
the dynamics of becoming one...


Unknown said…
That was one of the most brilliant posts I've ever read. I can sort of identify with part of the post.

I was a 'mantrap', by the way. Not quite planned, but since I ended up being conceived, I became a tool. My 'incubator' did that three times. Get preggers and get the support of a responsible host; the abusive bitch. She moved up in the world. First one a Montenegran born soldier for the U.S. in the Vietnam war, second was a dentist, third an Air Force dude on the edge of being promoted to Lieuteneat Colonel. A dude of Kraut ancestry, so the Nazi twat plug considered him a catch.

I walked out on her, and I wasn't too nice to her in my literary or musical art. (A college radio station has our obscure CD, and they did play 'Momma Was A Psycho Bitch From Hell' a couple of times.) I cut off all contact 17 years ago, and my vengeance shall never cease.

Anonymous said…
Lovely to see you here again, Layla.

Thanks for this blog - it's a subject very close to my heart, and, God, don't innocent Iraqi children know much about this ...

Parenthood is a gift, and a huge and lifelong commitment. All the degrees and diplomas in the world cannot compensate if one is a failure with bringing up children one CHOSE to bring into this world. My heart aches for Iraqi parents, because what's happening to children in Iraq is NOT their doing or their choice. Damn the occupiers. I think we've seen the results of THEIR parenting on Iraqi streets, haven't we? Savages, barbarians,rapists and abusers and, right, with the chronological age of twelve - or younger.

In solidarity.
Sinbad said…
Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Are you advising Arabs to lay down the only weapon they have against Western hegemony, DEMOGRAPHICS ?
Layla Anwar said…
Trying to catch up with the comment section. This one is easiest to deal with, since I have limited access I will start here.

Hello Morgan,

I am happy you understood what this post is all about. Means you have been there, and chose to become an orphan since your parent did not become a parent. Thank you for commenting.

Hello Little Deer,

You are absolutely right, Iraqi children and parents have NO CHOICE. My post really had a double message. One is the difficulty of becoming a good parent and the second is losing one, however imperfect that parent is. And of course the psychodynamic consequences on the child. Really basic stuff.
Be well.


Hello Captain...Hope it will help you in your sailing expedition or when you throw the anchor in.


I am not advising Arabs in particular. I am just pointing out the cumulative effects on orphaned kids and in particular those under occupation. Your comment about Demography being the ONLY weapon against Western hegemony, comes across as some CRASS reversed Malthusian logic. Grow up !
Anonymous said…
There are no shortages of ways a child can be orphaned. None of them pleasant and all with varying amounts of outcomes. Perhaps the most painful for a child is to be orphaned by their parents while their parents are alive and doing well. Living in a home with their parents, yet still alone.

I wish you safe travels, dear Layla.

Nepenthe said…
Thank you, Layla! You have enunciated something very close to my heart. I cry every day for the children of this world - orphaned in so many ways. I despair of how our "adult" concerns do not seem to include providing for the best interests and best future of these innocent children. Thank you for saying what needs to be said. I wish it were on a global platform.
Anonymous said…
KMWR--For the sake of brevity, without commenting on the MANY profound questions you raise, I used to point out to people the irony that ANYONE can become a parent, but, beauticians, hairdressers, at least, here, in the US, REQUIRE a LICENSE to cut hair!! They go to school for a "diploma."
It seems to me that "mistakes" in haircutting do NO permanent damage or harm to anyone, whereas, "mistakes" in childbearing are, of course, permanent, longlasting, devestating, profound.
But, NO societal requirements, prerequisites, qualifications, assistance in the area of childbearing provided or necessary. Don't you think something is very wrong in emphasis on this scale of social values?
Anonymous said…
yeah, some people should not be allowed to reproduce, and I am talking about Americans.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
We the great people of the USA will win in Iraq because we have The TECHNOLOGY to do so:
Anonymous said…
Powerful post, thank you.
Anonymous said…
What my child taught me: There's no expiry date on motherhood; the whole village is needed to raise a child; you can be lonely even with a sea of people around you...

Bless the children....
Layla Anwar said…

Hello and nice to "see" you here.
Yes I agree there are many ways a child can be orphaned but for me the ultimate is when a child is orphaned under a ruthless occupation. There are 5 MILLION Iraqi orphans today courtesy of the USA, GB, Iran, Israel and the indifference of the Rest of the world...

How many times can one be abandoned ?????
Layla Anwar said…

Hello and thank you for your kind comment. As I said to JP above, 5 million Iraqi orphans !
Layla Anwar said…

Good comment. And who will teach America and the coalition of the willing to stop killing innocent kids ?
Layla Anwar said…

lol. Will you ever reproduce ?
Layla Anwar said…
we the people,

I will in due time, but meanwhile why don't you write your own manifesto seeing that you represent the people and are sooooo angry ?
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you.
Layla Anwar said…

Nice comment. But what if whole villages have been erased as well ???
Anonymous said…
KMWR--Answer. See my latest blog postings. You will! You and the rest of the Middle East and the World. But, also, very happy to see you back--whether or not you are posting full time. Part time is good, too. Anytime. Sometime.
Anonymous said…
There are so many 'villages' in the world now that have been erased or in the process of being erased.

I think about Rawanda, Dubai, Iraq, Afghanistan...

I can't answer....I can just pray for all of the orphans and all of the villages in all of the countries. If I could adopt them all and bring them to Canada I would but children and their families deserve to feel safe in their own homes, country and culture. The West has sadly done little to improve conditions for children and women of the world.

I welcome any suggestions on how to help...

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