No Land...

One of the reasons, I don't post much Iraqi music, or try to keep it to a minimum, is because listening to Iraqi music fucking tears me apart. And instead of it grounding me into anything, it just fills me up with so much grief, sadness and longing, I feel my heart exploding, imploding...

Oh God, I miss home. I see people around me, they have homes. They have a life, it may not be a great one, or a very successful one, but they have one. They have families they can run back to. They don't sit and lament their maimed and dead, daily...Why not us ? Why can't we have that too ? I ask myself

And I look at us, and we have one eye turned to the past, to a place we once intimately knew, a place we loved and cherished and an eye to an unknown future, full of uncertainties...promising us nothing but more of the same...

We ask ourselves, daily, every single day, from the moment we open our eyes to the minute we close them - will it ever end ?

America and "its coalition of the willing" turned Iraq into a mirror image of itself.

A country of broken and dispersed families, lost individuals. A country of ghettos and cities where you can't venture out at night. A fake, bigoted, false puritanism that appeals to religion but that has no spirit. Rings and circles of pedophiles, drug addicts, drug dealers, prostitutes and criminals. Empty promises and failed, pointless constructions (malls, amusement parks Disney style, fast food chains and the rest...)

America reproduced a new Iraq in its own image. A people with no roots. A people with no land. A people with no more history. A people with a few faint memories to live on, and maybe a piece of music...

A living dead people.

Painting : Iraqi female artist, Wasma Al-Agha.


Anonymous said…
KMWR--BLESS YOU! You are so right! You long for home, the home you properly identify. The home of sanity. I long to leave what I do not consider home, but, where I am physically, of necessity, at the moment, planted. Insanity. It is a HORROR, a horror you perceive so well, so accurately. I have so much rage--ironically, at the same source, but, from differing directions. Too much to say. You say it better than I do, I can. But, I will only add this for you, and, myself. A friend always said to me when circumstances bring you to a place where you do not want to be and, for whatever reasons, there is no exit, "Grow where you are planted." That's the best all of us can do.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Everything you say is right, Layla, thank you.


(1) Americans (US) have CHOSEN the lifestyles they lead - religion without spirit, fractured families, paedophiles, drug addicts, guns and gun crime, bigotry, ghettos, failed and empty promises, the malls, amusement parks, fast food chains, DEBT and credit cards, etc. to feed their incessant appetites. And all this greed is already beginning to implode right in their faces, because, primarily, it's all about SELF. Iraqis have NOT - they've been force-fed all this, and you know what happens when a person is force-fed something? The person THROWS UP. So it will be with what's been done in Iraq ...

(2) While all the above may appeal to some Iraqis (those who are materialistic and don't care about walking all over others to get what they want; those who lack integrity and patriotism, and who don't mind sucking up, even if it means losing their self respect in the process), I believe that the majority of Iraqis are strongly grounded on centuries of culture, family ties which extend to the society, faith, patriotism, self-respect, and RESILIENCE (a characteristic desperately lacking in Americans (US)), and are not willing to sell their souls, however beautiful the packaging looks ...

(3) If the majority of Iraqis were like the former, the sovereign land of Iraq would have been long gone (I realise, yes, it's been destroyed and millions of lives lost), with occupiers crawling all over (similar to what's happening in Dubai, Kuwait, etc.), but this hasn't happened, and to this day, after five terrible years, they are still confined to what they call the 'Green Zone'. The Iraqi Resistance has taken care of this, and years down the line from now, future generations of Iraqis will have to erect a memorial to celebrate the patriotism and fortitude of Iraqi Resistance ... and all the other ordinary Iraqis who are not willing to sell their souls.

I agree that everything looks dark right now (and the darkness has stretched many years, giving rise to utter hopelessness), but I thought we could look at it from a slightly different perspective ... I also believe very much in Karma, that what you do to others, will come right back to you, most likely, many times worse. Unfortunately, Americans (US) are too self-centred to notice what's already happening.

In solidarity, Layla
Anonymous said…
I forgot to add that the occupiers who are crawling all over Iraq are doing so behind the barrel of a gun or in their armoured vehicles - are there any who can move around without all these Iraqi-killing gadgets? I would say 'none'. And I don't think they'd ever be able to do so, because what they've done is despicably WRONG.
Anonymous said…
Yes Little Deer but where is the Iraqi Resistance NOW ?
Anonymous said…
Ok Layla/Little Deer... so now I guess my moment is over...:(
Sinbad said…
Comforts IRAQ-he collects the soil from its land with both hands
he says don’t be sad you still have life.

Don’t be dismayed while they walk on your belly with pride and commit all the atrocities they can
find. They spit on you -they trample you -they stab you- but let me remind you they will return to you to be soiled. Finally it will be your turn to smile.

Yes now they smile and you are crying -just ask them oh IRAQ! what will they do when you will smile.
Angel said…
Layla, there is no place like home, and no better comfort than a loving family. I hope....You know what I hope.

I sincerely hope you are wrong about Obama, and Iran, but your hunches and rarely wrong.
Nepenthe said…
"(1) Americans (US) have CHOSEN the lifestyles they lead - religion without spirit, fractured families, paedophiles, drug addicts, guns and gun crime, bigotry, ghettos, failed and empty promises, the malls, amusement parks, fast food chains, DEBT and credit cards, etc. to feed their incessant appetites. And all this greed is already beginning to implode right in their faces, because, primarily, it's all about SELF. Iraqis have NOT - they've been force-fed all this, and you know what happens when a person is force-fed something? The person THROWS UP. So it will be with what's been done in Iraq ..."

You are entitled to your opinion, of course, but I assure you that there is no real choice in it. The choice is to fly in the face of it. The American culture you describe is sold (and very cleverly) by those capitalist interests that profit by it. It is all about greed - theirs and the public to which they sell their scheme. I took a stand against this decades ago, but when you go in the face of your accepted culture, there is a very high price to pay for that. These elements are true no matter where one lives. They are just basics of human nature.

Having said that, no one could decry more than I the greedy, immoral promoting of a selfish agenda on peoples all over the world, starting with indigenous peoples, than that pursued by white European men. I see it for the aggression it is and Iraq is only the latest and most public of these sorties. It is wrong, wrong, wrong. And let's not overlook the stamp of religion upon it (which has nothing to do with "God" or "Allah" or any other deity).

You must understand that in this country (America) the public has been manipulated to believe the lies - about Iraq and everything else. And you know perfectly well that Iraqi power brokers lie also - as such people do everywhere in every culture. It could be argued that a people should not be so ignorant, but that would not be consistent with historical reality. It is in the interest of the despots to keep the people ignorant and, in the case of Americans, with a more than average slice of wealth to inspire their greed and self-protectiveness. This has gutted religion, which was also in the interest of the state. And it is essential in this climate to turn people against each other, to divide and conquer.

Before we are countries, we are individuals and the basics that drive human emotions, motive and behavior are common to us all. In Iraq we see the very ugliest of those primal drives on the part of the aggressors. But it is the wealthy elite who stand to profit (and have profited) from these actions who deceive the military into doing their bidding - especially the poor and uneducated of our country. It has always been so. Human greed for self-aggrandizement is basic - and is always based on fear! Fear is the very worst possible motivator. Only real love (and by that I mean doing the right thing in every circumstance, which can include heavy discipline) can promote all those things for which we most long - which is why I will dedicate the rest of my life to promoting unity and strength among women everywhere. We simply must take the long view, regard the Big Picture of millennial records.
Anonymous said…
and love.
Anonymous said…
Nepenthe said…

Other women everywhere are thinking of you and your plight.
Nepenthe said…

Other women everywhere are thinking of you and your plight.
Layla Anwar said…

Grow where you are planted - Nice one, what if I can't ? Can one force a seed to sprout ?
By the way, on my uncensored blog, there is a new post about " Places and Paths". I think you will identify with some parts of it.
Layla Anwar said…

I agree. Will you distribute youself widely please.
Layla Anwar said…
Dear Little Deer,

Thank you for a great comment.
True it has been imposed on Iraqis and some bought into it. What I said in my post is true, Americans have tried to create another American style of country, reflecting their own decadence...And of course you already know that all the school and universities curriculum have been changed to fit that new project. Even the history or good chunks of it have been erased, physically and in the books.
For that I will NEVER EVER forgive the scum America nor their Iraqi puppets.
Layla Anwar said…

Ahoy Captain,

Very nice uplifting, optimistic, hopeful comment. I thank you.
Layla Anwar said…

I wish I were wrong about Obama and Iran. If you are a close follower of Uruknet website, you will see all the latest congratulatory messages from Iran to Obama. I am sure Obama will use Iran in his fight against "terrorism" in Afghanistan (again) and in Pakistan (for sure).

Do you think I should open a betting office ?
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you for your comment. I suppose it was addressed to Little Deer. But I shall allow myself to make a few remarks here and please do not take them personally...

As an Iraqi, as a woman, as Muslim, as "third Worlder", I am pretty sick and tired of reading, hearing the same old tirade - that goes along these lines.

- we have been lied to, we are not aware of what is happening, we are manipulated, we believed the leaders, etc....and am sure you can fill in the rest.

Am sorry but I simply don't buy that stuff anymore. Maybe during the cold war era when the means of communications were not as widely available and there was no internet, maybe during WW2, or during Vietnam I would concede. But for God's sake stop lying to yourselves, because even during the Vietnam era, when images, articles, and the rest were not as readily available, the people of the USA finally moved their asses. And no it was not because of their love for the Asians, it was because they had too many bodybags coming back home straight for burial. And that is the TRUTH.

Moreover, If I do buy into your argument, then please explain to me how come Bush was voted in twice. TWICE.

And if I do buy into your argument, and assume that what you are saying is completely and utterly true then the American people leave us no choice but to assume that :

That they are a gullible, naive, apathetic, complacent, ignorant, uncultured, dumb lot....and you can fill in the rest...

And therefore are not fit to rule, command, order, or direct anything outside of their borders.

So if the third hypothesis is the correct one, then I believe you people should simply resign, abdicate, throw the towel and mind your own business.
Layla Anwar said…

And thank you for the link, but who will help the 3 million widows ? And who will bring back the thousand of murdered women since the fall of the "dictator" ????
Layla Anwar said…

This virtual "love" is so wonderful, it makes me feel sooooo grounded in reality. Thank you dear.
Anonymous said…
Wow - this blog is full of nationist claptrap! Are you the Iraqi Sarah Palin or something???
Lirun said…
not your finest post
Kali Manitou said…
Hey, who threw this dog, 'Lirun' an bone?
He seems to be stickin' around like a shit-fly.

Hey, Lirun!
Go whine and moan at the wailing wall, or just feel bad for you lack of being but just go!....
Fuck off.

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