A Short Lesson...

Do you want to know what am doing right now ?
Of course, you will think to yourself, this woman is a bit of a moron, really- asking such a question. It is so damn obvious what she is doing, she’s typing away on her keyboard.
Wow ! You really guessed right, here.
So, you do still have some common sense and you can spot the obvious. Hats off to you. Am impressed.
Now let’s see if you spot that one.
" U.S. working to stop Turkey from invading Iraq."
How does that strike you ?
I know it's difficult but think again, after all you guessed right about my typing away at some keyboard…
Too difficult ? Ok, let me give you a simpler one.
Iran to the U.S - stop meddling in Iraq. U.S. to Iran - stop meddling in Iraq.
Is this one any simpler for you ?
Nope? Elusive huh? Complicated equation ? No common sense ? Can’t figure out the logic ?
Ok we give it one more try...
No, wait, wait...
Maybe I should start with an elementary lesson in Politics 101 -
Of course, you will think to yourself, this woman is a bit of a moron, really- asking such a question. It is so damn obvious what she is doing, she’s typing away on her keyboard.
Wow ! You really guessed right, here.
So, you do still have some common sense and you can spot the obvious. Hats off to you. Am impressed.
Now let’s see if you spot that one.
" U.S. working to stop Turkey from invading Iraq."
How does that strike you ?
I know it's difficult but think again, after all you guessed right about my typing away at some keyboard…
Too difficult ? Ok, let me give you a simpler one.
Iran to the U.S - stop meddling in Iraq. U.S. to Iran - stop meddling in Iraq.
Is this one any simpler for you ?
Nope? Elusive huh? Complicated equation ? No common sense ? Can’t figure out the logic ?
Ok we give it one more try...
No, wait, wait...
Maybe I should start with an elementary lesson in Politics 101 -
"Definitions of Sovereignty."
How about you go and study that a little and then come and reply to some obvious questions.
Thank you. End of Class. See you tomorrow.
Painting : Iraqi artist, Muhammed Muhradin
The snake will invoke its last throes.
only british sods can come up with crap like yours.
anyways, what does knuckle rapping mean?
The only rap I know is music and I hate it.
Why does this blog attract such weirdoes is beyond me.
Mind you, I should have guessed, seeing the state Iraq is in.
All the retards of the world ended up there.
Do you see the logic life ?
An invading country asks another potential invading country not to invade what the first country has already invaded.
an invading country asks another invading country to leave what it has invaded so it stays the sole invader, then both invading countries argue about who has invaded first and which one should leave first and then end up turning against the potential invader for possibly invading too....
Talk about a fucking quagmire !
And IRAQ in all of this ?
The "white man's game is up."
Those who accuse "us" of conspiracy theories are extremely shallow, intellectually. The CIA will beg to differ.
Today the natives (us) not only know the language, we also know the "conspiracies, the "logic" or rather the illogic.
"The white American man at the career office once told me that America gives "scholarships to foreigners" (while Americans pay) because that's where "we get our brains from."
America is a pauper in this area of "specialization." Poor America.
The current situation is the plan and Americans are not "being" sucked in, they are already spiraling down the black hole, on the back of "Blackwater." What irony.
Is israel US and iran conspiring to fight arabs?
But then how come US is also chest beating and picking a potentially catastrophic fight with iran?
And is all the iran-israel animosity just a ruse , a trick, a sting a swindle ?
And are israel and the US helping the kurds to undermine iraq's unity? But why are they helping them against turkey?
Wasn't turkey the US's ally and had signed defense pacts with israel?
Who the hell is exactly against who ?
Is the US/israel against : Arabs, kurds, turks iranians ?
or is it
US+israel + iran against arabs and tuks ?
or us + israel + kurds against arabs iranians and turks ?
Please enlight , please help
I no longer am capable of understanding what's going on.
Also layla,
please point me to the blog posts where you explain to us the origins of sadr , his family and where his money came from , and his past , i want to know about that. I tried looking up your 2006 posts but really i don't have enough time to sift through all of them.
only british sods can come up with crap like yours.
I hate to nick somebody else's lines but that's cos we're "ish". Nobody else in the world is "ish" except the Turkish.
Now talking of the Turkish, my kebab man is Turkish, and it turns out they hate Yanks somewhat on a par to Moi. They have a good Turkish film out called "Valley of the Wolves - Iraq". It looks like a real good movie but I don't see it going down well in Yankee land.
howling wolf
And, of course, us British all know how they harvested Alastair Cook's body.
Amerikkka is a very sick country and unfortunately British politicians are cowards these days. It was the same in WW2; we had a government that appeased Hitler, until the day we were forced to stand up against him.
jr is a masochist perv into older women, it's a FACT.
In Layla's book:
"Weirdo" = Everyone who's not willing to perform mea culpa, breast-beating, self-flagellating etc. before her Divine Wrath.
Many come here because you are writing the history of this bloody invasion and instructing us all
about the truth. Thank you !!!
but because morons are lost in wonderland, which they have not found for real LOL
they love to waiste the time of others instead of waking up LOL
Anyway, I love your blog and those
lost whatever ? they are.... remind us, how .....
f up they are LOL
Lots of love ,-))
anony-mousey,Ibet you'r british.
only british sods can come up with crap like yours.
anyways, what does knuckle rapping mean?
The only rap I know is music and I hate it.
Why does this blog attract such weirdoes is beyond me.
Mind you, I should have guessed, seeing the state Iraq is in.
All the retards of the world ended up there.
disgusting little perverts layla....its a trait in white pple
The Kurdish "incursions" are engineered by the US and Israel. Welcome WWIII. Keeps Bush bushing. Goodbye to the US as "the" primary world power. Welcome China, India and Russia, again.
The snake will invoke its last throes.
who cares abts china, india or russia.....i wudnt expect ne different from them
countries r going abt as if they own iraq ie it has no sovereignty
layla plz post a new article and lock this thread immediately
Now the Halabja mythomaniacs will taste what a REAL repression is like.
I'm still awaiting a reply to my questions from Layla.
Regarding the kurds, pls read my posts Bad Pawns and follow the links there in particular our brother the kurds. Bad pawns is under october 07.
Today, Turkey will be discussing with Olmert on ways Israel is to STOP arming the kurds both in Iraq and Turkey.
I guess that added piece of info will reply to some of your questions.
As for your equations. In politics there are temporary bed partners and monogamous marriages.
Israel + US is a monogamous marriage till death do us part.
Iran + U.S. is a concubine relationship. i.e meaning the US is not really bound to any marital vows.
Iran + Israel : is a perverse kinky relationship that you don't want the neighbors to find about.
Turky + U.S + europe is the owner of a restaurant, wanting to please his clients but still wanting to be aknowledged in a michelin guide.
Got it now arab confused?
As for Sadr, he has been touched upon many times in my posts. For a little of his background info, plz read " The savior has landed" in May 07 and " Just a little Gossip" in March 07.
You may also want to check the following blog. by Mohammed.
Last of Iraqis blogspot.
Just google last of Iraqis and you will find him. It is one of his earliest posts and in it he gives a good resume of Sadr's background.
But he forgets to mention that Sadr never followed Theology school.
Latest news. Sadr is controlling ALL of Basrah and helped by Iranian Quds Brigades. The Shitty Brits handed it to him on a golden plate. or handed it to IRAN.
As for the money that goes to the sectarian son of bitches in Baghdad. It comes from Iran of course +++ The Sistani Fund which is made of millions of dollars, plus the Sadr fund which is made of millions of dollars and the al hakeem fund made of millions of dollars.
This money was LOOTED from the Iraqi treasury and beefed up by Iran.
Do not forget that these bastards are ALSO trading in oil, through private companies. LOOTED Iraqi oil, and that they control ALL the ministries and live off commissions thereof.
I hope this has replied your questions.
Am disappointed. This is the second time you disappoint me. I really thought you were smarter than that.
The first time with the blind date post and now with the sovereignty lesson.
You need to repeat the exam.
Definitions of usurped sovereignty and its consequences.
Am giving you a D for the last exam.
This is truly a homework reading.
Thanks for specifying the posts too - great help - you go out of your way.
I'll check them out.
if you allow me a bit of an emotional moment,
I hope the truth comes out, the lies and liars (of the zionist leaderships) exposed enough for the world to act to stop their continuing crimes against humanity , their conspiracies foiled, and their wrongs righted.
Keep the faith. don't be mad at God (I know you probably aren't).
Thanks again for the hefty homework.
Be wise, safe, strong, and ...
BTW, we never got to read what you told that suffocating buffoon who's "been around" and whose idea of "entertainment" is insulting his precious undeserved date not to mention insulting womanhood itself?
I was expecting to read that the neck tied vulture receive a bowl of soup or a glass of drink empty straight onto his horizontal mustachiooed face.
Drop that bitch of a friend who set up that "date" (more like she set up a lemon), maybe she is the prostitute.
Just take care and god bless you.
Now talking of the Turkish, my kebab man is Turkish,
mines greek
Layla, Do You Feel It Getting Deep?
howling wolf
savage u stupid prick what the fuck is wrong with u??? u seem 2 b getting more retarded with each passing day
germans were evil and the british empire was evil. ww2 was just a matter of 2 competing evil empires fighting it out. end of story
jr is a masochist perv into older women, it's a FACT.
fuck off u dirty cunt n take your disgusting perverted thoughts with u
"Why does this blog attract such weirdoes is beyond me"
In Layla's book:
"Weirdo" = Everyone who's not willing to perform mea culpa, breast-beating, self-flagellating etc. before her Divine Wrath.
shut up lou u stupid lump of shit
Saddam was so blinded with his "romantico-socialistic" faith in the goodness of mankind (!) and his mad love for all the Iraqis that he never found the heart to get rid of the Kurdish separatist scum once and for all.
sum people r just 2 nice for this world if u ask me. lets hope this kind gentle-natured man finds his appropriate place in the hereafter
Am giving you a D for the last exam.
layla i think ill stick with the D....ive never been much gd with exams 2 tell u the truth
I hope the truth comes out, the lies and liars (of the zionist leaderships) exposed enough for the world to act to stop their continuing crimes against humanity , their conspiracies foiled, and their wrongs righted.
Keep the faith. don't be mad at God (I know you probably aren't).
Thanks again for the hefty homework.
Be wise, safe, strong, and ...
thank u for sharing that very touching moment with us
Or just carry Immodium with you.
It should be what IS your favorite food.
So what IS your favourite food ?
Is that not typical of your kind though? Grabbing for free.
Something tells me you're more into sour flavors than sweet ones...
Am into sweet and sour.
We're seeing all the classic and more advanced triumverate of "Game Theory-military-architecture" being put into play.
Anthropologists are also being drafted into Iraq in order to determine 'softer' warfare methods for the army.
As I see it - - while Bush and his fellow extreme right wing Christian and Jewish fundamentalists have been telling the world that the extreme right wing Islamic fundamentalists were the terrorists and therefore the enemy - he at the same time has placed them in power in Iraq. While at the same time
all western powers have taken the opportunity to bring in anti-terrorists laws to in fact control their civilian populations.
Perhaps people might be confused because instead of breaking groups up into left centre and right political views - people are looking at Sunni Shia Palestinian,Kurd etc.
Not all Anglo-saxons have the same political views - not all Arabs have the same political views.
In turn not all Catholics have the same political views, nor do Protestants.
Nor do Sunn,Shia,Kurd etc.
In Iraq it is the extreme right wing
Iranian driven Islamic Fundamentalist
idealism which is driving the death squads against Sunni,Shia,Palestinians, Kurds, etc who are not Islamic Fundamentalists.
Bush and the left centre and right political commentators think that ordinary folk are too stupid to catch onto this - and are happy for you to believe it is merely sectarian ethnic cleansing between uncivilised tribes.
But interestingly, there is some other bedfellows involved in Bush's deception - the communists! (Yes, the US even supports communists when it suits them.)
This is the collaboration of 30 representatives from the world communist parties who are supporting the US/Israel/Iran occupation in Iraq, while at the same time working for the anti-war movement.
In Athens on Nov'18-20th 2005 at the
Communist International conference 30 representative out of 73 passed a resolution supporting the Iraqi Communist Party.
The spokesperson for Committee for a Free Iraq - Denmark - Carsten Kofoed
Hjemmeside/Website informs us that
the Iraqi Communist Party
was appointed by Bush to the Governing Council of Iraq in July 2003.
After the transfer of sovereignty by US from June 2004 to April 2005 the Iraq communist party -
participated in US puppet regime led by
CIA backed lyad Illawi.
participated in US sham Iraqi elections.
Agitated for a YES referendum to new Iraqi US/Zionist Constitution.
have collaborated with US occcupiers in every way against the Iraqi Resistance.
have been part of the puppet police force and security forces
ICP Chairman, Hamid Majid Mousa resides in Green Zone with other ICP leaders
and are being protected by the US and CIA.
The most ardent supporters are the USA and Britain Communist Parties while at the same time they work for the anti-war movement.
And while these Communists work for the anti-war movement which demands immediate withdrawal of occupiers -
they do not support immediate withdrawal of US occupiers on the grounds that :
Iraq security forces not strong enough.
and this will cause a civil war.
These are the same reasons Bush and his puppet government give for continuous occupation of Iraq.
Their resolution on Iraq calls for "an immediate halt to all terrorists and murderous acts of killing of ordinary people and bombing of civilian targets by murderous gangs of Saddam supporters and fundamentalist forces."
One can only say "what devious fork-tongued bastards" no wonder Bush cuddles them.
So all in all, we have the situation where the extreme left supports the extreme right in the destruction of Iraq and its people.
I can understand why many genuine people are confused. And if you wonder why your local anti-war group is inactive and supports Iran and has distain for President Hussein - then do a bit of checking. Our anti-war peace group in Victoria sadly fits the bill.