What is there left to say ?

No seriously, what is there left to say about Iraq ? What is there left to write about ?

When "covering" the Iraqi elections, I said - If Allawi ever tries to form an alliance with the driller Muqtada Al-Sadr, responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Iraq, alongside other Shiites militias - I will stop blogging on Iraq in any serious way...

Allawi only made it thanks to the Arab Sunni and some Shia votes. And what do we get in return ? Not that I voted - I don't believe in the shit political process under dual American-Iranian occupation, established over 1.5 Million Iraqi corpses. I leave that to other Iraqi bloggers who are so eager to get the stamp of approval from their masters the Americans and Iranians and God knows who else...and maybe get an American green card or a permanent residence in Tehran in exchange for their loyalty...

Well guess what ? Just as predicted, Allawi is forming an alliance with the chief driller, rapist, torturer of -- Arab Sunnis, Women, Gays, Christians, Palestinians, Sabaeans, Yazidis, and even some Shias...

Really what can I blog about now ? Many Iraqis wanted to believe that these last elections were a tiny window, infinitely small window of change - just enough to let some oxygen in, some air through...not more...but it seems that even a bit of oxygen is too much to ask for...

In the meantime, Tariq Aziz, that loyal clean man has been transfered to the Iraqi dungeons in another kangaroo court. He is not allowed any visits not even by the impotent Red Cross (you need to present your resignation by the way - Red Cross. You are a total failure). Not allowed to seek any medical care even though he is very ill...along with 26 other prisoners some with serious cases of advanced cancer.

The charges leveled against Tariq Aziz and the others by the most corrupt government in the world, and it is not me who says so -- just google corruption indices..the most corrupt government that Iraq has known in its history, the government of "huthala" scum from Iran and Kurdish warlords and pimps, installed by none other than the biggest criminal thug on the face of the earth called - America.

Guess what the charges are ? Wasting public funds. Kid you not.

Billions of dollars are being stolen from the Iraqi treasury and the Iraqi people, and the charges against Tariq Aziz and his mates are "wasting public funds"

Tariq Aziz and the rest, the sole of their shoe, read me again - the shole of their shoe is cleaner and more noble than all the Iraqi puppets combined, than all the Iraqi bloggers around, than all the so-called experts on Iraq...

But there is more...

Today I learned that an Iraqi student in physics was gunned down by unknown masked men - he was a student in Baghdad University and his field of expertise was depleted Uranium. They shot him in cold blood in broad daylight. My sources confirm that this is the work of foreign intelligence services still fully operational in "free" Iraq. We have around 23 of them, well established with offices....in Baghdad.

Another thing - the Iraqi female blogger Hiba Al-Shamaree, the young doctor abducted and imprisoned in the Khadimyia dungeon (where all prisoners of conscience eventually perish) is under very serious risks of death.

These are the latest snapshots from the new Iraq founded by American Democracy and Freedom.

As for us -- 4 million exiled, refugees -- well, we can wait some more...

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