Alternative Tweets.2

5 Tweets per post.

1- One blog follower, reader wrote that the Prophet Mohamed "is a pedophile". (and more) This American thing, wrote it  because some Middle Eastern guy dumped her...she also said that her "pussy was worth money" and it's important for a guy to have what it takes for that "pussy"...Really not much more can be expected from American women...that about sums them up. The odd thing, she has a picture of Malcolm X on her blog, poor thing  he must be turning in his grave. Black Americans don't deserve a Malcolm X. But they do deserve the white clown, uncle Tom who is ruling them...

2- An American is an American is an or white, it's the same old dumb shit all over again...

3. Still can't get on Twitter, so am continuing here. Talking about Americans, another one wrote to me telling me that she does not understand  "why Muslims pray to God from their asses ". She thought that was a funny comment, I must add that this piece of American garbage is a so-called anti-war leftist. Seeing her face you'd see that she looks like an ass herself.

4. There is something excessively irritating about Americans in particular their women - well I notice it more in their women because I have the misfortune of coming across them more often - you know the type, saviors of the third world. One idiot travels East and you never hear the end of it - she spends like a couple of weeks or a couple of months, she eats the local food and she returns back to her USA dump an expert on your affairs. I have plenty of examples...these women are first class hypocrites..and almost always a sexual story is involved in the picture...she was either laid or is hoping to get laid (and or married) by/ to a local...

5) From the look of it, American men must be lousy in bed...I doubt their female counterparts fare any homme, telle femme, et vice versa...

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