Thoughts for the New Year.

On the other blog (here) - for those who care and for those who could not care less...


Dear Layla

Sad, that today only I saw your blog (or writings). Fortunately, one of my friend forwarded this to me. I had read that 'Dont interrupt me..i have lot of things to tell you' and had incidentally translated and posted in my own Malayalam blog
and then received link to your two blogs.

It was a wonderful experience reading you.

Myself Rajeeve Chelanat, 45, Indian, from the state of Kerala, presently working in Dubai and active in some socio-political organisations, with far-left political views. Your writings on political and social issues do carry profound emotion, sympathy to humanity and straight-talk.


Do you mind, if I take some of your postings and translate to put in my blog, so that more people read such things. Malayalam blog is still in its infantile stage with more silly talks and less politically.

my email id is

Salute and looking forward to reading you more and more

Rajeeve Chelanat
Angel said…
Hello Layla,

I have been without my computer for a while, all is OK now.

That was a truly mind blowing clip. I am going to download it and put it on my meditation (sleeping) mp3's. It wasn't just the singing, the dancing also. It would be easy to get lost in it. You have good taste.

I vowed to smoke less, but am very stressed, so I am smoking more. I don't have neighbours (fantastic), and my dislike of the US is fairly well known, my occupation is nearly occupied out, and I absolutely love the cold weather.

Happy New Year, Layla. May the winds of furtune blow gently on you for 2008.
Anonymous said…
You have always exquisite musical taste, dear Layla: Bocelli is a giant and Dulce Pontes melts your senses into seafoam...

As for that other matter, leave "straightness" to lines and streets, and be very proud of your harmoniously "curved" tail/heart :-)

Happy New Year, or better still, Happy One Less Year to Victory.
Anonymous said…
I am out for Mojo's head.
Anonymous said…
There "was" a creature
Patient, peaceful and quiet...
There "is" a legend about that creature:
When it leaves a land, ruins all what's left...
Anonymous said…
Layla, for the sake of crying out loud, could you kindly go to the comment section of your post "A one way ticket - hopefully" and see if you can fix that "Rhuslancia" problem once and for all.

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Karlmarx--wonderful to see your post, today. Great, as usual. I agree with Ms. Chelanat from the Malayalam blog, above, and glad to see, hopefully, further dissemination of your writings in India, Kerala. Excellent! Superb!!I'm SURE your sensibilities will be, and, clearly are, appreciated in numerous cultures.
Anonymous said…
Layla, you are the one true friend and consolation of my existence.

Just felt the need to tell you (in case you forgot) :-)

Long live our beloved Iraq.

Layla Anwar said…
Rajeeve Chelanat,

Hi again, I did reply to you on the last thread. Kindly check it.
Layla Anwar said…
Hiya Angel,

Nice to see you back and all my best wishes to you for 2008.
Lucky for not having any neighbors-will need some magical potion to neutralize them for good.
Layla Anwar said…
well wisher,

Thank you, am glad at least one person here enjoys my kind of music...
Best to you too.
Layla Anwar said…
fed up to your teeth,

so am I!
RhuslanCIA is an American govt agent. Him and his buddies by the name of Jefferey, CHMAR (hahaha), and others carrying some dubious names like Louise from Alabama, Lynette in Minesota, etc...are all working for Uncle Sam.
Their tasks are as follows.

- monitor Iraqi blogs. They will not bother with those who are pro American, or who link, cut and paste. Their aim is to target those who actually think and who exhibit any form of dissent.

- they are to continue propagating the official administration propaganda and cover up through slander, lies and deceit (the usual) anyone who dares expose them.

- They are also there, to pick on any "sympathizer" and track them down...

In other words, they are CIA/FBI paid agents.

RhuslanCIA is an idiot, like most of them....and he is a fungus.
I think I tackled his sort in my latest.
Layla Anwar said…
soul in torment,

I am still waiting for you to change that pseudo of yours.
I am also hoping that you start blogging so I can take a long break...
Anonymous said…
"am glad at least one person here enjoys my kind of music"

You and me have countless things in common, not only musical taste...

The difference between us is that you have CONCRETE MEMORIES to draw strength from...

I only had high-flying dreams of a life in Iraq and they got all shot down...

Cursed be the Invasion for my aborted "self" too.
Anonymous said…
for those that chase after freedom

never give up
Anonymous said…
All you need is love...
Anonymous said…
Yer words are so true jlennon.

I find women far more interesting than men...more interesting in nearly every subject.

Especially in Iraq, the Women have lost so much due to this unforgiveable assault by powers that came thru the gates of hell.

In today's Iraq, they are in situations where its safer to silence their toungues, lower their eyes and cover their 'beauty'. This should not be.

the Women..are the seeds of the Earth, but a woman's journey is much more difficult than a man's

yes..all we need is Love
Anonymous said…
Layla, Flower of Mesopotamia,
as the first time visitor to your site I'm truly in awe of your wisdom and honesty. Please, for the sake of humanity take the good care of yourself, your country will need you, when Sionist Crusaders finally leave throuh the Small Door as Sadam predicted. Your pen is mightier than milion Kalashnikovs.

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