Xmas Greetings...

I have it fresh for you guys...

While you are doing your Xmas decoration and writing good wishes cards...
While you are on your usual bulimia of shopping and stuffing your frigdes and cupboards with more...
While you are arranging your, oh so sweet green Xmas tree and arranging for your Santa to stuff socks for your kids with all kind of goodies... How nice, how generous!
Stuff the socks and stuff the turkey, eat, drink and be merry...

Why not indeed. You deserve it. You are such a good people, with such a great conscience. Who could really say otherwise?

Well got news for you fellow "humans", I can say otherwise...

The latest figures from UNICEF on the children of Iraq reads as follows:

- 2 Million Iraqi kids this month are DIRECTLY threatened by disease, illiteracy, violence and famine.

- 25'000 kids are displaced each month and are susceptible to getting killed .

and do not forget the Bingo, Jackpot, Luck charm number for your holiday seasons,

-5 Million Iraqi kids are orphaned . OK Let me spell it for you again. ORPHANED. That means, they lost BOTH parents.

So when you are busy stuffing yourselves with more and more, remember those figures, for they are of YOUR doing. Yes, you read me right- Your own doing.

And since you are such forward planners and visionaries with agendas full with your 5 and 10 year plans and you can supposedly think and see beyond your navel and nose, do take 5 minutes of your precious time and envisage what the future of Iraq will look like with these numbers...

And do say hello to your lovely little ones will you ?!

And oops, I nearly forgot to wish it - Happy, happy, Xmas to the "civilized" world.

Painting: Iraqi artist, Fakhir Mohammadawee.


Anonymous said…
well said layla
Anonymous said…
Fuck Christmas, it means nothing while the atrocities in Iraq continue. I know nothing of Iraq’s history nor politics, but I do know that a friend of mine visited Baghdad over 20 times and had nothing but respect and admiration for the Iraqi people – he was there when our army invaded Baghdad and witnessed first hand that the Oil Ministry was immediately well-guarded and protected. – what does that tell you?

I know that in the 1980’s, Baghdad was listed as one of the 10 most beautiful cities in the world. Typically, cities in a despotic, repressive regime do not fit that description – remember East Berlin?

The US and Britain have turned Iraq into the 21st century’s version of Auschwitz-Birkenau – the only difference is that we have “advanced” to the extent that we do not have to use crude furnaces anymore. It is up to the Iraqi Resistance to remove this criminal, inhumane scourge.
Anonymous said…
I'm not quite sure to what the writer, above, is referring regarding East Berlin? Is the writer suggesting East Berlin is/was NOT beautiful because it was "under a despotic, repressive regime?" Or, is the writer saying the opposite and being satirical? The way it is written is abit unclear to me. I was also in East Berlin. East Berlin was beautiful. NOT commercialized, but, beautiful, instead. I could go on a great deal about East Berlin, but, I will leave it at the above, because, as I say, I am not quite sure what the writer is suggesting. I was also in Berlin JUST after, within months, the first year or so, that the "Wall" came down. THAT was DEPRESSING!! There were NEVER homeless people on the streets of East Berlin, before. There were never people selling most anything they could on the streets of what WAS East Berlin, before. As I said, I could go on and on about this subject--karlmarx.
Anonymous said…
Thanks, babe, I am planning on having a great Christmas.

What's that you say? Some Third Worlders are killing each other in their shit-filled countries, scrapping over their dung heaps, satisfying ancient rages with a furious idiocy?

Ho-hum, what else is new?
frank spencer said…
leches layla,

i wanno go home. oh how ah wanna go home..........
YoUnicorn said…
My Dearest Layla

Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!

No decorations here
No tree... no
few christmas cards
**Christ mass** is missing
in the hearts of the perverted.

Yoshua ben Joseph.. is watching

I just dont know what to say...
saddddddd !

Lots of love
God bless your courage and profound
love for your people !

Third Worlders?
Denial .... your denial INDEED !
Have you ever heard of the CIA and the Mossad? Do you need links to update yourself ?
change your brainwashed tape,
Carajo !
The self ish ness of the born again is nasty ! ugly ! yulky
(finger in mouth)
Anonymous said…
Christmas, which Christmas ?

Herod has come back and made it to physically or spiritually murdering all my precious, sacred, divinely beautiful little Iraqi Jesuses...

Resistance bullets deep through the infanticides' and orphaners' skulls and tender words of love and regeneration from women with Layla's heart in the victims' ears: these are the only presents I dream of and ask for in this life.

The rest is garbage and will end up in the garbage can of history.
Anonymous said…
hmmm guess I am wrong to celebrate Christmas with my children. No tree, no Santa, no Prayers, no Jesus, no baking cookies for them, no toys,no family meal....I should dress them in black and take them a funeral! That will really make a difference!
YoUnicorn said…
Hey who is that yolanda fake???
signing with my name
21/12/07 9:17 PM
Who is the coward .. ?
I suppose is the anon again.?
Listen Anon
My children love Arab countries and people and they send love to them
and to Sand CHILDREN of ME.
They dont need food... nor cookies.
Family meal for them is ready.
But they agreed with me
We will be praying for the
Children of Iraq .. Palestine and Lebanon.

Black? gee that is your real color
Black is the color of your soul

My children feed their hearts with love and compassion

I was beginning to like you
and thinking.
Maybe if you were less arrogant
and became a little humble and responsible then the light of the essence of the truth would have
come to your heart and then you could have embraced the loving joy of empathy.
I think you are a waste of time
Depressing *First worlder* citizen you are. FED up with food .. kiddo LOL

Sorry Layla, but the born again
just talk about food and imagine
our Beautiful Mother Earth
as worlds.. 1st. 2d. and 3th.
Nothing deep really, just the brainwashing and the programming running.

My love and solidarity to Layla
and all Iraqis, always !
Anonymous said…
My name is Yolanda too. I am no fake.

I love Iraqies too and keep them in our thoughts but they will celebrate the birth of Christ too. They don't need to be denied Christmas.
Anonymous said…
Layla, could you kindly tell your friend Iraqi Democrat from me that:

- I like his blog
- I like his new-coined term "Dream Zone" for Green Zone
- I believe we know each other
- I believe he and you are brother and sister
- I believe his real name starts with a T

I would go and tell him myself on Resistance DJ, but he does not allow anonymous and nickname comments.

Much obliged.

Anonymous said…

You think I'm "born again"?

I got news for you, babe, you don't have to be a Christian to gape at the Third World in disgusted pity. Your religion is savagery incarnate; your hatreds are tribal and interminable; your contributions to humanity are miniscule.

Almost time for Christmas... what kind of dung did you hope for this year, Turd Worlders?
Anonymous said…
The little ones of Iraq are both adorable and awe-inspiring creatures.

I recall a picture tender to tears showing Saddam Hussein with a round-faced, raven-haired, all dressed-up little girl, the all-powerful Rais bowed as if before a goddess to breathe in the scent of a humble rose she was proudly offering him.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not quite sure to what the writer, above, is referring regarding East Berlin? Is the writer suggesting East Berlin is/was NOT beautiful because it was "under a despotic, repressive regime?" Or, is the writer saying the opposite and being satirical? The way it is written is abit unclear to me. I was also in East Berlin. East Berlin was beautiful. NOT commercialized, but, beautiful, instead. I could go on a great deal about East Berlin, but, I will leave it at the above, because, as I say, I am not quite sure what the writer is suggesting. I was also in Berlin JUST after, within months, the first year or so, that the "Wall" came down. THAT was DEPRESSING!! There were NEVER homeless people on the streets of East Berlin, before. There were never people selling most anything they could on the streets of what WAS East Berlin, before. As I said, I could go on and on about this subject--karlmarx.


i watched "das leben der anderen" (or "the lives of others" for non-german speakers) n it painted a very bleak picture of east germany
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...

What's that you say? Some Third Worlders are killing each other in their shit-filled countries, scrapping over their dung heaps, satisfying ancient rages with a furious idiocy?

what blog r u reading u fuckwit???
Anonymous said…
Yolanda said...

Carajo !
The self ish ness of the born again is nasty ! ugly ! yulky
(finger in mouth)


what the hell r u talk ing abt???
Anonymous said…
droplet said...

Layla, could you kindly tell your friend Iraqi Democrat from me that:

- I like his blog
u hav crap taste

- I like his new-coined term "Dream Zone" for Green Zone
not bad....but not really that clever

- I believe we know each other

- I believe he and you are brother and sister
interesting theory

- I believe his real name starts with a T

I would go and tell him myself on Resistance DJ, but he does not allow anonymous and nickname comments.
cos hes a knob

Much obliged.
shut up
Anonymous said…
I recall a picture tender to tears showing Saddam Hussein with a round-faced, raven-haired, all dressed-up little girl, the all-powerful Rais bowed as if before a goddess to breathe in the scent of a humble rose she was proudly offering him.
me 2
YoUnicorn said…
If you are the real jr.
I am talking about the nasty comments of anon 1, 2, 3, worlds.

BTW I dont know who is who now..
so now 2 yolandas?

Good night
A bientot
Bonna Sera
Buenas noches
Anonymous said…
I am tremendously undecided on whether to kill JR or marry him.

Please give me some good advice.
Anonymous said…
Layla, just in case you missed it in the last post comment section, I repeat that you are seriously risking ending up eaten alive with virtual kisses.

Forewarned is forearmed :-)
Anonymous said…
JR is absurd

Muppets are absurd

Therefore JR is a muppet
Anonymous said…
In reply to “A Nanny Mouse”
"…Some Third Worlders are killing each other in their shit-filled countries, scrapping over their dung heaps, satisfying ancient rages with a furious idiocy?...you don't have to be a Christian to gape at the Third World in disgusted pity. Your religion is savagery incarnate; your hatreds are tribal and interminable; your contributions to humanity are miniscule.

Cindy Sheehan claimed that Bush lied to her. Was she aware of the lie at the time he was committing such lie, or did she realize it later?
If the former, then she should have encouraged her son to go to jail rather than “Iraqi hunting” and finding himself as the occupation’s Qurbani (sacrifice), the hunted.
If the latter, then she must have been very IGNORANT, as is true for almost all Americans (and others, including YOU).
Your statement, “Your religion is savagery incarnate; your hatreds are tribal and interminable; your contributions to humanity are miniscule” is indicative of your profound ignorance. The Chinese have your manufacturing, the Indians have your brains and European Professors “shit” on you in the classrooms. Particularly the East European professors.
Again “their shit-filled countries, scrapping over their dung heaps, satisfying ancient rages with a furious idiocy”
Now does that explain why the Occupation was “drawn” to the Middle East?
An affinity for “shit,” dung,” “rage” and “idiocy?” I am afraid that what they could not find, they created, are now mired in “the fruits of their creation” and cannot extricate themselves. Fester on it and enjoy!!!!

To nostalgic:
>>The little ones of Iraq are both adorable and awe-inspiring creatures.<< Is being “The little ones of Iraq” a necessary and sufficient condition to be “adorable and awe inspiring”?
Children never asked anyone to go fucking in order to bring them into this world. Aren’t all children “adorable and awe inspiring”?
Anonymous said…
JR asks what blog I'm reading. This one, pal, with its vicious anti-American, anti-white, anti-Shia (the list goes on) bigotry. You know, the kind of bigotry that fuels the passions of dung heaps from Africa to the Middle East.

Someone called "Life!!" tries to reassure herself that Americans are truly miserable, pretending that our manufacturing is all in China, programmers from India, etc. Sure thing, pal. If it makes you feel better - ah forget it. We live in prosperity and freedom. If you haven't been here, you don't know.

Maybe we should let you believe the propaganda that assuages your inferiority complex, but come on -it is laughable. China, India, have become our low-rent districts, busying themselves on low value products and services. You savages, on the other hand, would come to mind as often as the Africans slaughtering each other with machetes, except that you have oil. Fine - and when the oil runs out, you can return to your dung based economy.

Wow, you actually believe your own progaganda - you people are pathetic. I don't know whether to laugh at you or pity you more.

I've decided to laugh.
YoUnicorn said…
yes we are anti


WATCH yourself in a mirror !!!!!!
What do you see?
WE ARE ANTI YOU and what your represent.

Hit the rock Jack LOL
RhusLancia said…
yolanda: "Hit the rock Jack LOL"

OK, Hit It!

always speak my mind
the truth is what i say
i shout it out
in black and white
no smegging shades of gray
you've got to be defiant
that's what i always say
you'll never never hear my silence
but that's the price i'll pay

'cuz i'm anti-antiseptic
i'm anti-antipasto
i'm anti-anticipation
and i'm anti-antichrist

but i'm pro-prophylactic
i'm pro-propane gas
i'm pro-propaganda
and i'm por-antipathy

the future starts tomorrow
with the children of today
they'll never feel your sorrow
they stand right in your way
so take your brain out
have it washed,
that's a fact of life
but i don't mean like blair and tootie
they'd both make
a damn good wife

i'm anti-antidote
i'm anti-antiquate
i'm anti-antifreeze
i'm anti-guitar hero

i'm anti-antimatter
i'm anti-antipersonel
i'm anti-antonym
i'm anti-ann taylor

i'm anti-antibiotic
i'm anti-anticlimax
i'm anti-andrew ridgley
i'm anti-anticoagulant

i'm pro-procreation
i'm pro-programmable
i'm pro-prohibition
i'm pro-profanity

i'm anti-antitrust
i'm anti-antiknock
i'm anti-antiknock additive

i'm anti-pro choice
i'm pro-anti choice
i'm pro-propaganda
i'm proctor and gamble

i feel any more verses
to this song
would be anti-climatic

- The Vandals
Anonymous said…

is that poetry?
Anonymous said…
ohhh, just farted...
RhusLancia said…
literary critic: "is that poetry?"

The Vandals are, in their own words, "a silly punk rock band singing primarily about haircuts, food, diarrhea, and such". This "Anti" song seems apropos to Yolanda's request to "hit the rock". Here is the mp3. Don't forget to dance! The link above, by the way, was to their visit to Iraq in 2004. Lotsa pics and info there. And a video from Sadr City that will give Layla Anwar an aneurism. She'll prolly do an op-ed on uruknet if she watches it.

literary critic: "bwahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha"

That's what I said!

anti climatic: "ohhh, just farted..."

Don't forget to light 'em!
Anonymous said…
layla.. just lettin' you know. i have been getting slammed on another site for commenting here. seems it isn't 'ok'.


i don't agree w/everything you think and i haven't hung out long enough to know it all. that said, i love my country (america) and i despise who and what has been hosting off my people, many yes completely ignorant and corrupt.

that said.. just to clear the air. hell yes, perfect post. not for a minute do i ever consider this bs shopping consumerism emporium going on all around me. the truth? you want to know the truth? my roomie's mother sent a christmas package and my living room has been invaded by stuffed animal santas in every form including little stuffed coverings for the door handles. jesus.

my son.. my son grew up w/a mother who has been largely obsessed these last few years. he is like me at that age..somewhat clueless to world events. he told me last summer him and his friends think they could be the generation that witnesses the end of humanity!!! between war, global warming and $1000 price tags on one room apartments and a mother that doesn't respect the asinine concept of working for the man all your gd life for nuthin but the right to have the illusion you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps living in a society where, gee, you kinda can if you free your mind .. and then what do you get? here's what christmas is to us.. looking forward to jan 2. staying inside for the most part and skipping the traffic. avoiding stores and making presents and fires in the fireplace. thanking my lucky stars everyday i can still think free til they haul me away. and worrying every day about people who are suffering in my name, by way of my taxes, by my country, because of pure cruel greed.

no. i can never imagine how full of pain it is. i can never make amends. nothing i do will ever bring them back. it is a slow chipping away, a slow insertion, never a night around friends/family when we don't talk about it.

it used to be i was the lone political junkie. not anymore... everywhere i go people talk about it. gop, dlc, it doesn't matter, they are all in on the take. it is one massive screwover in our name going on in some place far away w/people they say are fanatics while we watch our own fanatics thrash our constitution, steal our elections, christianize our government, schools, laws,elections... all of it nothing. nothing compared to the death our system promotes.

yes, i think about those children, all the time (as if thinking helps because it doesn't). i also think about the civil wars culling the warriors so our guys don't have to do it out front. our private militias doing the SAIC zionist neocon shuffle.

there are homes here , there are many people here thinking of iraqis (and palestinians..ah lebanon.. africa) we aren't heard because our media is part of the grand plan. but you can't shut off minds. we know. many, many of us know. if we speak they pretend to not hear.

if only i believed in god i could pray to her. but i believe in the greater good. i believe in mankind, i believe in the goodness of muslims, i believe in the goodness of arabs, i believe there are more real christians than the perverted freaks moving towards the theocratic world of the crusaders, and i know my sorrys aren't worth a damn.

rejuvenation. first i read about the iraqi gift. then i ask an iraqi, what he loved most about iraq. rejuvenation. somehow, someway the cradlepeople will find a way. you will teach us the lesson . we owe a great debt to iraqis. i hope and pray i live to see the day we pay it. and those children.. those orphans..they will lead us into the future. never give up hope. believe in the greater good. do not let revenge swallow your soul. and know that all over the world people are thinking of your children, iraqs future, and praying for their safety and warmth, i know i am.

thank you for your post.

RhusLancia said…

Iraq is for Iraqis now, as it should be. Not for the Master Race Criminal Ba'athists anymore.

Maybe your friend's mom shoulda sent you some stuffed National Socialist dolls instead? Here's Big Mustache himself! Pull his string- "Iraq is nothing without me!!" Here's Hugo! Pull his string- "Make me president for life, for the peeeeple! Smells like sulfur in here!"

Hey annie- was Uday naughty to rape that girl? "If" it happened did he pay his debt to society with a little banishment?
Anonymous said…

You've left poor little Mojo all alone in the dark dark bedroom again.

His screams of fear are being heard all over the Internet.

In the Name of Bush, go and give him his daily (cock)suck NOW.

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
life...!!! said:
"Aren't all children adorable and awe-inspiring ?"

no, you boring to tears politically correct muppet, iraqi children are more so 'cause the milk of ishtar's daughters is of purer quality.

just look at how those who survive grow in intelligence, pride, strength and integrity, and never betray their roots even now in the depths of the occupation hellfire pit, and then compare them to the semi-literate, lethargic, spoilt, violence-addicted big fat kids of amerikkka.

think before writing platitudes.
Anonymous said…
From the window I will throw myself off to you. From the window.
Anonymous said…
We wish you a Merry Funeral
We wish you a Merry Burial
We wish you a Merry Decay
And a Happy Course Stay

Now ship off some more to Horror
Now ship off some more to Terror
Now ship off some more to Madness
And sink down with us
Layla Anwar said…
Some of the comments here are 1) hilarious and 2) poetic and 3) very touching and 4) stupid as in the case of RhuslanCIA and that anonmyous KKK...
Layla Anwar said…
anonmyous prick,

don't you ever call me babe again...Layla Anwar feels she needs to puke again.
Layla Anwar said…

My wish for you for this Xmas...is that your sort be multiplied by millions.
Layla Anwar said…
Dearest Yolla,

Am sorry someone is using your pseudo, unfortunately I can't control that here...
But take it as a compliment, you have a "fan."
Bless you and lots of love
Layla Anwar said…
Xmas striker,

I must admit, I have a few real morons come to this site...but comments like yours make up for it.
Thank you.
Layla Anwar said…

I see you have not taken your medics as I prescribed them for you...but no worries will tel Iraqi Democrat that he really is T and is my brother even though he knows it not...And will also tell him to drop you a "love note"...lol
Layla Anwar said…

I real understand your ambivalent feelings towards JR. He does inspire those dual paradoxical sentiments and my advice you can always marry him then kill him thereafter...
Layla Anwar said…

"bowed as if before a goddess to breathe in the scent of a humble rose she was proudly offering him."

Are you a poet?
Layla Anwar said…
full of Love,

How nice! What are virtual kisses like? And more importantly are you male or female ?
And you did mention something about brotherly, sisterly love on the previous post...
Was that incestuous or simply platonic ;-)
Layla Anwar said…

Hello and nice to "see" you again. Good reply to the anti "3rd worldist" but I do agree with anti-muppets somehow...
All kids are adorable but some are simply more adorable.
Layla Anwar said…
As'ad Abu Khalil,

Promises, promises...
Layla Anwar said…
You can trust RhuslanCIA the sumac colored truck, to listen to PUNK music...
Layla Anwar pukes again.
Layla Anwar said…
Iraqi Resistance

This should become our motto for 2008. Good one !
Layla Anwar said…
Hi Annie,

Thank you for your hearfelt comment.
You said you are slammed on another site for visiting this one?
Which site is that?
You also said that there many of you out there who have come to the realization-- I beg to disagree here. All point to the evidence that Iraq has "failed to capture the American imagination like it did in Vietnam " for instance...
You also mentioned something about
"rejuvenation". I was taken aback by that word to be frank with you...
Does the morale of the story lie in the twisted concept " destroy them so they can rejuvenate..."

You also said do not let "revenge swallow your soul"...

That is quite condescending to be honest with you.

How about you see 5 million American children orphaned since you love your country-- orphaned thanks to 600'000 men (soldiers, mercenaries, death squads, contractors), 600'000 Iraqi men who have killed yours...for nothing.

Will you still find that alluded "compassion" implied in your last sentence, will you still find it in your heart ? And I know that you have a big one.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Having rejected Christianity (and religion in general) almost immediately after emerging from infancy, I do not celebrate Christmas. However, I do admire certain aspects of Jesus' thought; I also admire aspects of Buddha, Mohammed, Zarathustra, Francis of Assissi, anti-caste Vashnavaite saint Mahaprabhu, anti-caste Savaite saint Adi Sankara, noe Confcian Mencius, Lao Tzu, Averroes, Marx, Prodhoun, Ali Shariati, Ambedkar , and many others.
What I do not understand is how it is that Jesus offered his blood to his followers, but so many of his followers now feed off the blood of others.
As I sit here with the history channel featuring a show on the history of vampires, I ponder vampirism.
Anonymous said…
To the anonymous person who wrote, " YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO HISTORY ARE MINUSCULE," your knowledge of history is minuscule and painfully evident to all who had the misfortune to witness it here. As Confucius said, " an ignoramus who lacks the wisdom to know he is an ignoramus is an ignoramus indeed."
Anonymous said…
"will tell Iraqi Democrat that he really is T and is my brother even though he knows it not"

He knows, he knows...

He just has the misfortune to suffer from some mysterious severe chronic trouble remembering things...that he doesn't want to !

Anonymous said…
Hello my adored sister :-)

"What virtual kisses are like ?"
Like you wish to imagine them.

"Are you male or female ?"
I am female (thank God), just as you are (alas...)

"Was that incestuous or simply platonic ?"
Were you male, it would be ravagingly passionate. LOL
Being you female, it is simply of profound affection and admiration.

Keep up the good work...
Anonymous said…
"Are you a poet ?"

I am an aborted poem...turned poet to survive...
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,

"comments like yours make up for it"

My pleasure...my DUTY.

Always at Iraq's service.

Anonymous said…
Layla babe, you sit in your own stink and ask everyone else to call it perfume. I'm calling you out - I know I touched a nerve - but I'll keep calling you out.

Your contributions to history are miniscule. What, you preserved Roman and Greek thought? Is that supposed to be creative? Or maybe you want to go way back to 3000 BC. OK, fine, I'll give you that. Any thing a little, you know, more recent?

The fact is, what Arabs have contributed to humanity is 1) the indescribably barbaric and supremacist ideology of Islam and 2) the suicide bomber. Wow, that's great. Thanks for nothing, Third World filth.
Anonymous said…
Oh yes anonymouse, you touched a nerve...that of my disgust at the sight of you and your words. And come to think of it, that stink you mention is nothing but the aroma you people are so great at permeating. Ignorant asshole.

Layla Anwar wants to puke again.
Anonymous said…
Aw c'mon, lets have some fun. Name the Arab contribution to humanity since, say, 1000 BC. Go ahead.

I think the comprehensive list is:

1 - Islam, a savage supremacist creed with strong appeal to sadist and barbaric minds


2 - suicide bombing.

If I'm wrong, show me baby. All you have is insults - too funny.

So list the contributions - we are all waiting!

I'm laughing my ass off at the inevitable silence to follow.
Anonymous said…
Anon - They have made a better suicide bomb belt. Top Quality.

Tiny Israel is a world leader in Science and technology and the Arabs havent done jack in 1000 years.

All the Arabs have is excuses, self deception and blaming others for their problems.
Anonymous said…

Does the morale of the story lie in the twisted concept " destroy them so they can rejuvenate..."

no, it lies in knowing that sickbastards puppies who seek global domination are messing w/the wrong crowd who will rejuvenate unlike the US which will likely survive but loose its blip in time grip as some illusionary grand master of free trade and world suffering in the guise of 'spreading democracy'.

sorry you interpreted my "don't let revenge swallow your soul"...comment as condescending. from personal experience imagining knife thrusts into the hearts of my enemies (my personal choice of revenge musings) sometimes takes it's toll when fueling my boiling blood and detracts from my ability to focus on more 'cough' productive means of ending empire.

How about you see 5 million American children orphaned since you love your country-- orphaned thanks to 600'000 men (soldiers, mercenaries, death squads, contractors), 600'000 Iraqi men who have killed yours...for nothing.

how about it? it is as bad as imagining the reality of iraq. yes, i would have to place lots of energy to not let revenge drive me or throw me off base for it would weaken my ability to eradicate the cause which could ultimately result in even more suffering and another few million orphans. there are more powerful forces than revenge that lead to victory. justice being one of them.

sorry if that sounds condescending to you, it isn't meant to.

Anonymous said…

if RESISTANCE is equated with "revenge" in your dictionary- then so be it.
And an Arabic proverb for you to muse over the holiday season.
" The one who has his hand in water is not like the one who has his hand in fire."
Anonymous said…
it isn't layla, and you are stronger woman than me for sure if it doesn't dwell in your mind. i am sorry to assume it might, or thoughts of it may consume you as it has me from time to time.

wishing you a good nights sleep, w/a calming dream.

Anonymous said…
There are bloggers and posters all over the Internet posting your story and trying to raise funds for UNICEF. I am shocked at some of the responses by a rightwing site. View at your own risk.

Anonymous said…
"I also admire aspects of Buddha, Mohammed, Zarathustra, Francis of Assissi, anti-caste Vashnavaite saint Mahaprabhu, anti-caste Savaite saint Adi Sankara, noe Confcian Mencius, Lao Tzu, Averroes, Marx, Prodhoun, Ali Shariati, Ambedkar ,"

The eastern saints believed that all was God, and that all should be loved with all ones' heart and sold. No matter what might happen, or what acts anyone might commit, they should still be loved as God. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and Sankara were never against anything. You might say that they were "FOR" love. Or rather divine love, which is infinitely beyond anything that we can comprehend. But even that would not be accurate. They were beyond “for” and beyond “against.” They were beyond all comprehension, in unison with the universal transcendent (that is beyond eternal or time.)

They loved everyone, good and bad equally. Love has no reason, no season, no cause, no birth and no death. Love just is.

Annie, I am not sure you understand what the people here believe or even what you believe.

Layla Anwar is a true Saddamist Baathist. Saddam was her leader, hero, maybe even prophet. She is free to worship whoever she wishes. The Holy Koran says that there can be no compulsion in religion. She knows where she is coming from and what she believes in.

You, however, do not seem to be aware of your own perspectives, let alone the perspectives of the people you seek to converse with.
Anonymous said…
UNICEF will not support your figure of 5 MILLION orphans in IRAQ. Where did you come up with that number? Many would help if the story were proved factual.
Anonymous said…
Since you cannot back up your figure of 5 MILLION orphans for UNICEF or anyone else enquiring here you leave us all to believe that this is nothing more then propaganda. A LIE! What was the point in posting this lie? You are an empty suit. Reflections sealed in bullshit.

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