Reminders of a Travesty

Someone wrote to me and asked me some clarifications regarding my stand vis à vis the sectarian Iranian puppet and tool, the "Sayyed" of the Hezb.

I went through my older posts and re-read one dated 28.January.08 called "A TRAVESTY".

You may also want to check my posts on the Arab Woman Newsbytes -- "Zionism, Khomeinism and the smell of Death" and "Dirty Links" - both written in February 08, to get a full picture of what am talking about.

In the post, " A travesty", the "Sayyed" in one of his speeches to the "sons and daughters of Kerbala" ( a link is provided - so am not making up the speech) assures his faithful followers about the protection of Iran, read between the lines...

In that column I summed up my position vis à vis the "Sayyed" and his Hezb.

What I said then holds true today and is unlikely to change in the future...

For those who are still wondering, you may wish to re-read that post and check the "cool pictures" of the other posts referred to from the Arab Woman Newsbytes blog, CAREFULLY.

I have nothing more to add and I rest my case.


G.Gar said…
Photos of the martyred president were raised in Beirut.

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