Charitable Hands...

I have received a few mails, asking to make contributions to Iraqis in need.
I thank you all for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

I, personally, cannot take responsibility to receive any money transfers for several reasons.
First, this would require my divulging personal information. Something am unwilling to do.

Seeing the current "security" situation in Iraq, I will not put any member of my family or myself at risk, especially that my blog is considered "fiery."

However, I know of someone, who has established a small pool of funds for internally displaced Iraqi families who are in dire need and he is currently supporting 6 families by sending a little money each month. This money goes a long way for them.

I trust this man and it is rare for me to trust people on the net. But he is worthy of my trust. Hence, am mentioning him.

So for those of you, who wish to help an Iraqi family, with whatever you can contribute, please contact me and I will forward his address to you.

And please do remember, Iraqis were never into mendicity before their "Liberation".


Anonymous said…
I have received a few mails, asking to make contributions to Iraqis in need.
I thank you all for your thoughtfulness and generosity.


no problem
Anonymous said…
I, personally, cannot take responsibility to receive any money transfers for several reasons.
First, this would require my divulging personal information. Something am unwilling to do.


a very wise decision IMHO
Anonymous said…
Seeing the current "security" situation in Iraq, I will not put any member of my family or myself at risk, especially that my blog is considered "fiery."


same as above
Anonymous said…
layla r u there????????
Anonymous said…
fuck u savage u stupid son of a bitch.............did it ever occur in your stupid head htat it is possible to copy sum1s writing style........knob
Anonymous said…
layla y dont u ban me??? i never contribute nething useful.....i think my presence drags the comments section down in the gutters
Anonymous said…
but at least im not a sleazy little pervert like amre-el-knobshiner
Layla Anwar said…
Jr, my dear little pest,

I kind of missed you for 3 seconds yesterday...
And when did I ever ban you?
I have safeguarded all of your precious little comments, specially the ones when you insulted me - and remember am old enough to be your auntie. And still I did not ban you.
So get off the melodrama wheel will you?
Anonymous said…
actually layla u did ban me 4 abt 2 weeks remember.....but neway im sorry i swore at u.....plz can we put that unpleasant little episode behind us
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...
Jr, my dear little pest,


n plz can u not b so condesending.....remember we have been on gd terms for ages now
Layla Anwar said…
Jr, silly,

little pest is a term of endearment.
I only banned you for two weeks, because I wanted you to rest...
See how considerate I am ?
Anonymous said…
well ok my apologies layla i just thought u were being a vindictive old hag at the time (not that i think u r now of course)....thanks 4 your consideration
Layla Anwar said…
No problem, dear Jr, you are forgiven...
By the way, how is that treatment for juvenile acne coming along ? Any results?
Anonymous said…
layla y r u being soo nasty?? i said im sorry and i wanna be mates.....and 4 your info...i never had acne when i was a teenager never mind now...

neway i have 2 go n get something to eat....i hope when i return i will recieve an apology for your unneeded nastiness
Anonymous said…
How you can live with the pain of the greatest tragedy in mankind's history and still have the heart to be funny and joke with a JR is something beyond my understanding.

I do envy you though...
Anonymous said…
"I trust this man."

You should NEVER trust ANYONE on the net.
Layla Anwar said…
I NEVER trust, ANYONE who says NEVER.
Anonymous said…
If you are so keen on getting backstabbed, then trust whomever you like.

Good luck.
Layla Anwar said…
Why are you saying this?
Don't you want Iraqis in need to be helped?
And yes I trust this particular man and I have my reasons to trust him when it comes to this charity issue.
Anonymous said…
"I have my reasons to trust him"

Your reasons or your instincts ?

Just because a user with an e-mail address knows how to choose words, that does not mean that he/she is REALLY who he/she claims to be or means what he/she says.

How can you be 100% certain that those contributions would ACTUALLY go to the Iraqis in need and/or to the Resistance .. and not to something completely different ?

Remember, we are living in a time of universal deceit.

God guide you.

Layla Anwar said…

I understand your concerns.
The money is going to be donated to charity full stop.
Can I be 1000000% sure , of course not. But I am 95 % sure that he is supporting 6 internally displaced families.

What else do you suggest ?
There is CARITAS which is only operative in Syria and Jordan. Caritas has overheads and admin fees. Whatever contribution one makes, am sure a small percentage will go towards covering their expenses...

I know families I can distribute to, but then I have to give my full name and address for the money transfers. That is even riskier.

So what do you exactly suggest?

Besides it is not like millions of dollars are going to come pouring in.

Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,

Just forget that advice I gave you. I am a scarred soul whom the adversities of life have turned cynical and distrustful of human nature ..

After all, if there is even only 1% possibility that innocent and proud Iraqis may be granted some relief from their inhuman ordeal through this channel, why and with what heart would you leave it unexplored ?

Just follow your conscience .. and let's hope that "our man" will do the same with his own.

Best wishes.
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla dear,
I'm afraid I have to agree with Water above...It is too risky.
I know that Iraqis are in dire need for help and I also know that your intention is not only to help them but also to help those who want to help them , but there must be another way.This individual on the net could very well be an 'angel' but you cannot be sure.Those who want to help should really do some research on their own to find ways and means.When there is a will there is a way.Besides that process in and of itself will not only help them to reach their goal but will also enlighten them as to what's really going on. Take this person who's helping the 6 families (may God bless his efforts), am sure he didn't get to this stage effortelessly . Am not being idealistic here, I just don't think you should take undue risks.You are alreay mash'Allah doing a lot (may God bless your efforts too and guide you always).I'll think of something and get back to you.Please don't make hasty decisions.

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