An agreement on a Sofa...

"Le cul entre deux chaises" - a lovely French expression which literally means - one's butt between two chairs.

An expression used when someone is stuck between two options, torn apart between two decisions, oscillating between two choices, or simply lost...

I remember a friend of mine with a great sense of humor. I remember telling him once that I had my butt stuck between two chairs and in his typical Eyptian fashion, he said " Turn it into a Sofa and lie down... and relax."

I offer my Egyptian friend's advice to the Iraqi puppet government and to the Iraqi sell-outs who cheered the fall of Baghdad and hailed their "liberators".

So are you crying wolf now - you bunch of hypocritical bastards ? So now, you have your butts stuck between two chairs and you don't know what to do anymore ?

Some of you want to hand it all to Iran, you dogs. And some of you are professional ass kissers to the Americans, having sold your country, your bodies and your souls. And now you are trying to reach the Sofa, huh? Oh and that also includes the fucked up Iraqi bloggers who waved the banner "no to Saddam no to America but...", and engaged in parliamentary national reconciliation after the blood of innocent Iraqis reached the knees...hoping to make themselves a name.

The above lot of bastards is one of the reasons I have no more inclination to write about Iraq. Blaming the Americans and the stinking Brits is not enough, one needs to point the finger at the other culprits - the Iraqis themselves. The lot of hypocrites.

So I was reading all about the SOFA, a text as clear as daylight, which calls for the permanent colonization of Iraq by America the pimp and its whore Iran. Yalla, bravo Iraqi Shiites.

And this is exactly what the "liberation" of Iraq was all about - its colonization. And this is exactly what the murder of Saddam Hussein was all about - its colonization. And this is exactly what the huge fake propaganda about the alleged Shiite and Kurdish "oppression and repression" was all about, allegations that your left with its matron whore Chomsky endorsed - its colonization. And the other hookers who bought it from the Left included a bunch of disgraceful Arab bloggers, journalists and so-called intellectuals of my butt -- You too, bastards, are AS GUILTY as the rest of the lot in its colonization.

So why quibble Iraqis and others about a few terms of agreement here and there, a few clauses and items here and there ? Some of you spread your legs and others bent over for all of this to happen. Relax now and lie down on the Sofa.

And this Iraqi, Arab woman spits on you and your Sofa.

Painting : Iraqi artist, Jaber Alwan, 2007.


Anonymous said…
Layla,I enjoy all your writtings!,Please keep on telling it the way it is ,the Sofa piece is fucking right on!
Kali Manitou said…
Supposedly the "Iraqi Government" has something like $76 mil. surplus. Is it possible that USA threw more bones to the dogs then they can chew?
Can a decent human not hope that the American dogs run out of bones themselves?...
Can the humans transform into sentient beings?...
Anonymous said…
Saddam is alive in a US secret prison. The Americans handed over a lookalike patsy hoping that it would stop the resistance but they also wanted to keep the real one aside for any future eventuality. The Shiite puppets, being nothing more than useful idiotic executioners, were kept in the dark and fell for it. And so did the rest of the world.
Anonymous said…
Let me see...

In 2002, on the eve of the invasion, 100% of Iraqis voted to reappoint their President Saddam Hussein.

In 2005, in full occupation and in full Saddam trial, 85% of Iraqis were reported to support attacks on the coalition and its collaborators carried out by the Resistance.

Now, in 2008, with over 1 million murdered including Saddam himself, you state that Iraq is swarmed with crocodile-like, connivant cowards.

My conclusion: a too large number of Iraqis are not self-sufficient intellectually and morally, never really "interiorized" two hoots of what Saddam tried to teach them.

My advice: the Resistance needs to

- get itself a CHARISMATIC leader and ONE common clear and coherent ideology


- start COMMUNICATING with the Iraqis CONSTANTLY, flood them under with both INFORMATIONAL and MORALE-BOOSTING messages until the parched soil of their minds and hearts is in bloom again.
Anonymous said…
Sofas are not restful enough for as much moral weakness.

The subhumans who enjoy the destruction of my beautiful innocent Iraq need to seat their asses on electric chairs.
bARABie said…
"You too, bastards, are AS GUILTY as the rest of the lot in its colonization."

I have to disagree with the above.
These sons and daughters of sluts/whores are MORE guilty than the invaders. Much much much MUCH MORE! kess emoon la em aboowoon.
bARABie said…
Observer, it's very easy for you to be an armchair warrior but don't denigrate the greatest resistance in the history of man/scumkind.
bARABie said…
" Saddam is alive in a US secret prison. The Americans handed over a lookalike patsy hoping that it would stop the resistance"

Of course (insert sarcasm), the "patsy" didn't think of screaming out his innocence just before being hanged but instead decided to mock the man/scumhood of his executioners.

R I G H T!
It is people like you that give the conspiracy theories a bad name.
bARABie said…
" Saddam is alive in a US secret prison. The Americans handed over a lookalike patsy hoping that it would stop the resistance"

Hey "brains", why didn't this "patsy" also tell the Iraqi resistance to give up resisting when scumsfeld visited the martyr in prison and offered him his freedom in return for asking the resistance to lay down their arms??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Stop with the ridiculous conspiracy theories, they just make the REAL conspiracy theories look as kooky as your "theories".
bARABie said…
"And this Iraqi, Arab woman spits on you and your Sofa."

Knowing how low traitors are, the scum will probably use your spit as lubrication for when they next bend over.
Anonymous said…
Barabie, must I deduce from your comments that you would not like Saddam to be still alive ?
Anonymous said…
By the way, I never said the man in prison was not Saddam. It actually was him who rejected Scumsfeld's dishonourable offer.

But the man who was brought to the gallows was a patsy, a convict who had already been sentenced to death for different reasons and had nothing to lose.

Why the Yanks didn't tell him to address the resistance etc. etc. is part of the top secret makeshift parallel strategy.

It must be so, the real Saddam cannot be dead.
Anonymous said…
Saddam is in Montana living in an underground bunker with Elvis just biding his time so the two of them can come back and rock the world. It's going to be beautiful man!
bARABie said…
"Barabie, must I deduce from your comments that you would not like Saddam to be still alive ?"

You "must deduce" what you "must".

I am not here to answer everyone's ASSUMPTIONS especially when my views have been known on more than one occasion.
bARABie said…
" Saddam is in Montana living in an underground bunker with Elvis just biding his time so the two of them can come back and rock the world."

Will they be coming back in a UFO too?
Anonymous said…
Barabie...if you truly loved Saddam, you would desperately need to believe in my theory...
Anonymous said…
layla plz post another article asap. thnx.
Anonymous said…
Don't stop woman - tell it like it is - i love reading your website. and your name is awesome too - anybody that names their kid after eric clapton's song is right on - altho i could bet your parents may have had a different reason for naming you "layla" - not necessarily after EC's song - any ol' hoo-how, great blogging - TRUTH will win in the end. and hopefully PEACE - the sorry greedy bastards will pay in the end, no matter which country they are from...that's whats cool about karma. from a fellow human bean - amy
Anonymous said…
Thanks for this, Layla.

And to anonymous above: 'layla' happens to mean 'night' in Arabic!

In solidarity.

P.S. Brilliant statement by the Baath Party printed on Uruknet.
Layla Anwar said…
Thank you all for your comments.
I apologize for having been unable to aknowledge some of your comments on the previous posts.

For those who wished me a Ramadan Kareem, Thank you. May this Holy month bring peace and blessings on all true Freedom and Justice loving people.

Anonymous said…
What was WRONG with last month and Kuwait??!!NUR
Anonymous said…
What was WRONG with last month and Kuwait??!!NUR
Anonymous said…
I don't think anyone takes me seriously here, but that doesn't matter. All my life noone gave a rats ass about me, even my father made me sit on his lap rubbed my breasts for a couple of pistachios. So now I don't care about anybody. ONLY Mustafa Kemal is good to have as an object of blind worship since nobody cares about him but everybody pretends to follow his footsteps. I hate men, I love Ataturk, does that make him a fag?
ok, I hate-love you layla, please do not ignore me anymore.
Anonymous said…
The non-western world is governed by compliant traitors and I count China as the paramount traitor. It funds the Western imperial drive in Iraq and along with Arab and other non-white traitors, stands complicit in the lynching of Saddam. Our children will once again pay for our acquiescence to colonialism as we are paying for that of our forefathers. Any leader of any consequence in our world has been lost to us for want to commitment to our region. After 300 years of colonialism, we are long overdue for change.
Anonymous said…
the idiot above,
who told you that pistachios would give you the brains that you will never have??!!
Anonymous said…
Look out your window and who is it that occupies Arabia, greater asia, africa and all the non-white lands. the white man. and you call me an idiot you fool of a dog traitor! no doubt you danced with joy when saddam was assassinated. you children will live to cry for your betrayal!

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