Politically Incorrect...

For those of you who care to read a short but sure introduction about Arab men, please consult my "Uncensored" blog. I did say Arab not Muslims. So don't give me your usual shit. Thank you.


Anonymous said…
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Ur a Schizophrenic
And so r u
Anonymous said…
This is the rhythm of the falling rain.
It's beating my heart
Anonymous said…
read your arab men peice with allot of interest and funny that you posted it, because i had this discussion with a few female friends the other night.

What I do think is also taking place, is what we call the pakiisation of white women, which is being helped by the kind of Arab men you talk about.

White women do have this notion though, that Arab men are the sheikh of Araby or the hunk from the old Turkish Delight advert and the hilarious thing is, as soon as they get together with Arab men, white women always become Moozlims, demand Islamic marriages, they also dress in costumes that make clowns look like amatures and think that Sharia law in the West is a good idea.

I am aware of allot of instances of white women who do this, whilst the previous week were the biggest sluts on the planet and sleep with Arab men in exchange for a bag of vegetables or worse yet, pizza.

What I find funny is that many white people want to barricade themselves into a Pakistan/Al-Sadr/Talaban styled regime because they have all been to the Middle East (Apparently going on Hajj means you see the entire region).

Many of these converts are the biggest degenerates on the face of the earth and the arab men they are with, well its like the saying goes, shit attracts shit and white converts to Islam can also mean a passport!

Not bad for a Muslim man!
Anonymous said…
it's not politically incorrect, it's politically masochistic.

the arab world has already been divided by the west along religious, ethnic, tribal and class lines.

do you really want to further aggravate things by fomenting enmity between the sexes ?
G.Gar said…
Salam Layla,

That was very cruel:).. I am no expert on women , but I heard from many western women similar complaints very similar to yours to yours about Arab women

To my humble view, I think that there is an elemnt you missed in your anlysis, that is the natural attraction between people who seem exotic to eachother due to cultural differences.
Anonymous said…
Americans are idiots...

Arabs are boastful or lapdogs...

Is there any nation you like men from ?
Anonymous said…
you have an inferiority complex, seriously

you are judging the entire of majority of Arab men by your SMALL sample size?

how many men could you possibly have known? (i shouldn't ask) or heard about from your other "friends" (who you backbite all the way to the grave)?

and you want to judge the entire or majority or even minority of Arab men by your small tiny minuscule sample size?

how dumb and arrogant of an anti-Arab you are.

not your typical baathiya

i'm glad saddam is not alive to read this. ITFOO

by they don't wear the hijab, because when a woman is very ugly she needs the hair and makeup and the cleavage and her body outline to compensate for her ugliness.

in your case the ugliness is protruding everytime you open your mouth. you got bad breath, bad heart.

just wondering, do your "friends" read your blog, the ones you insult?

what a real friend!

you are the typical type who can not be trusted, and if you were given a chance to sleep w/ the occupation i'm sure you would have.

its not only the shia that sleep w/ the enemy but also the seculars like you.

you are a shame to be called an Arab

personally i know some real Iraqi Arabs who I am proud of, but you put Iraq to shame

i suggest you do not carry the Iraqi name with you for advertising purposes.

just say you are from zula or something.
Anonymous said…
"The lapdogs they always dreamt of being."

So, according to your rationale, the ARAB MALE prisoners of Abu Ghraib were sooooo happy to be "finally" kept on a lead (like lapdogs) by a WESTERN FEMALE, namely Lynndie England ????? !!!!!

I suggest you re-entitle your other blog: "An Arab Woman Gaffes" :-(
Anonymous said…
When Juno is set free, Jupiter comes down to earth, whispers an "end of a knight" tale in our ears...goodnight.
Anonymous said…
I despair of ever hearing from JR again :-(

Why don't you start a third blog and call it "Where is JR ?" like Salam Pax's "Where is Raed" ? :-)

By the way, do you remember the now-defunct official website of the Republic of Iraq Uruklink (not net), when the Iraqis had better time to spend in the real world than on the Internet ? What nostalgia... :-(

The Yanks shut it down upon the fall of Baghdad, and thus was our endangered minority species of thinking beings - shut in a virtual "reserve"... :-(

Be free, dearest sister...from the Occupier and the pseudo-Arab hot air balloons alike ! :-)

Anonymous said…
Why am I doing this when it will just get deleted

To waste your time because now you have to waste time deleting it.
Anonymous said…
I can hear the whistle
Military train
Layla Anwar said…

Is it politically masochistic to have honor killings or have on average of 40 women a month in Basrah be gunned down and found dead in the streets?

Is it politically masochistic when one form of colonialism has come and gone and been replaced by another and yet another and we arab women are still doing the same song and dance...

Is it politically masochist, that those same men who are can't say a thing towards the colonizer man or woman, apply the most hypocritical standards to us because it is convenient and because for centuries we did not rock the boat...

Ask yourself these questions first...
Layla Anwar said…

Hello...I don't get it, what are the western women complaining about us? read what Iraqi democrat has to say it is quite accurate...I shall be posting more on arab men and western women both converts and non converts...

What you call exotic, I call the fascination with the colonizer.
Layla Anwar said…

Thanks that was most uplifting :-)
Layla Anwar said…
mind boggled,

I was obviously not referring to Abu Ghraib...I was referring to gender relations between Arab men and Arab women versus Arab men and Western women is a so called "free setting".

Your extrapolation does not make sense on the one hand and only confirms what I have to say about the West, both men and women.
Anonymous said…
All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey
Layla Anwar said…
Iraqi Democrat,

Yours made me laugh. You are a good observer indeed.
Did you also notice the white reverts teaching the muslim women, arabs or others how to be good muslim women...

And everyone sits in awe at this foreigner who teaches correct Islam...

This never fails to crack me up personally...

Will say more in coming posts, I can already feel the heat rising.
Layla Anwar said…

as usual, don't forget to say hello to you know who....
G.Gar said…
Salam Again,

Sorry, for the mistyping. I mean that I heard from many western women complaints about Arab men that are very similar to yours.

So you should give Arab men some credit for not using double standards, they are mostly the same with western women. Except at the begining where considerations such as Passport or facination with the enlightening coloniser are very strong.
Anonymous said…
re: western reverts

so you and iraqi democrat think that islam is for the arabs alone ?

i thought you were cheerleaders for osama's global caliphate ??
Anonymous said…
And what about relations between Arab women and Western men ?
Layla Anwar said…

There are actually more Arab men with Western women than Arab women with Western men.

But the trend is changing slightly and you may see more arab women marrying westerners...

I suppose this is due to the fact that Arab women are considered to be the torch bearers of the family honor and virtue and therefore discouraged from marrying a Westerner..but as I said the trend is changing especially amongst the middle classes provided that the man converts to Islam if the family happens to be muslim...

Western women on the other hand are not forced to convert since Arab muslim men are allowed to marry from other religions..

I don' t know about Arab women in the West and what's it like now over there...
Anonymous said…
"I don't know about Arab women in the West"

Most of them "throw the baby out with the bathwater", that is to say they don't only cast off the veil and other Arabo-Islamic conservative restrictions, but go so far as to repudiate their very identity and roots and spend the rest of their lives striving to "Westernize" and "bimboize" themselves to ridicule.

Layla Anwar said…

"spend the rest of their lives striving to "Westernize" and "bimboize" themselves to ridicule."

Seeing that Arab men on the whole prefer bimbos and can't stand intelligent women who may well outshine their little egos - that must be quite understandable on the part of the Arab women in the West...

And of course, you are assuming that having these" conservative restrictions" is forcibly a very good thing. None speak of conservatively restricting the men. Of course - since they are the ones who do the restrictions.

Ah - same old power game huh?
Anonymous said…
A friend of mine asked me what I thought of your writing, and after responding I decided to forward same as a comment for your possible interest:

Layla Anwar I had only heard of, nothing more, so when your message arrived I checked out a couple of entries in her uncensored blog. OK, my first impressions as a stream of consciousness. Wow, is she ever angry. She does not eat, she does not sleep, she is too angry to even breathe. Out of this white hot crucible comes uncensored reactions that are apparently cathartic for her and possibly contain quite a lot of truth, as well, but mostly unanalyzed and undigested. So, the interpretation is up to the reader, but it is a window into another person's subjective reality.

A lot of her concerns seem to involve the warping of people's minds by oppression. Women's minds warped by oppression so that they develop an anti-woman, sexist slave mentality. A culture warped by Western oppression so that its members cannot help mimicking and propitiating the hated oppressor, while nonetheless maintaining their hatred. Oppressed people in general ratting each other out and keeping each other down. Men passing along the favor of Western oppression by oppressing the women unfortunate enough to associate with them, or just due to the patriarchy of their own backgrounds, or just because they can.

She hates her slave mentality sisters and brothers in shared oppression as much as, if not more than, she hates the oppressor. Maybe the slave mentality is not fully expunged from inside her and she is fighting to keep it at bay by actively rejecting it in others. This seems like an intermediate stage of throwing off the shackles of oppressive hierarchy, which could later evolve into a more constructive campaign to develop and lead communities of active resistance. So, she's a moving target, an unfinished piece of work, an angry arc of energy that is too volatile to stay in the same state for long. She'll either flame out or else develop into a really exciting and powerful activist.

Just my stupid uninformed first impressions. You really challenge me by asking for views on a person whose reality is so different, and who I am in no position to judge. But viewpoints are like opinions; everybody has one. So there is mine. Would love to hear your own views when you have time.
Anonymous said…
So you approve of the behavior of those Arab women who are ashamed of their origins and sell their bodies and souls to the West, such as that Basrawee female friend of yours Lamia turned "Loomee" ?

I was under the impression that you were keen on the preservation of the "good Arab breed" and culture...

By the way, does your analysis of the Arab male mind apply to the Iraqi freedom fighters as well ?

And last, which is the country or region of the world where gender relations are the best in your opinion ?

Thanks for answering my questions.
Layla Anwar said…

As you said it is only your opinion and thank God for that.
By the way you make for a lousy analyst.
Hope you will not be charging me for this one.
Layla Anwar said…

I will reply at greater lengther, later...I think to think through your questions.
Anonymous said…
can we practice a little democracy here?
All who want the comment moderator turned off type 1.

diversity-here are some valiums. Take one every 4 hours for the next 40 years. We don't care if you don't like Layla's spitfire attitude. she rocks!!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
My shoe is better than you, stupid ho.

Kess emeek.
Anonymous said…
"I did say Arab not Muslims."

Thanks for specifying, and rest assured: we in the South and in Baghdad are taking good care of your "problem".....
Anonymous said…
Same in the Centre.
Anonymous said…
Same identical in the North, and of course Palestine and Lebanon.
Anonymous said…
Your user profile didn't provide a lot of detail, and so I was left to my own imperfect devices. But as you imply in your blog description, maybe the topics should be the focus and not the person. So I will continue to read your posts in order to learn as much as I can.

There's a U.S. artist who did an ironic greeting card that reads on the front "I'm sorry that my country bombed your country," and then says on the inside "I want you to know that I was against it." I now tell you with that same sense of inadequacy that I live in the U.S. and have demonstrated and organized against this war on Iraq and against the first Gulf War, too. We failed to stop it, and part of that failure was due to a lack of discipline, both in the movement and in myself personally, too, but we have tried and will continue to try. The leadership of this country does not rule by consent of the governed, no matter what they may claim.

Yes, the U.S. population is in a state of general ignorance, as you say, but I would point out that even in better educated and informed societies it is the rare person who will act on principle if they are personally comfortable. Still, it is impossible to deny that in the U.S. we have failed uniquely to constrain our mad dog government; however, it should be understood that these are more sins of omission than commission for the majority of the U.S. population.

Sorry to post this to your article on Arab Men but where else? As moderator feel free to just read and not post it or to put it somewhere more appropriate.

I hope that your intense commentary reaches whoever needs it most. Although I've been aware of course of what a pariah the U.S. has become, and how the actions of the U.S. have justifiably colored the views of the rest of the world toward all U.S. citizens, including those who have unsuccessfully opposed its unlawful actions, to read comments from someone writing so candidly from the region makes that understanding more visceral and motivating.
G.Gar said…
Honestly speaking, you are way too tolerant.You allow all those gurbbage commnetators to publish their filth on your special blog. Wish they had any point to say apart of some strain of cowardly insults they manage to spew. I have experienced bloggers who claim to be illuminated liberals. However, they promptly delete any comments that challenge their petrified norms, be it- western colonial , presumably Islamic or anything that doesn't conform to the Arab social dogmas. What is worse, the hypocrites are parroting all this freedom of speech and democracy crap- while they snap at the slightest critisism of their reactionary views

Layla- How come you are defending dictatorship? are not you happy with the freedom and liberation of your country? Don't you feel relieved that the mullahs in Qum now have an outlet in Iraq to experiment with their medival, backward, ignorant, ludicrous theories. You must be very happy that the Iranians are now venting out the centuries old grudges on Iraq and all Arabs.
Anonymous said…
my dear Layla,

Take a look and you must tell me which you'd prefer?

Anonymous said…
Never mind men, what do you know about an oil refinery blowing up in Baghdad? It got reported, and then the story got pulled. Are they censoring this story cos they know the price of oil would shoot through the roof?
Anonymous said…
Arab tyrannical-lapdoggish men = Arab puppet regimes

Arab submissive-but-start-awaking women = Arab peoples

Foreign temptresses-ruiners = Colonial powers
Layla Anwar said…
iranian shit militiaman,

iranian is not a race nor a nationality - just a hybrid of a bastardic something - very much like an israeli.

shia is not a religion and is nothing but a cult that is unislamic and has odd resemblances to jewishittism

and militiaman is someone who is a drug and hooker addict who gets high on blood...

So in all three cases, the post was addressed to a human called an Arab not to something called "you."

I hope this clarifies it for you even further.
Layla Anwar said…

"What is worse, the hypocrites are parroting all this freedom of speech and democracy crap- while they snap at the slightest critisism of their reactionary views"

Amre, that was very good. The whole comment was very good. :-)
Layla Anwar said…

Not bad at all!
Layla Anwar said…

any projects to expand your vocabulary beyond - "kesss emmeek ya sharmootah ya bint al kalb tfooh a3la asslik ya kharra, ya bikhseee" ?
Layla Anwar said…

Did I hear you say the word democracy?

Am shuddering....
Layla Anwar said…
will someone give u.s marine and mossad a compass please...thank you.
Layla Anwar said…
Hiya ID,

What choices do I really have?
Layla Anwar said…
JR Wanted dead or alive.

Has anyone seen JR?
A 10 million kisses bounty is on his head. Dead or alive.
Layla Anwar said…

If you are asking me questions, then who am I to say am not God?
Layla Anwar said…
paris pervert,

consult Iraqi democrat's you tube...and see what "delights" awaits you.Much better than your "Cali-fat" No?
Layla Anwar said…

If you want me to respond to you, then I please ask you not to use anonymous anymore. When there are too many anonymouses...and there is a Cat in the house, I can't do much.
So again, leave an initial or a pseudo you can be identified by...

And from today onwards, any anonymous will not receive a reply back. Deal ?!
Layla Anwar said…
Anonymous :re - Westernized Arab Women,

YOU SAID :"So you approve of the behavior of those Arab women who are ashamed of their origins and sell their bodies and souls to the West, such as that Basrawee female friend of yours Lamia turned "Loomee" ?

I was under the impression that you were keen on the preservation of the "good Arab breed" and culture...

By the way, does your analysis of the Arab male mind apply to the Iraqi freedom fighters as well ?

And last, which is the country or region of the world where gender relations are the best in your opinion ? "


1- I find it interesting that you should use the example of Lamia the Basrawee turned Loomee when she landed in America.
When I compare the fate of Lamia turned Loomee to a Rita, Majida, Sana -the Basrawees turned DEAD. Then am not sure who is more to be envied...Maybe the one who is still alive perhaps?

2- Keen on preserving Arab culture and good breed.
Presumably I need to remain alive to do that and not meet the fate of the dead Basrawee females.
Remember they were killed for dishonoring the good breeding of an example brought about by the GB/US occupation and handed over to the sectarian militias who are there to preserve the "purity" of the culture.

3- Arab Freedom Fighters.
You will need to read my post in the Uncensored blog called "Loyalties, Jihad..." for a reply.

4- I have not visited the whole world and have not been exposed to every single gender dynamic around. If I really have to chose, I would chose the Scandinivian countries.
The only thing that bothers me there, is the high suicide rate among the scandinavian men. Some sociological theory relegated that to the loss of the male identity due to too much equality...
In other words, a castrating equality?
Funnily the fate of these poor men ironically joins those of the Basrawee dead women.

I hope this has provided an "answer".
Anonymous said…
When I first wrote the comment on your article, I was the first and only commentator. It is impossible that "Iraqi Jew" had posted his comment before me. I think I am either being bugged and someone is posting ante-dated messages or that someone has broken into your account Leila.

Leila, you have to get over the Iran-Iraq war of the 80's. We are in the Third Millenium and your country is being occupied. You are just too afraid to to admit that who the real enemies are because this would constitute a huge psychological barrier to continue the resistance as you, wrongly, do not believe that you will be making it. I compare the current occupiers of the different countries in the Middle East to the "Conquistatores" in South America who tried to destroy the indigineous culture. As the recent resurgence of the native cultures in South America points at, they failed miserable and the occupiers of Iraq will fail too.

The Rafsanjani comment was based on a personal testimony of a friend. By the way, he is still running the Expediency Council, which is the equivalent of the Supreme Court in US.

By the way, Amir The Iranian, has been opposing the Iraqi Genocide well before it even was started: since 1998.
Layla Anwar said…
Amir the Iranian,

Please spell my name the correct way, it's not Leila it's LAYLA. Leila is the Farsee way.

Amir, you exasperate me, really.

You are the one who referred to the Iran-Iraq war. I have more proof that Iran started the war with 260 offensives on the Iraqi Iranian borders, 260 offensives were Iraqis died from Khanaqueen onward...Before Iraq "launched" an attack...

Anyways...It is the IRANIANS who have not respected the truce since.
It is the Iranians who are still arming the kurds, the militias, it is the Iranians who are directing the quisling govt in Baghdad who is in turn collaborating with the Americans for long term plans...

So what are you on about Amir?

You HATE to face these facts straight in the eye, for your whole theoretical/ideological premise will crumble...


We are occupied by USA, GB,Iran and Israel. FACT, FACT, FACT.
Anonymous said…
Perhaps this link will help explain a few things about the US occupation

Anonymous said…

[quote] When I compare the fate of Lamia turned Loomee to a Rita, Majida, Sana, the Basrawees turned DEAD. Then am not sure who is more to be envied...Maybe the one who is still alive perhaps ? [end quote]

"There is no value to life without honor" - Saddam Hussein.

[quote] handed over to the sectarian militia who are there to preserve the purity of the culture.[end quote]

That is the PERSIAN so-called "culture".

I was talking of YOUR ARAB culture, which the occupation-legalized Persian puppet government, army and militias are actually striving to WIPE OUT.

In this sense, the "Iranian Shiite Militiaman" guy's comment above is (involuntarily ?) ironic, like: "don't worry, very soon those Arab men you despise so much will be all drilled to death (together with their women)".

No, dearest Layla, don't turn a frivolous, egoistic, uncommitted "Loomee" out of despair, hold on to your Arab identity and roots, which is NOT racistic "hubris" as some idiotic commentators like to brand it, but memory, conscience and dignity, and keep defending your Motherland's honor with all the strength and the pride of your daughterly loving heart till your last breath.

I am sure She will be an "equal rights" kind of mother and show as much gratitude to you as to Her male children in the armed resistance - if not more :-)

My very best wishes.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
yalla layla...I'm always here.

sshhhhh....getting married to little deer ;-)
Anonymous said…
Arab men "in awe" of Western women ?

If only !

Some time ago, I was very much in love with an Arab guy...when I finally found the courage to go and tell him, his freezing reply was: "Arabian horses are most appreciated for their pure-blood breed and they are to stay this way. Don't take it badly, there is nothing wrong about you, but I could never love a woman who is not an Arab."

Considering that I am an European girl, rather good-looking and morally as serious as his own sister, I am afraid you'll need to review your theory... :-(
Layla Anwar said…
European girl,

Am glad to know there are exceptions to my theory. But they are only exceptions...
Layla Anwar said…
awb regular,

I thought I was already doing that - defending the honor of Mother.

But the way you had put your initial question, you associated conservative and arab together.

Iraq was a SECULAR country, Arab and non Arab and this did not mean that we had lost our traditions, the good elements of it.

One more thing, Loomee can always revert back to Lamia with some time and insights and hindsights...
Sana, Majida and Rita, will never have that chance...

Anonymous said…
To european girl
Thank God there are exceptions....
Anonymous said…
S said...
"Thank God there are exceptions..."

How very kind of you ! :-(

I would never have "tied him by the balls", quite the opposite...I was only too willing to repudiate my shit of Catholic upbringing and embrace Islam, but he did not care about that, he was fixated on the "blood" damn thing...

Actually, I have reverted all the same a few months after the poor idiot refused me, and am now a true Muslimah whereas he has remained an ignorant racist bigot.

Anonymous said…
ahhh racism... it's everywhere.. in all walks of life...
remember people... we all take a shit everyday... and when we die, we all are turned into the same dirt... no ones any better than anyone else.... God will judge all
Anonymous said…
Scandinavian guys are notoriously as passionate as lumps of ice - actually Scandinavian women always preferred men from warmer countries.

Seems like no one is ever satisfied with what he/she has...
Anonymous said…
hey...I found JR!!!

How do I claim my kisses????
Anonymous said…

What proof do you have it's actually the real JR not some duplicate...
Or may you're trying to swindle 10 million kisses out of me.
Anonymous said…
european girl,

Yes sure thing, they all say that...Got a few divorced ones around who can testify to the radical castration...No more balls to tie.
Anonymous said…

How do you know that? I was told that nordic men appear cold but are really very romantic deep down...but no one told me how deep down one has to get, though...
Anonymous said…
Was your ex-husband lured away from you by a WWW* by any chance ?

* White Western Witch
Anonymous said…
Re: Scandinavian men

I guess one is attracted by what he/she lacks, hence needs.

A wayfarer in the sun-burnt desert will desire the cool shade of a palm tree rather than the warmth of a fireside, but the opposite is true for a mountaineer in the snow...

I am Swedish and personally find Nordic men totally "aseptic", but I can understand that, to an Arab woman "overheated" by her fellow-countrymen's flamboyant nature, their elegant composure feels indeed like a gush of fresh air.
Anonymous said…
awe damn...busted.

JR where the hell are you?! You better get back her quick, Layla's not getting any younger!

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