"Arabia Felix" in search of Herself...

Just yesterday, in the comment section, the name of Arabia Felix popped up. Arabia Felix was originally coined to designate the Yemen, and then became some sort of orientalist cliché for the whole of Arabia. Arabia the Happy One or L'Arabie Heureuse.
L'Arabie is far from being heureuse, thanks to the Orientalists and Colonialists of this world. L'Arabie is bleeding on all levels - moral, political, financial, ecological, social and spiritual...from the individual to the collectivity, from the child to the elderly... Denial comes in handy, a necessary defense mechanism. A wishful thought, an ostrich...
And there are no sheer coincidences in "Arabia." I have noticed that, on numerous occasions.
At times it scares me, as if the mere mention of a name, a word, will trigger an event, an incident, and confirm the deep suspicion, or simply shed light on more truths unravelling themselves before my very eyes.
This has forced me to become cautious in my writings, choosing subjects carefully, mentioning names and places with extreme reverence, for I know, as it has happened over and over, that sooner than later, something will happen along the same lines...
I have tested this almost ethereal connection. Take for instance Arabia Felix - Yemen, and a few hours later a bomb goes off at the American Embassy in Yemen, followed by a statement from Bush to the effect - This is a reminder that we are still at war with Extremists. Referring to Yemen, and by implication to Arabia as whole...
Yemen has been experiencing for quite some time some serious sectarian conflicts in some of its tribal areas and now this.
I have become superstitious, politically superstitious. I don't think I possess an uncanny ability to tap into the unknown, it is more like a very predictable agenda, scenario, plot, unfolding...I just sense it first, by connecting the dots.
At times I feel I, we, in " Arabia" are dealing with forces beyond politics, with dark forces beyond our grasp and beyond our control. It feels almost like some battle on some other level, an almost astral one.
The rational part in me likes to dismiss this kind of "hocus pocus", arming itself with theories and empirical facts. The other part of me, the "Arabian" part, believes that a decisive battle is taking place, on many fronts and on many levels, some of which I cannot full comprehend. It is indeed beyond politics and culture, beyond the "clash of civilizations"...
So yes, somewhere along the lines, I do understand the "Islamic" response, because deep in the collective psyche of "Arabia", Islam as a -- concept /thought or way of cognizance or life (not merely a personal system of religious beliefs) can appear as the only viable anchor, reference and defense.
It is not some archaic response as some like to believe. Sure, it is cultivated and played upon by politics and politicians with their own specific ideological agenda. However, it does resonate and strike many chords in the collective psyche and also provides a buffer, both temporal and spiritual from these external attacks, these incessant attacks on the "Arabian body."
And this "Body" has not been given respite. Assailed, constantly assailed, it has no time to reflect and no time to heal. It has no time and no space to find "rational" solutions, it reacts by falling back onto what it knows best or more aptly said -- on what it is most intimate with. Like some inner force that has been relegated to some private domain but has now come to the forefront, filling a vacuum and affirming itself.
And I may add that what it knows best or this resurgent force may not prove to be such a bad thing after all, maybe a necessary stepping stone - despite all of its downsides, a necessary and vital stepping stone to protect that "Arabian Body" or what is left of it. Unless of course, you are a partisan of new labour pangs and monstrous deliveries -- the new born Arabian Frankenstein.
Of course, we can discuss for days, the role of "Islam" particularly in its political dimension, and we may not reach any conclusion. But it seems to me, that "political Islam" (under its different shades and colors), as a counter force will have to be reckoned with, both on an individual and collective level. It may look like an impasse but it may also be a blessing. This is all open to debate.
And I invite Arabs in particular, to take a break from the bleeding "body", to use this blog as a starting point, a mini forum if you like, and start brainstorming, exchanging and hopefully conceptualizing, inventing, creating, a political model -- a culturally, historically specific, political model that may one day give birth to an Arabie Heureuse.
Painting : Iraqi artist, Kareem Farhan.
L'Arabie is far from being heureuse, thanks to the Orientalists and Colonialists of this world. L'Arabie is bleeding on all levels - moral, political, financial, ecological, social and spiritual...from the individual to the collectivity, from the child to the elderly... Denial comes in handy, a necessary defense mechanism. A wishful thought, an ostrich...
And there are no sheer coincidences in "Arabia." I have noticed that, on numerous occasions.
At times it scares me, as if the mere mention of a name, a word, will trigger an event, an incident, and confirm the deep suspicion, or simply shed light on more truths unravelling themselves before my very eyes.
This has forced me to become cautious in my writings, choosing subjects carefully, mentioning names and places with extreme reverence, for I know, as it has happened over and over, that sooner than later, something will happen along the same lines...
I have tested this almost ethereal connection. Take for instance Arabia Felix - Yemen, and a few hours later a bomb goes off at the American Embassy in Yemen, followed by a statement from Bush to the effect - This is a reminder that we are still at war with Extremists. Referring to Yemen, and by implication to Arabia as whole...
Yemen has been experiencing for quite some time some serious sectarian conflicts in some of its tribal areas and now this.
I have become superstitious, politically superstitious. I don't think I possess an uncanny ability to tap into the unknown, it is more like a very predictable agenda, scenario, plot, unfolding...I just sense it first, by connecting the dots.
At times I feel I, we, in " Arabia" are dealing with forces beyond politics, with dark forces beyond our grasp and beyond our control. It feels almost like some battle on some other level, an almost astral one.
The rational part in me likes to dismiss this kind of "hocus pocus", arming itself with theories and empirical facts. The other part of me, the "Arabian" part, believes that a decisive battle is taking place, on many fronts and on many levels, some of which I cannot full comprehend. It is indeed beyond politics and culture, beyond the "clash of civilizations"...
So yes, somewhere along the lines, I do understand the "Islamic" response, because deep in the collective psyche of "Arabia", Islam as a -- concept /thought or way of cognizance or life (not merely a personal system of religious beliefs) can appear as the only viable anchor, reference and defense.
It is not some archaic response as some like to believe. Sure, it is cultivated and played upon by politics and politicians with their own specific ideological agenda. However, it does resonate and strike many chords in the collective psyche and also provides a buffer, both temporal and spiritual from these external attacks, these incessant attacks on the "Arabian body."
And this "Body" has not been given respite. Assailed, constantly assailed, it has no time to reflect and no time to heal. It has no time and no space to find "rational" solutions, it reacts by falling back onto what it knows best or more aptly said -- on what it is most intimate with. Like some inner force that has been relegated to some private domain but has now come to the forefront, filling a vacuum and affirming itself.
And I may add that what it knows best or this resurgent force may not prove to be such a bad thing after all, maybe a necessary stepping stone - despite all of its downsides, a necessary and vital stepping stone to protect that "Arabian Body" or what is left of it. Unless of course, you are a partisan of new labour pangs and monstrous deliveries -- the new born Arabian Frankenstein.
Of course, we can discuss for days, the role of "Islam" particularly in its political dimension, and we may not reach any conclusion. But it seems to me, that "political Islam" (under its different shades and colors), as a counter force will have to be reckoned with, both on an individual and collective level. It may look like an impasse but it may also be a blessing. This is all open to debate.
And I invite Arabs in particular, to take a break from the bleeding "body", to use this blog as a starting point, a mini forum if you like, and start brainstorming, exchanging and hopefully conceptualizing, inventing, creating, a political model -- a culturally, historically specific, political model that may one day give birth to an Arabie Heureuse.
Painting : Iraqi artist, Kareem Farhan.
"These humans, what a pain in the neck, always at the same point, where did I go wrong ?"
Bravo Layla but may i make a suggestion?
Don't criticize anyone for their "ideas" no matter how wild.
Let us all speak our minds, even if those "minds" are not there.
I am serious in mentioning the above.
If you need help with setting it up, i am MORE THAN WILLING to help.
Maybe you should start the FIRST virtual worldwide political party.
I am serious in mentioning the above.
thats a good start bARABie........do you think u cud draw up a charter???
layla i agree with bARABie this is an EXCELLENT IDEA
layla whats a "Arabie Heureuse"?
layla ignore that.........just checked other comments section and found it in there
Am not sure God is so enthusiast to leave His blissful angel-shrouded Throne for the dust and clangor of the battlefield like a pagan passion-driven Mars or Minerva...
"These humans, what a pain in the neck, always at the same point, where did I go wrong ?"
layla plz delete this post
layla whats a "Arabie Heureuse"?
18/9/08 1:56 AM
Read the comments section in Layla's previous post.
bARABie how can you be MORE than willing?
18/9/08 1:52 AM"
Do i really need to teach you English?
Meaning i am not just willing but able, eager, happy blah blah blah to assist.
If Layla does start a party and DOES ask for my help, then certainly i am more than willing :) to assist.
"jimmy cricket said...
bARABie how can you be MORE than willing?
18/9/08 1:52 AM"
Do i really need to teach you English?
Meaning i am not just willing but able, eager, happy blah blah blah to assist
bARABie you cannot be MORE than willing....no such thing exists after willing. once you are willing that is it.....you cannot go above that. "more than willing" is nonsensical and i would appreciate it if you didnt use such absurd phrases in future
"do you think u cud draw up a charter???"
If Layla does start a party and DOES ask for my help, then certainly i am more than willing :) to assist.
well why don't u make a start now just in case she does want one, and keep the rest of us updated.......thanks
"If they have anything new to say, we would be open," he said. "I am more than willing to listen.""
And i would "appreciate it" if you learned proper English. Thanks. Oh the above was just one example, if you want more i am more than willing to provide more. :)
And if Layla doesn't then i have wasted my time and i am not "willing" to waste time. Time is precious afterall.
layla sorry 2 say but it might be that u bring bad luck.
ur very lucky, u already have the job half-done. just take up where saddam left off n carry it out.
yes it cud be a winning weapon provided that u lay it down when peace is re-established. iraqi women n girls might want 2 enjoy life again without a non-secular government telling them how n how not.
18/9/08 6:51 AM
Anonymous mickey mouse said...
"Take for instance Arabia Felix - Yemen, and a few hours later a bomb goes off at the American Embassy in Yemen"
layla sorry 2 say but it might be that u bring bad luck
i mentioned yemen first b4 anyone u bastard
Jimmy Cricket is a Chomsky cocksucker.
"this resurgent force may not prove to be such a bad thing after all."
yes it cud be a winning weapon provided that u lay it down when peace is re-established. iraqi women n girls might want 2 enjoy life again without a non-secular government telling them how n how not.
good work but lets start getting into the nitty gritty of what the party is actually going to be about....time is running out
"Yahoo Chief Executive Jerry Yang told Reuters on Monday that he had "mixed feelings" about events over the weekend, when talks broke down, and was still open to negotiations.
"If they have anything new to say, we would be open," he said. "I am more than willing to listen.""
And i would "appreciate it" if you learned proper English. Thanks. Oh the above was just one example, if you want more i am more than willing to provide more. :)
bARABie plz lets stop wasting time on such inconsequential matters and get to the urgent matter on hand, namely that of forming the first VIRTUAL party
now let us never hear another word of it again
----------- THE END ------------
The sailor has nothing much to say. As she has said it all in a glance.
All I can do is salute the "Lady of Substance".
If I were to sail on your sea of wisdom and profound knowledge definitely I would drown. I must confess that I have to learn a lot from you. Nevertheless I will dare to add a word or two please bear with me.
As thousands of innocent Iraqis have lost their lives and scores of them are displaced, few people know the history of Iraq.
Every decade or so, we should remind ourselves of who the Iraqis are:
· Twelve thousand years ago they invented irrigated farming. They got to be so good at it that, they produced all the food they needed, even under “sanctions” were imposed.
· They invented writing,
· They figured out how to tell time,
· The founded modern mathematics,
· In the code of Hammurabi, they invented the first legal system that protects the weak, the widow and the orphan.
· Five thousand years ago they had philosophers who attempted to list every known thing in the world.
· They were using pythagoras’theorem 1,700 years before Pythagoras,
· They were the first people to build cities and live in them,
· Because they were great horse breeders, they invented the Calvary in war.
Iraq scaled greater heights under the rule of Saddam Hussein and its in-habitants enjoyed peace and tranquility.
Saddam Hussein was not only a charismatic personality but also a great statesman, who held the national fabric of the country together.It’s sad that the world realizes the true value of a person after his/her demise.
History speaks for itself that occupation and subjugation have never withstood the test of time. Nations have risen from dust to capture their rightful place on the world stage. Yes Iraq is subdued but not buried it will rise, yes rise it shall.
Before acknoweldge each single comment (when applicable) I really need to clarify a few points here.
- I have deliberately left the conclusion vague and open ended, meaning that it was an invitation to Arabs in particular to brainstorm a few essential points (in my opinion)
1) how does one reconcile the Islamic coloring or nature of the current Resistance movements (hamas, IR, for example) with a pan arab model, secular if you wish.
2) Is the pan arab secular model the only model ? ( be it Baathism or Nasserism), is the pan arab model a static idelogy, or can one expand on it, reformulate it, add to it, substract from it, taking into consideration the " resurgent force" i mentioned in the post.
and my 3rd point. When the idea/concept of the State of Israel was brainstormed, first, well before the rise of Nazi Germany, and well before Balfour, a dozen Zionist "thinkers" got together and thought out their own "political model/ideology/theory"call it what you like. It is high time that Arabs doe the same. One may argue that Nasser and Saddam Hussein did, so did the Michel Aflaqs of this world, true enough. I fully agree, however, however great their contributions on some intellectual level, and they were GREAT, it is necessary to go a notch further in exploring or developing further a theoretical model that would absorb and encompass the new reality, ie Political Islam., and find a common terrain of entente.
These are just thoughts, by no means set in stone,ideas to give each one food for thought and urge each one to think through and bring in their own contribution.
It may very well be, that something tangible and concrete, will come out, and it may just stay at the level of debate...
Remains to be discovered.
Before thinking of a political party, what about a political model ? Unless you wish to expand on already existing ones, which is also fair enough.
And no, I will not "censor" anyone.
I agree this may be a good start for me or you, but I would also like to hear other opinions on that matter. Remember it is supposed to be on a theoretical level, an all encompassing one.
Yes I fully agree with you, again I will withhold my own and see if new elements in the debate will come out. It may mean opening a can of worms, but what have we got to lose =
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, yes am jinxed.
Thank you for a GREAT comment, you summed it all up. I personally believe that we need to capitalize on what the wonderful accomplishments were and find a way out of this impasse.
Iraq has suffered and is suffering a great deal, I believe it is incumbent upon us to take up where others left off, staying vigilant not to fall in the traps, ideological traps (based on allegiances to sect - as in the case of some of the neo baathists for instance).
So yes, each one will bring their starting point and you have just done so. Thank you.
Donation widget ? is that like some paypal thing ?
I could do with some money, NOT FOR MY PERSONAL USE, but for Iraqis I know and who are in DIRE NEED, but how can I accept contributions and still remain anonymous ? This is an important thing for me.
I love you.
The big monkey gave birth to 3 she-pigs. Extremely stupid monkey with three pigs.
the eldest one is bitter. The middle one is a retard. While the youngest- the creme of the tart is a dull, boring, prosaic hip-hop fan
What is funny is that the dying ugly pig thinks herslef smart.
That is why it is dying out of jealousy as it deep down knows very well how stupid it is.
the famous "islamization of the baath".
arabs shud stop this monkey jumping into big clashy noisy chariots that lead them nowhere n go back 2 treating everything, including their religion, in a logical n scientific manner (as was in the "golden age")
I was always told that "coincidence" is how Man explains the presence of "God" (whichever God you prefer....)
Also: Jimmy Cricket, Layla is not bad luck just senstive to the human condition in the Middle East and consequently picks up on the vibes and patterns of behaviour around her.
Not that I care about your .........
layla this goes without saying
Fuck off back to your Attaturk oblivion, you psycho.
This is your view of religion - an infantile disorder taken forward into adulthood. - politically speaking.
Even though I may agree with you that it may come across that way depending on who is brandishing it.
Howeve, I do not believe that Islam is an infantile disorder in the 21st century.
I think democractic /secularist concepts can ALSO revert to "puerile" behavior when feeling "threatened" and that has nothing to do with the secularism itself but with a host of other concommitant factors...
I do not see a contradiction between Islam and secularism at all.
I do not rely on mainstream interpretations of the Text either.
I do not believe that Islam is all exclusive and does not embrace others...I do not believe Islam is misogynistic or racist.
I believe it is POSSIBLE even though it is VERY DIFFICULT to devise a conceptual framework in which muslims can find their own, without having to lose themselves into concepts like secularism , democracy etc....which are not anti ethical to Islam like some to believe. And, we have also seen how these concepts (democracy, secularism) have been used to destroy what was once a secular society like Iraq.
Then everyone is surprised when the national identity is smashed to pieces by DEMOCRACIES - why people revert to what they know best, their tribe or their sect !!!
So it is possible to reconcile both Islamic thought with "secularism" whatever this has come to mean - because definitions keep changing as you may be quite well aware.
And Islam is not a static fixed idea it too can undergo changes just as the famous secular democratic concepts have undergone major transformations and meanings with this new Iraqi enterprise.
17/11/07 3:39 PM
The rest of the comments may be found here.
You mean like Stalin's daughter ?
hahahahahahahahahahaha Stalin's daughter and Saddam's slut, a fine pair of red bitches you make !!!!!!!!!!!
what's the matter retard, the word " concept and conceptualize" throws you back in anguish ????
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, fucked up American moron.
Was I wrong?
C'mon, give me a break, we Turks have nothing left but a faint taste of a dignity from the times of ATATURK, what do you expect?..
I Agree with Roger Federer - seems there is no food for thought or simply NO thought !!!!!
layla plz lets not rush to judgements.....i am sure people are racking their brains as we speak and i am CERTAIN something good will come out of this......so chin up layla
Arab is anyone who speeks the Arabic language, and the part of this that really annoys the Iranian mullas is that Arabs know the Quran and know the mullas are forked tongued liars, and they have to make sure their Iranian worshipers hate Arabs and never learn Arabic else they stop worshiping Khomayne and start worshiping God instead.
Iraq's Jafari Shia know Arabic and I like how they are starting to speak out like the Sunnis, better later than never. Iran's bloody theocracy has been exposed, Ahwaz is back in the media, and even the Iranians are getting tired of murdering one million Muslims per year for Khomayne and the rest of the satanic ayat (verses).
What makes Arabia special is why Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Egypt ect all like being part of a horid people like the original Arabs, those desert Arabs. Iran, Israel and America need lots of weapons and lots of wars, invasions and murders to MAKE people like them, Arabs need only the Quran - it's our rule book and constitution - and nothing Iran's mullas, Americas priests, and Israel's Rabbis can do will remove it, the Quran says so :)
Iraq has changed Arabs, Ahwaz and Palestine should have done that decades ago - but please be patiant and look at how bad things where for Arabs before the 70s and how things are now, still bad but at least we are starting to become one again.
The Arab solution is simple, Arabs give up being an Arab and start becoming Muslim - we do this just by reading the Quran, nothing else required becuase it is an Arabic book - no one has ever been able to translate it properly.
Iran's form of Islam depends on makeing the Quran unimportant and only what the Khomayne worshipers say is important - that is their choice and Muslims will have to teach them the same old lesson - despite anything the Majoos Mullas do, Iran will become an Islamic nation once again inshAllah - no way they can stop it, but the mullas will keep on murdering one million Muslims per year for Israel and America, till we wake up again.
Just a question though, when you say
"we do this just by reading the Quran, nothing else (is) required", do you really mean that or are you inclined to mix things up by including the 'hadith'. ?
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree with the Iranian 'islam' being a sham. It's like Armenians or Lutherans twisting the Christianity, like a dog "singing" or a parrot "talking". Might be cute or ugly, but it ain't the real thang ;)
This is absolutely the most stupid, unhealthy and offensive solution one could come up with.
snoozer, not bad....walla, not bad at all.
urungu do u want a smack in the face??
"The Arab solution is simple, Arabs give up being Arab"
This is absolutely the most stupid, unhealthy and offensive solution one could come up with.
why so?? and do you have any alternatives??
This is your view of religion - an infantile disorder taken forward into adulthood. - politically speaking.
Even though I may agree with you that it may come across that way depending on who is brandishing it.
Howeve, I do not believe that Islam is an infantile disorder in the 21st century.
I think democractic /secularist concepts can ALSO revert to "puerile" behavior when feeling "threatened" and that has nothing to do with the secularism itself but with a host of other concommitant factors...
I do not see a contradiction between Islam and secularism at all.
I do not rely on mainstream interpretations of the Text either.
I do not believe that Islam is all exclusive and does not embrace others...I do not believe Islam is misogynistic or racist.
I believe it is POSSIBLE even though it is VERY DIFFICULT to devise a conceptual framework in which muslims can find their own, without having to lose themselves into concepts like secularism , democracy etc....which are not anti ethical to Islam like some to believe. And, we have also seen how these concepts (democracy, secularism) have been used to destroy what was once a secular society like Iraq.
Then everyone is surprised when the national identity is smashed to pieces by DEMOCRACIES - why people revert to what they know best, their tribe or their sect !!!
So it is possible to reconcile both Islamic thought with "secularism" whatever this has come to mean - because definitions keep changing as you may be quite well aware.
And Islam is not a static fixed idea it too can undergo changes just as the famous secular democratic concepts have undergone major transformations and meanings with this new Iraqi enterprise.
17/11/07 3:39 PM
The rest of the comments may be found here.
and where will you fuck off to??!!!
layla, where will you fuck off too???!!!!
shut up.....
we KNOW who has done what, thank you..........
- "urungu do u want a smack in the face??"
Ooh yes, please! If it's gonna make you feel better....
I can take a smack or two. After all, your mom treated me and my friends so good that I feel like I owe you something.
Just be careful opening your mouth carelessly, somebody might stick something hard that would make you gag, bitch!
Won't someone give a rats ass about me or something I say?....
No words, just a long hug.
Khalifate rule which the Arabs shunned on the request of the west. They willingly endorsed the UN charter to put an end to this rule and never to resurrect it. There was an insidious motive behind this- to keep the Arabs divided for good and create room for manipulation of Arabia. They influenced the Arab establishments to adopt their model - the so called western democracy which is not only corrupt but riddled with all the ills - which we are experiencing today in our societies.
To me, the secular system has been a total failure. Look at the states that practice this model. They are deteriorating on a daily basis. Their identities stolen, their economies ripped and their family values eroded. This system has left the youth mystified and the elderly in desolation.
I reflect the only way out is the Islamic way- which can resuscitate Arabia. Since all the other models have failed to unite the Arabs -or solve any crisis of the past and the present pertaining the Middle East. The Arab populace is tired of their leaders and their current way of governance -which is more or less based on western ideology. This is evident when the masses of Palestine voted for Hamas overwhelmingly. And the brotherhood movement in Egypt which enjoys an overpowering support.
Muslim communities across the globe are realizing that the only answer to their problems is Political Islam. No wonder Islamic parties are gathering support. It’s the only effective resistance to western imperialism and racist policies which discriminate against Muslims. It’s the only viable method to eradicate corrupt Muslim regimes all across the world.
Arabs have to restructure their foundation; otherwise they will have a twisted superstructure. They have to converge on one platform that’s “ISLAM”. That’s where our roots are; all others models have been tried and tested without bearing any fruits. In return, all it brought was divisions, occupation and destruction.
Everything has to be reviewed and re-drafted- from the current mode of governance to the foreign policy and external alliances especially with the west. Just like Layla: you drafted a new immigration policy for the whites.
Time has come and time is right -to stop being subservient to the west and aping their style of rule. We have to move fast since the Shiite epidemic has started spreading from the cities of Arabia to the mountains of Afghanistan, through northern frontier via the valleys of Pakistan. These Shiite elements are busy in destabilizing these countries creating havoc, like the Gustav.
So much to say but time is limited - I rest my case here for now. Sindbad submits a plea to judge Layla seeking adjournment of the Court of Truth.
"Will your caliphate be merciful to women ?
Besides, I believe that God is secular...He said so himself.
He said: whichever you turn, you shall see My face."
Maybe He did not remember your caliphate story when He uttered His own words..."
Complex problems require complex solutions; simplistic, fairy-tale, ahistorical ones lead nowhere but more mental masturbation.
And don't you dare vilify or belittle the monumental legacy of the modern age Arab revolutionary experiments such as Nasser's and Saddam Hussein's, because you risk being showed the blog's door without a goodbye.
.. you can't imagine how hard it is to deal with these so-called "American Muslims" as they love to call themselves, and trying to tell them how useless their vote is, and how they are putting blood on their hands by giving their allegiance. sigh.
Explanation comeing - but best learn a bit of Arabic and then read the Quran for yourself, that way you will not belive the BS the Iranian mullas keep feeding their worshipers.
The Quran tells Arabs in Arabic to become:
1) Insaan (i.e human)
When that is done, Arabs go to step two and become:
2) Bashar (i.e human)
a bit harder, but then comes the last step, Arabs become:
3) Bani Aadam( children of Adam) (i.e human)
Those three steps are in the words, it is why anyone who knows Arabic becomes an Arab - and if they read the Quran they become "Bani Aadam" just as fast.
So, a Muslim guy in India, Japan, China, or a girl in Chile, the Congo, Pakistan etc become just as "Bani Aadam" as I strive to be, they read the Quran and become Arab by language, like an Arab who goes thru those three stages should.
It's not very hard to understand, all you have to do is read the Quran, it explains it much better than I can if you know Arabic, and the people of Iraq know Arabic much better than the Iranian Farsi speaking mullas do.
Thank you, Hadeeth comes second to the Quran, when you know the Quran you can take any Hadeeth that goes against the Quran and throw it away. Hadeeth is very important, just mind that the forked tongued imams can use it for their personal gain much easier than they can use the Quran, especialy if they are talking to people who do not know enough Arabic to read the Quran.
Iran will become a Muslim nation again inshaAllah, and their Arabic speaking imams will explain the Quran properly, again - all the Irnain mullas have now is their vile hate, and we have Layla to thanks for helping exposing them and their Iranian Khomayne worshiping death squads to the whole Muslim and Arab world :)
"....I leave behind me two things, the Quran and the Sunnah (Hadith), and if you follow these you will never go astray. "
Subhanallah, what a beautiful nabi. and look at us following and chasing the west, chasing recognition and acceptance of them in their world, saying what we do is ok cause "my shaikh said this, my mullah said that" when all we need is QURAN, and we would be so much better off and not idiots without common sense..
There is a famous Chinese proverb that “AN ANGRY MAN IS A LOST MAN”.
I am a modern man living in a modern society. And I want to convince myself that the current models of governance have achieved something substantial. But to my dismay, I see hardly any progress. The Muslim’s are in deeper problems. The Arabs are more than divided as ever. Their lands still remains occupied and now destruction is prevalent in the region. Not only in Middle East but in other Muslim regions across the globe.
And as far as Layla showing me the door, it’s up to her “SHE IS THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY” and I stand before her in her court, whatever ruling she will pass I will accept. And in any case if she decides to banish me, from her blog then I will have no other alternative but to leave -since I highly respect her and cherish her thoughts.
@roger federer,
shut up.....
we KNOW who has done what, thank you..........
shut the fuck up
@ roger federer,
- "urungu do u want a smack in the face??"
Ooh yes, please! If it's gonna make you feel better....
I can take a smack or two. After all, your mom treated me and my friends so good that I feel like I owe you something.
Just be careful opening your mouth carelessly, somebody might stick something hard that would make you gag, bitch!
urungatun how old r u??? these childish insults abt people's mums are the kind of insults i dispensed when i was 5 and left behind when i was 7.....grow up u stupid idiot
For quite some time I have tried to analyze what type of style of governance is good for the Arabs and Muslims at large? What can rescue the Arabs and unite them under one roof. The answer is the restoration of the”khalifate”.
Khalifate rule which the Arabs shunned on the request of the west. They willingly endorsed the UN charter to put an end to this rule and never to resurrect it. There was an insidious motive behind this- to keep the Arabs divided for good and create room for manipulation of Arabia. They influenced the Arab establishments to adopt their model - the so called western democracy which is not only corrupt but riddled with all the ills - which we are experiencing today in our societies.
To me, the secular system has been a total failure. Look at the states that practice this model. They are deteriorating on a daily basis. Their identities stolen, their economies ripped and their family values eroded. This system has left the youth mystified and the elderly in desolation.
I reflect the only way out is the Islamic way- which can resuscitate Arabia. Since all the other models have failed to unite the Arabs -or solve any crisis of the past and the present pertaining the Middle East. The Arab populace is tired of their leaders and their current way of governance -which is more or less based on western ideology. This is evident when the masses of Palestine voted for Hamas overwhelmingly. And the brotherhood movement in Egypt which enjoys an overpowering support.
Muslim communities across the globe are realizing that the only answer to their problems is Political Islam. No wonder Islamic parties are gathering support. It’s the only effective resistance to western imperialism and racist policies which discriminate against Muslims. It’s the only viable method to eradicate corrupt Muslim regimes all across the world.
Arabs have to restructure their foundation; otherwise they will have a twisted superstructure. They have to converge on one platform that’s “ISLAM”. That’s where our roots are; all others models have been tried and tested without bearing any fruits. In return, all it brought was divisions, occupation and destruction.
Everything has to be reviewed and re-drafted- from the current mode of governance to the foreign policy and external alliances especially with the west. Just like Layla: you drafted a new immigration policy for the whites.
Time has come and time is right -to stop being subservient to the west and aping their style of rule. We have to move fast since the Shiite epidemic has started spreading from the cities of Arabia to the mountains of Afghanistan, through northern frontier via the valleys of Pakistan. These Shiite elements are busy in destabilizing these countries creating havoc, like the Gustav.
So much to say but time is limited - I rest my case here for now. Sindbad submits a plea to judge Layla seeking adjournment of the Court of Truth.
nice one sinbad..........this is exactly the kind of post required to kickstart sum debates
"Will your caliphate be merciful to women ?
Besides, I believe that God is secular...He said so himself.
He said: whichever you turn, you shall see My face."
Maybe He did not remember your caliphate story when He uttered His own words..."
anti-simpletons u moronic numbskull layla is not the supreme leader of the party.....(positions are still to be decided via elections).....hence the fact that layla didnt like the idea doesn't mean it won't be used in the party
i agree with every word of sinbad the sailor. SubhanAllah. this muslim stuck in america does not feel alone when she reads this blog. THANK YOU LAYLA! may Allah bless you all. Although i am physically far away from the middle east, i will do whatever i can to promote Islamic rule.
.. you can't imagine how hard it is to deal with these so-called "American Muslims" as they love to call themselves, and trying to tell them how useless their vote is, and how they are putting blood on their hands by giving their allegiance. sigh.
provoking invoking its not really an islamic party..i think layla was just having a laugh...y dont u join taliban party instead....they sound more up your street
advantage federer
Is that what God wishes humanity, is that what Saddam Hussein and the other martyrs died for...Involution ?
Please let's be serious, let's keep our dignity, let's not give the Zionists and the Iranians the satisfaction of making us run off the rails of history out of blind despair.
i think with enough financial support, the formation of a 'political party' is viable. the hard part will be to get the word out despite mainstream media. but there's plenty of creative ways to do that. an international party is necessary to reach ALL muslims, not just the arabs. the ideas can be from Islam, but should not be exclusive to nonmuslims. this would create appeal for everyone.
great idea "provoking invoking", y stop there???...lets also make it appealing to war mongers and pacifists, vegatarians and meat eaters,....u stupid bitch
Layla, you asked the Arabs to take a break from the bleeding body so to have the time and cold mind to elaborate a rational, modern, complex political solution for their nation, but it seems they feel too small and too scared to go any further than back back back back back...as if into a dark, primitive, "magical" placenta.
Is that what God wishes humanity, is that what Saddam Hussein and the other martyrs died for...Involution ?
Please let's be serious, let's keep our dignity, let's not give the Zionists and the Iranians the satisfaction of making us run off the rails of history out of blind despair.
anti u numbnut STOP appealing to layla........it is NOT layla u r having a debate with....it is sinbad the sailor......y dont u tell him this instead of layla??? layla is not going to be around forever to hold your hand
its not really that famous
plz just shut up
and it's to the forehand of federer...
what a pass by federer!!
game federer....and federer leads 2 sets to love
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha JR, if you didn't exist, I would invent you ! hahahahahahahahahahahahaa Touché ;-)
another moron in love with himself and his overactive mind, serving meaningless word-salads to any and everybody. I guess it was you that got smacked about when you were a child, so you try to prove yourself that you can "beat them all".
For your info, Nadal kicks Federer's ass, just like you stay irrevelant and therefore not quite a problem for anybody but yourself. Stick around, post another dozen wiseass mumblings and keep on struggle with yourself. At least there are some others that would occasionally respond to you, I bet a nice break from your lonely life.
In solidarity.
I would have expected that at least ONE of you comment when your Madame literally tried to shit on an adorable leader and obviously a leader beyond your capacities, and now I hear her tremble with jealousy, but that will not flourish my agenda; Peace at home, and peace in the world! And I leave you RETARDS to it!!!!
Yes, we know who you are by now, a seething, stewing, rabid psycho.
Enjoy frothing...
First thank you Sindbad, provoking, snoozer and the rest, except for the psycho.
I really liked the way you outlined your own understanding of the dynamics of Islam and its interaction with the use of the language i.e Arabic.
From what I understood, you seem to imply that Islam and Arabic are so closely intertwined that it is impossible to seperate both, and that one leads to the other. This for me is brilliant, and I shall explain why...by relating it to Sindbad great comment.
Thanks for taking the time to elucidate your thoughts in such a coherent fashion. I will need to disagree with you here on a few points.
1- your mention of the Khilafat and the restoration of it. In my opinion you need to be quite specific here. Are you referring to the original Khilafat, to its continuation or to what exactly ?
Because someone may come along and tell you that the ottoman empire (for instance) was a natural extension of the Khilafat and Ottoman rule was the continuation of the Khilafat rule.
2- Admittingly you are referring to the fist kind of rule, then on what political theory-concept-program-model will you base yourself in the 21st century ? Sure one can draw examples, and wisdom and also political manuals from which to inspire oneself, but do you really think that the main concept of SHURA is enough to establish a polity or system of governance when the context has changed since ????
3- And this is a point that someone else in the comment section brought up, and women ????
What are the specific consideration that will be given to this?
4- You mention a return to the Khilafat, ok, how will you apply the shariah law and who will apply it ? What interpretation will you use, which school ? which tendency ? Because for me the shariah is not static. But has become so.
5 - another important point which you slightly overlooked, but which snoozer picked up upon, is the folowing - (I am not sure what your origins are but I will make it nonetheless). What about the concept of Arabism, Arab, Oruba and how does that tie in with the idea of Khilafa as system of governance.
The reason I am mentioning this point and stressing it is two fold,
while I do agree with some of the precepts you exposed, which I shall not repeat here, since there are there for all to read, and while I do agree that Islam (as a religious concept and as a people and countries) is under attack, you have failed to stress that it is particularly ARAB muslim countries under attack, the starting point.
Secondly you said that Islam will unite Arabia since all other forms of governance have failed, but you have not mentioned that Political Islam as in the case of Iran has also attacked Arabism and "Arabia"
And one last point, you have remained rather silent on the current ISLAMIST parties, be it Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Talibans, etc...and how do they fit or if they do fit your view of Khilafat governance.
Because in my opinion these political parties have a totally different hidden agenda, and are actually quite detrimental to Arabism in the long run.
This does not mean that a political party/model inspired by islamic thought and Arab nationalism is impossible to achieve, it simply means that the current ones do not combine both.
Hope I was clear, as I type fast and sometimes miss a thing or two.
I am not a psycho but a psychological phenomena.
I do like to eat meat but I am a buddhist like Che was. You can fling all you want but Bing Crosby was not a part of Ming dynasty. So I am somewhat of a pistachio lover and my breasts are tender from rubbing to other passengers in a crowded bus. Now I hope to care that clarity dawns on me like a pair of hairy nuts that teabag a common homosexual in the back alleys of Istanbul!!!!!
Therefore I defect from the opposition and vote in your favor.
Thanks for your vote of confidence, but the ever-popular party “LAYLA” has ejected me from the parliament.
Kinda hard to leave behind something (Hadiths) which didn't exist till about 200 years AFTER his death, don't you think????
Layla, re donations. I will look into your dilemma and let you know via email.
No internet for the last week.
"Don't criticize anyone for their "ideas" no matter how wild.
Let us all speak our minds, even if those "minds" are not there.
18/9/08 1:23 AM "
I'm not a Muslim,
not an Arab,
not from the Mid-East.
Infact I'm from Australia.
But that doesn't mean we can't have a bond.
Many of us have loves and hates simillar to those described by Layla; and in looking for ideas, as the call has been made; we should seek to find allies and not alienate potential assets.
1stly I believe that the 'enemy' needs to be identified.
I'm not Muslim, infact I try to not be religious at all, which is why I find it difficult to totaly embrace the following message.
These lads have come close to identifying the enemy, I believe (for now).
They speak of the Antichrist or Dajjal, and show cause to suspect the british Royal family.
It's not just Arabs being screwed.
While the whole Western World media is in anger about Zimbabwee's Mugabe (a man and country most in the West know less than a trifle about) , Queen Elizabeth in an apparent show of indignation, has revoked his knighthood. woopeedoo
Meanwhile,as the primary NON-Institutional share holder of RioTinto; she is still pulling diamonds out of there.
RioTinto got there kick start by the forcing of opium sales to China through implementing of the opium wars, and the 'Royals' are still living off of that fat.
What happened to Iran when Mohamed Mossadeq tried to nationalise the Anglo dominated oil industry...
These 'royal bloodlines' have been the root of evil through history, and have been the ones at the root in religious mythos.
These are the real 'fat cats' (along with their bankers) for whom wars are fought.
Some of you with a religious bent seem to assert that a bright new change has no room for non-believer like me.
You are wrong; you do yourelf and us all an injustice, you allienate a large number of potential assets.
I don't subscribe to the philosophy of 'my enemy's enemy is my friend'; but when someone is clearly not an enemy; why not include them in attemmpting to muster the greatest support that you can.
Why would anyone not want an honest voice on their side, like that of British MP George Galloway, just becaquse he's a Christian.
Food for thought, I hope.
Thankyou bARABie for your tollerance
I am not Arab but I love and admire your ancient culture for a long time now.
The answer, in my humble non-Arab opinion, will never be find in political models, even in the ones still to be invented.
The answer is... not blowing in the wind. It resides in each human heart. It´s already there. Either they are European, Asian, American, from Fiji, wherever...
Without peace in the heart, mind becomes even more confusing. One can´t think straight.
Without peace in the heart, there is no clarity, even to make a small step towards the garden one keeps watching through the window.
I am not a preacher or an enlightened guy under the influence of some recent dervish musical trip that is still drifting in my body cells...
Nah, just talking out of my experience. Also, not trying to make a point.
See... when adding your blog at my reader - because I enjoyed it - I felt with the "e-bloody right" of saying something... That´s all. Don´t get me wrong. :))
Greetings from Portugal.
Take care, Layla.
Enjoy Life.