Here is, True Solidarity for you.

Yesterday, I received the following e.mail from an American.
I was pleased to read it. In fact I read it many times. It is what I call an uplifting e.mail.
I salute this person's honesty, integrity and courage. And these three qualities are uplifting to me. A piece of crystal in a pool of mud.
And as token of thanks, I am publishing his/her response for all to see.
Since I have not asked for prior consent, the name will be withheld.

" Thank you for your hard-hitting, passionate writings.
They may not be what we want to read, but they are what we need to read.

I read your essays..and found them to be excellent...
I expect "A reminder... just in case you forgot" will spark some controversy...
Nearly constantly blithering about a US military attack on Iran any minute now.

The entire US "antiwar" movement has been embarrassing themselves by predicting the same thing for at least four years now. I tell them it won't happen, at least not during the remainder of the George W. Bush presidency, which comes to an end in January of 2009...

Of course, I am sometimes regarded as a heretic for dissenting from the "party line."

I suspect most of the "antiwar" crowd in this country will continue embarrassing themselves with predictions of imminent war against Iran which will not come to pass. They seem completely oblivious to the fact that together Iran and the Washington-Tel Aviv axis have destroyed Iraq.

You sometimes bring up in your essays the lies told about Saddam Hussein and the Baathist government of Iraq. Sadly, the majority of the US "antiwar" gang, during the periods before the 1991 and 2003 attacks against Iraq parroted all of these propaganda stories, and were full collaborators in the demonization of Saddam Hussein and his government.

Often, "antiwar" speeches I heard would begin with something along the lines of
" I do not support the brutal dictator Saddam Hussein who has..."

The speaker would then launch into the same atrocity propaganda stories being spread by the US government and media before saying that even though Saddam was Satan incarnate, he or she still did not support the war and thought we should give sanctions more time to work. Of course, there were and continue to be exceptions to this general rule.

Far too many of the "antiwarriors" here also refuse to ever mention the crimes of the Zionist entity, or its role in pushing for US action against its enemies. Sometimes it is out of fear of being labeled antisemitic (a real enough fear, by the way), and other times it is because of the involvement of a fairly large number of "liberal Zionists" in the "antiwar" movement.

I recall one "liberal zionist" woman who was speaking at a meeting in 1991 while the brutal assault on Iraq was taking place. She was literally crying. Her words were something to the effect of "I don't like this war, but Saddam Hussein is so horrible, and he is attacking Israel. He has to be stopped!"

Is it any wonder the "antiwar" movement here is so ineffective?

In closing, I wish you well...and my hope is that soon Iraq will again be united and independent. "

Now this is what I call TRUE SOLIDARITY !


Anonymous said…
nothing special..........i say this all the time but u never publish nething i ever write
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla,
Finally something that make sense about Iran,
Well ok, it is no secret, it was said by the Iranian officials (Ali Abtahi) that Iran helped, helping, and will continue to help the US in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is not out of the Iran-USA agenda in the region. In fact, it is the reason why the Islamic Revolution of the Mullahs was so successful in the very beginning.
I will try to recall the raise of the Iranian Mullahs. The Shah was basically trying to build Iran as a supper power in the region. His major mistake is that he wanted to build a nuclear Iran and he insisted on that, with or without the help of the West. The West basically cannot and will not allow this to happen for obvious reasons, Israel security, western interest in the region, oil etc etc. The reaction from the West was priceless for the Shah and Iran. Remember, the Khomeini’s revolution started from France. They supported him and he took over the Shah from there. The first thing Khomeini did, he declared the nuclear bomb as the devil itself and he stopped the nuclear program, which basically was part of the deal. The question now is ok why the West wants to have Mullahs in power why not another “modern puppet.” Well the reason is that they want to first destroy Iran itself. It is true that the Shah was a dictator but he was building his country well and he had the vision to restore Persia as major player Empire in the region. These Mullahs, with there backward mentality, can put Iran into self-destructive course without any efforts from the West, and that’s exactly what happened. You can ask any Iranian who lived through the Shah period and fled the country after the revolution. Now this is not all, these Mullahs and there so called Islamic regime happened to be shia. Let us look at the arab and muslim world and count the countries in which they have shia minorities: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuawit etc. The Iranian shia in those countries started to get major support from iran under the American watch right after the revolution took place. The ideology that the Iranian Shia adopted right from the beginning is a sectarian religious fanatic crusade that goes deep into historical conflicts that the middle east is still hunted with. The amazing part is that, you would really have a very hard time to be a shia and disagree with iran. Most of the “Against-Iran” Shia’s whether they are in Iraq, Lebanon, or any other country are undermined, crushed, and threatened if they raise there voice in anyway against iran. To make it perfectly cooked, most of the arab puppet regimes are giving the shia hard time so that at some point they have to seek support from Iran. Which is perfect to the West to re-divide, re-cook, re-shape the middle east into “blood borders” sectarian religious slaughter show. So the revolution of Mullahs is doing more help than harm to the western interest in the region. Of course to convince the Arab and muslim population of the just cause of the revolution of the Mullahs is to declare the USA and Israel as the Greater Satan, by doing so the majority of the muslim world will blindly praise the great Islamic Revolution that is fighting the Muslim Just Cause. What I am trying to say here is that how the middle east is re-cooked by helping these kind of regimes to stay and flourish. The starting point was iraq. There were many reasons, a high shia minority 40 to 50 % that is very close to Iran, a secular regime with Saddam Arab uniting vision (that need to be demolished), oil, most powerful country that may threaten Israel etc. They knew that if they can take out iraq then the rest is easy, the sectarian violence can spread into the region like domino cards. It already happened in Yemen, and Lebanon. It is not on full scale because of the change of events in iraq. You can imagine the same things happening in Iraq to happen again in Yemen, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, with bases for the Americans on every oil field sucking it all up. They will tell the world that well these arabs and muslims are barbaric animals that they are not even worse rescuing from killing each other, but because we, American, are really “very good” people we will help them and stay there.
The Iranian Mullahs helped the USA in iraq. Firstly, they helped in creating the political cover for their occupation. It is no secret that the Iraqi government is pure Iranians. Ok some iraqs in the government have both Iranian/Iraqi nationality. That is not all, the Iranians supported the shia death squads in order to create the civil war. They killed shia as well as sunnis. It is no secret, for Iraqis at least, that the so called Al Qeada is getting support from iran (after it was created by the CIA in Afghanistan) to create the balance, and the retaliation cause, between shia death squads and Al Qeada suicide bombers to deepen the civil war. The Iranian death squads under the American watch, and full agreement, are dismantling the very basic elements of the Iraqi civil society. These brutal barbarous crimes that we are witnessing in iraq, (whether it is the Al Qeada beheadings or the shia death squads slaughtering and raping of women and children) are meant to be, they are not random by some crazy psychopath, although the act is by such kind. Out of all this tremendous help the Iranians are giving to the US, it seems the Americans are not grateful. The Americans don’t like to share “their” cake. Basically, they want “attacking dogs” that will do as they were told to do. There is your conflict between iran and the Americans. Iran is trying to say that they are really helping the Americans to re-shape the whole middle east in the way the Americans likes it and they wont get any share? This is not fair. The Americans are saying that we are the one who put you in power after the Shah, so you should be grateful for that. The Iranians know that the Americans cannot go on with their plan for the middle east without their help and they are trying to make use of this. I don’t see any other reason for Iran and the USA to disagree. The funny part is that the Americans themselves put the Iranian death squads in power in the first place and now they are complaining about it. By doing so they will not be responsible, at least they can fool the American people by saying so, for the killing and slaughtering of civilians in iraq. “Oh it wasn’t us it was the devilish Iranians.” This way they can create the civil war they needed and blame it on the Iranians. There will be another reason then to attack iran, in case they want to do so, “we have to attack iran to revenge those poor iraqs.” I can see the USA attacking iran just to behave the Mullahs to obey their master. I don’t see the USA attacking iran for regime change, simply because the game is not over yet.
Concerning the anti-war movement, I do agree. Their lack of understanding of the region conflicts and its history and different ethnicity and politics will make them easily fooled. I mean maybe eventually they will say “Oh we stopped the US from attacking Iran Wee Hee. Let us go to sleep now, we did a real change in the world.”
Anonymous said…
Not only TRUE SOLIDARITY - I'd call it TRUE HUMANITY ...
Layla Anwar said…
jr, you're being melodramatic now.
Besides I have some of your comments where you said that Saddam was a nasty tyrant. Or should I deduce a sudden change of heart?
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous no.1,
That is a very good analysis. I for one have always doubted this Khomeini business as being propped by the west. I remember someone telling me from the Shah's memoirs how he informed the CIA of the mass protests under his window and their reply was " we thought nothing of it "...Very much like when the american ambassador to Iraq said to Saddam your problem with Kuwait is not our business...
What I find most interesting is why Khomeini's first item on his political agenda was " Regime change in Iraq " which he dubbed The freeing of Jerusalem through Baghdad.
I fully agree with you that the current ideological climate is such that any shia who says he is anti Iran mullahs and still holds on to shiism is considered an outcast. The Iranians have done what the Saudis have done i.e equate their brand of Islam with absolute truth by reigning full monopoly over it.
Thank you, that was a good comment.
Anonymous said…
I would also like to point out the similarity between any shia being anti Iran and that of a jew being anti makes it clearer to understand how these two sectarian states are on the same wave length and are not such enemies after all..
Anonymous said…
What would you have us do now? Put you, the Sunni Arab minority, back in power, let you rule over the Shiites majority and give you unlimited access to their oil resources? This can't be done at this late hour even if we wanted to (which we don't). But this is really what you want, isn't it?
G.Gar said…

"The West basically cannot and will not allow this to happen for obvious reasons, Israel security, western interest in the region, oil etc etc".

Well, your take on Iran is very consistent. However, I disagree with you when it comes to pinning down Israel's security as one of the reasons that makes the west resist Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Israelians, simply don't pose Iran as a strategic enemy for numerous cultural and political reasons. If you check their strategic papers, they percieve the threat as coming from ARABS, especially those by the Nile and Tigres. It those who can not survive with Israel as long as they remain Arabs. They have traumatised Iraq by force; in case of Egypt, they are doing the job peacefully.
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...
jr, you're being melodramatic now.
Besides I have some of your comments where you said that Saddam was a nasty tyrant. Or should I deduce a sudden change of heart?


im undecided layla.....he may have been...or maybe not........i cant make up my mind!!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Hi Layla,
Finally something that make sense about Iran,
Well ok, it is no secret, it was said by the Iranian officials (Ali Abtahi) that Iran helped, helping, and will continue to help the US in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is not out of the Iran-USA agenda in the region. In fact, it is the reason why the Islamic Revolution of the Mullahs was so successful in the very beginning.
I will try to recall the raise of the Iranian Mullahs. The Shah was basically trying to build Iran as a supper power in the region. His major mistake is that he wanted to build a nuclear Iran and he insisted on that, with or without the help of the West. The West basically cannot and will not allow this to happen for obvious reasons, Israel security, western interest in the region, oil etc etc. The reaction from the West was priceless for the Shah and Iran. Remember, the Khomeini’s revolution started from France. They supported him and he took over the Shah from there. The first thing Khomeini did, he declared the nuclear bomb as the devil itself and he stopped the nuclear program, which basically was part of the deal. The question now is ok why the West wants to have Mullahs in power why not another “modern puppet.” Well the reason is that they want to first destroy Iran itself. It is true that the Shah was a dictator but he was building his country well and he had the vision to restore Persia as major player Empire in the region. These Mullahs, with there backward mentality, can put Iran into self-destructive course without any efforts from the West, and that’s exactly what happened. You can ask any Iranian who lived through the Shah period and fled the country after the revolution. Now this is not all, these Mullahs and there so called Islamic regime happened to be shia. Let us look at the arab and muslim world and count the countries in which they have shia minorities: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuawit etc. The Iranian shia in those countries started to get major support from iran under the American watch right after the revolution took place. The ideology that the Iranian Shia adopted right from the beginning is a sectarian religious fanatic crusade that goes deep into historical conflicts that the middle east is still hunted with. The amazing part is that, you would really have a very hard time to be a shia and disagree with iran. Most of the “Against-Iran” Shia’s whether they are in Iraq, Lebanon, or any other country are undermined, crushed, and threatened if they raise there voice in anyway against iran. To make it perfectly cooked, most of the arab puppet regimes are giving the shia hard time so that at some point they have to seek support from Iran. Which is perfect to the West to re-divide, re-cook, re-shape the middle east into “blood borders” sectarian religious slaughter show. So the revolution of Mullahs is doing more help than harm to the western interest in the region. Of course to convince the Arab and muslim population of the just cause of the revolution of the Mullahs is to declare the USA and Israel as the Greater Satan, by doing so the majority of the muslim world will blindly praise the great Islamic Revolution that is fighting the Muslim Just Cause. What I am trying to say here is that how the middle east is re-cooked by helping these kind of regimes to stay and flourish. The starting point was iraq. There were many reasons, a high shia minority 40 to 50 % that is very close to Iran, a secular regime with Saddam Arab uniting vision (that need to be demolished), oil, most powerful country that may threaten Israel etc. They knew that if they can take out iraq then the rest is easy, the sectarian violence can spread into the region like domino cards. It already happened in Yemen, and Lebanon. It is not on full scale because of the change of events in iraq. You can imagine the same things happening in Iraq to happen again in Yemen, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, with bases for the Americans on every oil field sucking it all up. They will tell the world that well these arabs and muslims are barbaric animals that they are not even worse rescuing from killing each other, but because we, American, are really “very good” people we will help them and stay there.
The Iranian Mullahs helped the USA in iraq. Firstly, they helped in creating the political cover for their occupation. It is no secret that the Iraqi government is pure Iranians. Ok some iraqs in the government have both Iranian/Iraqi nationality. That is not all, the Iranians supported the shia death squads in order to create the civil war. They killed shia as well as sunnis. It is no secret, for Iraqis at least, that the so called Al Qeada is getting support from iran (after it was created by the CIA in Afghanistan) to create the balance, and the retaliation cause, between shia death squads and Al Qeada suicide bombers to deepen the civil war. The Iranian death squads under the American watch, and full agreement, are dismantling the very basic elements of the Iraqi civil society. These brutal barbarous crimes that we are witnessing in iraq, (whether it is the Al Qeada beheadings or the shia death squads slaughtering and raping of women and children) are meant to be, they are not random by some crazy psychopath, although the act is by such kind. Out of all this tremendous help the Iranians are giving to the US, it seems the Americans are not grateful. The Americans don’t like to share “their” cake. Basically, they want “attacking dogs” that will do as they were told to do. There is your conflict between iran and the Americans. Iran is trying to say that they are really helping the Americans to re-shape the whole middle east in the way the Americans likes it and they wont get any share? This is not fair. The Americans are saying that we are the one who put you in power after the Shah, so you should be grateful for that. The Iranians know that the Americans cannot go on with their plan for the middle east without their help and they are trying to make use of this. I don’t see any other reason for Iran and the USA to disagree. The funny part is that the Americans themselves put the Iranian death squads in power in the first place and now they are complaining about it. By doing so they will not be responsible, at least they can fool the American people by saying so, for the killing and slaughtering of civilians in iraq. “Oh it wasn’t us it was the devilish Iranians.” This way they can create the civil war they needed and blame it on the Iranians. There will be another reason then to attack iran, in case they want to do so, “we have to attack iran to revenge those poor iraqs.” I can see the USA attacking iran just to behave the Mullahs to obey their master. I don’t see the USA attacking iran for regime change, simply because the game is not over yet.
Concerning the anti-war movement, I do agree. Their lack of understanding of the region conflicts and its history and different ethnicity and politics will make them easily fooled. I mean maybe eventually they will say “Oh we stopped the US from attacking Iran Wee Hee. Let us go to sleep now, we did a real change in the world.”


maybe next time u cud punctuate your essays with a carraige return or 2
Anonymous said…
layla where is your friend hala these days????
Layla Anwar said…
jr, I don't know. Have not seen her since...maybe you scared her away. You two seemed to be hitting it quite well and I was looking forward to being invited to your wedding...Alas, the plans
Layla Anwar said…

Oh dear me, will you people ever learn anything? You keep repeating the same old worn out cliches...deliberate ignorance.
I repeat.
The majority of the former govt members were SHIA, the majority of the army including republican guards were shia, ditto for baath party members...
Amerikaner you little fool, you really want to shove this sectarianism that you and Iran have created down our throats.
Sickening lot.
Anonymous said…
well who said that I want sunni in power in iraq. In fact, I am suggesting the opposite. Let it be shia, sunni, Christian, kurd, or even a jew Iraqi will be ok AS LONG AS he is loyal to iraq and the just cause of the arab world. Why you always have to limit your thinking to a cocoon limited by the sacred Mullahs orders. Besides trust me the Americans will not give you a drop of the oil you are promising yourself.
amre el-byad,
I totally agree of what you said, but there is two points I want to clarify,
- the west wont allow iran (speaking of the Shah here) to have a nuclear weapon is because the region is too unstable, so you never know if chaos took place in what hands these kind of weapons will be, maybe arabs, iran is too close to Israel to allow such risk to happen.
- the other point is that, the persians have there own ambitions. Although they are in total harmony with Israel and they don’t see it as an enemy, they still tempted in ruling the Gulf region. So why should the West and Israel take the risk, how about they can use them and then divide iran as well. Politics does have only temporary friends and enemies after all.
sorry for that, I will try next time

Layla, thanks for posting
Anonymous said…
Salam Layla,

The antiwar people in the US and elsewhere are just as complicit of the war crimes their country engaged in as the leadership...They were never against murdering Iraq, just against the way it was done (murder them slowly through sanctions, not with munitions!).

On the Iran issue, I do not read the delay of the US or Israel as meaning that such plans have been abandoned, only that they are too chicken to attack any country without ensuring that they have neutralized its ability to defend itself or respond to any attack (keep in mind they knew they were going to invade Iraq since the sanctions of 1991, they even passed laws in Congress to support military action in 1999, yet, they only executed their plan in 2003 after they exhausted Iraq with daily bombings and with dismantling its defensive weapons through the UN).

It is the same with Iran. The plan is there, the legal groundwork is set, it is only a matter of time so they can sabotage and weaken Iran to lessen its ability to respond to attack.

As for Iran, I have said this so many times...Their hatred of Iraq and Afghanistan and their psyche for revenge has let them bring the enemy to their doorstep rather than take the preventive action that should have been taken since the start...Let them burn for their mistakes.
Anonymous said…
jr is "undecided" on whether saddam was a tyrant or not.....and he was hoping to make out with a baath priestess such as that hala ??? !!! geez, what a muppet...
"The antiwar people in the US and elsewhere are just as complicit of the war crimes their country engaged in as the leadership...They were never against murdering Iraq, just against the way it was done (murder them slowly through sanctions, not with munitions!)."
Layth - FUCK YOU. You are an ignorant asshole if you can even think of saying this shit about people like Kathy Kelly and Voices in the Wilderness, whom actively attempted to break through the sanctions and were constantly campaigning against them. Just because the anti-war movement has been an astounding failure (for too many reasons to enumerate, nor would I care to traverse that horribly depressing road in a little comment box)DOES NOT MAKE ANY OF US MURDERERS AND SUPPORTERS OF THE BRUTALITY OF THE SANCTIONS. You want to paint with a broad brush? Join the racists in the US government. Fuckwit.
Layla Anwar said…
Bullshit Compulsive reader, pure bullshit.
As this current post attests and many other sources, some of which I heard with my own ears, arguing that the sanctions were a necessary evil, and that they should be given more work. And they did work Mr. Reader...they worked very well.
Maybe you are expecting a pat on the back for their having worked so well. Kathy Kelly and a few others were only a handful.
And to further drive my point in, some of those anti- war activists who went to Baghdad along with the so called human shields, turned out to be working for the CIA Mr. Reader...
I suggest you go and do some more reading before insulting my fellow patriotic Iraqis. Got it Mr? Or do I need to spell out for you?
There is no use trying to obliterate the FACT that your so called progressive left was as complicit in the conspiracy against Iraq and as complicit in the murder of a whole country as your racist US and British govts.
Layla Anwar said…
Oh and I will not forget that one thing that so many witnessed in 2004, the so called pacifist christian missionaries who landed in Baghdad and would only give small bottles of water and food to those who were willing to convert to peaceful christianity. Need I give you more examples Mr.Reader? Because examples abound here...
Dancewater said…
Layla, you and Layth are painting with a broad brush..... many of us were opposed to the sanctions, and we did not feel an invasion and occupation were the way to end the sanctions.

And, as for the Christians who descended on Iraq - some of them - the Christian Peacemaker Teams - were actually working to bring peace and justice to the people of Iraq, just like they have in Palestine. They helped start up the Muslim Peacemaker Teams, one of whom is Sami Rasouli, living in Najaf (or Karbula, I forget) right now. Oh, and he happens to be an American too, along with being an Iraqi. None of these people, Christian or Muslim, are asking other people to convert.

The problem with painting with a large brush is that it descourages people who might join up with the Christian Peacemaker Teams - they figure, if they are going to be condemned before they start, why put their lives and comfort on hold to do this?

I am one of the few who does not believe that the US will attack Iran before 2009. Just like with the Iraqi sanctions, the racist elites in this country is trying to make them weaker. Like true bullies, they don't want to fight with someone who might handily beat them.

I would likely give up on working on the Israeli-Palestine issues, and on how AIPAC influences the US government, if it weren't for so many wonderful American Jews I have met doing this work.

Layla Anwar said…
Yes Dancewater, how right you are.
We the Iraqis do not know what happened and is happening in our country, nor who is who and who did what and where...but you guys do...thank you very much.
I guess you can call a genocide of 3 million++ since the Gulf War I to this day, a broad brush too.
But please do not let it discourage you. You are all very wonderful people.
Layla, I don't want a pat on the back nor was I asking for one. I'd like to not be falsely accused of supporting genocide. It's bullshit and you know it.
G.Gar said…
@ dance water and compulsive reader.

If you are really sympathetic with suffering of the innocent great Iraqi people, then how come you are defending Iran? How come you are parroting the Iranian neoconservative DISCOURSE OF SUNNI- SHIITES.

How come you selling people lies by confusing the victim with the criminal?
Don't you know abou the horrible crimes Iran is comiting in Iraq?

Don't you know about the ethnic cleansing of Iraqis in the south, only to be replaced by Iranian terrorist settlers?

If you want to show solidarity with Iraq then you have to condemn the Iranin terror in Iraq, instead of turning a blind eye to it, using the silly exceuse of" Iraq wa a slip" let's not repeat it with Iran........while you totally overlook the very obvious fact, that Iran has been acively working on destruction of Iraq - through its militias, arming Iraqis agains eachother and pushing miilions of Iranians into that country- in order to alter the demographic structure of that great 8000 years Arab country ..........

expose the iranian crimes in IRAQ and ficx the problem your governments have created. THIS INVASION HAS BEEN ENGINEERED BY THE NEO-CONS TO WIPE OUT THE ARAB IDENTITY OF IRAQ( 85% of Iraqis are Arabs whether sunnis or shiites)............bringing things back to normal
Supporting Iran? How? In what way? Do you want America to attack Iran (which I don't believe is going to happen,either,BTW)? Or would you like some more CIA/Saudi funded Jihadis ala Afghanistan (and this is what you'll likely be getting; why fight a war when you can get others to do it for you? And since we were so successful in training the death squads of the Badr Brigades, Iran and Saudi Arabia will be fighting each other in Iraq for years!)? Or would you like America to stay in Iraq? Do you think any of this would do anything to help Iraq? No. You can't fix a disaster with another disaster. We won't be able to fix Iraq, either. US armed forces and the mercenaries are the kiss of death. That's all they can do. You may not realize this, but America isn't capable of doing the kind of nation building like after WWII anymore. It's all been privatized and dismantled. Why do you think so many "contractors" are over there in the first place? Hasn't it been shown in all its horror for the past four years how incompetent the US is? And you expect the US to "fix" anything? You're crazy if you do. American Imperialism is a failure. The only thing America can do now is leave, pay up, and beg for forgiveness. Sorry.
G.Gar said…
"And since we were so successful in training the death squads of the Badr Brigades, Iran and Saudi Arabia will be fighting each other in Iraq for years!)"

It is clear that you don't know enough about the Arab world! Saudi Arabia can fight nobody, their army is good only for computer games.

Badr is not trained by the U.S, it is trained by Iran as well as being ginflitrated with Irani elemnts........

Even the iraqis who took refugee in the Iran during its aggression against Iraq and the Arab nation, and raisd their arms against their own country- are not Iraqis , they are Iranians.

"you cannot fix a disaster by another disaster"

I dont understand this, you come over from the other end of the world and open up a country for its fanatic medival enemy to practice ethnic cleansing , wipe out its identity and destroy its human resources. Then you say that saving it and fixing your mistake is a disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dear sir, as much as cutting the hands of Iran off Iraq is a just noble and human cause, it is also the right and just thing to do. If you a bring a mad dog to my house, then it is you who must be responsible for throwing it away!

"And you expect the US to "fix" anything? You're crazy if you do".

I know that for sure sir, but you supposed to represent the core Americn ideals and consciense of America:)
karlmarx said…
To anonymous. There has been alot of speculation as to why the Shah was deposed. There are various theories, and, as well, the subsequent use of the Mullahs, as you described, above. One of the main reasons, I BELIEVE, MIGHT be the signing of the 1975 Algiers Agreement between the Shah of Iran and Hussein/Iraq. This ended hostilities between Iraq and Iran, thus, keeping Hussein, the Arab Baath Socialist Party in power. Thus,the Shah became useless for the West's purposes. Isn't it interesting that the VERY FIRST THING the Mullahs did upon coming to power was initiate a war with Iraq? Consider my blog entry from August 29, 2005, direct link, hopefully,a quote from a French book, "Initiation of the Iraq-Iran War,"
karlmarx said…
To anonymous--error from previous comment. The date of my posting was August 24, 2005, not August 29, which I believe I wrote, instead. And, the title of the blog entry to which I referred was "Initiation of Iraq-Iran War." If the direct link does not work, try a search on the blog either for date and/or title. Also, it was reposted on , I believe.
Anonymous said…

i found the article
thank you..
Layla Anwar said…
Thanks K.Marx, I was never able to find that book by the way. It might be out of print.
I personally believe and politics is not an absolute exact science, that the nature of the current Iranian regime, pushes it into sectarian strife. That is the only way it can survive i.e by playing out the sect card.
It is doing so in Lebanon, It will do so in Pakistan, and Bahrain and eventually Saudi Arabia and any other country where there is a shia seizable minority. Iraq is only the beginning.
Israel does exactly the same thing, by playing its own cards of divide and rule, backed by the US of course. The Arabs are somehow or think they are forced to choose between either selling out to the Zionists, as Abbas, Mubarak, Jordan, S.A or backing what they " think or perceive" to be an anti imperialist force i.e Iran.
The Arabs are WRONG on both accounts.
In both cases, they will lose their Arab identity and whatever aspirations of sovereign independence they may have along with their resources evidently so.
And this is where I believe that both Iran and Israel interests converge. Each of these entities NEEDS partitions, divisions, and strife to survive, exist and expand...
Layla Anwar said…

Salam and nice to hear from you.
I agree with you but we still differ on the attack on Iran issue.
Iran will keep playing the american-zionist game of divide and rule until the game is over - only then, maybe, Iran's role will be terminated.
I think that the Iranian regime, even though crafty as it is in Iraq, has played it quite stupidly.
Iran as you rightly pointed out, could have played a less belligerent role in Iraq and would have opened a true anti american front in the middle east.
However its disgraceful contribution to the dismantling of the iraqi state and society, along with the American forces, has proved to us at least Iraqis, that Iran not only can never be trusted, but that its aspirations for a greater Persia have not ceased since the 15th century.
But then, that does not surprise me, as I have argued above in my reply to K.Marx, the nature itself of the current Iranian regime needs these external strifes to consolidate itself internally.
You will be witnessing the same happenings in Lebanon soon. And Nasrallah will play the al Hakeem- Muqtada role, mark my words.
Layla Anwar said…

Hello, good points.
But trust me you are talking to the winds...The Americans are good at destroying but not at fixing.
It is hopeless with them.
Anonymous said…
"From Vice President Cheney to the new Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, so many of the Iran-Contra era scoundrels returned to the political stage these last years for a grim second bow and, perhaps not so strangely, similar results..." from

I am just copying this article to show that it seems the Iran-Contra gang is back in business with their Mullahs buddies.
yes Layla the picture you plotted is totally true. The arab world is divided between Israel and Iran. Iran is taking all the pressure and heat off their Israeli friends. If you want to know what I mean, imagine there is no conflict between the arabs and iran. How do you think the situation of Israel would be? Now the arabs are begging the Americans to protect them from Iran, and the price is full cooperation with Israel. The actual evidence of the iranian-israel harmony is overwhelming, however the Mullahs chanting against the Greater Satan is making the necessary distraction for the world not to see it.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous above, VERY WELL SAID and to the point Thanks for the link.
Anonymous said…
JR said..
'maybe next time u cud punctuate your essays with a carraige return or 2'

you gave it all away with that one ;-)
YoUnicorn said…
Dear Layla

Excellent comments !
Thank you for your blog dear ,-D
GRACIAS to those who post the truth !

Arriba IRAQ !!!


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