" Visible Secrets"

I don’t know about you, but I miss watching one of those "tintillating" murder films...

You know what I mean, don’t you? One of these suspense stories that keeps you glued to your seat and on your toes...

Am sure you know what I mean.

Of course, the more brilliant the producer is, the better the suspense...
Only a lousy producer lets you know in advance...And lousy producers abound.

I don’t know about you, but I like it best, when the detective (preferably an Arsene Lupin type) gathers the whole family, friends and starts questioning.

Everyone is a possible culprit and yet everyone keeps this look of placid innocence plastered on.

And I like it best, when the producer in his brilliance, makes you guess. Like, when you have everyone gathered, and they don’t say a word, but the look in their eyes reveals it all... And you immediately know, on some intuitive level, who the real murderer is.

At first they all exchange greetings and are so civil... Then, something gives way. Something snaps...

It might be a sigh, a head turn, an innocuous gesture, a small detail or just the eyes...And then you know...you just know.
You know who the murderer(s) is /are.

And you can’t keep still, till the end of the film, because you want to see the resolution, the real criminal and check if your intuition was correct or not.
Only to realize, in the end, that you knew it all along...

I love those instances, when your intuition is proved right once more ...and you think to yourself, you outwitted the producer...

Towards the end of the film when the real culprit is about to be unmasked, all those who participated in the murder start throwing blame around...in a desperate attempt to get off the hook. But by then, it's too late. A whistle blower appears disguised in a detail...

Have you noticed that too? Am glad.

So, I can now safely deduce that you also know who murdered Saddam Hussein. The perfect crime of the 21st century. The tip top lynching of modern times...

Now, if you want to know the whole story, you need to be seated and very tuned, otherwise you will miss the plot.

I am a firm believer in the following preposition : “Everything you need to know is already there...”

And all that is there, point to what is and what will be...
These moments will never be forgotten...ever.
These moments encapsulate everything you need to learn today.

Everytime you feel lost, go back to these moments and you will infallibly be put on track once more.

These moments are crucial in understanding what is happening today in Iraq. These moments not only marked the turning point, no - it was not the bombing of the Samarra Shrines - with all due respect to western "analysts" - but the 30th of December that was the turning point in the bloody chapter that you are witnessing today in Iraq. The Samarra shrine bombing was only a short prelude.

You know what I mean don't you? Like a trailer...

The murder of Saddam Hussein, however much you hate it or hate him, was the turning point...
Everything you witness or hear about today in Iraq is nothing but a delayed response to that day.
Do not dismiss so easily things and people. Specially not Saddam Hussein and what he represented...

I do not need to praise Saddam Hussein. His own death and the circumstances surrounding it, are his best eulogy. All in his honor and again...however much you hate it.

I am interested, just like in a murder film, in those present on that infamous day, the day of assassination. That grim day that will never be forgotten.

Let me review who was present that day and you figure out the plot...

The Americans supposedly “handed” Saddam Hussein to the following :
- Al- Hakeem of SCIRI. Al Hakeem is an Iranian national, born and bred in Iran.
- Al– Maliki of the Dawa party. Al Maliki is a dual Iranian – Iraqi national.
- Muwafak Al Rubaie – aka K.Shahpour, an Iranian national.

Others present at the murder scene were :

- The Iranian Ambassador to Iraq !
- A few Western journalists – the Pentagon press amongst others...
- And none other than Muqtada Al-Sadr. The born again shiite mullah who never studied theology. Muqtada Al –Sadr is known to be a school drop out, a boy in jeans...who did nothing but roam the streets, play pool and harass girls...We call him in Arabic, “Ibn al shaware’e”...Meaning the son of the streets. By the way, that psychopath has gone in hiding again in Iran!

In your slang, it means a street kid...In our slang it's a polite word for son of a bitch.

And no one praises street kids thugs or sons of bitches, specially when they are reknown to be drillers and rapists...under a mullah cloak.
I mean no one in their right mind...unless they too, are psychopaths and sons of bitches.

Amidst shouts of “long live Muqtada“, the legitimate president of Iraq and a great leader was murdered.

Now, I assume you are intelligent enough (mind you I may be very wrong on that one) to deduce who the assassins were...

I also assume you are intelligent enough to realize that the Americans and Iranians were complicit in the murder of the one who kept Iraq together - the Iraq of all sects and creeds.

And, again, I assume, that you have enough intelligence to deduce the rest...
But then again, I may be wrong.

So how did that “great“ murder story end? Ah right! I remember and I am reminded as it repeats itself daily....

Iran and the USA keep accusing one another of "foreign interference" in Iraq. Iran says the US is responsible and the Americans say the Iranians are responsible.

But this is Iraq - and both are "foreign interferences"...
We are not an extension of Iran and we will never be. We are not an American playground and we will never be.
We are not an English park and we will never be. We are not an Israeli wailing wall and we will never be...

And amidsts the blame, just like amidsts the shouts on the 30th of December, Rafsandjani of Iran stated today that the USA needs Iran to...just like it needed Iran on the 30th of December...(read it here)

So you can ask Arsene Lupin, Inspector Clouseau, Agatha Christie, Detective Colombo...to hand in their resignations. No need. Call it dual occupation and save your suspense for better productions...and as the French say it so aptly: "Arrêtez moi ce cinema !"

Painting : Iraqi artist, Khaled Thamer.


Anonymous said…
It's the j00 h4ckz0rs, Layla
Layla Anwar said…
To Amre, LostHere, LP and FarC. thanks for your mails -
Sorry about this mishap and thanks for drawing my attention. I am not sure what happened.
I have been having lots of difficulty in posting, publishing, editing, and saving and it has been going on. I have also lost several articles in the process...

I guess something was clicked by mistake... and now all is back to "normal".
LostHere said…
Layla, thank you
I come to work this morning and went to the office to see if by chance I could read your post... I am very glad I can once again, and another great work of art that it is. I tell you, wish it was better times so you could dedicate all that great word-smithing to subjects that are not so painful to humanity (to say nothing about Iraquies and Arabs in general).
Thank you, and by the way, no only those great, if fictional, inspectors should tend their resignations, I think a great number of western analists should do the same... move over, let the world see reality, publish Layla Anwar in the real mass media!
Unknown said…
I too, am really glad everything got cleared up and your site is not going to be invitation only. I do wish you would be able to ban or block the cruel,miserable, sadistic freaks who come here for no other reason than to inflict pain and evil.

Bless you Layla
Layla Anwar said…
Lost Here,

Hello. You want them to publish me in the mainstream media? LOL.
Dream on amigo, they will never do that.
Besides who wants to be there in the first place?
Who wants to be associated with liars, disinformants,manipulators? Not Moi for sure.
Am not aiming for worldwide recognition, acclaim, praise, or a Prize. Am quite content with my little blog. I just wish whoever it is to stop hacking me so I can publish in "peace".
Anonymous said…
Layla wrote,
[Typical of zionist jewish mentality to remain the "eternal victim" whilst plundering, stealing, murdering, raping others...]

You should examine the history of your co-religionists in India (among other places).

A fucking muslim can't stand on a pedestal to condemn jews.
Layla Anwar said…
Hi Curt, am not sure we met before.
Comment moderation has been enabled. Have enough viciousness around me, do not need it here too.
Take care.
Anonymous said…
Glad to see the blog is back to normal.

Layla, you've been at this blog thing for a while now. Have you started the book yet? There is no excuse. You've got the writing, the stories, the central theme (iraq) and the name, Layla Anwar. All the makings for a novel. (You'd bring many to the blog)

chop chop, get to it. With all the problems you're having with the computer, a book will be a good remedy for the faithful. It is bound to be a success!
Anonymous said…
My Dear Layla,

I too am glad that everything is back in order on your blog, I checked it this morning and when I read by invitation only, felt a bit left out:-(

As for your latest, all I can say to concur is: "elementary,dear Watson,elementary"

God bless.
LostHere said…
It's not recognition for you that I wish for, Layla; what I have in mind is for large numbers of people all over the world to "have to see" in plain, clear language, what it's being done to other people, what humans are doing to others...
You know, it really bothers me that no matter what main stream media I choose to read, and from what country (within the languages that I understand), what little information there is of what is happening in Iraq, specially of what is happening to the Iraqi people, and I mean even simple things, like, there is not one newspaper that hasn't writen about the extremely hot weather their nations or regions are experiencing, but would you think it's worth writing about the people of Iraq enduring another summer with temperatures above 50 C. without water or electricity? (no to mention the state of the medical institutions)And would it not be worthwhile news to report on conditions in Iraq at different times in recent history, like pre sanctions, during sanctions, pre 2003 and now? I certainly think so!

Well, as you said "dream on", I guess I follow John Lennon and I "Imagine all people, sharing all the world"

Anonymous said…
layla u know how desperately important uve become in the lives of so many iraqis and freedom loving people dont u ?

please promise ull be there keeping us company until the liberation.
Anonymous said…
Shaytani, sorry I mean Sistani very conveniently came to london for a 'heart operation' early on in the occupation of Iraq. They transplanted his heart with that of a swine no doubt to make the whole debriefing session he was to receive from his masters a whole lot easier.

Its nothing new because Shia states have always been friendly with the west against their sunni muslim brethren. I point this out merely as a historical fact. During the Crusades the Fatimids of what is now Egypt helped the Crusaders massacre muslims, and during the time of the Ottomans, what was then Persia took the side of Russia and offered assistance to other western powers even though the Ottomans (especially the elite janissaries) showed restraint towards their fellow muslims when they could have quite easily have conquered them...its a shame its never been a two way street.
Anonymous said…
Layla, another amazing post. I had no idea all those Iranians were present at Saddam Hussein's murder. I just thought it was al Sadr and his gang.

Over the weekend, when I was using my home computer, I tried to go to your blog, and was prevented, and seemed to have to prove I was a google member, and you would invite me - or not. I was devastated, because at last I had found a blogger whose rage and sorrow I needed to hear, as I am so filled with rage and sorrow.

So my first job this morning, at work, was to check to see if I could get onto your site. Thankfully, I could with no problems. I am so thankful, and have no idea what the problem was at home.

You said:

"But this is Iraq - and both are "foreign interferences"...
We are not an extension of Iran and we will never be. We are not an American playground and we will never be.
We are not an English park and we will never be. We are not an Israeli wailing wall and we will never be..."

I say, Layla, you are correct. In the end Iraqis will win, and take back their country - and make it a beautiful place to live in again. Evil people cannot be allowed to destroy your country forever.

I do find all the stupid talk about Iran coming out of the US amazing though. Such lies. When they know perfectly well all that Iran has done, and is doing in Iraq. How sickening.

Thank you again for a brilliant post.
Anonymous said…
Layla, you can see I hadn't read the other comments when I wrote mine. Seems many had problems reaching your blog over the weekend.

And the interesting thing is, we were all pretty devastated.

Please don't stop blogging. you are very obviously needed for people like us, who do care very much about what is happening in Iraq.
Anonymous said…
Great article layla, but the difference between Agatha Christie and those now in Iraq is, Agatha Christie did not have to live in hiding when she was in Iraq.

I think that yes, the Americans and the Iranians are "producers", as what they need is the dramatic element to gain their

With the greatest of respect, the ones who you miss out and should also be called into account when dealing with Iraq, is not so much the producers but their script writers.

As you know, like with many adaptations of murder mysteries, sometimes the producer has to distort the original story to fit in with that producers "interpretation" of events and what they think their audience is wanting to hear.

"Towards the end of the film when the real culprit is about to be unmasked, all those who participated in the murder start throwing blame around...in a desperate attempt to get off the hook. But by then, it's too late."

This in itself sums up what is now the British and American backed "Iraqi Government"!
Layla Anwar said…

you said : "You should examine the history of your co-religionists in India (among other places).

A fucking muslim can't stand on a pedestal to condemn jews."
If my memory serves me correctly and it usually does, a few years back, in Gujurat and also in the Punjab by the way - since you spoke of India - in one day alone, 2'000 muslims were murdered and burnt alive in cold blood by Hindu extremists...and that is in one place alone.
Since you referred to India, I assume you know something about India...or are you just babbling on in your typical zionist fashion ?

And you are lucky, this time I accepted to publish your comment, next time this "fucking" muslim, will send you to hell...
Layla Anwar said…
Hi Daphne, thanks for your solidarity.
I am considered the "bête noire", (the black beast) amongst Iraqi bloggers and Arab bloggers and Western bloggers. So your words are much appreciated.

On the Iran and the sectarian militias, just today, there has been another plea for stop the systematic genocide of Sunnis. Please read this article on Uruknet, if you have not done so already.
Layla Anwar said…
soul in torment,

Your pseudo is very telling and sad...And because you chose a pseudo like that to comment on Iraq, I will not stop blogging inshallah.
Layla Anwar said…
Dear S,

Elementary my dear Watson, cracked me up...brought back memories of other inspectors, like Clouseau played by Peter Sellers. Have you seen the Party? I do not know why am reminded of Birdie num num tonight. Must be the mention of India...
Bless you too
Layla Anwar said…
Lost Here, Hola again,

Regarding mainstream media, you are right, they do not cover any of the issues regarding Iraqis daily "lives", they hardly touch on the refugee problem too.
Do check out IRIN, they have regular features on the above and of course Uruknet.info just in case you haven't before. Uruknet is really dedicated to Iraq and Iraqis. I can never recommend it enough.
Thank you for mentioning that you do care to read about pre occupied Iraq too. I just received a critical mail, where I was politely castigated for mentioning Saddam Hussein again. But I take heart, from your comment, I can tell that some people would like to know more about Iraq before the invasion and before the sanctions.

As for John Lennon, funny you should mention a member of the Beatles...Was humming " we all live in a yellow submarine " today...

Layla Anwar said…
Hi Iraqi Democrat,

You said : "With the greatest of respect, the ones who you miss out and should also be called into account when dealing with Iraq, is not so much the producers but their script writers."

Am counting on you to fill in the blanks...Inspector :-)
Layla Anwar said…

Hello. You are not the only one encouraging me to write a book, several have done too...
I have started writing a book years ago and am still in the process of finishing it and I have a feeling it will never finish...
Iraq features as one of the main chapters but not the only one...
Remember am a woman, so my perspective on things is "slightly" different...I may need volumes though. If you see what I mean!
Layla Anwar said…

Whilst there is a genocide against the Iraqis and the sunnis - and that is no exaggeration at all.
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan,The Palestinian Authority, Lebanon are too busy winning favors from America and Israel...

Whilst Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, are busy winning the blessings of Iran.

Innocents are caught in the dirty nuptial bed of misplaced loyalties and treachery...
I have no more to add.
Anonymous said…
[If my memory serves me correctly and it usually does,]

I was referring to the muslim invasion of India and their plundering, stealing, murdering and raping but never mind...

[in one day alone, 2'000 muslims were murdered and burnt alive in cold blood by Hindu extremists...]

Look who is lying to play the victim.

The actual numbers are 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus dead, 223 missing and 2,548 injured and this didn't happen in a day.

The violence started when muslims burnt 58 hindus including 15 women and 20 children in a train.

[And you are lucky, this time I accepted to publish your comment, next time this "fucking" muslim, will send you to hell... ]

Yeah, can't have people calling you on your bullshit on your own blog.
Anonymous said…
(I have started writing a book years ago and am still in the process of finishing it and I have a feeling it will never finish..)

Please don't contribute to deforestation. By the time you finish, people would've forgotten about Iraq again and none wants to read bad prose poems.
Layla Anwar said…

BRAVE ONE, you win...I am totally exposed now with my bullshit.

You are here to diffuse some more Bushist, Zionist, Islamophobic propaganda.
I did let you have your share, democracy oblige.
But like most myopic, idiotic, rigid, fanatic, narrow minded, hateful individuals, you get caught in your own ways.

1- I did not mention in this post or in the previous one anything about Muslims. You did.

2- The figures you gave on the killing of muslims in India are not accurate which means you are the liar not I.

3- You come here just to try to spread more of the hatred that Iraqis witness daily because of zionist, anti arab, anti muslim, ideologies of which you are sadly a protagonist...

4- not only that, you come and you insult me and to pat yourself on the back you proclaim that you have exposed my bullshit...

Poor idiot, if anyone is exposed right now it is you. Stop getting caught with your nickers down that way - it makes you look ridiculous.
But mind you ridiculous rhymes well with your being a fanatic.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous, said

"Please don't contribute to deforestation. By the time you finish, people would've forgotten about Iraq again and none wants to read bad prose poems."
Come to think of it, I have not written a poem in ages...
Am glad you have been following my blog since its inception.
Layla Anwar said...
Lost Here,

Hello. You want them to publish me in the mainstream media? LOL.
Dream on amigo, they will never do that.
Besides who wants to be there in the first place?
Who wants to be associated with liars, disinformants,manipulators? Not Moi for sure.

Right on, who in their right mind would connect, the word journalist and the mainstream media today.
Anonymous said…
The US Govt. is monitoring this blog. I was unable to access the posting on Firefox and Explorer, but had no problem with Netscape Navigator. I have reason to suspect that my browsing is being monitored. I once saw a cookie with a rather suspicious name, when accessing informationclearinghouse.info. The Govt had proposed DCS 100, a "security" program to "data mine" computers, e-mails etc. This program was also known as Carnivore and at this time I would suspect that it is in extensive use. My suspicion is that this is the reason that YAHOO, Google etc. gave us such massive amount of storage. The Govt can data mine it. I would like to think that would-be "terrorist" are smarter than this. I suspect that all the anti-viruses and fire-walls have "back-doors," accessible by National Security Ivy-Leaguers. I wish the Govt. would use taxes to serve the people. Monitoring peoples' browsing is only another ploy to move taxpayers money to the information brokers who are also the arms manufactures.

May I suggest a few corrections:
1)Depleted Uranium has a "half-life", not a shelf-life. But don't tell this to anyone whose environment it has "fertilized." It makes no difference to people at risk of DNA damage, or those who are already dying from its effect.
2) The word is "ignoramus," not "ignoranus." In my high school, it was much used. We studied Latin and lost no opportunity at applying it.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous: "muslim invasion of India and their plundering, stealing, murdering and raping but never mind..." The Qu'ran does not sanction the excesses of Muslims, nor the Bible, the excesses of the Christians. Unless the translations/interpretations were “scaffolded” by the Zionists. May I assume that the situation, in the Middle East, was ordained by the “holy book(s)” of the Zionists?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous:"...none wants to read bad prose poems."
Did you mean anonymous?
Anonymous said…
"Come to think of it, I have not written a poem in ages...Am glad you have been following my blog since its inception."
Ah-ha-ha, You can be so funny.
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous re: the hindu-muslim conflict in India you know nothing about.

Muslims subdue the hindu raja in what is now balochistan in order to prevent the hindus from continuing to raid muslim trade ships. You've been reading far too much right wing Hindu fascist BJP bullshit. You may like to know about the fact that Hindu's were an aryan race who drove out the original 'dark skinned' dravidians from India by rape, murder and pillage. No doubt you will say this 'theory' has been proved wrong by your BJP fascist folk, but there argument is as wafer thin as the space between your ears.

We both know that the 2002 riots were initiated by hindus at the instigation of a right wing fascist government (VHP leadership)and the minority muslims retaliated.

Go sort out the plight of your dalits who you've oppressed for centuries and who only too glad at being given respite by muslims from your oppression, and while you're at it go and ask you're elite rajput warriors, protectors of hinduism, why they gave their daughters to Mughal emperors in matrimony....sort your own house out before questioning others.

I wont entertain any more of lies and stupid bullshit cos thats exactly what it is.
Anonymous said…

Your comment regarding the impotent leadership of the house of saud, egypt, pakistan etc brought to mind the words of Nizar Qabbani (one of my favourite poets along with Pablo Neruda):

"They got accustomed to us, the humbled.
What is left to man
when all that remains
is disgrace.

I seek latter days men
All I can see is frightened cats
Scared for their own souls, from
the sultanship of mice."

Keep smiling.
Layla Anwar said…
Life !!!

I KNOW am being monitored...So, no, you are not imagining things.

Ignoramus it is, but we play with words...like using an "n".
Layla Anwar said…

I like Pablo Neruda too.
Thanks for reminding me of N.Kabbani's the sultanship of mice.
Rodents rule ok! A new graffiti on Iraqi walls.
Angel said…
Hello Layla,

I was worried, as were the others. You scared the living daylights out of me. I thought...I don't know what I thought really, just that something had happened.

I know I was upset also, 'needed an invite'. I am so glad you are OK.

Iranians everywhere you look. My Mother was born in Tabriz, she's really nice though. Her feelings about the Middle East run as deep as yours, regarding the Iranians and others. No need to go into it. You already know.

What to do with these ratbag Iranians? Your resistance will sort it out. Very interesting article on the latter at ICH.

Take care.
Angel said…
Layla, now that i have got over the 'loosing' and 'finding' you again. I re-read your post, and the gravity of those words.

I have posted in Aus about Saddam, people usually go on and on regarding the rotten things they think they know.

I reply, usually with the same words. "Instead of posting your lack of knowledge, thus embarrassing your self, do some research and find what actually happened. There are so many lies, mininformation and manipulation".

We all know, no-one is perfect. Saddam Hussein was a great leader who needed to do just that, lead. And he did it well.
Anonymous said…
ignoranus = ignor(amus)+anus = a stupid arsehole
Anonymous said…
Oh joy Layla, the special people in the Pentagon think you are that good, that they monitor your blog.

You should take this as a compliment and I would like to say hi fella's, havent seen you for a while, you lost my number?

This ones for you boys, click the link!
Anonymous said…
Regarding Gujarat et al, Anonymous is an ignoranus, pu'n' intended.
Below is a link to a piece that appeared in the Nation magazine regarding the events that transpired in Godhra, Gujarat. Even as the Nation is edited by pseudo leftists (eg. they supported the war in Afghanistan based on 'just war' theory), the essay by Roy is revealing. With India's marked shift to the right and opportunistic new alliances with the USA and the zionist entity (little discussed that the latter is currently a major supplier of arms to India, especially of high tech equipment) the condition of many, esp. poor Muslims, remains precarious in India since Roy penned her piece nearly five years ago.

Anonymous said…
The information system the gov't uses to track and trace people is called Echelon.
I'd be very impressed if it's capable of doing what I've read, but I doubt it.
Anonymous said…
so you peeps are the reason I'm being tailed to/from work?!

Good god! You know they're getting paranoid if they're trailing me! All they have to do is look up my damn records and know what I'm about.

there's a boogey-man around every corner..BOO!
Anonymous said…
Saracen wrote;
[Muslims subdue the hindu raja in what is now balochistan in order to prevent the hindus from continuing to raid muslim trade ships.]

You sound like dubya. This was one of the reasons for the invasion of the Ummayads . South asia was repeatedly invaded over centuries by various conquerers. This feeble excuse of yours is moronic.

[You may like to know about the fact that Hindu's were an aryan race who drove out the original 'dark skinned' dravidians from India by rape, murder and pillage.]

I'm not a Hindu nor an Indian. Go vent on someone else. I brought India up to point out that Muslims can plunder, murder and rape just as well as the Jews.

[Go sort out the plight of your dalits who you've oppressed for centuries and who only too glad at being given respite by muslims from your oppression]

You may like to know that muslims in India do have a caste system. Google "ajlaf". So much for the respite of muslims.

[We both know that the 2002 riots were initiated by hindus at the instigation of a right wing fascist government (VHP leadership)and the minority muslims retaliated.]

No, I don't. According to every news source, the riots started when muslim shopkeepers burnt 58 hindus on a train.

[I wont entertain any more of lies and stupid bullshit cos thats exactly what it is.]

The pot calls the kettle black.

Layla wrote;
[But like most myopic, idiotic, rigid, fanatic, narrow minded, hateful individuals, you get caught in your own ways.]

You sure do, every time you pour vitriol on the jews.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous, honestly I can't even bother to reply to you...You get caught all the time...
I mentioned zionist jews and you get all huffed and puffed..and lo and behold your " lovely " colours show...
I wish you can realize how ridiculous you appear.
Anonymous said…
Reading the posts by this ultra-chutzpah zionazi aka zionazi the Square-bracketer makes me recall the article 'Because It's FUNNY When We Do It' by Mark Glenn ( http://www.ziopedia.org/en/ )...

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