Arab Logic...

I have been (very) unable to blog...Today is the first day I am back to my "wits"...
Am sure some of you are terribly annoyed that am still around while others are probably relieved...The first group -- I didn't miss you at all. The second group --you've been in my thoughts...Good thoughts.
Now that am done with the preliminaries, let me get to the real important matters.
Today, my thoughts have been dominated by one single idea -- WE NEED ANOTHER SADDAM HUSSEIN NOW!
I was in a cab and as usual, the bored/curious/snoopy driver was trying to suss me out.
I don't know why but his conversation took on immediately a political twist. OK, maybe I do know why...
Life is getting very, very expensive, here and most people can't make ends meet anymore. In particular the Iraqis...
So this is how the conversation started -- with the ever increasing price of cab rides, to fuel, to everything. So the driver said to me "It's all because of the war in Iraq..." So, of course, I responded "you mean because of the Americans ?"
So he replied - Some people understand only force...
Me - How is that related to the price of your cab fare ?
Him - Look at Hezbollah for instance, now Israel has to deal with them, they only understand force...
Obviously, his thoughts were all over the place...So I felt the need to straighten them out...
Me - You mean the exchange of prisoners ?
Him - Yes of course, plus so many other things...
Me - Like what ?
Him - Look at Iran, a few days ago their president threatened Amrikkka.
Me - Hmmm...He threatens Amrikkka, but Amrikkka handed Iraq on a silver, gold, diamong platter to Iran and to the most sectarian Shias that have existed since the Safavid Empire...
Him - That's my point. The Americans and Israelis only respect the strong.
Me - But Hassan Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad are still alive and kicking and Saddam Hussein was murdered by both Amrikkka and Iran.
Him - He was the only true Arab. And since the Arabs murdered him, then I am very happy for Iran and Hezbollah to take over.
Me - feeling my patience running out...You don't get it. Am telling you Amrikkka and Iran murdered Saddam Hussein, the only true Arab leader that was around and who refused to compromise...
Him - getting irritated. But it is the Arabs who sold him out, then they deserve to be ruled by Iran now
Me - And am telling you that Iran is collaborating with the Zionists and the Americans as in Iraq
Him - Never mind, Saddam was the strongest, he is dead now, we need another strong entity to stand up to Amrikkka...
The above is a brief specimen of current Arab "Logic". The warped logic of a defeated people. One defeat after another and now they are pinning their hopes on their worst enemy -- The chauvinists, sectarian, racist Iranians who have wrecked my country alongside the Americans.
Hence, the idea that has dominated my thoughts throughout this cab drive -- WE NEED ANOTHER SADDAM HUSSEIN NOW! Time is running out...
Painting : Iraqi artist, Muhammad Muhraddin, 2007
Am sure some of you are terribly annoyed that am still around while others are probably relieved...The first group -- I didn't miss you at all. The second group --you've been in my thoughts...Good thoughts.
Now that am done with the preliminaries, let me get to the real important matters.
Today, my thoughts have been dominated by one single idea -- WE NEED ANOTHER SADDAM HUSSEIN NOW!
I was in a cab and as usual, the bored/curious/snoopy driver was trying to suss me out.
I don't know why but his conversation took on immediately a political twist. OK, maybe I do know why...
Life is getting very, very expensive, here and most people can't make ends meet anymore. In particular the Iraqis...
So this is how the conversation started -- with the ever increasing price of cab rides, to fuel, to everything. So the driver said to me "It's all because of the war in Iraq..." So, of course, I responded "you mean because of the Americans ?"
So he replied - Some people understand only force...
Me - How is that related to the price of your cab fare ?
Him - Look at Hezbollah for instance, now Israel has to deal with them, they only understand force...
Obviously, his thoughts were all over the place...So I felt the need to straighten them out...
Me - You mean the exchange of prisoners ?
Him - Yes of course, plus so many other things...
Me - Like what ?
Him - Look at Iran, a few days ago their president threatened Amrikkka.
Me - Hmmm...He threatens Amrikkka, but Amrikkka handed Iraq on a silver, gold, diamong platter to Iran and to the most sectarian Shias that have existed since the Safavid Empire...
Him - That's my point. The Americans and Israelis only respect the strong.
Me - But Hassan Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad are still alive and kicking and Saddam Hussein was murdered by both Amrikkka and Iran.
Him - He was the only true Arab. And since the Arabs murdered him, then I am very happy for Iran and Hezbollah to take over.
Me - feeling my patience running out...You don't get it. Am telling you Amrikkka and Iran murdered Saddam Hussein, the only true Arab leader that was around and who refused to compromise...
Him - getting irritated. But it is the Arabs who sold him out, then they deserve to be ruled by Iran now
Me - And am telling you that Iran is collaborating with the Zionists and the Americans as in Iraq
Him - Never mind, Saddam was the strongest, he is dead now, we need another strong entity to stand up to Amrikkka...
The above is a brief specimen of current Arab "Logic". The warped logic of a defeated people. One defeat after another and now they are pinning their hopes on their worst enemy -- The chauvinists, sectarian, racist Iranians who have wrecked my country alongside the Americans.
Hence, the idea that has dominated my thoughts throughout this cab drive -- WE NEED ANOTHER SADDAM HUSSEIN NOW! Time is running out...
Painting : Iraqi artist, Muhammad Muhraddin, 2007
I enjoyed reading this article.
Listen to these song:
من الجدير بالذكر ان اكثر شيئ قد نتذكره من صدام هو عزه وجبروته وكيف كان يسير في الشوارع والجمهور تصرخ :"بالروح بالدم نفديك يا صدام" صدام هو البطل
Yes i do agree we need a leader like Saddam and like Nasser.
But our weakness is disunity. We claim there is 22 Arab countries, but in every war we engaged against all the occupying forces never All those countries unite except in 1916 Arab revolt.
We had a man like Saddam, he was known as Ameer Khattab, i don't know if you heard of him, but hes dead now, died 5 years ago from his wounds.
Nasrallah is no Saddam. But what about the rest of the world? to me, it looks like we are looking forward to 100-300 years of wars in our region.
At least with Iran we can make a peace deal on the bases of we are Moslems. But in order to achieve that peace, Persia must reckon our force and be intimidated to attack us or anything so they would resolve into peace and not confrontation.
But at the end when you look it we (Arabs, Africans, Persians)share the common enemy, that is the Zionist Crusade.
People treat us like we're not from this planet, but it just makes me sick knowing that for all those hundreds thousands of years we are the most to suffer... So if they find a new planet, we would either travel there by our selves to live for once peacefully, or let every one else travel there and let us live peacefully with our African, Persian, Asian brothers and sisters.
Other than that, we need a strong leader some how who opposes the occupation, or any occupation in general a man of the people a man of strength a man with no fear but only fears God (so that he would obey moral standers and not become like Bush, i don't care if god exists or not.) a man of unity a man that can be admired reckoned, powerful, promoter of knowledge and science, an artist. Our hero. our Stalin.
Thats what we need. But if he doesn't come its our job to find him.
they are reduced to trusting the evil persian enemy because they are desperate of themselves...
they are not aware of their own shine, their own earth-shattering revolutionary potential. they consume their existence in regrets, guilty feelings and helplessness. they say "we killed saddam" but they don't understand that as they killed him so they could resurrect him: by realizing that each of them is him, each of them is the fighter, the liberator, the reuniter, each of them the sword and the shield of his/her nation, each of them is the "awaited" knight in his/her heart - and starting to act consequently...
guide them to such awareness.
I only claimed we can strike fear into them not to attack us and claim its on the bases that we are Moslem brothers but not in reality, just by name. The Hudna always worked, With the Turks, Arabs, Kurds, Persians etc..
Fact is this middle east is not just for Arabs we all share it.
But i agree what the Iranian regime is doing is completely disgusting and proves your case.
And they even got their private military known as the Brainwashed Fools who really think following a man dressed like a caliph is right for their country better known as the Mahdi army.
As far as am concerned if people play in to the Occupation weather its American or Iranian their going to stay, the Khomonie just plays on Arab emotions, hes no Moslem at all maybe in name, then he calls other Arab leaders moslems by name to become popular, then you have brainless people helping him when its against their own interest to do so.
Greedy fat fucks is all i can say.Thats how i can describe all the world leaders including the so called "Axis of evil" and "Axis of good guys".
Am not going to say anything else , i know my comments are not in place and may sound really desperate and might get Layla into trouble.
No replacement to Saddam or Salah Eldin will come out of Iraq as long as it is under occupation. As soon as such a leader emerges, he/she will be murdered by the occupation.
A shadow government needs to be established outside Iraq with its structure being a continuation from the previous legitimate constitution.
A "shadow government" has been working underground for quite a while now, it's what they call the "General Command of the Patriotic Armed Forces" mainly comprised of former Baath officias and other nationalist elements and led by none other but the famous July Revolution veteran and Saddam's appointed successor Izzat Ibrahim Al Douri.
Layla's opinion on the matter has always been vague to say the least.
This driver sounds a little bit confused in the head, perhaps you have that look of the intellectual lady and he was just trying to make himself interesting in your eyes ;-)
We need another Saddam Hussein.. lol
Because the Arabs don't deserve the right to a democratically elected leader who looks out for their best interests, right?
And then this bitch has the audacity to say that the cab driver had warped logic.. hahhahaha
I thought it my duty to advise you that there is a rumor going around that your Qais got a Persian female cat pregnant.
A Friend
That kind of ratio is unheard of in oil-rich Arab and Persian states, where achieving majority national control over oil was the defining victory of anti-colonial struggles. According to Greg Muttitt, a London-based oil expert, the assumption up until now was that foreign multinationals would be brought in to develop new fields in Iraq - not to take over those which are already in production and therefore require minimal technical support. "The policy was always to allocate these fields to the Iraq National Oil Company," he told me. "This is a total reversal of that policy, giving the Iraq National Oil Company a mere 25% instead of the planned 100%."
This was Bremer's fucking document, now come to life again.
Fancy if he had inherited his father's qualities...
I am sure the cab driver is secretly wishing for a green card. His warped logic will definitely help in the US of A. Happy Birthday by the way!
Thank you. To whom do I owe this pleasure?
Salam and thanks for the links. Who is Ameer? Am sorry don't know much about him. I agree with anti-khomeinist, I don't think you understand current Iran all that well...
I agree with you. Of course, I am not God and I cannot judge who is a muslim or not...but that is besides the points. The real objectives of Persia are too clear. They need to cease. But knowing their ruling elite, they will not. Chauvinism runs deep in them from the days of Cyrus the not so great. There are exceptions of course, and salute these exceptions, but at the end of the day, all I care about is IRAQ.
Thank you, that is beautifully and poetically said. In the meantime....
Salam. I agree with you 100%. If the occupation doesn't kill him (or her) the sectarians and there are many of them around - attached to the occupation will.
A shadow govt in exile ? Mashallah, with whom exactly? The Iraqis who blog and are more concerned with the state of their blue jeans than the state of their country, or the American ass lickers and whores of the Green Zone? Things are made not discovered....So someone has to form it NOW -- And am getting a tad old, so count me out...
Why do I have the distinct gut feeling that you are very british !
And you know what British are known for don't you ? They are known to plant seeds of doubts and divisions...So sod off!
A good deal of the Arab world is confused...and I don't walk around with a book stuck up in my butt either ;-)
Why you people can't be bothered to leave any pseudo before spewing your crap here..
So tell me asshole, who is the democratically elected leader Maliki the US Iranian Stooge ? Or Talabani the fat fuck ? Or maybe your Bush the Tush, fucking war monger? Kiss emkon shoo khara.
Qais impregnating a persian cat denoted severe animal abuse, please call your local animal NGO and Brigitte Bardot. And thank you for your concern.
Salamtak men al- Hypertension...
Arab mentality as it stands today is a public health hazard, I need to become a hermit.
I am not sure it is Bush alone who is responsible. Bush is nothing but one man, the system is for sure. As for the oil in Iraq, we've been saying it all along, ever since the 90's. How much more will it take ?
President Saddam son's name is ALI, let's hope for the best !
Attacked them in 80's and still irritated because they are the ones who kicked the invaders ass?