A Ball of Fire in a Losing Game...

I suppose everyone is busy with the world cup...watching out for a ball...

Who will score ?

Octopus and donkey challenge each other...I prefer being an octopus to a donkey...at least my tentacles can be of some use...mind you the donkey can kick too...

Have you ever been kicked by a donkey ? I tell you it's a nasty piece...

Take Allawi for instance...he's our in house donkey...but he can't kick shit. What is this idiot trying to achieve exactly ? I mean the sectarian Shiites shits are killing off his party members one by one and this dude hopes to form a coalition government...

Each month, a bulletin comes out from the Iraqiya coffee club..."We hope to form a government next month - please stay tuned " it's been like 6 months...

Allawi is an idiot who believes in the American Santa Claus...if you can't form a government when you have won majority seats then you can't form a government full stop -- not in 6 not in 12 months.

I always thought that Iraqis were smart, I retract...they are too fucking dumb...can't they see that even America is enjoying the chaos ? What were they betting on exactly ? A dead horse?

The dead horse of nationalism, patriotism, Iraq first - kind of garbage...you sold it all you bloody fools...you are fucking losers...this is a poker game and you can't play shit...

Yalla rush to your parliament, wait for more speeches...and pocket fringe benefits -- maybe they will give you crumbs...

Meanwhile, daily, Iraqis are being burned alive...with car bombs and suicide belts...

Al-Qaeda, insurgents, terrorists -- you moan...

Don't you understand that this sectarian Shiite government is exactly like the Jewish Zionist one. They will kill their own in order not to give in an inch...

There was a video on youtube, about an Iraqi civilian catching fire, he stripped and ran naked in the streets of Baghdad, with his body on fire...Youtube removed that video..If anyone saved it, send it over...youtube always removes the truth...a truth it does not want you to see, while you're watching your world cup...

I feel kind of guilty, I watched that video about 2 months ago and promised myself to upload it on my blog....now it's gone...But I do remember naming it in my head - a ball of fire.

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