The Silence of Sheep...

I really, really, had no inclination to write anything tonight.

Iraq leaves me drained, tired, exhausted, and most of the time depressed...
I thought to myself, I will just read a few articles and head to bed. Fight the insomnia and head to a bed. Not my bed, but a bed nonetheless...

I have a ritual. I check my mail, publish comments on my blog, respond, then surf the sites...

On three occasions I checked for any "fresh" news, that might have escaped my attention and on these three occasions, I saw the picture of Ali Hassan al Majeed staring back at me.

I thought to myself, maybe has made it a point to "fix" the picture of Ali Hassan Al-Majeed, a cousin of the late Saddam Hussein.
But that was not the case. It was just a "coincidence."

I intuitively understood that Hassan Ali Al-Majeed was either being executed, about to be executed or already dead.

I checked newswires but could not find anything except an article on al-Jazeerah stating that Al Hassan Al Majeed is to be executed soon, in the coming days...

Why do I have a feeling it's already a done job? Maybe it is those eyes staring at me...

The puppet government waited for after the Eid as not to "fumble" it like they did the first, second, third and fourth time...

Another Iraqi hanged. Another true Iraq hanged. And not one word...

They called him "chemical" Ali.

Should I call you "criminal" Americans, or "depleted uranium" Americans and Brits ? Or maybe I should call you "torturer, driller" Iranians, or maybe "cluster, phosphorus bombs" Israelis...

The one with no sin should cast the first stone...

Come forward if you can, if you dare.

That includes you too, so called "Iraqis."
Show me your innocent hands. Show me the hands who were not dipped in ink. Not tainted in any blood and above all show me your pockets...

As for the Kurds, honestly, do you still believe you have any credibility?

I for one, have not ceased denouncing you. Honestly now, does your fat buffoon, everyone's pimp and agent, Talabani, or his wife Horo, or Zebbari, the university drop-out and relative of the kurdish ruling clan, or the drug dealer Barazani hold any credibility? Did they ever have any credibility ?

I am fortunate to be old enough and to know your histories, your resumés, one by one...And I smile because I know what a corrupt lot, what a murderous lot you are.

I know how you sold your asses not only to Israel, Iran and America, but how you sell your asses to each the name of "Kurdistan."

As for the sectarian Shi'as. I roll on the floor laughing...

Every single Iraqi knows the Al-Hakeem family, the al-Sadr family, whence they came from, how they amassed money, how they killed, murdered, raped...WE all know you.

We know your hatred for Iraq and Iraqis. We know your hatred for Arabs. We know your hatred for Sunnis and Arab Shia's alike. We know you inside out...

Is there anything new you want to teach me, you motherfuckers ?

So you gang up on "chemical" Ali ? Ha! Your hands are dripping with blood you motherfuckers. With blood of innocents...And now you talk of Justice?

So what was the exact number? 100'000, 180'000, 2 million, 5'000 or 500 ?
Make up your fucking minds, because all I see are different quotes and different figures...

But you can't make up your minds, you want the plot to thicken don't you?
Got news for you, it is transparent. Your plot is transparent, lucid, limpid...

You sold us in the process of selling yourselves.
You turned us into prostitutes, beggars, scavengers...and you still latch onto our bodies, grabbing the last morsels of what is left of us...grabbing it, and sinking your ugly yellowed vampire teeth along with your ugly beards, into our flesh...

And those of us who are already dead, you sucked them dry, sucking every single drop from them, and left them lying for the dogs to eat their remains...

As for you, International Community of my Ass, Human Rights organizations of my Butt, Consciousness raising groups of my Bottom, Anti-War movements of my Farts...

Where are you?
Where were you?

And you bloggers, the "sophisticated" ones, with the right jargon, with the right terminology, with the right sentences... Where the fuck are you?

And you alternative websites, how come this silence?
Did you finish snoring? Did you finish mind fucking one another? Or are you waiting for the final revelation to descend upon you? Or maybe waiting to check...your final bank account balance?

O' "bearers" of human rights and justice, how come this silence ?
What happened to your torchs ? Did they suddenly die out and you are too busy fumbling in the dark ? Groping each other in one final outcry of an orgasm ?

And you wankers, called Iraqi bloggers and other Arab shits.
Are you good at anything - except gossip and slandering ? And checking your site meters to see how many hits you reached today ? Displaying your international flags like some medals...
Or writing your boring, tedious activities of the day pretending you are so o' revolutionary ?

Wankers is what you are. Masturbators is what you are.
The eternal narcissistic masturbators in front of your cyber mirrors, hoping to get some interview somewhere from some white fat old ass...and make a name in the process.

Sheep. The Sheep of Silence, the Sheep of Cowardice, the Sheep of Hypocrisy, the Sheep of Complicity, the Sheep of Ass Leasing...and Ass Licking.

No wonder you are silent...the silence of sheeps grazing...munching away, on dried up, rotten, decayed, putrid, foul smelling pastures of dead bodies...

Pastures made of us.

Painting : Iraqi artist, Moed Mohsen, (date n/a)


Anonymous said…
yeah everybody is on silence...i wonder when the whole wolrd will realize what's happening...'cause now looks like the iraq news are just ''news'', yeah, hold on, really hold on,the media dont give a fuck right now.
my best wishes
the argentinian fan
Anonymous said…
We are helpless....the Arab league is useless if it cant defend a member against a foreign invasion.
Layla Anwar said…
then, graze on, on dead pastures...
Anonymous said…
Layla My Dear Sister,

I must say you have Come To The Point of giving in. First off I would like to tell you I have tried many times to find the right words to several posts back that you sent my way.

You might come to the place in your life that parting tribes and peoples will be what it is. I can not say. Nor do I have the power to see what lays ahead. All I Do know is what my people was put through, and the dogs that are in your land.

But you, Layla, and only you, has the power to over come and be stronger then what you fight against. Your antithetical view may speak of the heart and the powerless feelings that surround your being, but it can only overcome you if you let it...

My Sister and dear friend I do not say these words to put you down or to be dispirited, but as someone who truely cares about you. What has transpired in your life has nothing to do with what you have done, but rather what has been done to you.

I like you can run out in front of the buffalo to be stomped to the earth or step a side and see where they go and put a plan into action. Your words of truth as I have said will beat the dogs, but their greed and hunger is not easy to surmount, but you Layla, you can do it. For you are the power, the might and strength to see it through.

It is only a matter of time when the dogs will sleep for their rapid ways will over power their fight and inaccuracy will haunt their every movement. Don't give in or up my dear sister let your spirit guide you, let your inter powers shine like the light you are to the many people that lean on you for truth.

Yes Layla you and your people are like mine full of pride and honor truth, be strong for the many that matter. I send you my love my brave warrior.

howling wolf
Anonymous said…
"The one with no sin should cast the first stone..."
Very well spoken. But does this mean we should defend a criminal like ali chemicali?
Wasn't there also a saying about looking at the splinter in your brother's eye, and not noticing the beam which is in your own eye?
Anonymous said…
"And you wankers, called Iraqi bloggers and other Arab shits.
Are you good at anything - except gossip and slandering ? And checking your site meters to see how many hits you reached today ?"

And yet who does your darling uruknet feature? This idiot...
"even death in Iraq isn't like anywhere else , those militias and AQ seems to enjoy killing and I think they look at it as an art or something , the more weird and savage the way they kill people in , the more creative they look at it , because as I said they look at it as an art!"

Although admittedly they have eased up on publishing zionist propaganda. That is a credit to paola. Shame i needed to argue with her AND you before she did anything about it.
Shame. (ring a bell?)
Layla Anwar said…
Yes Barabie, shame does ring a bell and reminds me of you.
It reminds me what a horrible, ugly, slanderous, dishonest, psychotic, sick, lunatic, "woman" you are...It reminds me how me how you think you can manipulate anyone and anyway...and reminds me of what a low life you are.
It reminds me that me that you have no inkling of what decency is, or privacy is, or anonymity is.
It reminds me that you are just a troll, barking away pretending to be some shit when you are nothing.
Layla Anwar said…

Does that mean there are over 1 million beams in your eyes and 4.5 million exiled splinters too?
Unknown said…
Dear Layla,

Ali Majid is possibly already dead. If so, then his ordeal has ended and he will now await the criminals who murdered him and raped Iraq to attend where they will all stand for every word and crime against the great nation and its people.

I hear your depair sister, but you need to put your faith in God, not in men. Men and driven by money and greed and fear...very few times are they driven by justice. As for God, He controls all that is in the Earth and in the Heavens, and when He intervenes, all Hell breaks loose (literally) for those that have commited the injustice. Is it not enough as a sign that after 17 years of merciless propaganda and lies and millions of dollars spent to destroy the image and person of Saddam Hussein, and after showing him like an animal with his mouth open for inspection and his hair and face unkempt, and after stating lie after lie after lie, God turned the tables and made his last images to be that of a noble, honerable, intellegent, brave, and God fearing hero?

It is in God Alone that we should put our trust.

"If God grants you victory then none can defeat you, and if He abandons you then who can grant you victory after Him? And towards God the believers should put their trust." (Quran 3:160)
Anonymous said…
you take this all too serious. go smoke a nice fat bone.
Anonymous said…
"It reminds me that you are just a troll, barking away pretending to be some shit when you are nothing."

Love the gloves are OFF! kess emak la em aboukee ya bint sharmouta. May your daddy suck the devil's dick for the rest of eternity and may you join him you sellout ho. Again, kess emak la em aboukee.
Wlak i would rather "bark" than be a sellout ho like YOU.
Anonymous said…
"barking away pretending to be some shit when you are nothing."

Love the only barking you are hearing is your fat momma's. Maybe your dead daddy is barking too but for a different reason, the kalb needs a bigger dick up his fat rotten ass.
Anonymous said…
Btw, good going dildo. You certainly know how to make the undecided decide to hate Iraqis. Good kalbe.
Anonymous said…
"and reminds me of what a low life you are."

Do i bring back memories of your daddy? ;)
Anonymous said…
"It reminds me how me how you think you can manipulate anyone and anyway"

Wlee what drugs are you on?
"Manipulate"? Really? tilhasee teezee shou inak jahshee.
By me stating uruknet continues to publish zionist propaganda, i was MANIPULATING? Go get a dildo up, you obviously haven't been laid in a while.
Anonymous said…
For you sake, i hope i never run into you. Do you know what minced meat looks like?
Anonymous said…
If there is any justice in this world, you would be made to move back to Iraq ASAP. THEN i would like to hear how you bark. Would it be similar to your daddy barking?
Mister Paradise said…
Sayida Layla Anwar,

Do not despair and hold on. Your poison is good medicine.

(nimtu wa astaqaithtu, fa surtu sabiran ala al ahwali, wa in kana al layla muthlima, fa fi wasati thalamu anwar al izzah)
Anonymous said…
baaaaah baaaaah baaah oink oink oink oink okin murKin oiink baaaaah oink baah, oink

want something more? baah oink

it hurts
Anonymous said…
JR is actually a young Persian cleric from Qum.

He's already married to Zainab and has a queer thing going on with Iraqi Mojo, but ever since he came across Layla's blog he has been wasting away with the desire to make a "mut'a" with her.

Will she accept ?
Anonymous said…
Someone please give Barabie a lift to the nearest nut house.

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
layth sounds like a nice human being.
Anonymous said…
1° Anonymous of the thread said:
"We are helpless"

Help YOURSELVES, the way the Iraqi freedom fighters do.

Or is your Arab Nation still waiting for some Prince Charming to come on horseback and free Her from the Zionist Witch's evil spell with a kiss of True Love? LOL
Anonymous said…

Here is a speech I gave to about a 100 anti-occupation protesters - some of us will not be silent while heinous crimes are being committed against the Iraqi people.

Thank you for being out on yet another evening, as your presence and perseverance is a testament to your outrage over one of history’s most cruel and senseless occupations.

As Dr. Martin Luther King stated 40 years ago “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort, but where he stands in moments of challenge and controversy.”

Your spirited and courageous stand for peace and justice fills me with admiration and gives me both strength and hope.

When I visit the offices of my congressional representatives to protest this atrocious occupation and as I announce that I am a veteran – the first words of response are, “Thank you for your service”.

The same, “Thank you for your service” is said to our brave men and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

What does that phrase “Thank you for your service” – really mean?

IT MEANS being sent on an illegal invasion, IT MEANS illegally occupying a country. IT MEANS KILLING, TORTURING, STEALING AND DESTROYING – all because one man, George Bush, was GIVEN the power by OUR CONGRESS to declare war and he choose to do so without hesitation or restraint on March 19th, 2003. That is the type of service OUR government is using our troops for and then thanking them for it.

These young men and women could have been taught skills that build rather than destroy, they could have been instilled with a desire and given the means to help alleviate the crushing poverty and suffering that is present in our world. But that is NOT the nature of our military-industrial-congressional complex. Instead they are taught to kill, taught to hate, taught to torture and are given the world’s most lethal and hideous weapons before being sent out to Iraq and Afghanistan to do the bidding of our leaders and of our Congress for the theft of Iraq’s oil and for their desire to establish a military presence in the Middle East.

What SERVICES are being provided to the Iraqi people with the approval and support of the Bush administration and of our Congress?

An Iraqi woman writes, What is Occupation? She goes on to say:

Your tanks rolling on pavements where people are meant to be walking, destroying the pavements and the lamp posts on their way and running over a couple of civilians. That is OCCUPATION.

Your jets roaming the skies day and night and bombarding neighborhoods and villages and killing children, women and men. That is OCCUPATION.

No water, no electricity, no food, no functional hospitals… That is OCCUPATION.

Having 1 million widows dressed in black, orphaned children eating from garbage dumps, 70% unemployed, villages where famine is rampart, 4 million “locals” with their homes and belongings destroyed and now living in squalor, begging the streets. That is OCCUPATION.

Seeing your palm trees, your fields, your parks, your rivers, your soil either burned down or razed to the ground or filled with garbage and dead bodies, or contaminated with toxic waste, radiation and Depleted Uranium. That is OCCUPATION.

Walking out of your doorstep and stumbling on rotting cadavers, immersed in pools of sewage and have your neighborhood turned into a junkyard. That is OCCUPATION.

Seeing the locals riddled with disease, cancer, allergies, asthma, swellings, inflammations of all sorts, skin lesions due to your “smart” bombs, plus the fact that they can’t get treatment for already existing ailments. That is OCCUPATION.

Not being able to walk the streets, go out at night, curfews, bombs, snipers, explosions, mortars, militias, armies, mercenaries, contractors. That is OCCUPATION.

Emptying your country’s treasury of its wealth in billions of dollars, making fraudulent contracts and stealing by every means possible. That is OCCUPATION.

These are the services our military men and women are being thanked for by the Bush administration and by our Congress. These are the atrocities and horrors our young men and women are being deceived into committing in the name of patriotism by a lying, corrupt and criminal leadership which fully knows and understands that it is exploiting our military for horrific and self-serving ends.

Within the next few weeks, Congress will be voting on whether or not to continue to fund the occupation of Iraq.

Any Congressperson or Senator that votes YES to President Bush’s request for $145 billion dollars in emergency war supplemental funds, to continue the illegal occupation of Iraq is simply aiding and abetting a war crime, contributing to genocide and approving of the theft of Iraqi oil.

To further sustain this occupation with no military or political solution in sight becomes a version of co-signing a death sentence for numerous as yet unknown American soldiers and Iraqi civilians. That course of action is both morally repugnant and criminal. Congress must realize that it is time to leave Iraq and give Iraq back to the Iraqis – it is time to bring our troops home – NOW!


On March 19th, 2003 – President Bush announced the illegal invasion of Iraq to the American people – beginning with three words: “On my orders…” Now 4 years, 5 months and 9 days later, over one million Iraqi deaths later, nearly 4,000 American deaths later, over 500 billion blood-soaked, spent dollars later, WE Americans have three words for President Bush and our Congress: “END IT NOW.”

We are taking a STAND FOR humanity and NOT AGAINST IT. We are taking a stand for PEACE. THAT IS OUR SERVICE.
Layla Anwar said…
Howling Wolf,

Thank you. I could tell it all came from your heart.
Bless you.
Anonymous said…
Truth hurts eh layla or is that lielow?
Layla Anwar said…
I agree, Layth is not only a very nice guy, but he is also a very wise guy.
Layth never fails to always hand out the right words to appease and remind...

Thank you Dear Layth.
Layla Anwar said…
mister paradise,

Shukran and that poetry line is very beautiful. Who wrote it?
Anonymous said…
You are a sham, a shame and a ho.
Layla Anwar said…

I think you have been watching too many "gone with the wind"
Layla Anwar said…

I think you have been watching too many "gone with the wind"
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you again for your comment. I appreciate your taking the time to write in great length...And for your patriotic stand because this is what true patriotism is all about- the way you expounded it.
However, there is something that leaves me rather perplexed...
You mentioned Bush and Co on several occasions, I am not so sure that the Democratic party will fare any better. Just listening to some of Obama's or Clinton's statements make me cringe in horror.
So what do you think ?
Anonymous said…
Hi layla,
Thank you for your courageous stand to speak out. My heart for one is with you. God bless you sister.

These motherfuckers will leave our lands one day but our people will live forever together Turk, Kurd, Shia, Sunni...

I wonder how we are going to look at each other's faces when they leave. I don't think i can forget the betrayal of those who leaned their backs on occupation today as if they dont know they will just be used and thrown in the garbage like they did to us the Turks and the Sunnis.

I know god can forgive them but i certainly cannot.

Best regards
Anonymous said…
good to see sum on topic posts.......lets try to keep it this way people
Anonymous said…
As for the sectarian Shi'as. I roll on the floor laughing...

Anonymous said…
And you wankers, called Iraqi bloggers and other Arab shits.
Are you good at anything - except gossip and slandering ? And checking your site meters to see how many hits you reached today ? Displaying your international flags like some medals...

its pathetic isn't truly is pathetic. like we're so to be so impressed that sum numpty from zambia accidentally clicked on their blogs.......vain, pretentious dickheads
Anonymous said…
And you bloggers, the "sophisticated" ones, with the right jargon, with the right terminology, with the right sentences... Where the fuck are you?

i think riverbend is in not aware of any others. perhaps if gave names it would make it a little easier.
Anonymous said…
hi layla!!
Layla Anwar said…
hey j.r!!!
Anonymous said…
Or writing your boring, tedious activities of the day pretending you are so o' revolutionary ?

embarassing layla.....just reading the blogs of these modern day che guevaras makes me wince with embarassment. i really think uve got their number here layla....lets hope they sit up n take notice
Layla Anwar said…
actually was not referring to riverbend but to sophisticated
Anonymous said…
layla i think its a really great idea abt a 2nd blog....all the pple who like your writing but cant stomach all this political crap can go over there....plz cud u let me know the date of the grand really looking forward 2 it
Layla Anwar said…
j.r when are you starting your own blog? The Che Guevaras of all Blogs akin to the Mother of all

By the way, I heard you are good friends with Iraqimojo that a-hole. Is that true?
Anonymous said…
lol no......i think truth seeker has an over active imagination. i dont really read any other iraqi blog.....but there is sum1 who is copying my writing style and posting!!
Anonymous said…
i went 2 bARABies blog today and there was sum1 who posted under my name praising u, but it wasnt even me.....
Layla Anwar said…
jr, why do you say its political crap???? :-(
It's life and death man...

Anyways, don't forget the "hala" champagne for the grand opening.
Layla Anwar said…
sorry meant "halal"- guess it was a freudian
Layla Anwar said…
mind you "hala" means welcome,
like hala wa marhaba...kind of maybe it is a good freudian slip of welcoming.
Anonymous said…
sorry yeah ure right....its just all these political goings on behind the scene do my head in....

and where is your best friend hala?? she cant just have disappeared like that
Layla Anwar said…
ah Jr, your enemies are numerous indeed, using your great name.
Anonymous said…
lol its not as if i contribute nething useful.......dont know y people decided to use my name.
and yesterday when u posted those names...u were actually pretty close with one of them....only 2 letters out
Layla Anwar said…

Hello and thanks for visiting.
Actually I have wondered the same thing. I keep thinking when this nightmare is over and insha'Allah it will be, how will people look at each other in the eye , after all what happened???
Hard to envisage. It will take more than the reconciliation process that happened in South Africa after the fall of apartheid...Frankly, I am not sure how it will ever heal. Some things are simply irrepairable.
And you know what, they planned it that way, to ensure a partition.
They are TRUE first class sons of bitches. Unparalleled in History...Whoever it is that has its finger in the murdered Iraqi Pie.
Layla Anwar said…
jr, your name is proving to be a bit of a mind fuck, frankly. Now I have to think all over again...
I think you have a soft spot for
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...
jr, your name is proving to be a bit of a mind fuck, frankly. Now I have to think all over again...

what do u mean??
Layla Anwar said…
what I meant is that I have to go through the whole process of figuring it out again and produce yet another list...nothing nasty.
Anonymous said…
lol ok i dont think you'll get it, n anyway im sure u have more important things to do
Anonymous said…
Barabie said...
Btw, good going dildo. You certainly know how to make the undecided decide to hate Iraqis. Good kalbe.


shut up u idiot and stop pretending............stupid moron
Anonymous said…
"If God grants you victory then none can defeat you, and if He abandons you then who can grant you victory after Him? And towards God the believers should put their trust." (Quran 3:160)

the 2nd line is not even necessary, the question itself leads to this inevitable conclusion. alhamdulillah what great logic.
Anonymous said…
painfully inflamed gizzard said...
baaaaah baaaaah baaah oink oink oink oink okin murKin oiink baaaaah oink baah, oink

want something more? baah oink

it hurts

fuck off u retard
Anonymous said…
the truth about jr said...
JR is actually a young Persian cleric from Qum.

He's already married to Zainab and has a queer thing going on with Iraqi Mojo, but ever since he came across Layla's blog he has been wasting away with the desire to make a "mut'a" with her.

Will she accept ?

whats a "mut'a"??

Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...
I agree, Layth is not only a very nice guy, but he is also a very wise guy.
Layth never fails to always hand out the right words to appease and remind...

Thank you Dear Layth.

is layth a man??? i always thought she was a stuck up little cow
Anonymous said…
Agreed, Layth is a nice guy. But sorry, I do not have the same faith in God. How can God allow an entire nation to be raped and 1.2 million slaughtered in a span of four years? How can a just God allow what happened to Abeer? How can a just God allow a George H W Bush to go unpunished and likely die with in the not too distant a future in comfort with eulogies praising his "New World Order"? A just God would have made sure Bush I had a noose around his neck for his horrendous crimes and not the honorable Saddam who put country above self and showed unprecedented courage and dignity
while facing death.
Anonymous said…
i read ur blog alot so i added it to my blogroll, let me know if u mind and it shall be removed.
Anonymous said…
Layla, what do you think of the "Newsdesk Helsinki Finland" guys ?

To many, among whom Alison Gundle, they smell a rat, or should I say a "mole"...
Layla Anwar said…
some wrote to me about Barabie or Barbariya the arabic equivalent of Barbarian.
Barabie PRETENDS to be some pro palestinian, pro iraqi thing, when in fact Barbariya is nothing but a delude, deranged, foul, slanderous, jealous, obssessive, sick, retard...
Barbariya has left me many comments that I have not published and have saved, insulting me and insulting the editor of Uruknet.
Paola Pisi. And what insults they were !
Barabariya thinks she knows about me, Barbariya knows nothing about me. I had the misfortune of once recommending an article that she deconstructed and I thought it was a good one. I even coined the word "deconstruct" for her. She had never used it before and I recommended this article to Uruknet. Since that day, it has gone to barbariya's head and in a fit of megalomania combined with excessive alcohol intake, Barbariya the zionist piece of scum, has gone on a rampage.
My mistake. I should have never addressed this low life to start with.
So in conclusion and this has taken up more space than this low life merits. I ask you
1) to mind your own business and not write to me about this scum called Barabie
2) This thing called Barabie is for ever banned from my site.
The only reason I posted her wonderful comments above is to show what a sick, devious, pervert thing she is.
End of story.
LostHere said…
" will people look at each other in the eye , after all what happened???"

They won't, really. They will live through an uneasy time and will be up to time and other generations to live without the memories... Although I imagine it won't be anything like it was for the people of my native country of Spain after our civil war, due to the characteristic tribal cultures in Iraq (many other ethinities also, of course). I trully fail to understand that "triblal blood bond" that holds a grudge for eternity...
It goes back to what you had said before, the return to "statelets" mainly along the lines of ethnic structures... will it mean going back in time or could it posible be potentially an improvement on the historical, but ever changing "national" boundaries, wich after all were the results of political alliances or war conquests?
Myself, I think we are moving back to the likes of Medieval times, with ethnic and geographical clans and feudalism due to the concentration of capital on a very few powerful people or corporations.
A sad and inconvenient turn of history for humanity, if I can say so.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous re.blogroll,

how would I know what your blog is all about since you are anonymous???
So please provide me with your blog site first. Thanks.
Layla Anwar said…

In reply to your question concerning Alison and the Finnish News Desk.
I have read some of Alison's comments and some of the Finnish guy's comments on various blogs.
And my reply to you is very simple.
They are doing more harm than good to the Resistance by trying to do guess work...
I am not sure if people understand that Resistance in the face of occupation is not some structured rigid party movement, specially that this occupation took place and is taking place after much divide and conquer tactics.

The Resistance in Iraq in my opinion, and that is only an opinion since I have no inside information as such, cannot be likened to let's say the taliban or hezbollah during the last israeli aggression and for many reasons.

1) Afghanistan does not have mercenaries, iranian militias, blackwater, and as many ethnicities hence the Taliban can forge a UNITED front.

2) Ditto for Hezbollah. This latter is a PARTY and not a movement as the Iraqi Resistance and this latter had and has the "generous" help of Iran and some Gulf countries.

3) Resistance under occupation even though it is pre planned, is not rigid. Resistance fighters do not walk around with badges, uniforms and C.V showing to which resistance cell they belong to.

I have more to say but shall refrain for now.

So in conclusion, the quid pro quo between the finnish guy and alison is in my opinion nothing but hearsay. NO ONE has inside knowledge of what goes on.

My humble advice, Stick to what the memos of the Resistance itself, coming from its various factions.
Layla Anwar said…
lost here,

I am not sure if these statelets are going to be based on a tribal nature as you say as a consequence of the "arabian nature".
That is too simplistic in my opinion.
I am tempted to take ex Yugoslavia as an example.
I doubt the croatians, serbs and bosnians were "tribal".
However, the results of the Balkanisation of Yugoslavia are clear for all to see.
I have not been to Yugoslavia since its partition. I do not know how they currently view one another...But from the little reports I have read, and some of the documentaries I have seen, I suppose there is a wall dividing them and much bitterness that might take generations to overcome.
And do remember that intermarriages between let's say serbs and bosnians were frequent and can be likened to intermarriages between sunnis and shias and kurds in Iraq and there are many of them.

Maybe any yugoslave reading this blog, can shed some light on the current perceptions within their own country.
Anonymous said…
"I have more to say but shall refrain for now."

Why, since it is all your "humble opinion" ?

In the worst case scenario, you would still be able to correct yourself later on, not ? Bit like you did when President Saddam was murdered and you suddenly discovered that he was in fact a hero...

Maybe, but only maybe, when the whole Baath Party underground will have followed him to the Creator, then you will finally condescend to grant it some shred of credit for its DECISIVE contribution to the defeat of the mightiest and most barbaric empire in history.

Layla Anwar said…

hahahahahahahaha- you are indeed amusing.
I did not know you suddenly represent the Baath yourself - unless of course, you think a few poetry lines is a DECISIVE heroic act in your eyes...

Furthermore, seems you have not read what I said above. I said my piece of advice is to stick to the memos coming out of the Resistance.

Now you bring the subject of the Baath, how come? Do you have doubts the Baath is part of the Resistance?

Spare me your slogans eye. I KNOW you want to drag me into some controversy. I shall not play it.

Go wave your slogans elsewhere and if you understand Arabic, which I doubt very much you do, have it translated for you.
" balla muzayadat"

And if you insist, then go and read one of my posts on some pretty nasty infiltrators portraying themselves as baathists, when in fact they are nothing but supporters of muqtada al Sadr - one of the guy who lynched Saddam Hussein, or some dude pretending to be the Resistance when in fact he is nothing but an agent for both Syria and Iran.

But since you have just discovered politics, I will just say you are still ignorant, blind, or maybe ONE EYED.
Mister Paradise said…
That line was written by 'Sayidul Firdaus', a poet from Al Andalus (nowadays Spain).

As you now Al Andalus was destroyed centuries ago by the same people who are now destroying Iraq. Shortly afterwards they prohibited the arabic language and the religion of Islam leaving us with no religion, no heritage, no country. We had to relay only on our hatred, our deep hatred for everyone and everything. As you can imagine, 500 years of hatred against the establishment is a long time but we still manage.

These lines of poetry are called 'kharcha'.

I studied arabic here and there but still I am far from the high level.

(kulun adu'un li qala abuna, hajara qalbuhu minan nas, ia laita raja'na ilal furat, nal'ab ma's sibian b'adal fathu wal intisar)
Anonymous said…

I am not a Baathist nor an Arab nor a poet nor ignorant nor blind nor one-eyed.

I am just a (two-eyed!) human who from his knowledge of human history would rather see the ones who have "ferried" the Iraqi nation from the colonial dark ages to the XXI century as better entitled to represent and lead it once again through its current ordeal than some discoordinated hodgepodge of naively religionist improvised groups, as well-meaning as they may be.

It is, as in your case, nothing more than a HUMBLE OPINION, and you should not let different opinions get to you .. unless you are some sort of totalitarian "Layla-ist", that is ;-)

Regards again.
Anonymous said…
layla, have u ever seen/read the arabic website ?

if yes, do u think its a reliable pro-resistance website ?
Layla Anwar said…
ohh Eye, how could have I missed it?

How did you know I have read some comment section with someone called Alison and Finn guy being at the throat of each other?
Have you turned into another Barabie stalking me? :-)

For me one eyed, sorry two eyed, a definition of a totalitarian is someone who not only stalks, but also manipulates...Why do I have a feeling you fit the bill beautifully :-)

A totalitarian is someone TRYING and you are still TRYING to extract either some "loyalty" to a cause, party, idea, etc... and someone who through a series of PATHETIC efforts gives himself-herself the illusion of exacting truth like extracting some tooth...

You may not be a poet, or anything else, but are you sure you are not some ex dentist who worked for some totalitarian regime during World War II. See am kind, am giving you two choices here.

Regards to you too. :-)
Anonymous said…
Dear "Layla",

I am still undecided whether you are more endearing and a feast to the mind under your current alias or the old one ;-)

If I now swallow my overpride and recognize that not only do I have "doubts" as every other limited mortal creature, but I NO LONGER KNOW WHICH WALL TO GO BANG MY HEAD AGAINST (figuratively speaking), and am ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATED about it, will you pardon me for everything and make peace ?

I DESPERATELY need your intellectual guidance to find again some fucking SENSE in this life...

God bless you and all True Iraqis left.

Anonymous said…
Oh, by the way, it seems that "Alison" is the same Alison who wrote that beautiful "Valediction to Saddam Hussein" that was published on Uruknet on the day of his martyrdom.

She and you are POETS, not me !!!
Anonymous said…
Layla, am in love with you
Layla Anwar said…

You definitely do not need my Guidance...You seem to know it all.

Except, again, your ploys are failing big time. I have NO other Aliases...

Good luck for next time.
Layla Anwar said…
to inlove,

How nice! I love being loved especially when it is virtually anonymous...but hey thanks anyways.
Anonymous said…
My mistake, I should have said your old "job title".

Nevermind...if you don't want to speak to me, I shall leave you alone.

Know, though, that your humanity is greatly admired...above and beyond any political discourse...

Good luck.
Layla Anwar said…
Eye, again, I have no titles, no name, and I change skins daily, like a chameleon, like a snake, like lizard...I slip through fingers like mercury, like ink, like a broken necklace...and I disperse into a thousand pieces...
scattered everywhere...
I am not me, I am not who you think I am...I am like the Resistance, mercury and fire...
But I am humble enough to say am no Resistance...
Anonymous said…
God knows the Truth about you, though.

I shall pray for Him/Her/It to take tender care of you, WHOEVER and WHATEVER you are...

See you at some better time.

Anonymous said…
what the fuck.....

piss off eye u headache-inducing numbskull
Anonymous said…
inlove said...
Layla, am in love with you


shut up amre
Anonymous said…
layla anwar, how sad are you ?
Anonymous said…
re: Kofi said...
Agreed, Layth is a nice guy. But sorry, I do not have the same faith in God. How can God allow an entire nation to be raped and 1.2 million slaughtered in a span of four years? How can a just God allow what happened to Abeer? How can a just God allow a George H W Bush to go unpunished and likely die with in the not too distant a future in comfort with eulogies praising his "New World Order"? A just God would have made sure Bush I had a noose around his neck for his horrendous crimes and not the honorable Saddam who put country above self and showed unprecedented courage and dignity
while facing death.


if there is a god and then we r all going to heaven. thats cos if he created us, then he is responsible 4 our actions n how we behave, so if we do nething wrong then it is his fault for creating defected goods.......he chose 2 create in us such a manner so he has nothing 2 complain abt......disgusting i know...but true
Unknown said…
Barabie you really shouldn't drink. Switch to pot and do the world a favor. :)
LostHere said…
Layla, I think you misread my comment, I would never equate "tribal" with "Arabian"... anything.
In fact yes, Yugoslavia was in my mind, but not only... I mean, look at any "...istan" country and you will see tribal. Or perhaps I do not express myself correctly when I say tribal, but tribal, clan ethnicity, those were the real boundaries in ancient times, besides the ones made by war and conquests... In any case, my comment was just voicing a question of mine on how we seem to be reverting back into feudalism. It had nothing to do with Iraq or Arabia per se, as I seem to notice that kind of "regrouping" everywhere. even here in the States, although here it's ideology lines (and often not their own but the ones lay out for them to make their own).

To other thing
"I have no titles, no name, and I change skins daily, like a chameleon, like a snake, like lizard...I slip through fingers like mercury, like ink, like a broken necklace...and I disperse into a thousand pieces...
scattered everywhere..."

Dammed you are good!
Unknown said…
Dear Kofi,

>But sorry, I do not have the same faith in God. How can God allow an entire nation to be raped and 1.2 million slaughtered in a span of four years? How can a just God allow what happened to Abeer? How can a just God allow a George H W Bush to go unpunished and likely die with in the not too distant a future in comfort with eulogies praising his "New World Order"? A just God would have made sure Bush I had a noose around his neck for his horrendous crimes and not the honorable Saddam who put country above self and showed unprecedented courage and dignity
while facing death.

The death and suffering you speak of have all been done by the hands of men (not God). However, when God is implored for help, then those who have committed evil find themselves destroyed and completely overwhelmed. It was the Egyptians under Pharaoh (not God) who killed and raped the children of Israel when they were in Egypt, however, when God was implored, it was God who brought down the mighty nation of Pharaoh and wiped his seed from the Earth forever.

It has been God’s system not to interfere in the affairs of men unless He is implored or unless the situation becomes totally out of control. Such a system does not make Him any less Omnipotent, especially when knowing that all will stand judgement before Him on the day of days.

We implore Him against our enemies and against the enemies of humanity…We implore Him against those who have invaded Iraq and occupied its land…We implore Him against those who murdered our men women and children…We implore Him against those who murdered our leader and members of his government…

May the Lord of Abraham accept our plea.
Anonymous said…
Hello Layla

I am a frequent visitor to this blog, following your wonderful, sad and thoughtful writings. But i am not inclined to comment here much, because i rarely feel I have something smart or constructive to add...Since time you mentioned Yugoslavia, i see there was no qualified response on your question. I don't think I lived in Yugoslavia long enough to be really qualified to talk about it, but at least I would like to try to shed some light on that subject from my perspective, to tell how I the situation.

It's refreshing to read the word "yugoslave" again...since that identity has long been not only forgotten, but openly demonised as belonging to the "dark age of oppression"...
Serbian and Croatian nationalists are mutually accusing the former regime of suppresing their national identity and favoring the other ("hegemonistic") one. This discourse is widely accepted, not only among the masses, but even by many former members of communist party. Sometimes i ask myself, how many of those that were reciting the slogans about "brotherhood and unity" really believed in it, and how many were just opportunists using the situation for personal promotion and career-building...I couldn't tell about all that from the first hand, because in 1990 i was still not an adult...there is certainly nostalgia in the minds of many older people, although they cannot permit themselves to express it publically, they would be ridiculed and insulted. In early 1990s, they would probably even be considered traitors, even if their reasons for nostalgia are of purely economic nature. Masses of the people no longer consider themselves as part of one bigger nation, the small nations that emerged are now very self-content, very introverted and disinterested not only about the more distant wars and tragedies like the brutal rape of Iraq (which had, as I understand, many similarities with the yugoslav ethnic, religious, cultural diversity), they are disinterested even about their closest neighbours, many Croatians see the crossing of a border with Serbia almost like entering some strange, barbaric, hostile last few years, relationships have improved somewhat, but incidents and attacks on visitors from neighbouring "independent" states are still very possible. it is not very clear to me, how did the yugoslav identity really disappear so thoroughly. Vast ethnic cleansing, especially in Bosnia, may hold part of the answer. Bosnians were maybe the most loyal to Yugoslavia, but it is a big question how their politicians see the "bigger picture" now...if they have time to see anything at all - Bosnia is too preoccupied with its poor economy and, more importantly, with its status as protectorate... People in Croatia now like to flatter themselves as "central Europeans", with some extremes even devising mad theories about how Croatians are actually not Slavic, but "of PERSIAN origin"(!)...i wonder how petty must we look to the outside observers...and how ridiculous must we look in the eyes of European Union when our politicians try to prostrate themselves in front of EU bureaucrats, uttering naively (or calculated) the romantic phrases, about how "Croatians have always been a part of Europe" (as opposed to balcanic, wild, primitive, and, of course, in all the other ways negative, Serbs). How laughable must such statements, more or less hidden in diplomatic rhetoric, look to those bureaucrats who know what European Union is really about: more freedom for big profit and big corporations,
They know that the term "Europe" is more like a nicely and opportunistically made cloth for greed and expansion of now prevailing capitalist-imperialist ideology that is happy to have succeeded to help disintegrate smaller, more independent nations and make their sects and nations fight each other, instead of fighting imperialism. It really can't be any real consolation when you see to which extent the rest of eastern European states, formerly belonging to soviet bloc,are politically even more openly subservient to US and their reluctant(?) EU allies, how openly they accepted imperialist dogma, how eagerly do they entered NATO, how simple-mindedly they joined the occupation of iraq and afganistan. Croatia too has its contingent in Afganistan...any only thing people there are asking about is - "how well are our guys doing, are they in safer parts of the country, are they in danger?" not one moment the perverse nature of the act of occupation is discussed. for that, i am really deeply ashamed. Really a sad story of south slavic people, who willingly abandoned their dignity and self respect, and embraced "kill your neighbor" ideology, sectarianism, petty nationalism and greedy capitalism, which instilled a need in people to constantly whine about lack of money even though they have much more than people in terrorized nations like Cuba or openly destroyed nations like Iraq. sad situation of people whose political elites happily accepted to lead powerless little states who can fake reluctance when in fact, they are more than happy to serve their western masters if that will bring some money, foreign banks or capital investments. i think the title of your article sums our situation in most precise way. In Croatia and other statelets, it's now really a shameful Silence of Sheep...
Anonymous said…
Layth's primitiveness & stupidity can't but make one vomit ...
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Layth's primitiveness & stupidity can't but make one vomit ...


harsh....harsh but fair....i wonder if he/she really believes this junk......

It has been God’s system not to interfere in the affairs of men unless He is implored or unless the situation becomes totally out of control. Such a system does not make Him any less Omnipotent, especially when knowing that all will stand judgement before Him on the day of days.

We implore Him against our enemies and against the enemies of humanity…We implore Him against those who have invaded Iraq and occupied its land…We implore Him against those who murdered our men women and children…We implore Him against those who murdered our leader and members of his government…

May the Lord of Abraham accept our plea.
Anonymous said…
Layth is euridite and decent. Even as I do not share the same faith in God, I appreciate your views, Layth. Suffice to say, if faith in God serves as the inspiration to expel the murderers, I am all for it. But I will be never be able to reconcile the notion of a just God with what happened to Abeer and others like her.
Anonymous said…
To anon & jr,

It is a shame you have eyes with which you do not see, ears with which you do not hear, and hearts with which you do not comprehend...

If it is "primative" to believe in God and put ones faith in Him, then, absolutely, I would carry such title with pride...

God sent messengers and scriptures and signs...but the blind remain blind.
Anonymous said…
"[T]he blind remain blind" - and primitives&stupids remain - the vast majority at least - primitive&stupid ...
Layla Anwar said…
Seems Layth is under attack because he happens to be a muslim.

He has been insulted and called a primitive and stupid.

The garbage that has insulted him is nothing but a reflection of himself. GARBAGE.

This site is not for garbage people. Nor for hypocrites. No for racists smelly white or whatever other color there is.

Primitive and stupid is your occupation, your way of life, your ideologies and your death instinct.

Primitive and stupid is your hypocrisy, your ignorance and your bullish conduct in life.

Primitive and stupid are your colors.

No more comments from you idiot will be published here.
Anonymous said…
This sort of style reminds one of TOT ...
Anonymous said…
lets see if we can get upto the 100 mark
Anonymous said…
It looks like that to fall asleep
j[ack][the]r[ipper]'s counting sheep ...
elmysterio said…
Wow... nicely Said.
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you for your long comment. It was very illuminating for me to read what is the current state of ex Yugoslavia and how it basically fell down from being a great country to small statelets, isolated from one another and suspicious of one another.
I guess the plan for Yugoslavia did work after all and SHAMEFULLY so. A real pity.
Layla Anwar said…

Hello and thanks for visiting.
Are you Zorro's cousin by any chance ? Just curious :-)
Layla, Great article, with your permission,I will republish it on my blog

check out Mike Whitney comments on your Flying a Kite... you can find them at my blog under the title "come and see"

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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