Oh Bloody Day !

Oh bloody day, oh bloody day, when zionists americans walked, when fascist iranians walked, oh yes when they walked, to wash Baghdad's "sins" away. It was a bloody day.
Another 100plus blown to pieces today and over 150 injured,maimed,crippled for life...today.
The mainstream media says the slaughter took place in a "predominantly sh'ia" area, Bab Al Sharqi.
They claimed the same when Al Munstansiriya University was targeted and another 100 persons were carbonized just last week.
Bullshit! Both Al Munstasiriya and Bab Al Sharqi are very mixed areas. The latter is in the center of Baghdad, a commercial area,akin to your local downtown. Stop manufacturing sectarianism whoever you are.
Everytime an attack takes places on innocent Iraqis, the "predominantly sonneeee" areas get sieged . Haifa street, Al Amariyah, Al Yarmouk and today al Adhamyiah. What a handy convenient fabricated excuse.
The Rat and the Mouse, the rat being none other than Muqtada al Sadr and the mouse, the Maliki/Hakim government.
For the past 10 days, I have read not less than 10 articles confirming one and the same thing, namely that the Sadr thuggish bloc will be ending its "boycott"(last article in the series appeared yesterday) of the puppet government and that the two have reached a political deal.
Don't you understand that rats and mice are made to cohabit in the gutters of the Green zone and that they have been doing so admirably well?!
They are bed partners, get it in your head once and for all. Their love story goes back a long time.
Forget the staged 12 hour "siege" of Sadr City. Forget the claim of the Iraqi "leader" saying he is going to drop his protection of the shi'a militias. (incidentally this came out yesterday too at the same time that Sadr urged the end of the boycott). At least we know now that the puppet protected the criminal rapists, hole drillers of Baghdad.
Forget what Sadr says about issuing passports to his family (fleeing to Iran very likely). Forget about his going to hide like a fugitive.How can his group join the "official" government again and he, their brave leader hide away? Well if he has, he is some "anti imperialist revolutionary" leader indeed !!!
Those of you who support him blindly and stupidly (or maybe not so blindly), make sure to arm him with a new electrical drill. You never know he might cross some "sooneeeeee" on his way to his rat hole.
As for those who have not stopped beating the empty cacophonic anti-war drum, crying wolf and blowing out of proportion an improbable attack on Iran, I have extra thick black fabric just in case you need some. Wear your chador, good boys and girls.
(By the way,I am reserving a special post on Iran, as well as another one for our "brothers" the kurds who keep needing a translator from kurdish to arabic for later.Forced arabization by Saddam Hussein? my butt! )
They claimed the same when Al Munstansiriya University was targeted and another 100 persons were carbonized just last week.
Bullshit! Both Al Munstasiriya and Bab Al Sharqi are very mixed areas. The latter is in the center of Baghdad, a commercial area,akin to your local downtown. Stop manufacturing sectarianism whoever you are.
Everytime an attack takes places on innocent Iraqis, the "predominantly sonneeee" areas get sieged . Haifa street, Al Amariyah, Al Yarmouk and today al Adhamyiah. What a handy convenient fabricated excuse.
The Rat and the Mouse, the rat being none other than Muqtada al Sadr and the mouse, the Maliki/Hakim government.
For the past 10 days, I have read not less than 10 articles confirming one and the same thing, namely that the Sadr thuggish bloc will be ending its "boycott"(last article in the series appeared yesterday) of the puppet government and that the two have reached a political deal.
Don't you understand that rats and mice are made to cohabit in the gutters of the Green zone and that they have been doing so admirably well?!
They are bed partners, get it in your head once and for all. Their love story goes back a long time.
Forget the staged 12 hour "siege" of Sadr City. Forget the claim of the Iraqi "leader" saying he is going to drop his protection of the shi'a militias. (incidentally this came out yesterday too at the same time that Sadr urged the end of the boycott). At least we know now that the puppet protected the criminal rapists, hole drillers of Baghdad.
Forget what Sadr says about issuing passports to his family (fleeing to Iran very likely). Forget about his going to hide like a fugitive.How can his group join the "official" government again and he, their brave leader hide away? Well if he has, he is some "anti imperialist revolutionary" leader indeed !!!
Those of you who support him blindly and stupidly (or maybe not so blindly), make sure to arm him with a new electrical drill. You never know he might cross some "sooneeeeee" on his way to his rat hole.
As for those who have not stopped beating the empty cacophonic anti-war drum, crying wolf and blowing out of proportion an improbable attack on Iran, I have extra thick black fabric just in case you need some. Wear your chador, good boys and girls.
(By the way,I am reserving a special post on Iran, as well as another one for our "brothers" the kurds who keep needing a translator from kurdish to arabic for later.Forced arabization by Saddam Hussein? my butt! )
I hope I am right and I think I am right on this one .There will be NO attack on Iran.
I really would not like to see the Iranian people suffer the same horrors their neighbors, the Iraqis, are going through and this despite their government dirty hand in Iraqi affairs.
Last time a racist,chauvinist, fascist, nazi, proclaimed the superiority of the "aryan" race, millions died as a consequence and that was during World War II. And we continue seeing the tears till this very day!
Our neighbors, the Iranians have been shouting the same slogan for centuries.
The superiority of their "aryan" race, as opposed to "semitic" arabs.
Even a seemingly benign event like a fashion show in Teheran, raised criticisms for exhibiting Arab style muslim dress as opposed to typically persian "muslim" chadors.
I reiterate what I said above. There will be NO attack on Iran by either Israel or the U.S.A.
Stop reading what the zionists like Kissinger and Perle proclaim. They are playing with your political nerves. That is all.
It does not take a wiz in strategic international relations to figure out that:
- Israel is deep into its neck with rape/harassment charges, embezzlement charges, corruption charges and resignations due to military impotence. Its army moral is way down in its socks. Moreover, had Israel wanted to stop Iran nuclear capabilities, it would have not waited until the plants are complete, it would have attacked way before, like it did in Iraq in 1981.
- the U.S.A is up to its eyeballs in Iraq. Even the warmonger Gates stated that the region cannot absorb another conflict.
But for your sake, I will hypothetically assume there is an inherent planned attack on Iran.
Do you honestly think that the zionists who planned the occupation of Iraq, were unaware or did not foresee the following :
1) that they have 150'000 american boys plus another 50'000 mercenaries/subcontractors stationed in Iraq and concentrated in Baghdad ?
2) that in the eventuality of an attack on Iran, a few missiles from Teheran will wipe the americans boys out ?I really would not like to see the Iranian people suffer the same horrors their neighbors, the Iraqis, are going through and this despite their government dirty hand in Iraqi affairs.
Last time a racist,chauvinist, fascist, nazi, proclaimed the superiority of the "aryan" race, millions died as a consequence and that was during World War II. And we continue seeing the tears till this very day!
Our neighbors, the Iranians have been shouting the same slogan for centuries.
The superiority of their "aryan" race, as opposed to "semitic" arabs.
Even a seemingly benign event like a fashion show in Teheran, raised criticisms for exhibiting Arab style muslim dress as opposed to typically persian "muslim" chadors.
I reiterate what I said above. There will be NO attack on Iran by either Israel or the U.S.A.
Stop reading what the zionists like Kissinger and Perle proclaim. They are playing with your political nerves. That is all.
It does not take a wiz in strategic international relations to figure out that:
- Israel is deep into its neck with rape/harassment charges, embezzlement charges, corruption charges and resignations due to military impotence. Its army moral is way down in its socks. Moreover, had Israel wanted to stop Iran nuclear capabilities, it would have not waited until the plants are complete, it would have attacked way before, like it did in Iraq in 1981.
- the U.S.A is up to its eyeballs in Iraq. Even the warmonger Gates stated that the region cannot absorb another conflict.
But for your sake, I will hypothetically assume there is an inherent planned attack on Iran.
Do you honestly think that the zionists who planned the occupation of Iraq, were unaware or did not foresee the following :
1) that they have 150'000 american boys plus another 50'000 mercenaries/subcontractors stationed in Iraq and concentrated in Baghdad ?
3) that when the americans built several military bases in Iraq and built the hugest embassy in the world with 5'000 employees in Baghdad, they forgot that they had Iran as a neighbor?
4) that by encouraging "ethnic divisions" and backing and supporting a sectarian government they(zionist americans) were encouraging Iran to control the political apparatus in Baghdad ?
5) that Iran has been grossly meddling in Iraqi politics since the famous Iranian Islamic Revolution ?
6) that Iran will be controlling not only the puppet government, but also the ministries of:
interior, health, education.... and controlling the militias, the "police" and the so called Iraqi army as it is currently doing in Baghdad and the south of Iraq?
Enough political nonsense. Enough. Get real!
Even the Iranians admit that "our enemies have waged a psychological war in order to make us retreat from our nuclear positions" and the article continues, "it is the second time this week that officials...have sought to dismiss a military strike against atomic installations.."
I repeat for the ength time, the American, Israeli, Iranian plan is to partition Iraq into three states. And each will be getting a piece of the Iraqi pie.
Those of you who keep repeating the sacred mantra "there will be a strike on Iran in April 07", stop your fabulations.
Wake up and smell the coffee! Wake up and smell the burnt, torn flesh in Baghdad!
Oh wait... you are fully awake, you know all of that already, you knew it all along.
The Iraqi genocide and holocaust is continuing and you knew it all along.
And you dare call Saddam Hussein a fascist?!
Painting: Iraqi female artist, Nadia Mohammed Yass.
4) that by encouraging "ethnic divisions" and backing and supporting a sectarian government they(zionist americans) were encouraging Iran to control the political apparatus in Baghdad ?
5) that Iran has been grossly meddling in Iraqi politics since the famous Iranian Islamic Revolution ?
6) that Iran will be controlling not only the puppet government, but also the ministries of:
interior, health, education.... and controlling the militias, the "police" and the so called Iraqi army as it is currently doing in Baghdad and the south of Iraq?
Enough political nonsense. Enough. Get real!
Even the Iranians admit that "our enemies have waged a psychological war in order to make us retreat from our nuclear positions" and the article continues, "it is the second time this week that officials...have sought to dismiss a military strike against atomic installations.."
I repeat for the ength time, the American, Israeli, Iranian plan is to partition Iraq into three states. And each will be getting a piece of the Iraqi pie.
Those of you who keep repeating the sacred mantra "there will be a strike on Iran in April 07", stop your fabulations.
Wake up and smell the coffee! Wake up and smell the burnt, torn flesh in Baghdad!
Oh wait... you are fully awake, you know all of that already, you knew it all along.
The Iraqi genocide and holocaust is continuing and you knew it all along.
And you dare call Saddam Hussein a fascist?!
Painting: Iraqi female artist, Nadia Mohammed Yass.
Your quote "when the americans built several military bases in Iraq and built the hugest embassy in the world with 5'000 employees in Baghdad, they forgot that they had Iran as a neighbor?" makes very good sense to me. I was going to ask you about the US embassy. It is only rumored in USA that it is HUGE. You don't see anything about it in the news. But your statement makes sense. Especially knowing Israel and USA as I do.
The rumor of further war is, in part, to keep the ongoing "fear factor" in the United States public. And I must agree with the idea of Iran also being deviently involved as well.
You mention that they are CREATING sectarianism. That is something, as i'm sure you know, that we are not told as well. But the most simple minded should see it.
I wanted also to ask you about the sadr "ending of boycott". I am glad you answered without my asking. I thought perhaps you would not want to answer. But you have and it has shown me something I never gave thought to. His involvment.
I always said to myself that he should hang next if that was the game USA was going to play. Mainly because of the amount of innocent death that they say he is responsible for.
It is ALL genocide by any definition.
Suffering is the same. It has only one definition, no matter who you are or where you are from.
Through this I see the suffering of the Iraqi people.
And I am sorry Layla.
As you said in your post, I too have things I want to share here and make known to many, or few, who may not know.
Because eventually, as I say, it is going to hit "we the people" of USA. HARD. Somehow.
Bush being involved in this Iraqi mess, and I can promise you he is a no good, stealing, lying bastard!
Killing the people of USA or imprisoning them would be no different for the smirking chimp emperor of North America.
It is just business for him...
Stay safe Layla.
God bless.
And nobody in the mainstream considers: "Who Benefits?" Many times, the US was in control of the region where "predominantly Shia" were randomly attacked just before it happened.
Why would it serve Sunni to randomly attack Shia poor?
And then why would the US and Iraqi government immediately blame Sunni?
And then where do these calculated, well-organized attack plans come from that go after Sunni within the next few minutes after the attack?
Very strange.
And, as I said, many times as in the case of the main Shia mosque being blown up, the US forces were in control of the area immediately prior... but nobody questions them except in the alternative media where we are used to thinking that way by now... thanks to lots of learning experiences of watching these criminals.
Divide and conquer is their obvious game, but what will they divide after the Sunnis are too weak to be a threat?
Layla, I understand what you are saying that attacking Iran makes no logical sense. And I agree for the short term. But these guys might be crazy enough to sacrifice the 14 hardened military bases and vatican-sized embassy and all of "our boys" in the area just to keep the divide and conquer going and to secure that oil. America depends upon oil more than any other country. We use 25% of the stuff every year globally. And if it goes down to 20%, we are hurting big time with another great depression. Our leaders are crazy enough to do this in my opinion. They seek a global rule, and don't care about America.
This is my opinion and I accept that you may be right, I hope you are.
I must disagree respectfully with your take on the US/Israel/Iran situation.
You have made your arguments based on the false premise that this issue has to do with Iran's nuclear power plants (which it does not). In-fact, if you research the Iranian nuclear power plants, you will find that it was the US who encouraged the Shah to undertake such a project using US companies at the time for the design and partrial construction.
This issue is much bigger and has to do with US long term survival as a superpower...A superpower needs huge amounts of oil to keep its military machine going so as to dominate the world...Oil is being depleted at an increasing rate with the needs of Russia and China growing.
In a few decades, without enough oil to power the military machines, the US will lose its stranglehold on other nations...
This is what this whole war is about - survival.
It is no conicidence that nations which did not allow the US to physically have a say on their oil policy (who to sell to, how much to produce, when to porduce, etc.) have been systematically attacked.
Attacking Afghanistan was a very strategic move in 2001 for the power struggle of the Caspein oil reserves...
Attacking Iraq has secured some of the largest oil reserves that are known...
Attacking Iran will do the same.
As for the Iraqi ministries being run by Iranians or the death squads, etc.. These are irrelvant to the goals of the occupation as it is better to let the Iraqis kill each other and fight over the scraps while the real gems are secured and protected.
As for Iran striking at the US forces using medium range missiles, I do not think this is a big issue for Bush:
a) US forces and mercenaries are expendable
b) All the bases have anti-missile batteries (which is why the IR use mortars as they are too small to trigger the anti-missile defences)
c) US/Israel will ensure that the primary targets include the missile silos or launchers.
If you Americans have a point to make and if you disagree, try to be polite and put a big gap between who you are and who our Blackwater mercenaries are in Iraq right now.
Man, oh man. Haughtiness comes before a big fall, indeed.
Saddam did a lot of good for Iraq and could have done a lot more if not for sanctions and 2 invasions by the USA in 1991 and 2003.
I don't think US will attack Iran either.
the miseries of Iraq has to do with the way Saddam handled the west, NOT IRAN. iran is there to help Muslim brothers and sisters.
Iran care for Iraqi people more than your cheering audience Layla. Go on, wish for Iran's destruction. What would you gained from seeing another Muslim oil rich country destroyed?
All shie accept sunnis are brothers. why can;t you layla return the call? We are brother and sisters. You are actively puting down seeds of hate between teo brther nations.
You exaggerate Iranian involvement to destroy shie sunni unity.
Who are you here to sow the seeds of hate and division? You and that hateful site uruknet paid for by europeans have taken this very dangerous decision to attack iran. i think this is beyond irresponsible; its shameful.
Laila is not a paid agent of zionism, but inadverdantly works for the same ends, anyways. what a shame.
return to the fold of unity, or you are going to be judged by history.
the miseries of Iraq has to do with the way Saddam handled the west, NOT IRAN. iran is there to help Muslim brothers and sisters.
Iran care for Iraqi people more than your cheering audience Layla. Go on, wish for Iran's destruction. What would you gained from seeing another Muslim oil rich country destroyed?
All shie accept sunnis are brothers. why can;t you layla return the call? We are brother and sisters. You are actively puting down seeds of hate between teo brther nations.
You exaggerate Iranian involvement to destroy shie sunni unity.
Who are you here to sow the seeds of hate and division? You and that hateful site uruknet paid for by europeans have taken this very dangerous decision to attack iran. i think this is beyond irresponsible; its shameful.
Laila is not a paid agent of zionism, but inadverdantly works for the same ends, anyways. what a shame.
return to the fold of unity, or you are going to be judged by history.
Divide and Conquer is a script and we are all in a theater -
Please stop cheerleading for Iran...We are all sick to death (literally) of what the Iranain government has been doing since its unglorious 1979 revolution.
Iranian government has caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis through its instigated war and its support and backing of armed groups.
You want Iraqis to simply 'forgive' while their fathers and brothers are still being slaughtered by the Iranian backed death squds?
Iran's hand needs to be cut off, its evil regeime put out of its misery...Only then can we talk about peace between Iraq and Iran.
I will define that in a minute!!
Who is governing Iraq now ??
Have a look in a moment:
15 of 18 members of Dawa Party (Al-Maliki)hold Iranian Passports.
21 of 36 in "government" of Iraq have either British or American passports.Alawi is also holding both IDS of CIA MI6.
Tell us Arabs never mind that because a 1/2 Masai and 1/2 white in Barrac Obama is running for US Presidency of US !! Screw you.
That big mouth reporter of CNN 1/2 Irani and 1/2 Brit of Christianne Amanpour "The Iraqi people are telling us they are thrilled" Screw you.
And the Kim Ghata of BBC and big mouth of Femi Oke of CNN well next time for you.
ANd this for those hypocrates of Lumpen Proletariat in case you dont they are defined as;The "dangerous class", the social scum, that passively rotting mass thrown off by the lowest layers of the old society, may, here and there, be swept into the movement by a proletarian revolution; its conditions of life, however, prepare it far more for the part of a bribed tool of reactionary intrigue.
Whant more? The lumpen proletariat is that sector of the population that, having been denied a legitimate way to make a living, resorts to the illegitimate: i.e. thieves, fences, drug pushers, numbers men, gamblers, pimps, prostitutes, loan sharks, beggars, thugs, etc.Thus, the lumpen proletariat shares with the bourgeoisie the common trait of being a parasitic class which lives off the labor of the others.This stratum, wrote Marx and Engels, "may, here and there, be swept into the movement by a proletarian revolution; its conditions of life, however, prepare it far more for the part of a bribed tool of reactionary intrigue.
A perfect picture of Sadar;whose appearance look like a person who was affliated with Downs Syndrome,with IQ of below 80.
Screw you Farrid Zakariya of News Week "Now the Sunnis are being protected by Iraqi government.
!! United States of America and Britain used depleted uranium and phosphorus against our Iraqi people.It is a blasphemy and a crime for us Arabs to ever forget this.
Guerrilla war fares against US Imperialism always win".
I read what you had to say. If I understood you correctly, you are saying there will be an attack on Iran???? to control its oil resources??? Please clarify. I really don't think there will be one at all.
your points are well taken. I suppose you have read Malcolm Lagauche latest and Nir Rosen on democracy now. What they say is really true- there is a SYSTEMATIC ETHNIC CLEANSING OF SUNNIS IN BAGHDAD done by both the Americans and the Iraqi Army and militias.
I am convinced that the initial american zionist plan is to divide Iraq along ethnic lines and they are going right ahead with it.
I really don't believe there will be an outright conflagration against Iran. The cost for the US would be humongous and besides which for whatever it is worth, the apparent split even within the republican party and the mounting attacks from congress (even though they all belong to the same lot) will make it nearly impossible for the Bush admin to conduct an attack against Iran. And I hope I am right.
seems you keep belying yourself. When you refer to arabs as hordes you are making a great point for your own chauvinism . point well taken.
And you have still failed to prove that your aryan chauvinism is not a fascistic trait. Good day dear.
15 out of 18 members of the Dawah party who are also members of the govt hold the Iranian nationality.
and 21 out of 36 hold the American british nationalities. Good point.
Some were flown in from the US and some from Iran.
Then if they are paid to do so, all hats off to them !!!!
Besides which, how come the other "respectable" paid blogs and websites did not utter one word against the lynching of President Saddam Hussein by Iranian thugs like Moqtada al Sadr and Karim Shahpour aka as Muwafak al Rubaie???? Who is paying them , hmmm I wonder....
by the way i love the artwork!! great idea to spread it by posting with each post.
if only you were right... ;-) "that hateful site uruknet paid for by europeans"
I am uruknet owner and editor. My name is Paola Pisi (you can check the WHO is: it isn't so difficult).
I'm a university teacher (Univerisity of Rome "La Sapienza": http://cisadu2.let.uniroma1.it/st_rel/?q=node/221 ),
and unfortunately I'm paying uruknet of my own pocket.
Thanks for your comment.
I agree with you, numbers have become banal. People do tend to forget that these dead Iraqis and Palestinians have relatives, children, parents...etc.. You are absolutely right.
I am glad you are enjoying the art work. Am hooked to Iraqi Art myself.
I think it is one of the best and pionnering school in the ME.
Thank you for your comment and for straightening things out. I want to command you on the absolutely wonderful job you are doing on Uruknet. From what I understood from your comment, you are italian and you are actually spending time, energy, money and effort to raise awareness concerning the illegal occupation of Iraq. And for this one cannot but praise you and your efforts.
Paola is there a way one can donate to uruknet?
Thanks for the good work by the way.