Surreal indeed.

I just read that Iraq is warning Turkey that an invasion would be disastrous...

Honestly, is this real or am I dreaming things up ?

Iraq is ALREADY invaded by BOTH the U.S.A , IRAN and ISRAEL in the North.

Why is the Iraqi government worried about one extra little invasion huh ?

Yalla, the more the merrier...Ahlan wa Sahlan as we say in Arabic.

Which reminds me of one smelly brave shit standing at the Iraqi -Jordanian frontier right after the U.S invasion, and letting in every single car, truck, bus, donkey, enter into Iraqi territory- no visas, no checks, no nothing and he was saying in that ugly nasal accent of yours: "Welcome to Eye Raq."

I say to Turkey, welcome to Eye Raq too.


Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,
I am sure you know very well, Turkey has no intention of invading Iraq. And I am sure we both know very well, what is really going on. But thank you for commenting and giving me the opportunity to send you this link. I would like to hear your words on the matter.
What Does the pkk Want? Defeat In Peace, Victory In War;,1518,513294,00.html
By the way, pop in for a cup of çay and a friendly chat anytime you want, you'll be more than welcome. What is a cup of çay amongst neighbours?!
I would like to say this once again, glad to have met you, Layla.
Layla Anwar said…
Dear Nur Aris,

What's an invasion between neighbors and what's a cup of chay-nothing wallahee.
Please make sure you have the lukum/turkish delights ready. And like my turkish coffee medium sugar.
Chok Tesherkurlar.
Anonymous said…
Layla,what's a troop of invaders, and what's a handful of barzani's, we've run out of coffee, imported from Yemen,we say, the guest eats what is offered, and not what he/she hopes for! I donot think that a clever woman like yourself believes Turkey has any intention of invading. We are, kind of, more smart than you think. Remember, Ottoman Empire, and Turkish Republic said you can have those lands to play with!
Anonymous said…
Yeah reading that piece of news was like a piece of black comedy worthy of Doreid Lahham.

Nearly every sentence in the article evoked a big "As if ..." in my mind.

The article i read had a picture of the bloated baffoon issuing the "warning". I couldn't help but think of a ventriloquist's puppet.
Anonymous said…
Layla, rest assured, we donot wish to be in Iraq. After what Atatürk has given us, and all the Islamic world has followed in his footsteps!
Alan the Red said…
Layla, I just came across this important legislation by the UN.

The UN Declaration of the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Article 8.1:"Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture" 8.2:" states shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of , and redress for: (a) "any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities"(b)"any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources"(c) "any form of forced population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights"(d)"any form of forced assimilation or integration"(e)"any form of propaganda designed to promote or incite racial or ethnic discrimination directed against them".

Get yourselves a team of decent lawyers and sue the British Government, and the Turks. Unfortunately Amerikkka doesn't abide by UN law but some good lawyers might be able to work on it. Hey, it is the Amerikkkan way :-)
Layla Anwar said…
lucid arab,

Hello and I like the new name...
Yes it was supposed to be black humor.
Since Iraq has become Iranian, American, Israeli territory, why not the Turks too...

Ya3nee kollo machee...
Layla Anwar said…
Nur Aris,

Hi again,

The problem ya Nur you read my blog like some news report. Which it is not.
Re-read again what I said.
Israel did not invade, Iran did not invade but they ARE PRESENT nonetheless-very much present under the American physical invasion.
So if Turkey wants a little incursion here and there. we say Merhaba. What difference does it make at this stage?
The kurds MUST be destabilized but at the same time Turkey is part of the NATO American camp..So I am not holding my breath either.

One of the things that brought all the empires of the world down to ruins was arrogance- the Ottoman empire was not spared that arrogance either.
I think you might want to remember that.

And I still take my turkish coffee medium sweet and want lukum to go with it.

Anonymous said…
finally, someone who knows how to spell it correkkktly.

salam to all.
Layla Anwar said…
OKKK gi-zzzzzzzzzzzz-lard.
Angel said…
Hey, Layla.

I can't let slide past.

Nur Aris said "we are, kind of, more smart than you think"

Smart does not equal the genocide of 750,000 Armenian Assyrians and Coptic Greeks, then DENYING it ever happened.

lord cerne abbas:

The UN Council of Indiginous Affairs have accepted Assyrians as the Indigenous People of Iraq, have done for some time. Assyrians have elected representatives that sit on that council.

Not that it makes one iota of difference, at all.

In other words, no-one gives a damn, they don't care and never have. Just another Council, for another what ever, that no-one will take any notice of. Another Toothless Tiger ruling.

Layla, I like your last line. It makes sense.
Anonymous said…
"Welcome to Eye Raq."

You must be referring to the American CATTLE in Eye Raq!
G.Gar said…
Salam Layla,

I read for some Iraqi analysts welcoming the Turkish incursion, for that would destabilise Kurdistan, distract the Beshmerkas and also forces the kurdish leaders to realize how vulnerable their position if they go further with their plans to tear Iraq apart.

On the other hand, some Iraqis are scared of renewe Turkish ambitions in Kirkuk, where they could use the Turcommanic minority as a pretext for resurrecting the Ottomanian empire in a modern form.

Americans are trying to convince the Turks out of that adventure, however one has to remeber that Turks have no culture, no civilsation and history. So,, Turkish nationalist sentiments are the main factor that glues the Turkish society together and provides meaning for the Turkish nation.

To my own opinion, Turks are more imporatnt to Americans than Kurds. Hence, a compromise could be reached by substituting Turcommans for Kurds
Anonymous said…
Dear layla,
If my comments seemed at all arrogant to you, I am sorry to be misunderstood. I am feeling as sick as you do, and it is not flu either. Good luck to you, dealing with all these misinformed people, and God be with you always. Wish I could get you out of this nightmare, back to the days when it was Irak, and make you the best coffe just the way you like it, with rose lokum.
Take care.
Bush's Blind Eye;
Layla Anwar said…
Hiya Angel,

Was hoping you would get some feedback from Nur Aris on the subject...Maybe on some other occasion.
Layla Anwar said…
Salam Amre,

Good points you are making.
Frankly, at this point, does it really matter?
We have the American empire. Then Persian empire aspirations. And now you are adding Ottoman aspirations....hahahahaha. Honestly I do not know if I must laugh or cry.
I do not think that the Turks will be invading as such...but anything is possible. And yes of course, they would definitely favor the turkmens to the kurds.
But Turkey has also relatively stable relations with Israel, and already since 2 days, the israelis have started a campaign denouncing so called "abuses of kurdish rights in Turkey" - it's basically all over the net.
If I am absolutely forced to chose, of course I would opt for Turkey as opposed to Israel and or Iran.
In any event, the kurds must learn their lesson for their high treason. There is no doubt about that in my mind.
At the end of the day, I do not see an " IRAQ " anymore and that is whichever way I look at it.
Layla Anwar said…
Dear Nur Aris,

Thank you for your kind words. And God bless you too. Inshallah we will have that coffee. I do not like rose lukum please make it pistachio or plain.
Thank you :-)
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla, yes, inşallah.
I haven't seen the Israeli denounciation on the net, but I donot spend much time here, as I'm an organic farmer, have a lot of work to do. Eeek, it gives me the shivers even to think Israel is befriending us all of a sudden! I'm sure time will show why??!!
Something opens your wings,
Something makes boredom and hurt disappear.
Something fills the cup in front of us,
We taste only sacredness. RUMI
I hope this tastes like the coffee and lokum you like, from the bottom of my heart.
Anonymous said…
Eye Wreck

is another possibility

fuck america
Anonymous said…
good 2 see sum intelligent discussion here

Layla Anwar said...
Salam Amre,

Good points you are making.
Frankly, at this point, does it really matter?
We have the American empire. Then Persian empire aspirations. And now you are adding Ottoman aspirations....hahahahaha. Honestly I do not know if I must laugh or cry.
cry layla........invasion of your country is no laughing matter

I do not think that the Turks will be invading as such...but anything is possible. And yes of course, they would definitely favor the turkmens to the kurds.
i agree

If I am absolutely forced to chose, of course I would opt for Turkey as opposed to Israel and or Iran.
no layla u shud not b forced 2 choose, all invaders r as bad as each other

In any event, the kurds must learn their lesson for their high treason. There is no doubt about that in my mind.
mine neither

At the end of the day, I do not see an " IRAQ " anymore and that is whichever way I look at it.
im beginning 2 share your pessimism
Anonymous said…
Amre El-Abyad said...

yak, yak, yak...

...however one has to remeber that Turks have no culture, no civilsation and history.


4 gods sakes does neone have these things besides arabs????
Anonymous said…
Angel said...
Hey, Layla.

I can't let slide past.

Nur Aris said "we are, kind of, more smart than you think"

Smart does not equal the genocide of 750,000 Armenian Assyrians and Coptic Greeks, then DENYING it ever happened.


indeed.....nur aris plz stop cosying up with iraqis and answer the woman
Anonymous said…
jr from flamingo road, answer what? first you ask me a question worth answering!?

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