Uncensored Blog

If you care, you need to regularly check the other Uncensored blog - It has been updated with new posts. They are not directly related to Iraq but they are directly related to Iraqi me.

On another note, I am very behind in replying to emails. If you are a regular reader and have sent me an email, please bear with the woman who is actually swamped in a back log of mails. I will respond...but maybe not in the expected timing. Thank you.


Anonymous said…
Your kind of woman, so mysterious, ironic, irreverent, worldly-wise and disenchanted, yet profoundly romantic, reminds me so much of the characters played by French actress Arletty.
Anonymous said…
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Layla Anwar said…

Wow. Thank you, I am flattered and so happy to find another fan of Les Enfants du Paradis.

Garance was a wonderful character in that film. Don't you think ?
Anonymous said…
KMWR--YES, YES, THREE CHEERS FOR GARANCE!! One of the best films ever made and my all time favorite. So few people here know it. I love Garance, what's there not to love. But, I think the entire panopoly of characters in this film is just extraordinary, including, if I remember his name correctly, Larcenaire?? Something like it. The "Evil" character in the film. The villian. His role was really critical and I thought spectacularly scripted. I have not seen the film in so many years I can only recall a few names from it, now. Other than Garance, Baptiste. I remember the characters, but, not all their names. Anyway...
Anonymous said…
Indeed, Garance was so profound in such a light, breezy way, in her being aware of Life and yet (or maybe and therefore...) gently mocking it, not taking it too seriously, so wonderfully "vivante", essential, natural, undramatic: "C'est tellement simple l'amour"...

"Hotel du Nord" and "Les visiteurs du soir" are also must-see classics, but "Les Enfants du Paradis" has a special symbolic charge that leaves a taste of "magical wisdom" in you...

By the way, I only compared you to Arletty in her films, not to Arletty in her life...though I don't consider her a collaborationist for so little, she could have kept her "international" side for some other foreigner better than an occupier of her country...

My respects.
Anonymous said…

By the way you can find clips of Arletty's films on youtube and some of them are subtitled.


And Arletty did say " Mon coeur appartient à la France mais mon cul est international"...Did she not ? ;-)
Anonymous said…
KMWR--Thanks very much for pointing that out to me. I never thought about looking for Arletty or any of those movies on youtube. It just did not occur to me. I can't watch an entire movie on youtube, but, I can listen to some songs. It's nice to have my memory jarred when someone else mentioned Arletty, which just was one of those names stored away in the back recesses of my mind and needed a jolt.
Anonymous said…
Yes, she said so at her trial after the liberation of France - the progressive Résistance was extremely conservative as to sexual matters.

To be quite "practical", at least while the German officer was busy pleasuring her, he was not around doing damages ;-)

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