranium, it is the TRUTH.

The immune system weakened and the final blow came in 2003.

A huge armada of American, Iranian, Israeli and British viruses, germs, bacteria, fungi...invaded and occupied Her Body.

Cells divided and multiplied at a vertiginous rate and turned against their host devouring Her...And She has been running a very high temperature ever since.

The main killer cell was American made.

It is programmed to kill and can do nothing else but kill. It is its mission in this life. Destroy and kill. A very sick cell indeed.

Then you have insidious malignant cells who hide somewhere in a nucleus and coordinate the work of the main killer cell. These are the cells made in Israel and Iran.

Then you have opportunistic, parasitic cells that feed off the rest, and they are British cells...and a few other sub-strata of equally profiteering cells, like fleas on a cup of honey - Saudi, Kuwaiti, Syrian, Egyptian, Jordanian and last but not least Lebanese cells...Ask Hezbollah from ze Lebanon, he will tell you all about his training of Hezbollah and Al-Sadr militias in Baghdad and how he perfected for them the art of sectarian cleansing. But am reserving more for later.

Put together they form a criminal killer body. And She has been running a high temperature, a diabolical fever from hell, ever since...

The Iraq body of mosaics is no more - at least not for the time being.

It was too beautiful, too rich and too coveted for a long, long time. It had to be destroyed.
You know what I mean don't you? Like some sadistic man who destroys a woman he can't have. Same thing.

But in this Iraqi body, there was a fertile terrain for this panoply of sick cells to invade. An equally sick terrain made of sectarian Shias born, bred and funded in Iran and an equally sick terrain made of nazi like Kurds trained and funded by Israel, who believe in the superiority of their Aryan race.
The Shias on the other hand believe they have been eternally persecuted and lament all the time plus self flagellate of course, since over 1000 years. They also consider themselves a race apart even though they are Muslims in theory.

In both cases the Kurds and the Shias strangely resemble today's Jews. No wonder they want to erase the ARABIC signature from Her body. (More on the Shias in some other post. Gosh I have so much to write about...and I only have two hands.)

So the Iraqi cells were made to divide and each group was imprisoned behind a wall. Well not true. Not each group. Only the Sunni cells were imprisoned behind a wall.
The majority of those exiled - refugees, the majority of those imprisoned, the majority of those tortured, drilled, raped and dead are Sunnis. And when I say majority - I mean a nice 80%.

So when the despicable Cockburn says that Sunnis make up 20% of Iraq, he is lying as usual. He fails to mention that most Sunnis have been killed. He also conveniently fails to mention that Kurds are majority Sunni. So if you add the Arab, Kurds and Turkmen Sunnis you get a nice 55% Sunnis as opposed to 40 % Shias. The rest being Christians and other minorities.
But Cockburn on the Iranian payroll does nothing but dis-inform. Someone ought to withdraw his media license now !

Why this hatred against the Sunni cells when they belong to the same body?
Ask the Jews - the Kurdish, Shia, Iranian, American, British and Jewish Jews... Get my drift?

So Sunni cells live in ghettoes, behind high concrete walls - like the famous "soooneeeeee" Adhamyia, Sayydiya, Dora...

And since am obsessed with Walls and this may be the cause for my fever, I have to tell you the following.

Malcolm Lagauche brought my attention to this "interesting" piece of information and I thank him for it.

About a year ago, when talking of the Adhamiya wall, I noted in one of my posts that those who are building it were the American occupation forces alongside the Jaysh Al-Mahdi from the Muqtada al Sadr party - responsible alongside with the Badr Brigades for the ethnic cleansing of Baghdad.

(Incidentally Roads to Iraq blogspot. via uruknet.info reported that a few Iranians have been caught in Adhamiya. What were they doing there?)

Remember that the man behind the idea of walls is none other than the Iranian/CIA agent Chalabi. And Chalabi is a hardcore Zionist for sure.

Now Malcolm Lagauche's valuable piece of info and read it slowly. As a matter of fact I urge you to read my posts slowly. This is no instant coffee.

"Dar Babel for Studies & Information (Mosul) has issued a report (in Arabic, April 24, 2007) indicating that work on the "walls" that are now being put up in Iraq have been in preparation for over three months. This project is being headed by Ahmad Al-Chalabi in conjunction with the Israeli company of Zeef Belinsky who has a long track record in ghetto construction, and with Al-Mahdi Army's financing and labor. The document provides sufficient details on the six work locations producing these concrete blocks, for easier targeting." - (via PalestinianPundit)

and this one from Harper's magazine in 2004

"With unemployment as high as 67 percent, the imported products and foreign workers flooding across the borders have become a source of tremendous resentment in Iraq and yet another open tap fueling the insurgency. And Iraqis don't have to look far for reminders of this injustice; it's on display in the most ubiquitous symbol of the occupation: the blast wall. The ten-foot-high slabs of reinforced concrete are everywhere in Iraq, separating the protected-the people in upscale hotels, luxury homes, military bases, and, of course, the Green Zone-from the unprotected and exposed. If that wasn't injury enough, all the blast walls are imported, from Kurdistan, Turkey, or even farther afield, this despite the fact that Iraq was once a major manufacturer of cement, and could easily be again. There are seventeen state-owned cement factories across the country, but most are idle or working at only half capacity. According to the Ministry of Industry, not one of these factories has received a single contract to help with the reconstruction, even though they could produce the walls and meet other needs for cement at a greatly reduced cost. The CPA pays up to $1,000 per imported blast wall; local manufacturers say they could make them for $100. Minister Tofiq says there is a simple reason why the Americans refuse to help get Iraq's cement factories running again: among those making the decisions, "no one believes in the public sector."
1. Tofiq did say that several U.S. companies had expressed strong interest in buying the state-owned cement factories. This supports a widely held belief in Iraq that there is a deliberate strategy to neglect the state firms so that they can be sold more cheaply--a practice known as "starve then sell."
This kind of ideological blindness has turned Iraq's occupiers into prisoners of their own policies, hiding behind walls that, by their very existence, fuel the rage at the U.S. presence, thereby feeding the need for more walls. In Baghdad the concrete barriers have been given a popular nickname: Bremer Walls."

The Bremer-Chalabi-Israeli-Iranians Al.Hakim-Al.Sadr walls. No wonder I am so obsessed with those darned walls.

So am sure walls are the cause behind my sudden fever.

Or maybe it is that other piece of news that I read.

I did say in one of my posts, again, a year ago, that very desperate Iraqis are selling their children. I received a few e.mails calling me a liar.

The story is finally and officially out. Read this piece from Al Jazeerah via uruknet.info

The Swedish couple paid 10'000$ for the 2 year old girl. Had this Swedish couple working for an NGO really cared about this family, they could have provided for them on a regular basis instead of buying their daughter. But do you think anyone cares?

ICH ran the same piece. Go and read the comments. Hardly anyone commented.

But give them some story about a Mr. Goodbar criticizing Americans "customs and ways" and you will see it spammed with comments.

By the way one of your brave smelly female soldiers was run over by a humvee, after she fell out of it dead drunk and after having engaged in adulterous sex. I say adulterous since her darling fiançé was waiting for her back home in Amerikkka.
Her occupational lover just ran over her and left her in the streets and went to sleep. That's the way to go Mr Goodbar from the Amerikkkan Army ! (article here on ICH)

Do you understand now why I maintain that Americans are a hopeless case ?

I think it must have been this last piece of news about Iraqi children being sold out of dire desperation that really gave me a fever.
And from the article it is not a one off occurrence, it happens regularly. Remember I told you kids are being trafficked and sold in pedophile rings and working as maids. Well this is the confirmation for you.

And you still wonder why I hate you so ?

But, I am still trying to figure out what exactly brought this fever on.

Maybe it was this lentil soup and the couples of dates that I had.

My mother has this very bad habit that she is still unwilling to give up.
Every time she hears of someone coming from Baghdad she asks that they send her some special kind of lentil- yellowish colored ones and some dates.

I keep telling her "For God's sake, am sure they have lentils and dates here, do you really need this stuff from Baghdad? We have enough problems as is, do you also want to ensure our contamination with Depleted Uranium ?"

It's a fact- foodstuffs locally produced are contaminated with D.U.

And her reply is always the same: "I don't care, it's from my country"

And my comeback is always the same: "And your/our country is very sick"

She shrugs her shoulders and continues cooking that soup and arranging the dates.

Could it be the soup and the dates that gave me this fever ?

Or maybe the walls, the sold children, and the one thousand other ills that have plagued us?

I will not know for sure the exact cause - I better go and try to bring it down.

"Get some rest" a friend told me.

How can I rest, when Her body rages with Fever ? You tell me...

Painting: Iraqi artist,Fareed Al-Zaidi.


Anonymous said…
أتمنى لك شفاءً عاجلاً
Anonymous said…
The harsh realities of America's depleted uranium debris is way too much info for us crotch-grabbin' Americans. The best we can do right now is to enact laws to curb second-hand tobacco smoke, try to watch our calories, use those "green" lightbulbs that give people migraines and, of course, buy children. They're yummy and there's plenty of 'em.
Anonymous said…
Viruses are amazing...deadly, but to me..amazing. They seem so alien and unworldly..like devouring little alien life forms from another world.

As I was driving home from work last night in the early morninghours, from time to time I listen to a certain radio broadcast. I have a nearly 2 hour drive from work to where I live.

A doctor ( and I cant recal his name right now ), but he was speaking on this Asian Bird Flu that raised its ugly head again a few years ago.

You spoke of the immune systems in us. This particular virus..instead of being like the AIDS virus, that weakens the immune system over time and then killing the host..this Bird Flu is the opposite.

The Bird Flu virus takes its position in our lungs and begins to multiply there. Our body sends out its agents located in the lungs to see what this new intruder is all about. The agents report back and all hell begins to break out because they have never had to deal with such a wicked and ungodly invader.

So in mass amounts, the body's immune system begins to try to kill this new invader, but the response to the invader is so great and massive...they actually end up destroying the lungs themselves.....not the virus.

So in effect, this Bird Flu utilizes a strong immune system to its advantage...quite the opposite of AIDS that weakens and the kills.

The lungs actually dissolve in a jelly-like mass. A person can get sick in the morning and be dead by 4 that afternoon.

According to that Doctor I listened to..the virus has already mutated to where it can now go from human to human. One country in particular has had several human to human infections that resulted in deaths, but the government of this particular country does not want the cases reported due to it being a destination for travelers and vacationers.

The word is, not IF a pandemic begins, but WHEN. And unlike the flu pandemic of 1918 where the virus mutated itself into a form that was no longer deadly to humans, this baby will not do that. This baby is into killing for the long haul.

I strongly agree with yer assessment in describing the illegal 'war' ( I dislike even calling it a war because afert years & years of debilitating sanctions..how could it be called a war? ). Thats the way I have looked at it too and described it..an infection due to a virus.

A virus enters the body and takes its position onto a living cell. Thru various mechanisms..after the virus has attached itself to the host cell..it injects its own special ingredients so as to make the host cell replicate the virus' own DNA.

Once the host cell has replicated enough viruses ( kind of like becoming preganant with little viruses )..it exlpodes and releases them. Then the proces begins all over again.

This bird flu can live outside the body for up to 39 days and there is no vaccine. If a vaccine were to be developed..during a pandemic..it would be too late with 1 of 5 of the World's population dying or dead.

Anyway..yes you and the People of and in Iraq have a virus on yer hands. It came, it broke thru what remaining defenses you had by ANY MEANS IT SAW NECESSARY (lies, manipulations,etc..), planted itself with yer country ( the host cell and the host cell did NOT invite IT )..thus it seeks to have yer country, replicate it ( in it's image according to it's structure ) and from there the virus seeks to search for more host cells to infect.

Yer analysis of IT being an infection of a virus is spot on.

But like all viruses, they dont think..they just do and they dont have a brain.
Anonymous said…
Another excellent post Layla,

You are truly gifted. You write so much better than I can and I have no second language to use as an excuse.

Sadly your description of Iraq’s fall from grace is too accurate to come to terms with…

“Like some sadistic man who destroys a woman he can't have. Same thing.”

That’s IT isn’t it? America, a country devoid of the rich culture that Iraq possesses, resorts to ravishing her.

Some news: Our Kevin Rudd is withdrawing 550 combat personnel from your country beginning in June and ending in August 08. Such a withdrawal has come far too late and makes little difference in the face of the whole occupation. It is however 550 less illegal occupiers on your soil and moves Iraq closer to its goal of liberation and the independence it once had.

I’m afraid however that after this withdrawal our country will still be involved in the abuse of Iraq on political, technical, logistical and covert levels. Australia is much like your Green Zone you see: US controlled.
RhusLancia said…
Layla: "So if you add the Arab, Kurds and Turkmen Sunnis you get a nice 55% Sunnis as opposed to 40 % Shias."

Then you should be pushing for free and fair elections instead of advocating minority rule through extreme violence. The more the elections are ensured to protect Iraqis' voting rights the better your team will do, right?

Maybe your fever is due to withdrawals from your addiction to your beloved thief Saddam? If so, I hope the fever breaks and you return to sanity soon.
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Somatization...yes, I think I know a thing or two about that symbolic expression of sublime sacrificial "solidarity" of the flesh and blood with Iraq's ordeal...desolately fruitless besides dangerous...but it's all we have to offer Her...

Whoever advises us to "get some rest" and tear our individual destiny away from Iraq's historical destiny at this point in Time is the one who is truly "ill" in God's eyes, and a deadlier virus, the dealiest of all, the "virus" of Denial, is making food for worms and the Hell's rabid curs of his/her eternal soul.

I wish you, my dearest sister, myself and all of our fellow-vigilants by Mother's "sick-bed" side rather to die of contagion than to desert our "post" before Her complete and definitive "recover".
Anonymous said…
Your mom, poor thing, is so damn "attachante" in her fragility...

The "characters" of your life "movie" have become so familiar with me...from the tragical ones like the gentle Raouf to the silly ones like your wannabe "Cupid" Mona, they all have a human charge to them that shines through the virtual dimension of this blog and reaches out to keep me warm in my everyday life...

Thank you...
Anonymous said…
We all agree on the "diagnosis", but what about the "prognosis" ?

Iraq does have "antibodies", namely the armed groups of the national Resistance.

How much longer will it take those pure and strong "warrior-priests" of Iraq's health to neutralize the invading germs and bacteria and the collaborating sick cells ?

And, more importantly, to what extent can we realistically expect Iraq to ever regain Her pre-"infection" flourishing vitality ?

What is malignant and what is "only" benign (still curable) in Her ravaged body ?

Thank you for answering my questions...Dr. Anwar :-)
WestEndGirl said…
An interesting perspective. Would have far more weight to be honest if your picture of a multi-ethnic, harmonious 'mosaic' before the "War" didn't paint over the historic persecution of the Kurds, Jews etc.

There is a difference between acknowledging the vile effects of the American/British invasion on Iraq and the Iraqi people and totally whitewashing its history as a paradise of peace and tolerance. Tell that to the Jews of Baghdad murdered in the Farhud...!
Anonymous said…
let's lament and weep o'joanne- and let's read a bit history shall we. Then you can go to sleep, a deep sleep.
G.Gar said…
Salam Layla,

That cockburn sucker is not the type we should take seriously. He isneither an Iraqi nor an Arab, and I am sure that he can't even speak Arabic. I just can't help pondering on what on earth made him a reliable authority regarding Iraq.

Also, I dont think that sunnis are 20%- they are no less than 30-35%, and most probably they are more. It seems that some don't count the externally displaced Iraqis. Also the Iranians who came with occupation must not be counted in the Iraqi population. All and all Sunni Arabs are no less than 50% of Iraqis.
G.Gar said…
Salam Layla,

That cockburn sucker is not the type we should take seriously. He isneither an Iraqi nor an Arab, and I am sure that he can't even speak Arabic. I just can't help pondering on what on earth made him a reliable authority regarding Iraq.

Also, I dont think that sunnis are 20%- they are no less than 30-35%, and most probably they are more. It seems that some don't count the externally displaced Iraqis. Also the Iranians who came with occupation must not be counted in the Iraqi population. All and all Sunni Arabs are no less than 50% of Iraqis.
Anonymous said…
"There is a difference between acknowledging the vile effects of the American/Brit invasion on Iraq and the Iraqi people and totally whitewashing its history as a paradise of peace and tolerance."

And there also is a difference between the patronizing, paternalistic, self-satisfied, conceited PITY of ignorant, racist, Westernocentric milk-and-water leftists such as Joanne above and TRUE SOLIDARITY based on KNOWLEDGE of the history, culture, political and philosophical thought of the Iraqi people besides on UNRESERVED LOVE for it.

The Kurds of Iraq were considered an integral part of the national mosaic under the GREAT Saddam and the Baathist government guaranteed them all possible and impossible RIGHTS as well as a virtual AUTONOMY never dreamt of in the wildest dreams of the Kurdish minorities of other countries.

Unfortunately, a number of them (but not all) failed to walk the momentous line that separates the primitive, wild, backward mountaineer from the "Citoyen" of a civilized, modern human community - and the MOSSAD took advantage of it and turned them into its eyes, ears and bomb-throwing arms inside northern Iraq.

As for the Jews, once patriotic Iraqis, they underwent massive all-out FALSE-FLAG terroristic intimidation orchestrated by the agents of the newly-established "Israel" and made swallow that they were being "endangered" by the Iraqi government and could only hope to find protection in the bosom and/or at the service of the State of Zion.

Kindly acculturate yourself before coming here and regurgitate your "hear-say" bullshit.
Anonymous said…
Violin Player, you made me laugh :-)
Anonymous said…
I will excuse you for this and the last time, cause you are running a fever and cannot be held responsible for your words!
What germs and bacteria from Turkey are you talking about?! And who do you think you are to call Turkey a hyena?!
Someone that the idiot John Pilger comments he has an 'excellent site', some idiot called Gabriele Zamparini is your favorite now?! The idiot thinks Talabani is Turkey's President!? You go on quoting him, Layla, and you go on attacking everyone in the world, even those that you have no right or reason to! I thought you had more dignity and knowledge!
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha, now it's quite clear what a mental castrato this stupid Turkish bumpkin called Nur ARIS is....
Anonymous said…
One more thing, Joanne.

That particular "Farhud" episode which you "lament and weep" for would have happened in the early 40ies, that is 3 decades before Saddam Hussein rose to power.

Let alone the fact that those Iraqi Jews were helping the Brits...I don't recall Layla praising the monstruous Nazis nor the Arab (Semites !) desperate dupes who set their hopes in Germany during the British mandate years.
Anonymous said…
Nur Aris,

We are still waiting and hoping that you eventually find your twin soul in spite of your 99 years :-)

But if you insist in falling in love with...ahem..."like-oriented" of Ataturk, you seriously risk ending your days as a single ;-)

Anonymous said…

am tremendously undecided as to whether the author of this blog is a woman who used to pose as a man, or a man who is now posing as a woman, or an hermaphroditic individual tout-court.

please help me.
Anonymous said…

she's a crackin' woman...

so let it drop will ya'?
Anonymous said…
a confirmation,

then why on earth did she not tell me ???

why the hell did she let me believe that she was a man all the time ???

why the fuck do i have to be so friggin jinxed ???

i demand answers !!!
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar and Iraqi Democrat are one and the same person.
Anonymous said…
droplet, u gender confused sexual retard...get a grip or get help!
Anonymous said…

You are ZE best !
Anonymous said…
My daughter is mad.

Pity her and forgive her.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Uncle Sam has a farm
Ee-I, Ee-I, Oh


You continue.
Anonymous said…
And on his farm there is a Chimp
Ee-I, Ee-I, Oh
With a Bush Chimp here and a Chimp Bush there
Here's a Chimp, there's a Bush
Everywhere's a Chimp Bush

Uncle Sam has a farm
Ee-I, Ee-I, Oh
And on that farm there is a snake
Ee-I, Ee-I, Oh
With a Dick Snake here and a Snake Dick there
Here's a Snake, there's a Dick
Everywhere's a Snake Dick

Uncle Sam has a farm
Ee-I, Ee-I, Oh
And on his farm there's lots of Lice
Ee-I, Ee-I, Oh
With a Condi here and a Leezza there
Here's a Louse, there's a Louse
Everywhere's lots of Lice

etc. etc.
Anonymous said…
Please, dearest sister, come back...
Dreamer said…
Im loving your other blog. It is so honest and refreshing, with a sense of humour.
I havent had a chance to read through your posts on this one but i will soon.
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar, you are the struggling pulse of Iraq's weary heart.

Please keep blogging...
Anonymous said…
You've all gone nuts.

The next time I have a visitor, coffee better be no the table.
Anonymous said…
AN APPEAL--IF anyone reading this knows Layla personally,is a friend or relative, and knows how she is feeling, can you please post something, here, on the comment section, anonymously. In this last blog, she says she's sick and I have seen nothing since then. It's worrisome. So... Thanks. karlmarxwasright.
Anonymous said…
Layla, for God's sake...get over whatever you have and come back to work.

Our beloved Iraq needs YOU...and so do I.

Your naughty but ever loyal and trustworthy friend,

Anonymous said…
Painting: Iraqi artist,Fareed Al-Zaidi.

this is kinda borderline erotica, no?

Anonymous said…
"How can I rest, when Her body rages with fever ?"

Don't you dare even just dream of "that way".

I would follow you to the hereafter and drag you back to earth and to Iraq's service by the hair if necessary :-)

Fever or not fever, at least let this board know how you are doing and when you expect to be back to blogging.

I blow you a kiss.

Again another of your sharp post. Infact I have been reading Robert Fisk for the last one month (1200 pages dear..takes much time) and he had detailed a chapter 'Plague' on the vile and heinous sanctions which the western allies (read US and UK) imposed on Iraq and the dying children due to the DU, some of whom were not even born at the time of Desert Storm. I have been reading of children, and the doctors who were treating them knowing well that those poor ones have another 6 months or 1 year at the most. In counterpunch and other alternative medias, people are decrying on that shit of Bush and his America. According to one recent study, 1500 kids below 5 years are dying every day. And this butcher in roaming free, planning to visit UAE too this week. Shame on the whole world, to let a butcher walk free.

Meanwhile I read a small story of an iraqi girl who was acquitted by UAE court in a case of prostitution, due to lack of evidence. The paper lets out a sigh of relief that she is spared from having to return to Iraq. Alas..they didnt ask, why people of iraq are being sold, raped, maimed, killed and displaced..

Write Layla, write..and our old friend adult,tell him to go through these writers before branding them wankers..they stand in solidarity for iraqi people (maybe not for saddam) but still for your country and the people.


Rajeeve Chelanat
looking forward to more of your posts..in solidarity
Anonymous said…
"they stand in solidarity for iraqi people (maybe not for saddam)"

Anonymous said…
Imho only idiots read Fisk...
Layla Anwar said…

Salam, and Shukran...getting there slowly, too slowly...
Layla Anwar said…

A fellow American citizen and of course am assuming you are american sent me the most idiotic mail accusing me of spreading false information about D.U.
Please read this


and diffuse it to your fellow "citizens"...they are the cause for my sickness. I truly find them unbearable.
Layla Anwar said…
Hiya Matthew Hoffman, what was it that I called you in the past? Martin or something :-)
Nice to "see" you again here.
I doubt the americans will be out, except in body bags. It's called Justice.
As for your Aussies, they really are better off hanging around bbQ and drinking Forsters beer...
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you for your good wishes of recovery, but how about someone carry that banner as well?
If you expect the work to be continued until Mother recovers totally , you will need another 1000 Layla Anwar's, at least....
Where is everyone else?
Layla Anwar said…
sick with worry,

The prognosis in the short run is not very promising even though there are some dim signs of recovery, 9 us soldiers gone in 2 days....the Immune system is fighting back...but if people around keep feeding it political propaganda crap and no real nutritious food, don't expect miracles.
Layla Anwar said…
worthless Joanne,

I hope you did heed the advice and prepared your violins....hahahahahahahahahaha.
I did need that good laugh.
Layla Anwar said…
Nur Aris,

This is NOT the first time you have shown your true abusive colors. So far I have been clement with you and have refrained from insulting you.
But now the time has come to tell you a few things, you ignorant woman, things that will put you back in your place once and for all.

If you really know who I AM, you will know that your kemal attaturk, WE FORMED HIM, you idiotic ignorant woman.
When your kamel attaturk was nothing but a small junior ranking piece of shit.
So shut the fuck up Nur Aris, and next time you address ME remember who you are addressing.
Layla Anwar said…
Desperate and Implorer,

Please be introduced to each other...
You both remind me of a story,
There was this guy who was visiting a town and hit the disco...he was there for a very short stay, he was tall, dark and handsome...And here was this woman standing and he invited her to dance...
He told her, " By the way, am only here for a short while" and she replied " AM DANCING AS FAST AS I CAN"...

How about you join the dance floor too?
Layla Anwar said…
Hi Dreamer and welcome to my blog,

You may find some amusing things and some that are not so amusing, You will also meet the insane, the sane, the retards and the brilliant minds...
So stay tuned.
Layla Anwar said…
In the cold,

That was a heart warming touching commment thank you.
Layla Anwar said…

thanks for asking. Am here, this hour has been my first at this computer. Was very ill and have not recovered yet...might take a break unless am gripped by some overwhelming inspiration...
Hope things are sorted out your side.
Layla Anwar said…
Amre al Abyad,

The only reason I mentioned that despicable character Cockburn is because he one of those dubious dishonest specimens that has a leg in mainstream media and so called alternative media.

As for the figures, you and I are basically saying the same thing.

I said all sunnis come to about 55%, and that includes arab sunnis.
so this shia being the majority WAS/IS PLAN OF THE OCCUPATION, TO DIVIDE IRAQ. Hence my comment about the despicable cockburn who is supposedly anti occupation and who still goes around spreading lies.
Layla Anwar said…
AWB regular,

Thank you for your kiss, hope it is virus free...
As for your dragging me from my hair, back to blogging, are you some relic from some caveman or some postmodernistic version of Fred from the Flintstones?
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you for your comment. I am not expecting you to love Saddam Hussein, but if you do decide to keep reading this blog, at least grant yourself the privilege and honor to keep an open mind, open enough to have all the brainwashing you were subjected to, be done away with...and maybe look at "reality" from a different angle and maybe a more holistic, global one...instead of this one way prism that a lot of the "left" has been fed for a long long time...You owe it to yourself.
Layla Anwar said…

How come I have not read one comment on this swedish couple buying this little Iraqi girl for 10'000 Dollars
How come not one word has been mentioned about Iraqis forced to sell their kids?
Why no comment on Depleted Uranium?
Why no comment on the Ghettoes?

Are you all wasting my time or something?
Anonymous said…
bcos they r a bunch of tossers....except possibly for ms anti
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...


Thank you for your comment. I am not expecting you to love Saddam Hussein, but if you do decide to keep reading this blog, at least grant yourself the privilege and honor to keep an open mind, open enough to have all the brainwashing you were subjected to, be done away with...and maybe look at "reality" from a different angle and maybe a more holistic, global one...instead of this one way prism that a lot of the "left" has been fed for a long long time...You owe it to yourself.


gd advice layla.....and plz stop racially abusing black australians too
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...

Amre al Abyad,

The only reason I mentioned that despicable character Cockburn is because he one of those dubious dishonest specimens that has a leg in mainstream media and so called alternative media.

As for the figures, you and I are basically saying the same thing.

I said all sunnis come to about 55%, and that includes arab sunnis.
so this shia being the majority WAS/IS PLAN OF THE OCCUPATION, TO DIVIDE IRAQ. Hence my comment about the despicable cockburn who is supposedly anti occupation and who still goes around spreading lies.


wow i never realised just how sneaky sum of can be
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...


thanks for asking. Am here, this hour has been my first at this computer. Was very ill and have not recovered yet...might take a break unless am gripped by some overwhelming inspiration...
Hope things are sorted out your side.


get well soon layla
Anonymous said…
You will also meet the insane, the sane, the retards and the brilliant minds...
So stay tuned


im no 2 and 4
Anonymous said…
Nur Aris,

This is NOT the first time you have shown your true abusive colors. So far I have been clement with you and have refrained from insulting you.
But now the time has come to tell you a few things, you ignorant woman, things that will put you back in your place once and for all.

If you really know who I AM, you will know that your kemal attaturk, WE FORMED HIM, you idiotic ignorant woman.
When your kamel attaturk was nothing but a small junior ranking piece of shit.

So shut the fuck up Nur Aris, and next time you address ME remember who you are addressing.


lol....who is kamel aturak???
Anonymous said…
plz can everyone continue debating in a nice polite courteous manner and dont forget 2 answer all the questions layla has posed. thanks
Anonymous said…
layla, you are pathetic
Anonymous said…
Nur Aris,

You are the ignorant backward pathetic peasant. You can't even read a blog properly, you have zero knowledge of Turkey's interference in Iraq, you are a total waste of time, and you are not welcome here anymore.
Now go to hell.
Anonymous said…
RhusLancia said…
Layla: "I said all sunnis come to about 55%, and that includes arab sunnis."

Apparently you're willing to suspend your hatred of the Kurds long enough to include them in your inflated demographics. If there's really that many Sunnis, and they are anywhere near as unified as you imply, then that's all the more reason they should've voted in the Jan '05 elections.
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Layla is HOT.

get urself some theraflu.
Anonymous said…
just in case you would like a "talented" poem..............

I wrote this poem in memory of The Curse of Jotham that
warns militant Jews against approaching close to the walls of an enemy.:
The olive, the vine and the fig
Will never creep as the briar
Barren is the land of the thorn.
I am alone beside my people
I stand alone here
With my people
I eat from our dish
I drink from our cup
I may hear the engine of enemies
I may hear the hammer of the flame
I may hear the voice of this enemy
An enemy in uniform
But I have never been abused……
I never scream…..
I shout ! I raise my voice only
With the shout of my people.
I am strong
I can move with rapidity
I have the sling stone of words
I can target you to realise
This moment in time
When my father’s tree falls
When our mouths are dry
When our mother collects from a puddle
The water she boils
The herbs she adds
I see the black lightning of her eyes.
The people who wall us in are standing there now
The fact is I see a man, a man, his hands idle.
The fact is my father is a man too and
The fact is two men stare into the air
But my father is alone…. as I am .
What is this solitude?
It is the solitude of the trees.
Did my mother hold me or expel me
Into this dusty air of wreckage?
As I look at the cloth I found in her pocket
I see small stitches of embroidery.
I place this cloth in a hidden place
To save it for my own woman.
The men of Zion use the word hatred;.
What is hatred?
I look at the man in uniform
I am not afraid of him
My father had life and death
So I also have life and death
The care we bear is for the light
In the black eyes of our women.
Why should we trust anyone else?
When they took our land
I could see it stir under their machines
When they brought a wall
I heard the sound it makes falling
And I shall see the brambles writhe and burn.
There are trees and the fire in them
Is made by Zion for the wind.
These Brambles burn without wind
Briars burn and scream.
I will set fire to the brambles
With words of truth
I will crush the black fruit of their words with truth
I will strip thorns for my fists and finger rings
Because I learn their use.
These men in the uniform of the undergrowth
Know they are nothing but brambles
The curse laid on them by a young boy
Of our race Jotham….as I am
Repeating it now.
As the enemy goes home today
They shall writhe on the truth.
As the thrust of their tines dictates
The boys in that house of briars have to escape
There is no alternative.
But I am free forever.
Our tribes stand alone at all times
No servitude to the waste land of Zion.
Our tribes live in the gardens of Palestine
I stand alone in the gardens of Palestine
No man or boy among us writhes in fear or in pain.

Jocelyn braddell©
Anonymous said…
WHY WRITE OR READ POETRY?A question that remained unanswered by a weary essay in Poetry Ireland.

How did I start? Have you ever written a poem – yes written on a page the continuous repetition and adjustment until your words contain the electric seething moment of contagion ; your poem that hung like a thread from your mind that gradually pulled in an image. Some say: “An image that will solicit like a salesman or a whore, like a promise or a pushover”….Ha ha… Can you be sure? But you are the reader and is the taste of it still ripe for you? Is the empty vase now full for a moment of that alien spirit tormenting you – or that bird cruelly caged, captured in a magic space as a form under the hands of another?

Or is it a conversation of swift and rapid moves that, as a moment correctly drawn into form, becomes a voice heard in the air or a printed slip of paper, folded in a pocket, that will be read many times?

How difficult it is to answer the question of the title above – it would seem wise to use a poem that moving forward like a bird in flight rises in memory and presses the thrust of its flight into your hands.

Why read poetry? Are you not frightened to do so? Have you heard of the man with the stick and his flat board that he beats signalling yes or no? Zbegnev Herbert, a Polish writer , this man – and believe me his lines hover in the atmosphere from the schoolboys reverberations whether you reach for his volume or not. It is that man who is the one unafraid – he knows not your fear or mine, his readers are not within his perspectives of meaning. His poems are messages for certain people – not for the uncertain. He assumes the bitter cruelty of betrayal of truth because of its shared wealth among the history books of his land. Betraying a woman by touch, betraying a man by blows, betraying the empty horizon with a crust of bread, betraying the connoisseur of a bloom that is really the appalling greed of a resort to hunger. Life’s betrayal that is not a death-skull but a gasp for breath that carouses with our strongest needs to survive.

Someone, a poet, is one who observes the double incentives that body and mind as millstones crush on the sacred sounds defining a moment. The poet grew astonished at the phenomenon of the mind’s action – passing a man by the gate one nods; passing the child spying through a crevice one laughs; passing the idle one peruses faces and taking a word from the nervous woman writes it down. How was it in the past when only memory kept the store, when a structure loose as in a flood turned sideways in the flow and your dialect curved like a predator upon its prey, strengthening and defining a grasp that threatens death. As you sang then, your head flung back, your running thoughts streaming among the plain words which have the lustre of river pebbles or of those engulfed in the great tides of a sea-bay transformed into knobkerries for the mental fist. And when the light is low among the candles a sequence of horizons gleam, a broad bed with the sheet flowing along the pull and tug of a dream.

How strong is attraction – and will that magnetic joy remain for you? As a reader? Or as a writer? Fear transformed as you struggle to understand how this poem , any poem, came into being…..Just as the cinema can seduce you until you find the exit into a real world – so can a film that has a poetic pulse fragment any such seduction and the unfortunate truth of life reveal cross currents that refute all your evasive actions – walking down the street you may slow to a wavering pace; you may open your eyes and really see those remote glances of all who pass. You may talk because you must now – it was the poet who provoked you, but have you looked carefully at the words, stone words, whose flexible nature has been hived off, words that lie in your palm jolting your memory or that strange shape aligned, a new line on the palm bearing a characteristic flourish, a signature with which you become familiar. Take up these volumes but weigh them for nothing. It is the forces that a poet’s lines beguile that may become your burdens – or may indeed fly from you as if in panic. The poem, the mystery fruit that gives exactly the same taste you had recently forgotten, the sound of a strong tongue in a sweet mouth.

But write, write only if you are alive – for those words that summon your presence will never die – and write it exposing the method, exposing the granular rhythm of mankind’s pace, exposing the struggle to find the strength to expose your longing soul on its journey through the hours of all your years. What does each realise, where will the hand find solace in another, can I vanish?

My task completed, the professional leavetaking ? ; a signal, as I began, another now, to pause. Demand that a mystery free you to relish your life.

Jocelyn Braddell©
Anonymous said…
Depleted Uranium..terrible in what it does. A nitemare. Another development, production and useage of a genocidal from the United States.

I try to imagine these types of people that research and then develop such things as DU and their uses. They get up from sleep in the morning, shower and get dressed. They probably greet their family in the kitchen..perhaps kiss their wives or husbands and tell them " good morning ".

While having breakfast, they chit-chat over simple issues as what to do on the weekend or paying the bills. They sit with their loved-ones ad then kiss them good bye as they head off to work. They head off to work to research & develop ways to inflict heavy casualties upon others.

I highly doubt that while this person is with his family, that it is ever explained to his young children just exactly what it is he or she does at his job.

What would little Andy or Jennifer think of his father that heads off to work to develop more efficient ways to kill?

It's insanity.
Anonymous said…
"plz can everyone continue debating in a nice polite courteous manner and don't forget 2 answer all the questions layla has posed. thanxs."

JR, you absurd little creature, what do you take yourself for, Layla's master of cerimonies ?
Anonymous said…
Psychopaths & narcissists are the ones in power.

The US government is full of them. Their ego and hunger for control ( and its many uses )is what drives them to seek governmental positions of authority.

Psychopaths have no conscience. They are morel embeciles but clever in the ways in which they operate. The narcissist, are running scared. The only thing they seem to be interested in is protecting their "image" of being "good".

They cloak themselves in goodness but are truly evil inside and behind their facade. The facade that was used to invade upon Iraq was that there were WMD's, that Saddam was a "bad man" and Iraqis needed to be "liberated" and need to have " freedoms & democracies"...that Iraq was in the process of developing nuclear weapons and had mobile units of chemical and biological weapons.

It was all a facade to conceal their true and evil intents. The true intents and results are self evident. Deaths, rapes, destroying historical items of Iraq's ancient past, bursting into people's homes, using weapons such as DU and knowing..Knowing the effects.

Selling their children...I cannot imagine how the minds of these parents ( or parent ) must be feeling as it is being ripped in two.

The psychopaths are in Iraq. They are dressed in their suits or in their turbins. They are the "crazy" ones.

The Resistance is fighting against the psychopaths and their psychopathology.
Anonymous said…
On Iraqis selling their kids:

A crime against nature, and but I haven't the heart to hold the families responsible for it...
Iraqis have gone mad with grief, they no longer know what they do...nor who they are...
I pray that God enlightens those poor little angels to distinguish between the de-humanizing despair of their parents and the deliberate and vile cruelty of the occupiers, and to have compassion on the formers and only blame the latters.
moonwolf said…
I hope your recovery is swift!

I got this 'new' version of the Star Spangled Banner forwarded to me and I thought you would be interested:

The Blood Spattered Spanner!

Oh, damn I can’t see, by the dawns early light
From the dozens of lines and the Jack shots a-teaming
Whose brown butt and big boobs did I have in my face?
O’er her ramparts I watched as my last shot came creaming.
And I know it ain’t fair ‘cause I came in her hair,
But the Roofies worked good so she just wasn’t there.
What else is a guy s’posed to do to get laid
In the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the street dimly seen through the dust and the deep,
Lay the rag-heads dead kids while his bitch runs round freakin’.
Put one into her head, jump back into the jeep.
Gotta move out real quick ‘cause the choppers are comin’.
Willy Pete hits the scene and the crowd starts to scream.
They’re fryin’ and diein’ oh man what a scene!
Can’t wait to get back to the base for a beer,
Have some laughs and some chow and some fun with that queer.

“Oh get me Carl Rove and my little black whore!”
Dubya yelled down the hall and spun round in confusion.
Spittle rolled down his chin as he fell down and swore.
His Page scuttled and ran from her boss’s pollution.
No refuge could save the Decider’s poor slave
From her terror that night as he continued to rave
He wildly lurched into the Flag in the knave
Then fell hard on his face and lay still as the grave

Oh! Thus be it so where this demon shall stand.
Send his poor and naïve into war’s desolation.
Pile the corpses up high, ain’t the smell of death grand!
We’ll fuck these guys up, plan Iran’s devastation,
Then conquer we must though our cause isn’t just,
And this is our motto: “All Doon Coons are dust!”
And the star-spangled banner of profit shall wave,
O’er these lands with the oil and the home of our slaves!
Anonymous said…
On the Swedish couple:

The triumph of the self-centred, self-serving, self-pleasuring, self-congratulatory, pathologically insensitive, ignorant and blissfully irresponsible Western Mind disguised as Christian(oid) "pity".
Thanks but no thanks.
Next time a "humanitarian" European couple wishes for an "Oriental little thang" to bring some human warmth into their frigid existence, better they go and buy an Arabian foal...or a Persian cat, so they can call him Ahmadinejad and live all together happily ever after.
Anonymous said…
On the "Sooooooneeeee" Ghettoes:

The Iraqi Sunnis, most likely due to the absence of an "ubiquitous", oppressive clerical caste, were the piece of the sublimely harmonious Mosaic which was more receptive to and "digested" better the revolutionary concept of Citizenship as introduced by Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party, hence the hardest to "de-identify" of all and the most ragefully persecuted by the forces of disgregation and imperialism from East and West.
I just hope they will hold on to feeling Iraqis first and foremost in their "un-wallable" hearts until all external both physical and psychological walls are finally pulled down, and by all means avoid giving way to despair and falling into the trap of "counter-sectarianism" as the satanic strategists of the New Middle East would so much like them to.
Anonymous said…
On DU:

What the fuck do you expect me to "comment" on the Horror ????
I can only cry the primordial ocean over it...and senselessly and lovingly wish I had it flowing in my own veins rather than knowing about it in those of my infinitely adored Iraqi people's so much purer and nobler blood...
It is almost undignified to be alive in a world where such things are allowed to happen.
Cursed be the Americans and their genocidal hubris for all eternity.
Anonymous said…
Typo: rather than knowing about it in my infinitely adored Iraqi people's so much purer and nobler blood ("in those of" is useless).
Anonymous said…
Ya bintee, don't overworry that lovely mind of yours.

There are the brawns, there are the brains and there are the billfolds, each pulls their weight and the work is proceeding at full speed.


I blow a kiss onto your graceful hand with my most admired compliments.

See you in Liberated Baghdad.
Anonymous said…
id love 2 know y the mojo and barbariya almost never show up on here.

asshead's blog comment sections r literally flooded with their worthless bickering.

wud they b in awe of our goddess layla ?????
Anonymous said…
This is the second time we chance to bump into each other on the Resis-dance floor.

The annoying thing in this disco under occupation is that power is always off...darkness shrouds dancers and "wallflowers" alike...

Never assume ;-)
Anonymous said…
You gave me a few clues about yourself in the past, and they don't tally, nay they clash with the character that literally "shines through" this blog.

Either you were trying to "scare" me away then, or better I don't think of the other possibility...

In any case, you are a remarkable creature and I profoundly revere you.
Anonymous said…
When Juno is set free, Jupiter comes down to earth, whispers an "end of a knight" tale in our ears...goodnight.
Anonymous said…
I truly get the horrors as your commentators start communicating with one another, abuse etc.
They make the entire purpose of blogging so futile. Though to discuss Iraq with you may not be what you really want - what do you want? - other than to get better out of your fever, which I hope is passing now.
I am interested in your observant approaches to the wall for instance - it transforms a rant into greater meaning because the wall is really a new stroke, quite different from the medaeval wall surrounding a city. A wall anywhere is now redolent of the shots in Berlin as people tried to get over that wall, so that any wall becomes a mental wall and the crevices etc you observed mental strata and something like a fractured glance between neighbours all over the world.
Best wishes Jocelyn
Anonymous said…
plz keep your comments on topic u dickheads
Anonymous said…
Anonymous jr's jr said...

"plz can everyone continue debating in a nice polite courteous manner and don't forget 2 answer all the questions layla has posed. thanxs."

JR, you absurd little creature, what do you take yourself for, Layla's master of cerimonies ?


fuck off
Anonymous said…
laylas illness has probably been excaberated by all the stupid posts on her blog......plz stop talking shit and lets see sum meat on sum arguements
Anonymous said…
Hope your are feeling better Layla.

On the issue of the walls in Iraq - sometimes negative things can be turned into positive things.

And in this case. I am sure some creative Iraqis will eventually see to this. We will wish hard for it.

It appears that the idea of encircling cities with walls has come from the brilliant stategists of 'death to humanity', the Israelis.

As to the issue of DU -
To those who do not want to discuss depleted or non-depleted uranium,(which I have read is even worse than depleted
if that is possible; both were dropped on Iraq.)

Perhaps these people should open up their minds and think outwardly, or more globally. Most people would be aware that winds and currents travel around the world. And if people think that "I'm alright Jack" on this one, perhaps you should think again.

Forget about the constant 'fear threats' from the Global Drug Corporations and Bush, about pandemics which ensure that you stay in your present state of fear and anxiety. And bear in mind Bush receives the biggest donations of money from US drug companies.

In turn, while you are brainwashed with threats of pandemics, if you look at the rate of cancer in the world we are already having one.

At the same time we are being encouraged to read about how people have dealt with their cancer,or how your cancer has made you accept death, or how Mary and John have shaved their heads and are going on a bike-ride to raise money for cancer sufferers. Or how Kylie, the pop-star beat cancer.. This represents your daily fill of mass acceptance without questioning.

And then of course there is radiation and chemotherapy-both kill off the immune system - the very thing that causes cancer. This is a multi-million dollar business which allows you to buy that extra excruciatingly painful time to live.

In the case of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine - the dust from depleted and non-depleted Uranium, which the US and Israel have and are saturating across these countries; may one-day have us saying we have reaped what the US/Israel have sown.

Now to the effects of depleted uranium
in Iraq. When westerners get cancer they receive treatment. Except in the US where if you are not insured or your insurers deny your claim, then bad luck, you faithful patriot of the US go away and die.

This is in stark contrast during President Saddam Hussein's time in Iraq, when the Iraqis had the benefit of a free health system.

I wonder how many people know that when the US gave the Iraqi civilians their big shots of cancer by the continuous bombing of Iraq during the years of the Gulf War and economic sanctions; that the US not only did this -

They ,then set about ensuring that Iraqi men women and children would not only die of Cancer - oh no! that was not enough pain to inflict on other human beings!

The Iraqi people had to be made to suffer even more, yes suffer the excruciating agony of being denied medicines and drugs to alleviate their continuous agony.

Does anyone remember the daily media's teary pictures of those big brave US and Australian warriors armed to-the teeth, hugging their wives and kissing their children goodbye as they set sail for the Gulf to take on the 'enemy'.

This piece of phoney-baloney was a big
lie. Instead - these warriors were on their big war ships, idling in the Gulf stopping food and drugs going into Iraq - Fancy, they kiss their children good-bye on their way to starve and make-sick other peoples' children.

Not even a bloody Aspro was allowed to get into Iraq because the US told us that the Iraqis might make weapons of mass destruction out of them. And at this time the overwhelming majority of people in the world were happy to stay in denial behind their invisible wall.

Not even shipments of cotton material from Spain were allowed to get into Iraq. Both the US and Australian Navy saw to this. Even though it was for making shrouds for the dead Iraqi bodies
After much time and haggling, and more dead bodies - it eventually arrived there.

Then this wasn't good enough, Oh! No!
To make these men, women, teenager, and babies really writhe in agony -The US were starving them as well.

The US also- bombed their water supply . Now let them drink contaminated water. A dose of Cholera as well should do the job!

On this very day on the internet news, we read and see pictures of Israel carrying out this same strategy of genocide of human beings right now in Palestine. - Preventing everyday Palestinians from going to hospital to receive medical treatment for cancer and other illnesses. Cancer most likely from the sands of Iraq, and the recent Israeli bombs dropped in the Lebanon slaughter.

And at this very day the US and their government in Iraq are still denying the Iraqi people enough food to survive on,
which is called starvation.

Yet there is a wall of silence from the world's majority of people at this time.

But, the majority's wall of silence is far more dangerous than even the physical walls that surround the Iraqi towns.

Because it seems most people are not aware of these oppressive deadly invisible walls the Bush's of this world have quietly and stealthily enshrined around them.

Inside these invisible walls nobody asks questions, nobody can think for themselves, nobody can communicate with each other. Nobody can think deeply, nobody can think about each other. Nobody knows the difference between a lie and the truth. Nobody can sit and imagine the plight and suffering of others.

Near everyone has been turned into 'I's and 'My's and are incapable of thinking outside of themselves.

Inside these walls near everyone is happy within these walls of silence and self deceit, they are happy merely saying 'miou' when discussing the murder of thousands of other human-beings. They are happy writing poetry for themselves instead of for everyone. When Hey! Hey! USA! How many kids have you killed today! really says it all.
They are happy not wanting to know about depleted Uranium.

One day, the Iraq and Palestinian walls which we can see, will come down. But for those who are incarcerated behind their invisible walls of silence and self-deceit will yours?
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said…

Beautiful little exposés. Thanks.
Layla Anwar said…
Jocelyn B.

Thanks for sharing your poetry, some of the imagery you use is very poignant.
Layla Anwar said…

To be honest with you, I did not understand much from this "prose", or whatever you call it. Is it some slang cowboy poetry or something ?
Layla Anwar said…

This is an essay in itself, wonderful!!!!
Layla Anwar said…
Abu Mohammed,

"See you in liberate Baghdad" brought tears to my eyes...
This triple occupation is a wound that shall not heal...until we meet in liberated Baghdad - insha'Allah.
Layla Anwar said…

"This is the second time we chance to bump into each other on the Resis-dance floor.

The annoying thing in this disco under occupation is that power is always off...darkness shrouds dancers and "wallflowers" alike...

Never assume ;-)"

I never assume anything, but do you have a candle you can light?

And more importantly can you tango? ;-)
Layla Anwar said…

"You gave me a few clues about yourself in the past, and they don't tally, nay they clash with the character that literally "shines through" this blog.

Either you were trying to "scare" me away then, or better I don't think of the other possibility...

In any case, you are a remarkable creature and I profoundly revere you."


Thank you for the "reverence" bit, and me who thought I was the only one who speaks in riddles - sometimes...
Anonymous said…
Layla, most writers keep one at a distance looking in, but your writing has the opposite effect – it makes one want to join in. If you know what I mean.

Some thoughts on Les Blough's article “Ramp up Resistance to war in Iraq” Uruknet 12/6/2008

I have never really forgiven the broad progressive movement for not ramping up during the years of the US Economic Sanctions on Iraq. There was no interest from those who now have plenty to continuously say and write about Iraq. So our small group not to be deterred, acted alone.

It was not until just prior to the Gulf War the 'progressives of the world' started to stir themselves, perhaps it was because the number of Iraqi deaths were now sensationally high enough for much high-flying political comment on the world stage.

I have never really forgiven these progressives either, for their petition to the United Nations, that swept around the world on our computer screens It was entitled “Not In My Name” and was signed by all those that matter in the progressive sphere. But Alas! while they ramped up their support of the Iraqi people – and cried “please lift the economic sanctions off Iraq, In the next breath they they pleaded “But make sure you still keep the US military in Iraq.”

Many do not know. But one day in bluegum country prior to the US invasion of Iraq. There was a huge explosion I have never seen before. It was a spontaneous explosion of a critical mass of everyday people who went outside of the rigid and restricted anti-war meetings; and took matters into their own hands. They wrote their own leaflets, and in the the early hours of the morning. they stood at the city railway station and handed them out. Such an assortment of leaflets, oh what a delight.

But after the crowds had turned out in their thousands to oppose the intended US invasion; the anti-war political directors had got such a fright, that, at their next meeting,they declared “Iraq is now off the agenda!” As far as political action goes Iraq has been off the agenda here since. I have never forgiven them for this either.

And you know I cannot forgive them for saying it is a'war',when it is an 'invasion'. Nor can I forgive them when they say 'insurgents” instead of 'Iraqi Resistance'. Surely everyone knows the difference?

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