
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me these days. I am having difficulty getting a grip on my emotions, I feel volatile, ready to fly off the handle any moment...

Believe it or not, this is not my usual self. I know I give off the impression that I am hot headed, but am not -- actually am quite cool headed, and know very well when to explode and when to hold back...

If I direct my anger at someone, a people, a place or a country, it is never gratuitous...I have an objective in mind. I like to think of myself as an ass kicker into Awareness, into Truth. Political, personal, collective Truths.

This of course has earned me the wrath of many, and naturally I paid the price and continue to do so in many ways I care not go into right now...

But I am faithful to my " mission."  I did not chose it, it chose me. And I do what I am urged to do...

You're probably wondering why this introduction. I don't know why, I presume it is because the ass kicking session is about to set in, and I being, the naturally kind woman that I am, would like to psychologically prepare you in advance.

Sometimes I speak straight facts, sometimes I use symbols. I am always hoping that the reader can use his/her imagination, creativity and draw lessons...

A part of me absolutely detests a good number of Iraqis. Not without reason, though.

There is one character defect in Iraqis, but maybe that is an inherent trait in all humans, but I don't care about all humans, I care about Iraq...that defect of character is called ingratitude. And with ingratitude comes cheap opportunism. And what happens to ungrateful people in the end? They bite their fingers with remorse - as we say in Arabic.

Well this is what is happening to the ungrateful ones in Iraq today. They are biting their fingers with remorse.

Who are those ones I am particularly referring to ? The Shiites of Iraq.

Let me be clear here, I am not talking about the sectarian Iranian puppet government you put in power, I am talking about ordinary Shiites who followed their clerics like sheep...and now it's all roast, nicely cooked on the not so gentile fires of Iranian racist imperialism. Oh yes.

But the Shiites are not the only ones, even though their open and unconditionally support for the Iranian sectarian parties which currently form the puppet government is all too obvious. And no, I will not let them off the hook...even though they are backtracking now (and I shall write about how they are backtracking, later.)
Too fucking late "fellow citizens" too fucking late.

But as I said they were not the only ones. Some Arab Sunnis, Christians, Assyrians,Turkmen and others...also shoulder a part of the responsibility. True, they were not as numerous as the Shiite herd but they also played a part in the downfall of my Beloved.

As for the Kurds, apart from a handful that speak out against the Occupation, the majority have been brainwashed with so much chauvinistic propaganda, that to me, I consider them as the main culprits along with the Shiites of Iraq, in Her downfall.

In other words, they fertilized the ground for the Anglo-American, Iranian and Israeli occupation of the Land of the two Rivers.

But it does not stop here. The Arabs, including the Palestinians, forgot all about our genocide, and sided with the power of rhetoric. The Iranian rhetoric.

And while the people of Iran are protesting en masse, defying the most vile militia in the world, those Arab "brethren" are still dancing like monkeys to the Iranian drums...

This is a chapter of our history I shall never, ever forget.

I did say in the past, Iraq was the fig leaf that fell and exposed all...

It still is and shall remain so.

And putting "petty nationalism " aside, as the despicable, corrupt,  Arab left likes to call it, and as the so-called "Muslim Brothers" refer to it, putting this aside, and not wanting to sound pompous or anything like that, especially not in the age of mass globalization of Ideologies, to which you have surrendered like slaves...

Putting this aside...

I reiterate, Iraq will remain the fig leaf that fell and exposed not just her Nakedness but yours, as well...

And trust me, it's not a pretty sight.

Painting : Iraqi artist, Saad Al-Kaabi.

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