A Palm Tree, a Napalm Bomb and a Fallen Leaf...

Blogs just like Life itself, attract all kinds of people...Sane, mad, lost, aware, confused, sick, searching...
I took this title from a commentator who keeps harassing me...but even a harasser can come up with some good stuff...How about that for impartial, unbiased, objectivity ?
Don't you Westerners pride yourselves on being rational beings and o' so fucking objective? Are you not the ones who posited empirical positivism, cartesian minds over matter, thesis and anti-thesis, dialectics, and hypothetical assumptions tested against hard facts ? All and above a "mundane" reality - "theirs".
A "mundane" reality that "we can't measure, assess, calculate, evaluate...unless..."
Indices, figures, diagrams, curves, stats, polls, maths, econometrics, measurements, graphs...Let's see now how "their" reality truly measures up -- you think to yourselves.
Your anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists gather in conferences and publications abound on "them". Is "their" thinking linear ? Lateral ? Cyclical ?
How do "they" view Time ? Is "their" Time extendable, static, malleable...? How do "they" view the Body ? Shunned, exhibited, exposed, hidden ? What conceptions do "they" hold about frontiers between the private and the public ? What are "their" limits? What is "their" edge, "their" breaking point ?
"Culture" - what a lovely word for the liberal masturbators from the politically correct Academia. Twisting, turning and dancing around culture - "their culture".
"We need to be sensitive to their culture." But let us dissect them first...Rats, guinea pigs in our empirical labs of scientific thought.
You have so many ways of approaching the "Other", don't you ? An ecclectic, integrated, multi-disciplinary approach.
This is all so fine -- Am terribly impressed.
Highly cultured, scientifically evolved, educationally sophisticated, linguistically eloquent, intellectually refined, aesthetically sensitive...o' so aware.
Causes - ecology, global warming, alternative living, gender egalitarian, race conscious, gay sensitive, animal rights supporter, vegetarianism and anti-genetically modified soy beans...Recycle, compost, smoke free, macrobiotically inclined, chakra openers, wonderful people...
Different stratum. Academia, the alternative, and the entrepreneur.
The yuppie kiddo or the CEO about to have a heart attack any moment. Dow Jones, NASDAQ, Hedge funds, options, venture capital, securities, returns and profits...management, excellence, motivational speakers, team spirit, sleek and well kept...sniffing coke or high on speed, in between market fluctuations...
Go for the cut. Quantum spirituality and mortgages. Optimal Living -- your Guru says.
Whoever your Guru is. But you need a Guru by whatever name.
Juxtaposing, parallel realities...
End results across the oceans - Napalm bombs, a dying palm tree and millions of fallen leaves...
Painting : Iraqi female arist, Widad Al-Orfali, 2002.
I took this title from a commentator who keeps harassing me...but even a harasser can come up with some good stuff...How about that for impartial, unbiased, objectivity ?
Don't you Westerners pride yourselves on being rational beings and o' so fucking objective? Are you not the ones who posited empirical positivism, cartesian minds over matter, thesis and anti-thesis, dialectics, and hypothetical assumptions tested against hard facts ? All and above a "mundane" reality - "theirs".
A "mundane" reality that "we can't measure, assess, calculate, evaluate...unless..."
Indices, figures, diagrams, curves, stats, polls, maths, econometrics, measurements, graphs...Let's see now how "their" reality truly measures up -- you think to yourselves.
Your anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists gather in conferences and publications abound on "them". Is "their" thinking linear ? Lateral ? Cyclical ?
How do "they" view Time ? Is "their" Time extendable, static, malleable...? How do "they" view the Body ? Shunned, exhibited, exposed, hidden ? What conceptions do "they" hold about frontiers between the private and the public ? What are "their" limits? What is "their" edge, "their" breaking point ?
"Culture" - what a lovely word for the liberal masturbators from the politically correct Academia. Twisting, turning and dancing around culture - "their culture".
"We need to be sensitive to their culture." But let us dissect them first...Rats, guinea pigs in our empirical labs of scientific thought.
You have so many ways of approaching the "Other", don't you ? An ecclectic, integrated, multi-disciplinary approach.
This is all so fine -- Am terribly impressed.
Highly cultured, scientifically evolved, educationally sophisticated, linguistically eloquent, intellectually refined, aesthetically sensitive...o' so aware.
Causes - ecology, global warming, alternative living, gender egalitarian, race conscious, gay sensitive, animal rights supporter, vegetarianism and anti-genetically modified soy beans...Recycle, compost, smoke free, macrobiotically inclined, chakra openers, wonderful people...
Different stratum. Academia, the alternative, and the entrepreneur.
The yuppie kiddo or the CEO about to have a heart attack any moment. Dow Jones, NASDAQ, Hedge funds, options, venture capital, securities, returns and profits...management, excellence, motivational speakers, team spirit, sleek and well kept...sniffing coke or high on speed, in between market fluctuations...
Go for the cut. Quantum spirituality and mortgages. Optimal Living -- your Guru says.
Whoever your Guru is. But you need a Guru by whatever name.
Juxtaposing, parallel realities...
End results across the oceans - Napalm bombs, a dying palm tree and millions of fallen leaves...
Painting : Iraqi female arist, Widad Al-Orfali, 2002.
Description of Samir Kuntar after 30 years in an Israeli jail.
Samir will enter politics soon and this will give the hizzies complete control of Lebanon.
Westerners became nice after Korea, then their Gurus made them forget - then they became a bit better after Vietnam but their Gurus cured them again - the westerners have Great white Gurus that make sure Everything Is OK!
Now Westerners no longer need their Gurus, they can go murder in peace with no fear of ever stopping.
Supertramp - The Logical Song
When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily,
joyfully, playfully watching me.
Then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible,
oh logical, responsible, practical.
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
clinical, oh, intellectual, cynical.
There are times when all the world's asleep,
the questions run too deep
for such a simple man.
Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.
Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
acceptable, oh, respectable, oh, presentable, a vegetable!
At night, when all the world's asleep,
the questions run so deep
for such a simple man.
Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am!
You and the shitheads have more in common than you care to mention...
I think Kuntar converted to Shitism...
I like that - " a temporary westerner ", sounds like the song " part time lover " by Stevie Wonder...
Good comment!
No! It was the Persians who did all that, under Cyrus the Great. Sorry for having to correct you, once again.
"A "mundane" reality that "we can't measure, assess, calculate, evaluate...unless..."
Indices, figures, diagrams, curves, stats, polls, maths, econometrics, measurements, graphs...Let's see now how "their" reality truly measures up -- you think to yourselves."
Dammit Layla, that sounds just like Maths. Err....wasn't mathematics invented by the Egyptians, during their time of being Empirical?
And as for slavery, who invented that? Oh wait.....wasn't that the Egyptians too?
Ain't life a bitch, and then you find another one blogging away and continually blaming the west for what Arabs taught them.
This is just a little history of Empire, for you:
1st world power = EGYPT (in power to 1491 BC)
2nd world power=ASSYRIA (1491 - 606 BC)
3rd world power=BABYLON (606 - 538 BC)
4th world power=Medo/Persia (538 - 333 BC)
5th world power=GREECE (333 - 44 BC)
6th world power=ROME (44 BC - 476 AD)
So stop whining about "empires" when you Arabs were being Empirical for centuries before the West, and you Arabs taught the west all it knows about being Empirical.
Now just take a chill-pill and quieten down your ranting. I can provide you with a "Don't Panic" button, if you need one.
XXXXXXXX (Love and Kisses)
I do have to say that I love the picture that accompanied this past. Of course, it looks kinda "Chinese" but then again, they also had an Empire which lasted some considerable time, and of course, the wall that they built to protect their empire is really magnificent; it's sure bigger than anything the Arab empires built. Plus, their food is better; you can go anywhere in the world and get yourself a Chinese meal. McDonalds is small time.
XXXXXXX (More love and kisses.)
Wait let me guess - bet you anything you're one of those assholes from IBC.
Hey, have you seen the photos on the web of "the new Babylon" a.k.a Dubai?