Your Hypocrisy keeps me awake...

Every day I promise myself "Thou shall not blog today" and then I read a piece of news that just makes me enraged.

Look at this one for instance -Iranian shelling of Iraqi/Kurdish villages - a member of the "Iraqi parliament" (hahahahahaha) is astonished over the government's position regarding these Iranian shelling.

This is not the first time that Iran shells Iraqi villages. Definitely not the first time since the occupation and definitely not the first time prior to the occupation. The whole Iran-Iraq war started with the daily shelling of Iraqi villages - a fact that your media refuses to acknowledge and mention.

The Imperial West and its pillar, the anti-war/left (another hahahahaha) never tire, till this very day of repeating "Saddam shelled Kurdish villages, Saddam displaced Iraqis, Saddam gassed his own people, Saddam tortured, Saddam eliminated all opposition ..." Bla-bla-bla...

I need not continue since you know the old fabricated refrain much better than I. You are were/are very proficient at it.

Of course all of the above, later transpired to be FALSE ACCUSATIONS, SLANDERS and DEMONIZATION part of a massive disinformation/propaganda campaign to JUSTIFY, RATIONALIZE and LEGITIMIZE the Zionist Anglo-American and Iranian occupations of Iraq.

But let's forget the past for one minute. Let me ask you this, did you read ONE condemnation of the current, ongoing Iranian shelling of Iraqi villages ? Of course not.

Why is that ? Did you ever ask yourself why is that ? Of course you wouldn't.

Are you a bunch of disgusting hypocrites ? An absolute YES.

OK now I can peacefully go to sleep.


Anonymous said…
Dear Layla ,

I was really moved by you`re piece of work, not forgotten but not known is the fact here !!
It is really sad that the "western countries"really dont know what is going on in the middle east except for what the media just seems fit to share !! Maybe it helps you to know that slowly but surely people are waking up in the west !!
The goals off these aggressors are becoming more clearly everyday, and OIL is the answer it is just unbelievable that they are really ready to sacrifice so many good people`s lifes over this people are starting to realize there disgusting plans !!
I wish you peace love and happiness
annie said…

OK now I can peacefully go to sleep.

you're kidding right? no layla, you can't go to sleep, certainly not peacefully.
Anonymous said…
"Saddam shelled Kurdish villages, Saddam displaced Iraqis, Saddam gassed his own people, Saddam tortured, Saddam eliminated all opposition

Of course all of the above, later transpired to be FALSE ACCUSATIONS, SLANDERS and DEMONIZATION part of a massive disinformation/propaganda campaign to JUSTIFY, RATIONALIZE and LEGITIMIZE the Zionist Anglo-American and Iranian occupations of Iraq.
No, this bullshit is false.
You've got jews on the brain.
Anonymous said…
Is Steen by any chance an ignorant jerk ? - That is the question.
Anonymous said…
Did you know that As'ad Abu Potato switched off the comment sections in his blog ?
Anonymous said…
Jews on the brain, Jews on the brain! You have got Jews on the brain! na na na na Na na!

"Unprovoked and recurring bombardment of the Kurdistan Region by Turkey and Iran must stop" - May 20 article from the Wall Street Journal

As you mention, Iran has been shelling these villages for a long time

Why are the hypocrites silent? The President's hands are tied by a democratic congress. If the Republicans condemn the shelling, the democrats can then accuse the Republicans of being war mongers and undermine a possible effort this fall to take out Iran's nuclear program. Why would the democrats condemn the shelling if they plan to stop the Republicans from doing anything about it?

But there is nooooo arguing with you, Ms Queen of Zionist Conspiracy. You are so smart and we are a bunch of "asses". As part of your "resistance", try and resist blaming the Jews for everything.

Greg from USA
Anonymous said…
If Arabs did not have Jews to blame they would have to address their own self-induced problems. The problem is that this involves accountability (and at this they are no better than the Americans) and it is much easier to blame the Jews, Iranians and the West.
Anonymous said…
Greg from USA is a typical stupid, brainwashed, dickhead American.
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha, how quickly comes running the horde of smelly mental castrato jewnazi psychopaths!...
Anonymous said…
Did you know that As'ad Abu Potato switched off the comment sections in his blog ?

The 'refuges', led by Molly have already opened a new blog at
where they will comment on Angry Arab.
Anonymous said…
molly moshe leading the "chosen people" to the sectarian closet zionist slut called Angry Shit...

KM said…
Hi Layla,

I saw in the Asian Times that Egypt & Russia has inked a deal on further developing Egypt's nuclear program. Of course this pissed off alot of the American suit & tie gang.

So Bush and and his wife then snub Mubarek.
I do not know how you nor 'main stream MidEast' feel about Russia, but accordiing to that Asian Times article, Russia is being very much welcomed into the MidEast...especialy after decades of being witness to how US policy in the entire region.
As Annie pointed out last week, Saudi Arabia inking deals with Russia while selling more oil to China, Egypt inking deals with Russia, Syria & Russia picking up further cooperation.

Russia apparently signed on to those UN resolutions against Iran last week I believe it was. Perhaps...and this is a big 'perhaps'...Russia may be moving towards leaving Iran and the 'US-in-Iraq' out in the cold while they move towards closer relationships with the other countries of the MidEast.

The Russian speaker also mentioned of how Europe is becoming more and more of an Islamaphobe. The article also mentioned of how so much of the MidEast has witnessed the US's unwavering support towards Israel and it has been one major turn off. These are facts that he brought up and the 'US' is now left in a position where it cannot deny Russia's accusations.

It was a very good power play by the Russians and pretty much stuck the facts right in from of the US. The 'US' needs to look at it's past behavior towards the MidEast and if they look honestly at is not a pretty picture.

If Russia becomes more and more of a heavy player in the MidEast, wil it be productive and fair? That is one question. Another question may be does the Greater MidEast want Russia?

One thing that is certain though...after launching an illegal invasion into Iraq, conducting regime changes spanning decades, arming Iraq & Iran at the same time that only added fuel to the bloodshed and buying out governments...governemnts that SHOULD be for the people of the MidEast countries....I think the People have had their fill of US MidEast foreign policies.

SouthEast Asia is doing like wise becasue they too have learned from expereince of dealing with US foreign policies. SE Asia is warming up nicely to China and are embracing China. Se Asia is beginning to close their doors on America...much as South American countries are intent on doing too.

And ya know what?? China & Russia are doing it thru diplomacy and dialogue and cooperation...not by establishing military bases around planet Earth.

I thank an Arab everytime I go to the gas station. I would probbaly be riding a mule if it were'nt for the MidEast. I wish you could get yer country back.

Take care...hope you slept well

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