A Delightful Piece of News.

Wallah am ecstatic today. I saw it on TV, only Al-Arabiah had a whole program devoted to it, Al-Jazeera the Qatari/Iranian mouthpiece toned it down. But still, I am going to shout it out loud.
First when I heard it, I smiled, then I jumped from joy when I saw the two guests arguing, then I gave the finger, the middle one to be precise and then the whole arm and said "Fuck you Kuwait, you deserve it." and "Fuck Al-Khaleej(the Gulf) you deserve it too."
Yabba I was so happy. This piece of news felt like ice water being poured on my heart.
Am sure you are as excited as I am now. Yalla here it comes.
The Kuwaiti ministry of Interior confirmed that 25'000 Iranians and some Arabs belonging to the Pasdaran, also called the Iranian Quds Brigades are sleeping cells in Kuwait.
That little worthless province called Kuwait has 45'000 Iranians and half of them are Iranian Revolutionary Guards.
One of the guests interviewed said "we need to be cautious with these accusations as they may rekindle the mistakes of 1980 and cause sectarianism", referring to the Iran-Iraq bloody 8 years war. The other guest said "Kuwait is experiencing today the pre-2003 Iraqi invasion atmosphere and the smells of a Lebanon." And he added "We have been subjugated by Iran when they encircled our embassy in Tehran and threatened our diplomats and we told them we do not wish to get involved in your conflict with the US, so what do they expect from us now, to bow our heads ?" And a reporter added that a very highly placed official in the State of Kuwait was facilitating the work of these Pasdaran and helping them in their work in Iraq.
So Saddam was correct after all when he warned against the threat coming from the dirt from Qum was he not? Of course he was. And the invasion and occupation of Iraq by the US and by Iran confirmed it.
So when the vermin called the Kuwaitis which is really nothing but our 19th province complain today about Iranian infiltration in the Kuwaiti state apparatus, of course I need to rejoice.
When over half a million brave Iraqi men sacrificed their lives for Al-Oruba, Arabism (and not it was not to preserve the oil kingdoms of the Gulf) by thwarting the Iranian threat, then hear the syphilitic sheikh al-Sabah promise to the great Leader Saddam Hussein that Iraqi women will be sold for 10 dollars, because Iraqi will be squeezed so hard economically, of course I need to rejoice at that piece of news.
When that dirty lowly whore ridden 19th province gives it away as bases to the Americans and the Iranians so they can occupy my country, of course I will rejoice that they are now occupied by both.
When I said over and over that wherever there are shiites in the Arab world, Iran will wreck havoc by using the sectarian ideological card, and I specifically mentioned the following countries : Lebanon, Kuwait, Bahrain (and sectarian stuff is happening in Bahrain too, to my great delight) Pakistan (and hell has broken loose in Pakistan after the murder of the shiite Benazir Bhutto) and Saudi Arabia, I was received with derision. By the way the Zionist Chomsky from the American left (hahahahah) was barking for many years even at the height of the ethnic cleansing in Iraq about the "poor oppressed shiites" referring to the above mentioned countries.
But time has proven me right over and over again. And you ain't seen nothin' yet.
So yes Ladies and Gentlemen, Iran has infiltrated the Kuwaiti state apparatus, just like Israel and America helped it (Iran) turn Iraq into a fascist, sectarian shiite/kurdish country , and just like Israel and America will help it wreck havoc in Pakistan, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia but maybe not Lebanon anymore, now that Nasrallah and his thugs and the Iranian prodigal child - Syria, have struck deals with Zion.
Yalla, Mabrook. Congratulations to the Arabs and to the Arab wanking left in particular, including its bloggers, naturally.
More to come Insha'Allah...
Painting : Iraqi artist, Shaker Al-Alussi.
Is your swimming pool "escort" still around ?
You hit us too hard, can't you have a little sweetness in your heart for us wanking Kuwaiti loving corrupt psychotic monkeys from London? I ask this because we can't help it - we are all bombarded with precensored "news". Society is breaking down. I'm frightened to go outside. Should I care about Mosul, Khermanshar, Basra? Should I care that you condemn us all as corrupt psychotic monkeys?
Those wretched people feel overwhelmed by the US/Zionist military superiority and desperately need to believe in anyone who promises to liberate them, even if it is a blatant lie.
Am sure they would be much happier to pin their hopes in a genuine Arab nationalist leader/movement, if only there was still one alive/active...
This just means that more Arabs will die and the safavids will become stronger and greedier.
Not that the kuwaiti wankers don't deserve this and MORE but not by the safavids, by their own kind would be preferable.
This really is looking like the end for the Arabs and slavery for them for the next few hundred years or at the least they will become beggars. This is really sad that there is not ONE Arab country left.
In fact this brings tears to my eyes.
If the safavids do to Kuwait what they did to Iraq, they won't be hanging the sabah clan that's for sure. So the sabah clan doesn't really suffer besides maybe losing their throne, then all they would do is leave and live in the South of France or some other wanker place like that and the average Arab will be the one who pays.
Once the Persians have been "dismissed", the Arabs would resume fighting and would be able to concentrate all their efforts against the US and Israel.
yalla i'm over the moon. what excellent news....i was literally jumping with joy when i heard the story..........this really made my day
mine too
yeah layla he was spot on......it just goes to show what great foresight he had, amongst many other qualities
That little worthless province called Kuwait
So when the vermin called the Kuwaitis which is really nothing but our 19th province
When that dirty lowly whore ridden 19th province
not a big fan of kuwait then???
i bet theyre not laughing at you now.....stupid dickheads
i'm sure this wasn't deliberate
sure has
fingers crossed
Layla you should know enough of human nature to understand that Arab support for Iran is a fall back out of helplessness, not a first choice nor a free choice.
Those wretched people feel overwhelmed by the US/Zionist military superiority and desperately need to believe in anyone who promises to liberate them, even if it is a blatant lie.
Am sure they would be much happier to pin their hopes in a genuine Arab nationalist leader/movement, if only there was still one alive/active...
im sorry "mo" but that SIMPLY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH
what about yemen???
Maybe the Arabs should beat the Persians at their own game, that is strike a deal with the US that makes this latter no longer need Iran's collaboration in the ME.
Once the Persians have been "dismissed", the Arabs would resume fighting and would be able to concentrate all their efforts against the US and Israel.
you are the the most useless "stategist" i have ever come across
What about it?
They are too busy catching "terrorists" for the yanks and jewish maggots.
Why sad Barabie ? Why loyalty when loyalty is undeserved.
The only two things that make me very sad is DESTROYED and MURDERED IRAQ and PALESTINE.
Iraq has been loyal to the Arab cause, to the concept and vision of Arabism. But we were very much alone and very abandoned for nearly 20 years. Iraq and the Iraqis upheld the banner of Arabism, and Arab causes, first and foremost Palestine, but look around you now, how many credits and favors did we get in return ?
The romantic political ideal upheld by pan arabism, and also by Saddam Hussein, cost us too much, the Arab world was not ready or willing.
We were and ARE the sacrficial lamb and how many more lambs does it take ? Abraham was given one instead of his son, but we have given our sons and daughters, no sheep here.
So you feel sorry for the Kuwaiti people ? I don't.
And since you have interest in Islam you may need to remember that Islamic ayat from the Koran
that says to the effect
The way you have treated or directed your affairs, is the way you shall be treated and directed...
So yes am happy. Our blood is not cheap, nor our lives.
I will have to disagree with you here. You said "that Arab support for Iran is a fall back out of helplessness, not a first choice nor a free choice"
Not quite accurate. Arab support for Iran only came about after the big comedy show of the Israeli aggression on Lebanon and the Hizb divine victory.
Arab support for Iran is based on the REFUSAL, categorical REFUSAL to see and admit the Iranian role in the destruction and slaughter alongside the US-Israel duo, of Iraq and IRAQIS.
Mo you don't seem to understand that IRAQ as an ARAB nation has been wiped out. You also refuse to see that. But I know that. I know it.
Shut the fuck up !
when are you moving to Sainsbury's ? Or up a few posh notches to Waitrose ?
Seems you don't read Chomsky. Check out his article in foreign affairs if am not mistaken, on role of shiite in the new Arab "Nahda" or renaissance...hahahahahaha
It may help if you begin with a change of name...loooooooooool.
Your name is a put off for starters, doubtful anyone would want to kiss you with a name like mary lou.
Actually, about 6 months ago and the press did not give it much attention, there have been serious incidents of a sectarian nature between the small shiite tribes in Yemen and the government.
Honestly KMWR, you are far off the mark here and have been quite some time regarding regime change in Iran.
It is like me saying there is a flood growing next door and has already destroyed a couple of houses and is spreading all over and you coming and tell me, the neighborhood I live in is ARID and DRY. This is simply no longer acceptable.
Anyways, I was just curious to know if Iraqi guys are good kissers, 'cause the guys in my high school here in Boston seem all kinda pent-up when not gay, so I was wondering if that's just an American/Western thing or it's happening all over the world.
By the way, I think your country is great. I love your ancient history, the pyramids, the mount Olympus, those sacred cows in the streets etc. But you shouldn't force your women to wear those horrible burqas, it's so primitive.
Well, wish you well and looking forward for your reply.
See you. Bye.
Layla, Layla...You speak this way because you are a sister...a disappointed, angry, proud sister...rightly so...but to Her it is different...for She is a MOTHER :-)
A Mother does not care if Her children are ungrateful or "prodigal"... She gives them Their love for free, expecting nothing back, and never ever gives up Her faith...because they are Her and She is them...and to doom them would mean to doom Herself...
Don't try to have a shot at this...just keep it in your mind...one day you will agree with me...and with Her...
Nah, read my post on temples, the two faces of the Mother.
hahahahahahaha, either you are very very very ignorant and dumb or trying to play smart. Either way you lose.
The Pyramids are not in Iraq and the Sacred Cows happen to be in as for mount Olympus....oh well !
Don't they teach you geography in your high school or do you spend all your time checking out those Ayrabs for a lay ?
Stupid cow that you are.
Yalla guess where do you find a holy cow ? hahahahahahahhaha
Fucking hell, americans are so fucking dumb.
Hello and nice to "see" you again. Thank you!
Neither ;-)
Then stop your obsession with our men, you're in a cul-de-sac ;-)
I don't have any "obsessions" about anyone or anything, if anything I have "feelings" (the one about you, for example, is called "affection" :-) )
And why, for heaven's and hell's sake, would I be in a "cul-de-sac" ???
I only know three cathegories of people who are in a "cul-de-sac" (even if they still don't realize it), and I belong to none of them ;-)
Keep up the good work.
Arrêtes ton cinéma, ma chère...And do re-write the script, the devil hides in the detail.
It saddens me that we have reached a point where we are celebrating the destruction of more Arab land.
And who are those average kuwaitis BUT former Iraqis seeing as kuwait is or was a province of Iraq.
That is because the Iraqi Arabs were blessed with a leader like Saddam Hussein.
Who did the rest of the Arabs have to lead them??????
saud? sabah? asaad? or that midget from Jordan? harriri?
No Layla the rest of the Arabs had traitors for leaders.
Do you honestly believe that if Saddam ruled another Arab country that that country wouldn't have made the same sacrifice?
I am not saying it was right or fair but just pointing out the fact the Iraqis were lucky and blessed to have such a hero lead them.
And why should I do that ? Are you color blind ?
That way you will not be missing me, since I shall be around for a long long time ;-)
Were the Iraqis also blessed for mourning over a million of theirs, when the rest of the Arab world, people included did not lift a finger ?
Again, I was JOKING.
I guess you forgot what that means... :-(
Be safe and victorious.
"The only two things that make me very sad is DESTROYED and MURDERED IRAQ and PALESTINE."
Nothing else?
in this big, wide world> nothing else?
(this is not related, but) im wondering what you make of the alleged plan to assassinate maliki for being too close to iran/ not as compliant as the occupation would like.
your take on things is very interesting - esp iran related - and im sure you're aware the recent flurry of events.
best wishes by the way
Mary Lou is right and you are wrong. Mary Lou did some research for her high school term paper and found that cows have indeed been imported into EyeRaq. Alas, they are not sacred but rather cash cows ( I know Mary Lou; she is cute and must be forgiven for this minor oversight) From the land where cows are everywhere, one of India's largest companies and India's richest man, Mukesh Ambani, has struck an oil deal with the Kurds. The Indians are all too familiar with cattle and certainly know how to milk cash cows. Forget about President Saddam Hussein's steady support of India's position on the Kashmir issue which is reminiscent of his support of the Palestinian cause and concomitant, deep gratitude. There is now a new alliance of opportunity between the Zionist entity, America and India. And pigs do not want to be left out from feeding at the trough. By the way, the Israeli army chief visited India a few days ago in the interests of promoting defense ties---which have escalated dramatically in the last few years---and also to give India advice on 'counterinsurgency'. Of course, there is no connection whatsoever with the Delhi bomb blasts that occurred this past Saturday and India's shift to the American-Israeli sphere, its counterinsurgency operations in Kashmir a la Israel and its major support of the puppet Karzai in Afghansitan. But then again, Mary Lou could have told you that.
I know AND understand you are pissed off but you have to look at the bigger picture.
What could those Arabs "people included" do when their governments would not have allowed it???
Just look at Hama and what asaad did to them when they tried to rise up.
Now if they had a leader like Saddam Hussein and THEN did nothing, i could understand your anger with the general Arab population.
Now in saying that, i will also say this.
It is high time the Arabs as a WHOLE did revolt against their treacherous governments, even if they lose 50,000 to 200,000 people, because they will lose a lot more if they don't fucking wake up!
I hope you realize one day that it was Saddam who invited US to the Middle East with the red carpet laid out, so now they are drawing the NEW map for the NEW ......signed by the NEW WORLD ORDER.
By the way, I know how much it hurts, when someone you love can be so DUMB. You should be more careful in your choice next time, miilions of people, or your handsome hero????!!!!
Are you sure it wasn't that bikhsh atabikhsh?
You are so good to laugh at.
It is good to see, both you and layla are ecstatically in a good mood today. But you both really should try and get educated in history.
Lyla Anwar wrot: "So yes Ladies and Gentlemen, Iran has infiltrated the Kuwaiti state apparatus, just like Israel and America helped it (Iran) turn Iraq into a fascist, sectarian shiite/kurdish country , and just like Israel and America will help it wreck havoc in Pakistan, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia but maybe not Lebanon anymore, now that Nasrallah and his thugs and the Iranian prodigal child - Syria, have struck deals with Zion."
You, as well as an entire Arab world knows that the brutality in Iraq do NOT have to do with Shiia or Sunni. Religion, as always, is a old, effective excuse and alibi, of course. You Know that. And the religious rhetoric is just a mask for the colonal reality in Iraq. That reality as we know, talking the language of violence, the naked, the better. You know that. The brutality in Iraq is a deliberate policy. What is happening in Iraq is a true colonial policy and the religion is a pretext for the inhumane and racist colonialism. To portray the war in Iraq as a war between Shiites and Sunnis is an abnormally colonial normality. Would the U.S., Israel say that the war in Iraq is about geopolitics? Of course not. Colonialism has always presented itself as a "mediator in the conflict." It is a truism. We can not understand today's Iraq by religious analysis. The religious analysis is a part of the problems Iraq goes through. The bloody and the brutal reality in Iraq is not about confesionell divisions, you know it, the Arab Islamic street knows that. The absolute majority Shiites and Sunnis have never had a part in the brutality of today's iraq despite the fact that the U.S. occupying forces are doing their best to put Shiites against Sunnis. The majority Shiites and Sunnis are subject to a brutal, common occupation. The majority Shiites and Sunnis feel they have a common enemy. According to reliable studies that have been made so far Shiites and Sunnis considers United States as a root cause of their suffering. Do not go to a Layla Anwar to retrieve the truth. Go to the ordinary people of the suffering Iraq. The blind hatred has never liberated a people. The blind hatred of a Layla Anwar is reactionary. Its task is not to liberate a people. The task of a blind hatred, whether Layla Anwar want to recognize it or not is An implosion. The blind hatred is an obstacle. Gå to ordinary Iraqi people and they would tell you the naked truth. In the bitter middle of a national liberation, it is much easier to turn a blind eye to what is painful. It is much harder to see hell and confronted with it. In a fight for a national liberation, we must see the unseeable and say the unspeakable. The fight for a national liberation reveals, kills our beliefs and gives birth to new truths. National liberation deeply offends, brings disappointment, forcing us to abandon our loved beliefs, our 'faith', national liberation not compromise, not negotiating. The national liberation can question us, forcing us to abandon patterns, pick up new ones, go ahead, lick our wounds, national liberation has no god. National liberation retrieve their gods from the places where men and women giving their blood, where children are denied life of the Western barbarism, where mothers and sisters raped, where pride is pressed to the ground.
Our Arab strength reduced by imperialist interests, by the most inhumane and horrifying barbarism in human history, the United States and Israel and not by our Shiit brothers and sisters.
Iran: the country fighting for its survival. Those who are fighting for their survival using any means. This survival may also include survival at the expense of another life. Survival has no value, survival has no confessions, no god, no morality. In the case of Iran the survival is not Shiite, not even religious. You know this only too well. Therefore, you have a great responsibility. Iran does what the United States agree. Iran's strength depends on arabers weakness, a weakness that is the direct result of a highly conscious, colonial strategy and colonial policies that have been held, thought out, financed by the United States and its colonial outpost Israel. Iran can not act in the region without the U.S. green light. Whatever Iran is doing in the Arab countries are directly approved by the United States. This means that arabers mean antagonist is not Iran. I defend not what Iran is doing. I'm trying to see where our Arabic, weakened, reduced and limited strength can be effectively used. Iran is not the amount in an analysis. Iran should be part of an analysis. Todays Iraq, Iran, the entire Middle East can never be understood regionalistcly. Iran, Iraq, throughout the Middle East can only be understood in a global context.
Iran plays an ugly game, yeas. But Which forces have enabled this ugly game? Which factors hav enabled Iran's ugly game? Irans strenght is the Arab weakness. But Which forces are responsible for our weakness? Which forces have reduced the strength of the Arabs? U.S. and Israel. Is it than reasonable to make Iran to the Arabs mean antagonist? Iran would not be able to play this game without the U.S. and Israel's direct consent. Iran will do everything (even at the expense the Arabs) in its power to avoid a U.S. Why paint up this survival as a Shiite one? Iran's struggle for survival is not Shiite. Saudi Arabias struggle for survival is not Sunni. The struggle of fachist so called Green Zoon in Baghdad is never a Shiite struggle. Neither Saudi Arabias, or the fachist Green Zoons, or Iran's behaviour can be understood religiously. It can only be understood in its proper and real context. Religion explains rarely power.
Shiite or Sunni is not the issue. The question is, and will continue to be and remain colonial, imperialistic, Zionist, geopolitical.
I repeat, survival has no god, no Imam, no religion, no Masengers, naked interests have no moral concerns. The tragedy in Iraq can never refers to terms Sunni and shiia. The tragedy in Iraq is the direct consequence of the Western barbaric crimes against the humanity, against the history, against the existence, against the peace, against the truth, against the people whose only "crime" is that they are coloured and named Muhammed. Terms such as the Sunni and shiia brings me not to Iraq, not even to my self. The concepts brings me absolutely nowhere. They lead me just to sectarianism, more tragedy, more humiliation, division and defeat.
If the U.S. would lose the battle in Iraq, if the barbarism of United States defeated in Iraq, Iran and other countries in the region would never act as they do and would be forced to reassess their policy. To defeat the U.S. at the same time is to put an end to Iran's ugly game. But the reverse is an tragic illusion, an implosion in the long term for us Arabs. Each resonable and logical struggling human being should see this. Any true arabnationalist should realize that while time still exist. Beat the U.S. in Iraq and you will remove Iran's ugly game. But never, never, never vice versa. Focusing our Arab strength on the fight against Iran weakens our Arab forces and strengthen our mean antagonists, the United States and Israel. There is another word for this: balkanisation. Focusing Arab force on the fight against Iran will increase our weakness against the U.S. As long as the U.S. is winning in Iraq, the Arabs will be subject to all kinds of regional predators, but never, never visa versa, never.
Have I wrong or right? And if I am right, which I think I am, is it then wise, prudent, responsible to identified Iran as the main enemy of the Arabs? I am not saying that because I have sympathy for Iran. I say that because I can see how unwise our tactics have become.
I am not defending Iran. All I have been trying to say is that we Arabs have to fight with the highest sense, to distinguish a larger enemy from a smaller, make our people suffer less, give up our feelings and prejudices, analyse what brings us closer to our goal, causing us minor damage, gives us more success, opening up new horizons, making us aware, manages our forces rationally, alinates us less, will bring us closer to the world of the Arab street, without which our efforts turned into a tragicomic elitism. All I have been trying to say is that feelings and resentment, how legitimate they are, could prevent us from studying the facts in a reasonable manér, in a sensible manér, in a apparent manér. All I have been trying to say with my limited English is that we Arabs have to fight rationaly, se what gives us more advantages and what gives us less benefits. All I have been trying to say is that we Arabs need to allocate our scarce strength rationaly if we want to extract a maximum benefit out of it. Why? Because I believe that the fight will be long. Because the rational management of our forces is a must for the people who want to succeed. Feelings and resentment can offer a temporary and false refuge. But a lasting relief is provided by a distinct and resolute sense, because otherwise we will become foreign refugees in our own countries, in the thinking and the experience of our own masses. Have we not had enough of this in our Arabic history, my brothers and sisters!?
Freedom is not an order. No one can give us freedom. Freedom, by its nature is a matter of taking. Anyone who gives us our freedom has also deprived us that freedom.
We have to look at a new way, in a way that the enemy is not yet ifiltrerated. We must at all times, day and night and with our enslaved Arabic masses take the lead from the enemy. We must once again revive the question: Who is the enemy, who is the friend? Or to put it with the legendary Chinese SUN TZU: "If you know the enemy
and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a
hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy,
for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will
succumb in every battle. "(The Art of War)
A Aarabnationalist.
Death or our Arab homeland!
It is said that 'Arabs talk alot and do little'.
Well, you proved that the you like to talk...talk...talk. Talk retarded
Tell the victims of the Al-Sadr gangs that their torturers are not shiia and " to distinguish a larger enemy from a smaller"...
"Saudi Arabias struggle for survival"..is you crazy? or do mix common people with the State Saudi Arabia?
Let me give you some food for thought: YOur ranting is full of resentment and has no sense of unity. It's full of contradictions.
There's no "fighting rationally".
Iran is way beyond survival,
Yes, you are defending Iran and
No, no outside forces are more responsible for your weakness than YOU.
Arabs chose to believe the British and went to fight against the Ottomans, they had the Sunni-Shia vendetta before colonialism came over. Stop blaming others for the lack of unity among yourself. The Abbas-clown is a Palestinian, and the Maliki-clown is and Iraqi and you are a 'studdering bigmouth' in the Monthy Python sense.
Talkin' loud, saying nothing, mixing truism with tautology and 'thinking wisdom' with quotes from Sun Tzu and uttering absurdities like "Focusing Arab force on the fight against Iran will increase our weakness against the U.S." or "Death or our Arab homeland!" (well they are too many :)
Maybe you should go hang out with NUR, you guys can discuss dates vs. pistachios. She seems to be as much of a nutcase as you are.
Saddam didn't like eating pistachios on the red carpet and probably became roommates with Ataturk in St. Peter's palace in Heaven. I can imagine thme playing poker with Jesus.
Now, on a serious note: NEW WORLD ORDER is not orderly but hurtful. I know how much it hurts, when your handsome hero makes you sit in your lap and caresses your tender breasts. (OH, stop Mustafa Kemal !)
I know how much fun it can be but essentially it's a painful affair to dance with PKK.
Last week, I talked to Generals Büyükanıt and Başbuğ during the handover ceremony. I had been wondering about their assessments of the recent PKK sabotages.They started at the beginning of July and in August, not a day went by without an attack.
THey said we are rescued from a series of disasters at the last moment by the gracious CIA.
You know what, guys, I'm proud to be part of a nation that is known around the world as one of the most loyal lapdogs of America. Long live Ataturk, long live America, long live Tayyip and Turkish martyrs!!!!
I know myself, and that's more than you can say about nutcases. You really should try and get educated in psychology.
Your comment does not deserve even a saliva.
Do you think I buy your nonsense: "There's no" fighting rationally "?
Yes Urungo struggle is science, the fight is not big disgusting mouths, I would like to inform you that in the struggle, people use their heads and not their assholes, not the blind hatred against Shiites, against their own brothers. The fight is not beer, alcohol and cheap and meaningless words. Only rational people can liberate their people, only sensible people can liberate their country, not idiots lik you and your despicable types. Fight is science and not a suicide. The rest of your letter, I would not even waste a single moment of my time on.
A Arabnationalist
Am I less arab just because I do not believe that the conflict in the Middle East is a conflict between the Shiite and Sunni masses? Am I less Arab than any other just because I am not crying out my hatred of a Shiite neighbour? If this is arabism then seems my arabism as a blind hatred and disease in the world's eyes?
Am I less Arab and more Iranian only because I believe that the responsibility for the bloody tragedy in the Middle East rests on the strongest part, namely the U.S. and Israel?
Am I less arab only because I believe that our arabic forces are limited and that these limited forces should be used rationally in order to extract a maximum output from them? If that makes me less Arab, is then arabism a disease, a hopeless insanity, an empty phrase, a double-edged rhetoric, a ridiculous behaviour in the eyes of the world? Am I less arab only because I believe that I am Arab regardless of my religion, regardless of shiia and the Sunni?
Were not our ancestors Arabs long before the emergence of Islam?
I feel sorry for you Layla Anwar. Is the Shiites less Arabic than the Sunnis? Is nationality a result of relligion? Are the Shiites not Arabs only because they bilong to the shiiaislam? We are already tragicomic Layla Anwar. Do you want to make us even more tragicomic than we already are? Is the martyr Hussein a Iranian? Is the Imam Ali shoorogi (false Arab, the term used by the dishonest Layla Anwar against shiits)? Was Ali's wife and the prophet's daughter Fatima a Iranian, or shroogi? Is Fatimes children shroogi? Brilliant Lyla Anwar !!!!!!
Am I less arab only because I believe that arabism should be proven in deeds and not in a rhetoric brawl? Am I automatically Iranian only because I believe that Layla Anwar preference for duality shiia the Sunni is doomed to failure?
A Aranbationalist
The Arabic Fatherland or death!
I am false arabnationalist? Really? Really? The criteria Anwar, the criteria? Who provides them? You? Your sectarianism? Criteria of madness and blind hatred?
We will see Anwar, we will see, time will tell which people will suffer because of your irrational sectarianism and blind hatred. The time Mrs Anwar, the time. Time will tell who will serve on your blind and sectarian hatred. Have I said the United States and Israel? Quiet, not a more word, because the whole Anwar false image is crumbling! ISRAEL AND U.S. WILL BUY YOUR SERVICES IN "THE NEW MIDDLE EAST !!!!!!!!!!!
A Arabnationalist
Death or our Arab homeland
Yes struggle must be rational otherwise the fight lead us to an inevitable suicide. It is rationality that frightens the enemy, not sectarianism. Sectarianism and chaos is the enemy saving angel of our enemy. Why has the conservarive and Zionist right wing in US invented the concept of Creative Chaos?
Yes to a reasonable fight. No to irattionality and sectarian madness!
Our Arab homeland or death!
A Arabnationalism
"Am I less Arab and more Iranian only because I believe that the responsibility for the bloody tragedy in the Middle East rests on the strongest part, namely the U.S. and Israel?"
REALLY??? ONLY on the "strongest PART"????
What about the responsibility of the OTHER PARTS like iran?????
Or do we just allow them to massacre us and we should blame the jewish maggots and yanks???
Get fucking REAL!
I will give you a hypothetical legal scenario and you can see how ridiculous you are.
If i decide to rob a bank and recruit a couple of weaklings, who normally wouldn't carry out such a crime on their own, and we go ahead and rob the bank, then are caught.
The courts are not going to lay LESS blame on them than me, you moron.
Fucking idiot!
Think WW1 and how the traitors helped the poms back then and fucking history repeats itself AGAIN but the fucking Arabs are too blind too see how low these shite shitheads are.
Who would ever want to dance with pkk??!! A bunch of drugged out zombies living in caves!!! Living off the drug mafia money of the pkk!!!So Barzani and his western friends can go on more shopping trips to Milan??!!! I will tell about your stupid comments to the 17 million Kurds living here tomorrow, and they will not be satisfied with roaring with laughter, they will be laughing their asses off, at your ignorance and your inferiority complex!!!!!!!!
The Italians did exactly the same thing as the yanks, murdered a hero by the name of Omar Mukhtar like the yanks murdered a hero by the name of Saddam Hussein. May they both rest in peace.
We laughed, we laughed and we laughed. Thank you for this madness, thank you for this disease. It was a long time since we laughed so good. Do you think that hatred can save you from your worthless life, your life as a dog?
I do not think so. The hatred has become your identity. Without this identity, you can not function. Without this identity, you can scarcely find the path to a toilet.
We laughed, we laughed and we laughed. Thank the dog, thank you sectarian dog!
A Arabnationalist
Hey Aarabnationalist, you are not less Arab for kissing shiia ass but it smells more when you talk. You must be put together with NUR, you lunatics should really victimize each other with your madness...
I gotta feeling the Aarabnationalist needs to be in a straight-jacket though...Maybe an electroshock once a week or so when he gets too excited about "his" people being liberated by his mad mumblings and starts barking about "fight with the highest sense"-kaka...
How clear that Aarabnationalist is the favorite kind of enemy of colonialism. Not only a cowardly armchair-warrior with BiG words but a mildly retarded and extremely confused one.
I wanna dance with somebody, somebody that likes me for my pistachios and my unworthy comments.
I wanna dance with PKK!!! PKK warriors that like me for the way I dance with a rose in my mouth are HOT!!!
I like to dance with psycopaths as well but they have to give me more pistachios than PKK warriors.
Oh, when I dance, I like to sing "NUR KADININ AMCIĞI ORTAYA ÇIKTI", it's a classic from Dersim (a Kurdish city in Turkey)...I BET YOU didn't know all that about me, did you????17 million Kurds living here and so many of them danced with me that it hurts. ACIYOOOO!!!!!!!!APO SOKMA, ACIYOOOO!!!
We will see, we will see, time will tell which people will suffer because of your behaviour and remain colonial, imperialistic, Zionist, geopolitical.
I do not think so. The hatred has become my religion. I repeat, survival has no Green Zoons in its proper direct consequences. Allah says against the history, against the existence, against the peace, against the truth, against the people named Muhammed as the Sunni and shiia brings me not to Iraq and explains rarely power.If the U.S. whose only "crime" is to be forced to reassess their policy finds another word for naked humanity I accept that I never understood religiously but can be understood more tragedy, more humiliation, division and defeat. Iran's Shiite or Sunni is not the issue. The tragedy in Iraq brings me absolutely nowhere. The question is, and will continue to be a interest without no moral concerns. No god, no Imam, no religion, no messengers, can never refers to terms Sunni and shiia. The concepts in the region would never act as they do and would to defeat the U.S. just to sectarianism for us Arabs,
Have I wrong or right? And if I have right, which I think I am not, is it then wise, prudent, responsible, coloured, not even myself, lose the battle in Iraq!!!
But the reverse is an ugly game, a tragic illusion, an implosion, logical struggling of this true arabnationalist should realize that while time still weakens our Arab forces and strengthen our Iraq, Iran and other countries at the same time.
I would, if the barbarism of United States defeated in Israel in the long term and human beings should see this. Any beat in Iraq and you will remove vice focusing on the fight against mean antagonists, and balkanisation because I have sympathy for Iran. I say that because I can see how unwise our tactics have become.
A Arabnationalist
Dont Quote my words, the words of a tru Arabnationalist!
Quote me not without context. It is an cheap and low manér. It is a cowardly way. Even the dogs trying to sound authentic.
Dont missuse my words. Only miserable wild boar and pigs can do så!
A arabnationalist
Urungu wrote, I mean rap, I mean hated, I mean selfdegereated like this: "Hey Aarabnationalist, you are not less Arab for kissing shiia ass but it smells more when you talk."
Everything is in these words, everything except substance, everything, meaningless sounds that leads to further sound of invective, sounds to justify themselves by sound, an blind sectarian hatred against people who are not in Layla Anwar taste, the Shiites. What do you do as an immigrant in the West, two things: fighting to preserve its authenticity, or expressing hatredof against their own kinds. Urungu and Layla Anwar has chosen self-denial, hatred against their own kind. It is simple and requires a minimum of pride and more humiliation.
A Arabnationalist
Death or our Arab homeland
You are alone. You become more and more alone. Because the hate isolates. Loneliness is the relentless consequence of a blind hatred. Hat makes a human being ugly. The real isolation starts in the feelings. To hate is simple. To fight with reason is much more difficult, but the more effective. The hatred is preventing you to make a distinction between friends and enemies. The hatred makes you alien in the eyes of Sunni and Shiite masses. The hatred deprive you the pure water of thought. The hatred turn you into a collection of tragicomic anactods. You have chosen the alone and therefore, the tragicomic "hero". You becomes Don Quixote which attacks each windmill (all Shiites), which he sees.
Your hat makes you alien for 60% of the Iraqi population. Even though it does not matter to you. Because sectarianism is your goal, your reality, your truth, your real true self.
My final word: Be sensible! Remember the "new" concept of the US imperialism: "Creating Chaos". Be smart. I know that words like common sense seems to be hopeless when winds of hatred and sectarianism winds. But it is in the interest of the Arabs not to act emotionally. We will not be able to isolate our Arab traitor by the sectarian hatred. These traitors are playing on the sectarian hatred. We can only isolate these infame traotors by a relentless rational thinking.
Continue to be ill but does not make it in the name of the sunnits.
Remember that! You will never get me to hate Sunnis. Never, never, never. Quite simply because I refuse to subject myself to self-denial. I do not want the Arabs to hate each other. My own father, two of my cousins, my only brother died in the fight for our Arab homeland relief. They died for the white man's fire.
I have certainly used strong words against you. For that, I apologise. But my criticism of you remain.
Thank you for the time that I could write to your blog!
God is greatest. God is greatest. God is greatest. We shall prevail.
I am a Sunni. I am the Shiite. I am a Muslim. I am a arabnationalist.
You have still not told me about the SHIITE MILITIAS funded and armed by IRAN who massacred, drilled, raped, tortured, men and women , IRAQI men and women !!!!
I repeat, you are a LIAR, a FAKE, worthless LIAR !!!!!
You ask me what I think of those who kill Sunnis in Iraq. What do you think? What do you think I'm going to say about them? They are nothing more than a infam and criminal gang of killers. Without the occupation, they would not have been able to act like this.
Their acts should be condemned and juged for what they are, namely criminal acts.
Without the U.S., this veritable perfidity never have been possible.
You ask me what I thing of these killers and butchers. Like all other people who have pride I condemn these sick killers and their terrible brutality.
These terrible killers are what they are, namely, cold-blooded terrible killers. They are not murderers because they are Shiites. They are not Shiites because they are murderers! It is this madness and irrational behavior, I want to warn against. It is the enemy's dream and my suffering arab peoples nightmare. At a fair court, they will not be judged as Shiites but as murderers, as a people who are guilty of murder and torture. It is the dividing line between you, Layla Anwar and me. It is a terrible insult to the victims to consider these cold-blooded murderers and their criminal acts sectarian and religiously. I do not want to see courts juge relligiously. It is a mockery, it is an insult to the victims and their unimaginable suffering to juge these criminal gangs religiously and sectarian.
Of course, the neighbouring countries have a hand in Iraq.
But I refuse to do a Shiite interpretation of this hand. This hand became possible thanks to the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
These murderers and their men in the fachist Green Zone, are murderers because of their actions and not because of their religious faith. In the event of Iraq's liberation, I would judge these collaborators and horrific murderer as a murderer and not as Shiite perpetrators. If I give after for this sectarian and crazy "logic" I must also condemn Sunni collaborators who cooperate with the fachist Green Zone and the American master of the Zone as Sunnis and not because of their cooperation with the occupying forces.
Excuse my English and my linguistic shortcomings.
The Arabic Fatherland or death!
The american fachist enemy will be defeated in Iraq.
Always towards victory!
A Arabnationalist!
you still have not understood what is going on, have you???!!! that is how brilliant you are!!!!!
Nobody understands nothing, everybody stupid!!
Only Ataturk and NUR understand, but nobody understands them. I like nuts and I am brilliant!!!
When you realize what a servant you have been to the US and western Vatican, call me, and I will show you the way to get your head out from the holes you so adore!!!!!! Tits, vaginas and assholes!!!! I will show you the way to get your head out from them!!!!!!!!
The whole world knows now, you acted with Armenians, killing Turkish civilians, what for???!!! So you could have a land called Kurdistan???!!!! Cem Sultan granted that to you, 17th century, what have you done with it??!! Farmed it, taken care of it, planted trees on it???!!!! What have you done with Kurdistan, you pervert???!!! Who stopped you, or layla from being the US in the middle east???!!!! God only knows, how you both would like to be in Bush's shoes!!!!!!
you STONE your women to death, should I say more??!!!!
Cem Sultan granted lots of pistachio ice creams but I am not posting anymore, see! BACK STABBER, you COWARD!!!! Bilirim,arkama kullanmaya çalıştığın sik büyük, beni aşar. What you meanTurks are extra sensitive about the Kurdish problem and flip our tops when someone points out that we stole a land called Kurdistan???!!!! Wasn't it Ataturk and Tayyip that took my lonely ass, farmed it, taken care of it, planted trees on it???!!!! God only knows, how they both would like to lick Bush's ice-cream.
Çukurca’ya (Çelê) bağlı Geman karakolu çevresinde Türk ordusu tarafından bir operasyon başlatıldı. Aynı gün akşam saat 17:00 sıralarında gerillalar tarafından operasyon güçlerine yönelik olarak bir eylem gerçekleştirildi. Ağır ve ferdi silahlarla gerçekleştirilen eylemde 6 asker ölürken, 4 asker yaralandı. 'Siktik' yani.
Öte yandan bu sabah Kato Jirka’ya bağlı Meydan Kolyan ve Meydan Casuse alanlarında Türk ordusu tarafından yeni bir operasyon başlatıldı. Operasyon halen sürüyor. Öteki geberen askerlerini saklarlar artık.
NUR, güzel yerde yaşıyorsun.
I hate Kurds, I hate British, US, Greek, Armenian, Australian, Iranian, Russian, Icelandic, French, Italian, Kenyan, Chilean, Brazilian and Scottish!!!!!!!
Actually I only like Ataturk and pistachio ice-cream. So love me tender, love me bang-bang.
I'm just a Turkish orospu with a big mouth.
Şehit evlerinde, Kürtçe ağıtlar da yakılıyor!
And I hope what you have wished for me returns to you a thousand fold OROSPU ÇOCUĞU!!!!!
And I hope what you have wished for me returns to you a thousand fold OROSPU ÇOCUĞU!!!!!
Senin gibilerini ne güzel sikerim.
Bacak omza hesabı.
Sikimin NURu the Light
OROSPU ÇOCUĞU; how many did your mother???!!!
And thank you layla anwar, you were just about to craddle me to oblivion, when I woke up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Peace at home and peace in the world!"
Wishful he was, he thought layla and her kindred COULD understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ATATÜRK in donkey-heaven, oh there's someone pissing on his picture, I think he's a KÜRT.
"Pistachios at home and laughingstock of the world!"
Yok ırgalayamadın, biraz daha ver, Nurum.
Not that you zavallılar are extra sensitive about the Kurdish problem, not that you feel weak and crippled discussing the Kurdish (or any) problem without the protection of fascist and absurd turkish laws. You can stop youtube with the fear of realities, but you cannot reach outside of your American vassal country. Maybe you have better chances begging CIA than informing the Turkish Armed Forces. Maybe they pick me up and deliver me to Turkish Armed Forces like they did to Apo.
Then you can be happy like the reality-disconnected turkeys that you are, going around gloogloo-gloo-gloogloo, until the gerilla sends some more mehmetpiçi to kingdom cum.
Hadi anca verirsin kapıda bekleyen gençlere, götümün nuru.