The Final Solution - Extermination

My last post on Falluja left me not depressed...depressed is the wrong left me...not sad left me...words left me...

Yes words left me...they took an exit...because I have no words.

This is no longer about Saddam Hussein and his non existent WMD's. This is no longer about Dictatorship, Tyranny, and all that garbage that you've been fed for over 7 years...

The Truth has hit me - first it knocked on my door, but in my rationalizing mind, I thought to myself, that can't be it -- they can't possibly want to wipe us out completely, totally...OK they hate us deeply, for no reason or maybe for all the reasons of the world...since the dawn of civilization, but surely...but...but...but...

Brainwashed, I used that same BUT you keep using...

But Falluja this time around, gave me another jolt, another thrust into another level of Truth...

The words of Paul Bremmer, the American psychopath - kept ringing in my ears - "let's bring them down to 5 Million Iraqis, that should be sufficient "...

Again, why ?

Let's face it, we found the WMD's - they are made in the USA and not so Great Britain...
But why genetically modify us, why have us mutate into sterile women with dead male infants and deformed monstrous females...

What does that mean in 10 years or 20 years ? It means those who have not died of disease like cancer, will remain "handicapped". It means that they will not produce males but only hideous females...and if they do manage to give birth, it will be to dead males...


I don't believe that Uranium was the only agent used in Falluja. Uranium was used in other parts of Iraq -- over 40 areas are heavily contaminated, in particular Mosul in the North and Basra in the South...but Falluja is something else...

I believe that something else has been used alongside Uranium on the Sunnis of Iraq.

In the Anbar you have Iranian nuclear waste being dumped, in Falluja you had Americans experimenting with new kinds of kinds of weapons were also used in the Battle of the Airport back in 2003...

Iraqis, RESISTING Iraqis were/are their guinea pigs...

This not the story of Depleted Uranium. I can bet you anything, there's more to it...

Zionist -- America, England and Iran want us exterminated. Of that, I have no more doubts.

It's that simple really.

It's the final solution - a slow agonizing one...

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