
I think I have already mentioned it - I hate domestic work.
I find no glory, no satisfaction and no pleasure in cleaning, sweeping, dusting, washing and vacuuming...

I noticed my rug, it needs a clean sweep. Major vacuuming. An industrial, highly efficient, manufactured machine to suck out all the dust...

But I force myself to do it. I think of it as a stoic enterprise in "character building". And while am building my character, I fantasize that this huge industrial complex has invented a robot that does it all. Go dust! And the robot automatically follows your orders. Go vacuum ! And the robot diligently and meticulously picks every particle lying around.

Unfortunately it is a fantasy. By the end of this cleaning ordeal, I personally feel like an automated rusting piece of metal. Oh! but what a feeling afterwards. All is vacuumed clean and spotless...

The disorder has magically disappeared. The dirt has been cleared. The unwanted items stashed away...All has been vacuumed.

But the fantasy of a vacuuming robot lingers on...

So naturally, the other day when I overheard a conversation about vacuums, I was all ears. I thought to myself - that's it, they have finally invented one !

But as usual, when I have fantasized too much, I am sure to be disappointed. The vacuums in question was no robot doing the trick, but political vacuums - Arab political vacuums. And I can already tell you -- they suck you out...dry.

So the conversation went like that :

- Let us face it, there are only three regional powers in the area. Israel, Iran and Turkey.

- Of course, my friend. The Arab vacuum, what do you expect.

- Yes, terrible really. The Arab vacuum. But admit it, Iran was so clever in filling that role. They have an infrastructure, pluralism, a cohesive ideology, industry and they've even gone nuclear...

- Akeed, akeed (sure, sure) Iran was smart enough to impose itself and look at Amrika now, they are practically begging Iran.

- Eh Akeed (yes sure) had it not been for the Arab vacuum, Iran would have not been able to fill that role. It is now a super power in the region. Let's face it. And tell you what - yalla, after all they are Muslims too. Yalla kassak (cheers, raising his glass) Sahtain ala albhom (to their heart's health!)

Arab political vacuums huh ?

But you traitors, you love vacuums don't you ? You love being slaves for temporary winners. Don't you ?

Iraq prior to the sanctions was a regional superpower more so than Egypt. Iraq despite a bloody 8 year war with Iran, remained a regional superpower. Iraq, frail Iraq in spite of the sanctions still had weight in regional politics...

And it took a full invasion and an occupation, unmatched in contemporary history...

It took the decimation of a whole leadership, unmatched in contemporary history...

It took the total destruction of a whole apparatus, of a whole infrastructure of a country, of history...

It took the murder of thousands of men, women and children...

It took well over 1 million dead in 6 years, over 4 million maimed in 6 years, it took 5 million orphans in 6 years, 3 million widows in 6 years, half a million street kids in 6 years, 5 million refugees in 6 2 million killed by the sanctions and 1 million killed by the Persian - Iraq war...

It took sectarian ghettos, sectarian mass graves, rapes, torture, abduction, kidnappings, detention of thousands (including women and children - 85% are Arab Sunnis -- FACT)...

It took loss, bereavement, displacement, exile, slurs, slanders, insults...

It took the most disgusting pillaging and took theft, crime, torture, rape and killings to render Iraq into a ....

Into an Arab vacuum...

It took America the so-called world superpower -- an armada of over 600'000 men to occupy, destroy a country the size of California -- and create an Arab vacuum...

It took Iran, Iran pumping billions of dollars to its Shiite Iraqi puppets, Iran that these Arab ignorant backward sods were praising -- to vacuum an Arab sovereign nation, once called the Paris of the Middle vacuum a nation where Iraqi sweat, Iraqi lives, Iraqi time and money were invested and spent building and developing...

It took trillion of dollars, soldiers, arms, bombs, drones, robots, satellites, tanks, chemical and nuclear weapons (napalm, phosphorus and DU are nuclear and chemical weapons - so go bugger off) mercenaries, missionaries, thugs, dirty gangs, snipers, professional torturers, rapists, drug warlords, pimps, prostitutes, the UN, NGO's, peace movements (hahahahaha) anti-war movements (hahahaha) liberals, leftists, Iraqis, Arabs, Americans, Europeans, Asians, Latins, Africans...the media, journalists, writers, academics, analysts, bloggers and the rest...on American and Iranian pay roll --- to vacuum an Arab country...

It took the most immoral, despicable, vile, dirty, filthy create that Arab vacuum...

It took it ALL. And the Americans, the Brits, the Iranians, the Israelis gave it ALL, "to clean", vacuum, take and possess Iraq.

And you have the audacity to tell me that Iraq had no weight in the Arab and Middle East region ???!!!
And you have the gall to come and tell me that the Iraqis did not and are not resisting ???!!!

And the Arabs - ALL of them - watched and are watching on... like accomplice eunuchs, fantasizing about anyone who could fill their vacuum...

Artwork : Iraqi artist, Ziad Bakury.

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