A Virus...

I have been feeling lousy for the past two days. Actually am quite sick. Nothing serious, just a nasty strain of the Flu.

And am not good company when am sick. Am grouchy, cranky, and terribly anti-social.
But I had to go out and get some Panadol from a pharmacy nearby.

“Salam Aleikom, I need a box of Panadols please”
“Is the Panadol for you or for your husband?“ asked the inquisitive pharmacist.
“My husband is dead“ I replied in a flat voice and with a straight face.
“Oh am sorry”
“Don’t be. I killed him.”

My, you should have seen the look on his face. He still managed a tiny faint smile and gave me what I needed with no further questions.
And that is the way it should be. He had a wedding ring on, and on top of that, a beard. I guess you all know by now, my “position” vis à vis beards...

Now, before you go around cyber world, spreading homicidal rumors about me being a “man killer,” let me assure you, I did not kill my ex. But he could be dead for all I care.

Mind you, he is not the only one on whom the death sentence should be carried out. The “men” in charge of the ministry of Health in Baghdad deserve the same verdict.

I am lucky, I can still afford a box of Panadols and if things get worse (hopefully not),I can always go to an Iraqi doctor friend of mine – who is not only very competent but who also gives discounts to other Iraqis trapped in the wilderness.

Which reminds me of a “joke” going around in Baghdad. A guy has a tooth ache and needs to have the bad tooth extracted.
-The dentist:"This will cost you 100$"
-The patient:“Can’t you just loosen it up for 10$ and I will pull it out myself ?!”
“Occupation” black humor at its best.
Give it a little more time and you will be witnessing a whole generation of Iraqis smiling at you, toothless. The “Occupation” smile. Pity we will not be featuring in your Colgate toothpaste ads.

As I have mentioned in the past, Iraqis no longer have teeth fillings, they just have them extracted instead. For one it is cheaper. Second it takes less time- security reasons. Three, anesthesia is not always available so I guess one hard pull is less painful than drilling – especially that this latter can bring on terrible reminiscing fears of what awaits every Sunni Iraqi if he/she is not careful in hiding their sect.

Yes, you guessed right, the nefarious, psychopathic militia of the Jaysh al Mahdi. The military wing of the Sadrists whose head is none other than the top notch driller of Baghdad - His Eminence Muqtada al Sadr.

And as it so happens, the Ministry of Health is under his “patronage” and that of his “men.”

Every Baghdadi knows that if you are sick and happen to live in a Sunni area- these categorizations were INEXISTENT prior to our “liberation”- you’re royally screwed.

Not only getting to a doctor outside your area is dangerous, nay impossible, but even the hospitals in the Sunnis areas turn you away.

Radhee is no liar. He swears that they turn away many patients in his Sunni ghetto and only allow “very serious cases.” The reason? Lack of everything.

No hospital beds, no medications, no equipment, no electricity, no nurses and worst of all, no doctors.

The figures, and these are the only ones I could find, state that over 20’000 Iraqi medical doctors have fled the country in 2005 alone. God only knows how many have fled to date.
And God only knows how many dentists, nurses and other paramedical help have also escaped the hell of Iraq.

In 2005 alone, over 250 doctors were kidnapped and killed,65 were reported missing. I leave it to you to calculate how many are killed and/or missing to date.

Today Iraq has 1/3 of the doctors it needs. Those who remained, are daily harassed by armed militias storming into their clinics. Some have closed shop and work from home instead.

The Health Ministry has a DELIBERATE policy of not providing Hospitals in the Sunnis areas with funds, equipment, medicine and staff. This is a deliberate act that falls in perfect line with the overall sectarian nature of the puppet government. Another way of furthering the smaller genocide within the grander genocide. The Iranian genocide against the Sunnis within the grander American genocide against the Iraqis.

The same applies to the Ministries of Works, Transport, Interior, Education, etc...But I will leave those out for the moment as I really want you to focus on the “Health Service” disaster that is now the norm in Iraq.

I will not even start mentioning the rampant diseases that we had ERADICATED before our “Liberation,” now making a comeback.
Cholera, Typhoid, Malaria, T.B, Hepatitis, Dysentery, Polio and AIDS. This latter was virtually unheard of in Iraq.

I will not even go through the cancer cases in particular soft tissues and blood cancer that have been multiplied by 600 thanks to D.U. This alone is a tragedy in itself.
And will not cover other common illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension for which people can’t find adequate treatment and can’t afford the medication either.
Nor will I touch upon the very serious mental health degradation of the majority of Iraqis. An ongoing PTSD with no end in sight.
Nor will I mention the lack of pre-natal and post-natal care. Nor the forced ceasarians before their terms. Nor the increasing number of miscarriages. Nor the infants who do not stand a chance of seeing the light of day. Nor the children dying in loads...No, I will not mention any of that.

The current Health situation in Iraq is a tragedy of monumental proportions. It is yet another crime that both the U.S and the Iranian puppet government in Baghdad have committed.

As I said, the Ministry of Health is run by Muqtada al Sadr’s men. It is one of the ministries that has been affected the most by corruption. See my previous post “Foul Play.”

Under the Sadrists, the Health System has TOTALLY disintegrated. And there is a VERY SEVERE lack of services. Except maybe for their own hospital in Sadr City. Persian sectarianism oblige.

Twenty Billion $ have been allocated for Hospitals and Medical supplies. All of it has gone missing. Some of the equipment and medication are later found being sold on the black market.

The culprits are none other than the Ministry of Health AND foreign “reconstruction” contractors. The Americans, Brits and the rest of the parasites that have infected Iraq.

Out of 150 health projects, only 6 have been completed and not totally.
The Health Ministry along with these foreign contractors have cashed in the money. Again corruption and fraud of the highest order.

And the Iraqis are left with their diseases, amputations, wounds and scars in total indifference. Indifference by both the puppet government, the Americans and the so called International Community.

I have also not touched upon the displaced, inside and outside of Iraq who for the most part have absolutely NO access to any medical care whatsoever.
I have not even spoken of the all too common sight- that of mothers, selling some food they received in charity so they can take their child to a doctor...
I have not even touched upon those who are riddled with cancer and can’t afford morphine and are left to wither away in agony...

My God...I do not know anymore where to start and where to stop...

And when I think back to the days when Iraq according to the WHO (who is doing fuck all by the way, except entertaining the “doctors” of the civilized international community by paying them salaries of 10’000$ ++ a month so they can write reports and watch us die away slowly.) was considered the most advanced country in the Middle East in its health care system.

Not only we had the best doctors, all sent abroad for further studies and specializations. Not only we had the latest equipment. Not only we had some of the best hospitals and medical schools. Not only patients flocked from all over the Middle East to seek treatment in Baghdad...Not only that, but it was also ALL FREE of charge.

Our hospital beds today have no sheets. No covers. No meal is served, you bring your own. No gloves. No syringes. No Hygiene. No equipment. No medication. No nurses. No Doctors. No prenatal care. No post natal care. No nothing but...

A lot of everything that is ugly, evil, hideous...and I have no more words.

Bullets, disease, radioactivity, malnutrition, unemployment, poverty, corruption, sectarianism, chauvinism, fear, grief...

These are the viruses of the dual Occupation USA – Iran. No, triple occupation – let us not forget Israel in the North. But then Israel is right into the heart of Baghdad too, lecherously gnawing away at it.

Yes these are the viruses plaguing the “ New Liberated Iraq.”
Viruses that come from predators attacking, like rabid enraged wild animals...and contaminating everything and everyone.

In short, the virus of Genocide. A Genocide happening in front of your very eyes. And you can’t come later and say you were not told.

My rage is never ending...truly never ending, as I witness the so many levels of crimes you people have committed and the so many levels of lies you people have lied and the so many techniques of murder you people are using...Never ending.
Truly a disgrace to anything called a Human Being.

And I still see some giving support to those genocidal psychopaths like Muqtada al Sadr. And I still see some engaging in preemptive mourning for the equally criminal Iran instead of denouncing its role in the hell which is now Iraq. And I still hear that Iraq has to wait and grill away further, on the back burner. And I still see some totally living in willful denial, cajoling themselves as to how civilized their American/ Western world is.

Now I feel much sicker. Truly sick. This nasty flu is nothing in comparison.
It is a sickness I am unable to get rid of and unable to heal...
The sickness that comes from realizing that my country is very ill, debilitated by a feverish illness, diseased, ailing, crippled, agonizing...gone for ever.
The sickness that comes from realizing that You are that killer virus that is ravaging Her body away...

Painting : Iraqi female artist, Yaqeen Al-Dulaimi.


Anonymous said…
Iran Is About To Strike Iraq
Layla Anwar said…
sapper, hello ?
Anonymous said…
What about the "antibodies" ??
Anonymous said…
let me guess...your ex-husband was/is not exactly a paragon of patriotism either, right ?

i mean, besides being muppet enough to lose a treasure such as you :-)
Layla Anwar said…
am too sick to reply to comments. will have to wait till my anti bodies win the final battle.

a muppet is a muppet is a muppet. But there are cute muppets and muppets are not criminals.
I wish more men were muppets and less of criminals.

Talking of muppets, where is JR ?
Anonymous said…
JR is everywhere !
Layla Anwar said…
That's the kind of Fever I have.

Anonymous said…
Layla's a man-killer ! Layla's a man-killer ! Layla's a man killer !
Anonymous said…
With all due respect, Layla, I am finding your "anti-bodies" tragically slow-acting.....
Layla Anwar said…
hey hurried, they would go faster if, as Joe Cocker sings it - With a little help from my friends.
Get my drift?
Anonymous said…
Layla, it's no exaggeration to say that your blog is all that makes me still prefer this life to...

Thank you from the heart for keeping your promise, my dear, dear, dear True Iraqi.
Layla Anwar said…
kinder- time for bed. Don't forget to brush your teeth.
Anonymous said…
Hello Dear Layla,
You will feel better soon insh'Allah.
Brilliant post and a very funny and appropriate link. Thank you.
Take care and God bless you always.
Anonymous said…
Which "friends" are you talking about ?

The Arabs ??

The veto front ??

The anti-war movement ??

Layla dear...tell me the truth...you are DELIRIOUS, aren't you ? :-)

Get well soon, you and our adored Mother, and "to HELL, to the raging pits of HELL" with the rest.

Yours affectionately,
Layla Anwar said…
soul in torment,

Hello. Nice to "see" you again and thank you. I have a secret wish for you soul, that one day comes and you change that pseudo to something else...
And then, maybe I will not have to keep my promise to you anymore...
Take good care.
Layla Anwar said…
Dear S

Hello and nice to see you here again. Thank you for your recovery wishes. The link is great. I watched it about 10 times. Maybe I am delirious after all.
God bless you xxx
Layla Anwar said…

I am as hurried as you are. I just thought it would be nice if only...
But then, I guess you're right - am delirious. Must be the fever.
Be well.
Anonymous said…
so where did/does your ex-husband stand politically ?

was/is he a loyal iraqi or a "sellout kalb" (à la JR) ?
Layla Anwar said…

Are you sure this is the appropriate pseudo for you? I am having my doubts.
Besides, why does my ex interest you so much?
He seems to predominate your thoughts and you certainly have centered all of your questions/remarks on him as opposed to the health crisis in Iraq.
Would you like to marry him, yourself ? Or should I deduce that you are just a shallow, gossipy, jealous muppet yourself?
Anonymous said…
"I just thought it would be nice if only..."

Tender little Layla... You made me cry :-(

I wish so hard that one day comes when you are returned part of, if not all the love you have so generously lavished on this undeserving humanity.

Victory to the Iraqi People !

Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said…
The painting looks like a female hand holding a man's flaccid penis...
Anonymous said…
JR, remember that one day you'll die...
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you so much. That is very touching. And Amen to that.
Regards to you.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous anatomy observer,

You must know best.
Layla Anwar said…
Jr, come back you are wanted. Dead or Alive.
You have more fans here, than I.
Anonymous said…
layla i wud first like 2 say that i think its a DISGRACE what is happening in iraq today......i bet saddam hussein even in his wildest nightmares wudn't have envisaged such a sorry state of affairs....it really is DISGUSTING....at the present rate the middle east cud very well end up resembling sub-saharan africa
Anonymous said…
n not only is that a disgrace, but sum of the people on here r also a disgrace.....a disgrace 2 humanity,a disgrace 2 their families n a disgrace 2 themselves....guys u complete n utter cockmunching little shitheads......layla probably spends ages writing her articles n pours her heart n soul in2 her writing n this blog. n if at the end of the day the best u can offer her is: "The painting looks like a female hand holding a man's flaccid penis" then u really need 2 take a good long hard look at yourselves in the mirror n question whether u r fit 2 continue living any longer
Anonymous said…
ps. layla my computer caught a virus n ive been ill 2.....not managed 2 sort it out properly yet. n not sure which fans ure refering 2........every1 here wishes u well, ive just got a deranged moron wishing 4 my death
Layla Anwar said…
Hey JR,

Am still sick. I think it's time to give the discount doc a visit.
Hope you have recovered.
even anti muppets movement are claiming you back :-)
Take care.
Layla Anwar said…
To the WANKER who sent me a comment and a link to a blog.

Of course, I will not post that link. What this blog portrays -
two crack addicts, having anal sex in DC in broad daylight.

The owner of this blog thinks its hilarious.
What you find hilarious only portrays YOUR WAY of LIFE. This is what America is MADE OF.

ADDICTS, STREET SODOMIZERS and EXHIBITIONISTS and you export your diseases wherever you go.

You can stuff that flag right where the sun don't shine. And I would like to see that hilarious face of yours then.

But, being so generous, I have forward your comment and your link to many. I am sure they will be delighted to come and spit on you and your blog.

Have a wonderful day.
Anonymous said…
we have blood on our hands;
from the very first american film we stupidly celebrated to all the
copycats of european so called filmmakers works, from the all so
mighty praising of virtual death, of agent stories, of good and bad
guys - and most of all - the praise for wealth and fortune like songs
in fairytales - it dosent matter if someone dies, as long it is not
our "heroe" or "heroes" or "heroines"-
thats what we are made of.That´s what we let happen. God damit we all

have to eat this! What at a distant glance looked like something
sweet and not dangerous at all, turned out to be an all omitting
monster, which nows eats everything and force us to eat as well. We
are eating up our so called souls. And we are, the worst, forcing
other into the same bloddy ditches of death!!!
So dont be suprised walking the streets of the Occdident capitals
and feeling strange - everywhere around you´ll see people with bloods

on their hands... and that you are one of them...
Anonymous said…
"i bet saddam hussein even in his wildest nightmares wudn't have envisaged such a sorry state of affairs."

JR !

Stop talking like an ignorant, moralistic, politically correct armchair leftist MUPPET !

Saddam Hussein was NOT a "lesser evil"; he was GOOD, a GOOD President, a GOOD leader, a GOOD thinker, a GOOD fighter, and above all a GOOD MAN, a BLESSING to Iraq, the Arabs and the humanity as a whole.

Stop the "neither-nor" AMBIGUITY and TAKE SIDES with the Truth once and for all !
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar has a blog.
Anonymous said…
Keep in mind; Peace in Iraq is not in the interest of the Bush administration. If the Sunni and Shia ever get together the Americans would have to leave Iraq in a matter of weeks.
The war between the Shia and the Sunni was created by the Bush Goon squads and maintained on a daily basis.
Smarten up guys. Your being used.
Anonymous said…

My name is Amin. I am a Canadian living in Indonesia. I have been a Muslim for 3 years now and not a day goes by that I thank Allah (swt) for guiding me to his deen. I have also been trying to follow the sunnah of Muhammad (saw) as best I can. This of course means I have grown a beard and it feels great.
I am new to your blog and I enjoyed the few articles I read, however in this last one 'A virus', you mentioned, "I guess you all know by now, my “position” vis à vis beards...", and I was wondering what your opinion is on beards.
Thanks and I pray Allah (swt) grants you happiness in your life.

Assalamu alaikum

Anonymous said…
Layla got the Flu from JR !
Anonymous said…
Ya JR ya jabaan, inta ameel lil Amrikan !
Layla Anwar said…
will reply to anonymous on sunni shia divide and to ali al amin on the beard issue a little later insha'Allah.
Layla Anwar said…
From Sweden,

That is nice prose.
Layla Anwar said…
anti muppet movement,

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha- that is hilarious.
Anonymous said…
""I guess you all know by now, my “position” vis à vis beards...", and I was wondering what your opinion is on beards. "

Why do you give care about the opinion of a whore, who goes out on 'blind dates', on your beard, dipshit?
Anonymous said…
Dear layla

Get well soon, drink lots of fluids, lemonade& vitamine C.
Today I read that USA warned Iraq that the main Dam in Mousel might colapse? But the Iraqi government assured the American that the Dam is strong enough? Do u know anything about that? I hope you do not live near it. I suspect that may be the American know something going to happen there?
Anonymous said…
What you find hilarious only portrays YOUR WAY of LIFE. This is what America is MADE OF.


Yet they didn't have any trouble flattening and fucking over your country.

You do realize that the militias which kidnap, rape, torture and kill people can't operate without atleast the passive support of iraqis, right? Do the junkie torturers of the Mahdi army have a large base of support or not?

People in glass houses...
Anonymous said…
yeah im fine now thanks layla....i hope things get better 4 u 2
Anonymous said…
What you find hilarious only portrays YOUR WAY of LIFE. This is what America is MADE OF.

ADDICTS, STREET SODOMIZERS and EXHIBITIONISTS and you export your diseases wherever you go.
not 2 mention obese stupid retarded bastards......i wish they wud stop coming on this blog n inflicting us with their crass retarded culture
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...
From Sweden,

That is nice prose.

dont lie layla......it was all over the place
Anonymous said…
jr's conscience said...
"i bet saddam hussein even in his wildest nightmares wudn't have envisaged such a sorry state of affairs."

JR !

Stop talking like an ignorant, moralistic, politically correct armchair leftist MUPPET !

Saddam Hussein was NOT a "lesser evil"; he was GOOD, a GOOD President, a GOOD leader, a GOOD thinker, a GOOD fighter, and above all a GOOD MAN, a BLESSING to Iraq, the Arabs and the humanity as a whole.

Stop the "neither-nor" AMBIGUITY and TAKE SIDES with the Truth once and for all !

but i dont know if he was ne good cos i wasnt there!!.....n u sound suspiciously like hala
Anonymous said…
Ali al-Amin bin Nestor Sirias said...

My name is Amin. I am a Canadian living in Indonesia. I have been a Muslim for 3 years now and not a day goes by that I thank Allah (swt) for guiding me to his deen. I have also been trying to follow the sunnah of Muhammad (saw) as best I can. This of course means I have grown a beard and it feels great.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
""I guess you all know by now, my “position” vis à vis beards...", and I was wondering what your opinion is on beards. "

Why do you give care about the opinion of a whore, who goes out on 'blind dates', on your beard, dipshit?


fuck off u cunt n apologise 2 layla IMMEDIATELY
Anonymous said…
anti-muppet movement said...
Ya JR ya jabaan, inta ameel lil Amrikan
"oh jr u coward, u agent of the americans"
plz see above post!!
Anonymous said…
actually 2 tell u the truth layla....my head is still aching
Layla Anwar said…

So what raw nerve did I hit?
Drug addict, sodomizer or exhibitionist...or maybe 3 in one.
Fucktard. The link was left in the comment section of this blog and this blog is about Iraq not about some crack junkie sodomizing a shemale in broad day light in D.C.
And the blogger found that so hilarious he took pictures and pasted on his blog - like some fucking trophy.

And fucktard, am not done with you yet. Shits like you brought us those people. Trained them, funded them, supported them, armed them ... We did not have death junkies before your smelly asses landed on our lands.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous of the moral high grounds,

What's wrong with blind dates?
Arranged marriages are blind dates are they not?

When you wank in cyber world like you do here, you are hoping for blind dates too - are you not?

when you get all excited and insecure, and jealous - you are missing out on a blind date as well. N'est ce pas?

Blind dates are fine. They are called matchmaking. Nothing wrong with that. Happens all the time.

Blind dates are fine, as long as one does not come across a despicable character like yourself.

And come to think of it, that is probably one good reason why you are so "hot" about blind dates.

Sleep on it.
Anonymous said…
"Shits like you brought us those people."

Bullshit. Those men in black cruising around on SUVs are _iraqis_ who have the support of Iraqi shiites. Just as Al quaeda fundies have some support among Sunnis. They wouldn't be able to operate otherwise.
Layla Anwar said…
and the 75'000 death contractors and mercenaries like Blackwater and Co ? and the Mossad Operatives?
And the British secret agents? and and and...

Every single western pimp ended up in Iraq. America and Britain divided Iraq along sectarian lines when these lines were INEXISTENT.

Idiot that you are. Go and read and inform yourself.
Anonymous said…
"America and Britain divided Iraq along sectarian lines"

Then Iraqis must be singularly stupid and bloodthirsty to be manipulated into killing each other so quickly.

"when these lines were INEXISTENT."

It's nonexistent.
Remember the shiite rebellion which Saddam crushed? What about that, you dumb cunt?
Layla Anwar said…
fucktard, welcome back.

You are bent on making a fool out of yourself. INEXISTENT does exist. Go check a dictionary.

The shiite rebellion as you call it was not a shiite rebellion. It was a group of infiltrators from Iran that gathered a few of their supporters. And they got crushed and rightly so. Iran has no business in Iraq.
Got it now fucktard.
Layla Anwar said…
Ali al-Amin bin Nestor Sirias,

Salam to you and thanks for visting my blog.
I hope it will prove to be a good "sociological" experience for you. As you might have gathered from the comment section thus far.
And I must add, this is a mighty long name that you have.


What have I got against beards and (other forms of facial hair)

1) I do not like them. They are prickly and am allergic.
2) I do not believe that in order to be a "good" muslim one has to have a beard.
3) Beard is à la mode - in fashion.
Some grow it to make a statement. Some for "aqeeda" purposes. Some to pretend and hope the aura of piety will follow. Some feel it is sunna and some hide their political agenda behind it.
Hence, a beard is a very "dubious" feature on a muslim man's face.
4) When you decided to have yours and I respect that - I suppose no one forced you. You did it out of your own free will out of conviction. And I also suppose you do not go around your fellows forcing them to grow one either. And am also assuming you do not compete with others as to whose beard is the longest. Right?

Sadly this is not the case for the other bearded ones. With the new wave of "political" Islam both in its sunni and shia versions, a beard has become the symbol of not only so called "taqwa" but also of adherence to a particular ideological make up that has nothing to do with the fundamentals of Islam. I will not go further into that as this is only a comment section and not some political treatise.

I feel the same way about the veil too with a few variations...

In conclusion, seeing the amounts of beards and veils we have around, one would have thought that paradise would be landing on our laps. What we have is the total opposite. Much "religious zeal" and public piety hiding way too much hypocrisy both political and personal.

Cover your hearts first from ills then cover your faces and your heads...

Unfortunately it does not work the other way around.

Wa Allah a'alam.
Anonymous said…
You must be seen to say the last word, don't you? What a pathetic whore you are!
Layla Anwar said…
who says anonymous?
See how generous I am, I am giving you the last word.
As a gracious Arab woman I want to reward you.
I know that are obsessively "infatuated" with me and I appreciate your spending many hours, endless hours in fact, checking on me and my blog...
I surely don't want your efforts to go unnoticed.
So I DECIDE to let you have the last word here.
Anonymous said…
"I know that are obsessively "infatuated" with me"

Don't flatter yourself. I occasionally make the mistake of trolling online when I get bored.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous bored troll,

You must be VERY bored then, because you have been on this blog for the past 6 hours or so...
VERY bored people are usually VERY boring too. And VERY boring people, are pitiful.
And I pity you.
Anonymous said…
plz lets get back on topic
Layla Anwar said…
the topic should be why does Iraq attract sexually repressed perverts like this anonymous troll.
I think I will be writing about that too.
Anonymous said…
you omitted that some men grow their beards because:

1. just because
2. they like to have it
3. they're too lazy and slobby to shave every day, and so shave every month or so.

All of the above applies to some slob like me.

None of the above reasons have any religious spiritual social or political connotations in the minds of those men (example, me !)

And yet i keep getting misunderstood and get dirty looks from liberals and expectations from religious people - all total strangers.

let's face it , it is very hard now for a regular non practicing arab man to grow a beard and get away with it just like an american or european christian or atheist would.

I cry foul and unfair ! :(
Anonymous said…
Re:your latest 'Virus' posting -

not one meaningful comment was made regarding the state of the Health system in Iraq - nor about the plight of the sick people there.

It seems you are not attracting the right people to your blog.

Really where are all the previous people who used to make comments relevant to your topics?

Now the comments section is just a bunch of insults hurled back and forth.
Layla Anwar said…
lucid arab,

You're right. I agree with you. I think you ought to start a "beard awareness campaign"...
Does not change the fact that it remain prickly...
Layla Anwar said…
iraqi jew,

Because you think you last comment was a meaningful contribution to this blog or post?
Were you not the one who seemed to enjoy the insults hurled back and forth...
So am not attracting the right people huh !
Angel said…
Hey Layla,

Your list of anonymous's, is getting too long. This one is probably from the Land of the Lard, amall in stature, and obese.

That's why he is sexually repressed. He just can't see it.
Anonymous said…
Compulsory beards and veils are on the post-US withdrawal agenda of many groups (= Islamists) in what you call the "resistance"...

And yet you support them !!
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,

Personally am fine with this new "intimist" blog idea of yours; it's your right and all too human...

Just one little heartfelt plea, if I may be permitted: let that be your well-deserved "recreation space", but at the same time keep honoring your obligations towards our beloved IRAQ on this blog as you have always (beautifully) done.

Don't listen to the "demons" of fatigue, anger, disgust, disappointment, and HABIT, whispering honeyed words of oblivion and "peace" in your ears... Don't be contented with being still alive. Don't fall back on individualism. Don't convince (fool) yourself that you are "self-sufficient", that you can do without Her...

For this is NOT a waste of time, this is NOT a losing cause...and YOU are still needed, wanted, DEMANDED.

My very best wishes.

A friend.
Anonymous said…
To:A friend,

Well said and ditto..

Layla is a voice of sanity and hope.
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,
Although all the comments were off-topic and very few realize the dimensions of destruction, the topic remained at health issues, mainly of the 'sick'. It is hard to understand, but sometimes one finds oneself in a situation where, although you are worse off, you have to take care of others, and you do provide very good health care for the mentally ill here!
I wasn't sure where or under which topic to post , but I have received this article by an author named Eric Margolis, who is probably a Geek, I mean a Greek, which kind of infuriated me, and I would like your opinion on it, when you have the time.
Oh, by the way, someone certainly doesn't like us getting together for coffee, cause I read this bewildering news today that Greek Cypriots have patented the word 'lokum' and noone can manufacture or sell lokum, especially to the EU market without getting permission from them and naming it Greek lokum. So there! It's only going to be coffee, I'm afraid, unless someone issues a ban on that also!
Take care.
Anonymous said…

feign a sudden migraine ;-)
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,

so how is your health now? hope you are better .

I wanted to ask you, what do you make of that mosul dam story?

Get well soon!
Anonymous said…
JR, remember that one day you'll die...
Anonymous said…
"iraqi jew,

Because you think you last comment was a meaningful contribution to this blog or post?
Were you not the one who seemed to enjoy the insults hurled back and forth...
So am not attracting the right people huh !"

It wasn't meant as a 'meaningful contribution' - merely an observation.

Also I did not say I am not enjoying the insults. Believe me - I am! Especially the Arabic curses.

Keep it up!

And no -I don't think you are attracting the right people if this is supposed to be a political blog.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Jew IMHO is not one of "the right people" that are "attracted" to this blog ...
Layla Anwar said…

I will have to agree with your observation.
Layla Anwar said…
How typical iraqi Jew. Will you ever be able to surprise me ?
Anonymous said…

'Iraqi Jew IMHO is not one of "the right people" that are "attracted" to this blog ...'

What is your definition of "right people"?

Layla since you agree with anonymous feel free to delete my comments -
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Jew

Why do I feel the violins are about to come out???
Anonymous said…
Maybe those violins will diffuse the hostility.
Or maybe next time I will comment under the title
"Iraqi Sunni Baathi" because I need everyone here to be nice to me as I'm so desperate for blogger and commentator approval.
Layla Anwar said…
iraqi jew,

under whatever banner you will comment, your colors will always show...
Seems you already brought out the violins.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Jew just can't refrain from showing his true colors - those of a typical zionazi barbarian ...
Anonymous said…
"Loneliness is not an easy place...to be in."

Since when is loneliness a place?
Loneliness is a self inflicted state of mind found in novels. It's a stretch to consider oneself 'lonely' when there are a billion people on earth. I prefer to consider it solitude.
In a hectic world, solitude reigns supreme!

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